592 research outputs found

    A human embryonic kidney 293T cell line mutated at the Golgi -mannosidase II locus

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    Disruption of Golgi -mannosidase II activity can result in type II congenital dyserythropoietic anemia and can induce lupus-like autoimmunity in mice. Here, we isolate a mutant human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cell line, called Lec36, that displays sensitivity to ricin that lies between the parental HEK 293T cells, whose secreted and membrane-expressed proteins are dominated by complex-type glycosylation, and 293S Lec1 cells, which only produce oligomannose-type N-linked glycans. The stem cell marker, 19A, was transiently expressed in the HEK 293T Lec36 cells, and in parental HEK 293T cells with and without the potent Golgi -mannosidase II inhibitor, swainsonine. Negative-ion nano-electrospray ionization mass spectra of the 19A N-linked glycans from HEK 293T Lec36 and swainsonine-treated HEK 293T cells were qualitatively indistinguishable and, as shown by collision-induced dissociation spectra, dominated by hybrid-type glycosylation. Nucleotide sequencing revealed mutations in each allele of MAN2A1, the gene encoding Golgi -mannosidase II: a point mutation in one allele mapping to the active site and an in-frame deletion of twelve-nucleotides in the other. Expression of wild-type but not the mutant MAN2A1 alleles in Lec36 cells restored processing of the 19A reporter glycoprotein to complex-type glycosylation. The Lec36 cell line will be useful for expressing therapeutic glycoproteins with hybrid-type glycans and provides a sensitive host for detecting mutations in human MAN2A1 causing type II congenital dyserythropoietic anemia

    Uukuniemi Phlebovirus Assembly and Secretion Leave a Functional Imprint on the Virion Glycome

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    Uukuniemi virus (UUKV) is a model system for investigating the genus Phlebovirus of the Bunyaviridae. We report the UUKV glycome, revealing differential processing of the Gn and Gc virion glycoproteins. Both glycoproteins display poly-N-acetyllactosamines, consistent with virion assembly in the medial Golgi apparatus, whereas oligomannose-type glycans required for DC-SIGN-dependent cellular attachment are predominant on Gc. Local virion structure and the route of viral egress from the cell leave a functional imprint on the phleboviral glycome

    Minería de datos para el descubrimiento de patrones en enfermedades respiratorias en Bogotá, Colombia

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl presente proyecto se basa en la aplicación de minería de datos mediante el algoritmo de clustering K- means que permita la generación de un modelo descriptivo con el análisis de los datos y con el objetivo de identificar posibles comportamientos en enfermedades respiratorias en la ciudad de Bogotá. El conjunto de clústeres generados por la herramienta RapidMiner es la recopilación de datos de un periodo de cinco años de 2012 a 2016, en donde se contemplan el número de casos asociados a 184 diagnósticos de enfermedades respiratorias y la edad de los pacientes corresponde de 0 a 5 años.Trabajo de Investigación1. GENERALIDADES 2. OBJETIVOS 3. JUSTIFICACIÓN 4. DELIMITACIÓN 5. MARCO REFERENCIAL 6. METODOLOGÍA 7. FUENTES DE EXTRACCIÓN Y SUS VARIABLES 8. DISEÑO 9. SELECCIÓN DE ALGORITMOS DE CLUSTERING 10. RECONOCER PATRONES A PARTIR DE LA INFORMACIÓN RECOPILADA 11. CONCLUSIONES 12. TRABAJOS FUTUROS 13. REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS 14. ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero de Sistema

    Chronic Oral Infection with Porphyromonas gingivalis Accelerates Atheroma Formation by Shifting the Lipid Profile

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies have suggested that periodontal disease increases the risk of atherothrombotic disease. Atherosclerosis has been characterized as a chronic inflammatory response to cholesterol deposition in the arteries. Although several studies have suggested that certain periodontopathic bacteria accelerate atherogenesis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice, the mechanistic link between cholesterol accumulation and periodontal infection-induced inflammation is largely unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We orally infected C57BL/6 and C57BL/6.KOR-Apoe(shl) (B6.Apoeshl) mice with Porphyromonas gingivalis, which is a representative periodontopathic bacterium, and evaluated atherogenesis, gene expression in the aorta and liver and systemic inflammatory and lipid profiles in the blood. Furthermore, the effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from P. gingivalis on cholesterol transport and the related gene expression was examined in peritoneal macrophages. Alveolar bone resorption and elevation of systemic inflammatory responses were induced in both strains. Despite early changes in the expression of key genes involved in cholesterol turnover, such as liver X receptor and ATP-binding cassette A1, serum lipid profiles did not change with short-term infection. Long-term infection was associated with a reduction in serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol but not with the development of atherosclerotic lesions in wild-type mice. In B6.Apoeshl mice, long-term infection resulted in the elevation of very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), LDL and total cholesterols in addition to the reduction of HDL cholesterol. This shift in the lipid profile was concomitant with a significant increase in atherosclerotic lesions. Stimulation with P. gingivalis LPS induced the change of cholesterol transport via targeting the expression of LDL receptor-related genes and resulted in the disturbance of regulatory mechanisms of the cholesterol level in macrophages. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Periodontal infection itself does not cause atherosclerosis, but it accelerates it by inducing systemic inflammation and deteriorating lipid metabolism, particularly when underlying hyperlidemia or susceptibility to hyperlipidemia exists, and it may contribute to the development of coronary heart disease

    PhagoSight: an open-source MATLAB® package for the analysis of fluorescent neutrophil and macrophage migration in a zebrafish model

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    Neutrophil migration in zebrafish larvae is increasingly used as a model to study the response of these leukocytes to different determinants of the cellular inflammatory response. However, it remains challenging to extract comprehensive information describing the behaviour of neutrophils from the multi-dimensional data sets acquired with widefield or confocal microscopes. Here, we describe PhagoSight, an open-source software package for the segmentation, tracking and visualisation of migrating phagocytes in three dimensions. The algorithms in PhagoSight extract a large number of measurements that summarise the behaviour of neutrophils, but that could potentially be applied to any moving fluorescent cells. To derive a useful panel of variables quantifying aspects of neutrophil migratory behaviour, and to demonstrate the utility of PhagoSight, we evaluated changes in the volume of migrating neutrophils. Cell volume increased as neutrophils migrated towards the wound region of injured zebrafish. PhagoSight is openly available as MATLAB® m-files under the GNU General Public License. Synthetic data sets and a comprehensive user manual are available from http://www.phagosight.org