14 research outputs found

    Gβγ and the C Terminus of SNAP-25 Are Necessary for Long-Term Depression of Transmitter Release

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    Short-term presynaptic inhibition mediated by G protein-coupled receptors involves a direct interaction between G proteins and the vesicle release machinery. Recent studies implicate the C terminus of the vesicle-associated protein SNAP-25 as a molecular binding target of Gβγ that transiently reduces vesicular release. However, it is not known whether SNAP-25 is a target for molecular modifications expressing long-term changes in transmitter release probability.This study utilized two-photon laser scanning microscopy for real-time imaging of action potential-evoked [Ca(2+)] increases, in single Schaffer collateral presynaptic release sites in in vitro hippocampal slices, plus simultaneous recording of Schaffer collateral-evoked synaptic potentials. We used electroporation to infuse small peptides through CA3 cell bodies into presynaptic Schaffer collateral terminals to selectively study the presynaptic effect of scavenging the G-protein Gβγ. We demonstrate here that the C terminus of SNAP-25 is necessary for expression of LTD, but not long-term potentiation (LTP), of synaptic strength. Using type A botulinum toxin (BoNT/A) to enzymatically cleave the 9 amino acid C-terminus of SNAP-25 eliminated the ability of low frequency synaptic stimulation to induce LTD, but not LTP, even if release probability was restored to pre-BoNT/A levels by elevating extracellular [Ca(2+)]. Presynaptic electroporation infusion of the 14-amino acid C-terminus of SNAP-25 (Ct-SNAP-25), to scavenge Gβγ, reduced both the transient presynaptic inhibition produced by the group II metabotropic glutamate receptor stimulation, and LTD. Furthermore, presynaptic infusion of mSIRK, a second, structurally distinct Gβγ scavenging peptide, also blocked the induction of LTD. While Gβγ binds directly to and inhibit voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels, imaging of presynaptic [Ca(2+)] with Mg-Green revealed that low-frequency stimulation only transiently reduced presynaptic Ca(2+) influx, an effect not altered by infusion of Ct-SNAP-25.The C-terminus of SNAP-25, which links synaptotagmin I to the SNARE complex, is a binding target for Gβγ necessary for both transient transmitter-mediated presynaptic inhibition, and the induction of presynaptic LTD

    G protein βγ-subunits activated by serotonin mediate presynaptic inhibition by regulating vesicle fusion properties

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    Neurotransmitters are thought to be released as quanta, where synaptic vesicles deliver packets of neurotransmitter to the synaptic cleft by fusion with the plasma membrane. However, synaptic vesicles may undergo incomplete fusion. We provide evidence that G protein-coupled receptors inhibit release by causing such incomplete fusion. 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) receptor signaling potently inhibits excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) between lamprey reticulospinal axons and their postsynaptic targets by a direct action on the vesicle fusion machinery. We show that 5-HT receptor-mediated presynaptic inhibition, at this synapse, involves a reduction in EPSC quantal size. Quantal size was measured directly by comparing unitary quantal amplitudes of paired EPSCs before and during 5-HT application and indirectly by determining the effect of 5-HT on the relationship between mean-evoked EPSC amplitude and variance. Results from FM dye-labeling experiments indicate that 5-HT prevents full fusion of vesicles. 5-HT reduces FM1-43 staining of vesicles with a similar efficacy to its effect on the EPSC. However, destaining of FM1-43-labeled vesicles is abolished by lower concentrations of 5-HT that leave a substantial EPSC. The use of a water-soluble membrane impermeant quenching agent in the extracellular space reduced FM1-43 fluorescence during stimulation in 5-HT. Thus vesicles contact the extracellular space during inhibition of synaptic transmission by 5-HT. We conclude that 5-HT, via free Gβγ, prevents the collapse of synaptic vesicles into the presynaptic membrane

    Molecular mechanisms that control initiation and termination of physiological depolarization-evoked transmitter release

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    Ca2+ is essential for physiological depolarization-evoked synchronous neurotransmitter release. But, whether Ca2+ influx or another factor controls release initiation is still under debate. The time course of ACh release is controlled by a presynaptic inhibitory G protein-coupled autoreceptor (GPCR), whose agonist-binding affinity is voltage-sensitive. However, the relevance of this property for release control is not known. To resolve this question, we used pertussis toxin (PTX), which uncouples GPCR from its Gi/o and in turn reduces the affinity of GPCR toward its agonist. We show that PTX enhances ACh and glutamate release (in mice and crayfish, respectively) and, most importantly, alters the time course of release without affecting Ca2+ currents. These effects are not mediated by Gβγ because its microinjection into the presynaptic terminal did not alter the time course of release. Also, PTX reduces the association of the GPCR with the exocytotic machinery, and this association is restored by the addition of agonist. We offer the following mechanism for control of initiation and termination of physiological depolarization-evoked transmitter release. At rest, release is under tonic block achieved by the transmitter-bound high-affinity presynaptic GPCR interacting with the exocytotic machinery. Upon depolarization, the GPCR uncouples from its G protein and consequently shifts to a low-affinity state toward the transmitter. The transmitter dissociates, the unbound GPCR detaches from the exocytotic machinery, and the tonic block is alleviated. The free machinery, together with Ca2+ that had already entered, initiates release. Release terminates when the reverse occurs upon repolarization

    Sensory Activation of Command Cells for Locomotion and Modulatory Mechanisms: Lessons from Lampreys

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