3,321 research outputs found

    Light Intensity Is Positively Correlated with the Synthesis of Condensed Tannins in \u3ci\u3eLotus corniculatus\u3c/i\u3e

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    The importance of Condensed Tannins (CT) in forage legumes has been well documented in several studies. The role of plant genetics in this field is the acquisition of competences in order to be able to modulate CT synthesis in leaves of these species. The role of light has been investigated in this work on the increase of condensed tannin levels in leaves of two contrasting genotypes of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)

    Gaia-ESO Survey: Gas dynamics in the Carina nebula through optical emission lines

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    Aims. We present observations from the Gaia-ESO Survey in the lines of Hα, [N II], [S II], and He I of nebular emission in the central part of the Carina nebula. Methods. We investigate the properties of the two already known kinematic components (approaching and receding), which account for the bulk of emission. Moreover, we investigate the features of the much less known low-intensity high-velocity (absolute RV >50 km s) gas emission. Results. We show that gas giving rise to Hα and He I emission is dynamically well correlated with but not identical to gas seen through forbidden-line emission. Gas temperatures are derived from line-width ratios, and densities from [S II] doublet ratios. The spatial variation of N ionization is also studied, and found to differ between the approaching and receding components. The main result is that the bulk of the emission lines in the central part of Carina arise from several distinct shell-like expanding regions, the most evident found around η Car, the Trumpler 14 core, and the star WR25. These >shells> are non-spherical and show distortions probably caused by collisions with other shells or colder, higher-density gas. Some of them are also partially obscured by foreground dust lanes, while very little dust is found in their interior. Preferential directions, parallel to the dark dust lanes, are found in the shell geometries and physical properties, probably related to strong density gradients in the studied region. We also find evidence that the ionizing flux emerging from η Car and the surrounding Homunculus nebula varies with polar angle. The high-velocity components in the wings of Hα are found to arise from expanding dust reflecting the η Car spectrum. © ESO, 2016.This work was partly supported by the European Union FP7 programme through ERC grant number 320360 and by the Leverhulme Trust through grant RPG-2012-541Peer Reviewe

    Results from DROXO. III. Observation, source list and X-ray properties of sources detected in the "Deep Rho Ophiuchi XMM-Newton Observation"

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    X-rays from very young stars are powerful probes to investigate the mechanisms at work in the very first stages of the star formation and the origin of X-ray emission in very young stars. We present results from a 500 ks long observation of the Rho Ophiuchi cloud with a XMM-Newton large program named DROXO, aiming at studying the X-ray emission of deeply embedded Young Stellar Objects (YSOs). The data acquired during the DROXO program were reduced with SAS software, and filtered in time and energy to improve the signal to noise of detected sources; light curves and spectra were obtained. We detected 111 sources, 61 of them associated with rho Ophiuchi YSOs as identified from infrared observations with ISOCAM. Specifically, we detected 9 out of 11 Class I, 31 out of 48 Class II and 15 out 16 Class III objects. Six objects out of 21 classified Class III candidates are also detected. At the same time we suggest that 15 Class III candidates that remain undetected at log Lx < 28.3 are not related to the cloud population. The global detection rate is ~64%. We have achieved a flux sensitivity of ~5 x 10^{-15} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2}. The Lx to L_bol ratio shows saturation at a value of ~ -3.5 for stars with T_eff <= 5000 K or 0.7 M_sun as observed in the Orion Nebula. The plasma temperatures and the spectrum absorption show a decline with YSO class, with Class I YSOs being hotter and more absorbed than Class II and III YSOs. In one star (GY 266) with infrared counterpart in 2MASS and Spitzer catalogs we have detected a soft excess in the X-ray spectrum which is best fitted by a cold thermal component less absorbed than the main thermal component of the plasma. Such a soft component hints to the presence of plasma heated by shocks due to jets outside the dense circumstellar material.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics journa

    Prediction of collision cross section values: application to non-intentionally added substance identification in food contact materials

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    The synthetic chemicals in food contact materials can migrate into food and endanger human health. In this study, the traveling wave collision cross section in nitrogen values of more than 400 chemicals in food contact materials were experimentally derived by traveling wave ion mobility spectrometry. A support vector machine-based collision cross section (CCS) prediction model was developed based on CCS values of food contact chemicals and a series of molecular descriptors. More than 92% of protonated and 81% of sodiated adducts showed a relative deviation below 5%. Median relative errors for protonated and sodiated molecules were 1.50 and 1.82%, respectively. The model was then applied to the structural annotation of oligomers migrating from polyamide adhesives. The identification confidence of 11 oligomers was improved by the direct comparison of the experimental data with the predicted CCS values. Finally, the challenges and opportunities of current machine-learning models on CCS prediction were also discussed. © 2022 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society

    The Gaia-ESO Survey: dynamics of ionized and neutral gas in the Lagoon nebula (M8)

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    We present a spectroscopic study of the dynamics of the ionized and neutral gas throughout the Lagoon nebula (M8), using VLT/FLAMES data from the Gaia-ESO Survey. We explore the connections between the nebular gas and the stellar population of the associated star cluster NGC6530. We characterize through spectral fitting emission lines of H-alpha, [N II] and [S II] doublets, [O III], and absorption lines of sodium D doublet, using data from the FLAMES/Giraffe and UVES spectrographs, on more than 1000 sightlines towards the entire face of the Lagoon nebula. Gas temperatures are derived from line-width comparisons, densities from the [S II] doublet ratio, and ionization parameter from H-alpha/[N II] ratio. Although doubly-peaked emission profiles are rarely found, line asymmetries often imply multiple velocity components along the line of sight. This is especially true for the sodium absorption, and for the [O III] lines. Spatial maps for density and ionization are derived, and compared to other known properties of the nebula and of its massive stars 9 Sgr, Herschel 36 and HD 165052 which are confirmed to provide most of the ionizing flux. The detailed velocity fields across the nebula show several expanding shells, related to the cluster NGC6530, the O stars 9 Sgr and Herschel 36, and the massive protostar M8East-IR. The origins of kinematical expansion and ionization of the NGC6530 shell appear to be different. We are able to put constrains on the line-of-sight (relative or absolute) distances between some of these objects and the molecular cloud. The large obscuring band running through the middle of the nebula is being compressed by both sides, which might explain its enhanced density. We also find an unexplained large-scale velocity gradient across the entire nebula. At larger distances, the transition from ionized to neutral gas is studied using the sodium lines.Comment: 26 pages, 31 figures, accepted on Astronomy and Astrophysics journa

    Akt/AS160 Signaling pathway inhibition impairs infection by decreasing rab14-controlled sphingolipids delivery to chlamydial inclusions

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    Chlamydia trachomatis, an obligate intracellular bacterium, intercepts different trafficking pathways of the host cell to acquire essential lipids for its survival and replication, particularly from the Golgi apparatus via a Rab14-mediated transport. Molecular mechanisms underlying how these bacteria manipulate intracellular transport are a matter of intense study. Here, we show that C. trachomatis utilizes Akt/AS160 signaling pathway to promote sphingolipids delivery to the chlamydial inclusion through Rab14-controlled vesicular transport. C. trachomatis provokes Akt phosphorylation along its entire developmental life cycle and recruits phosphorylated Akt (pAkt) to the inclusion membrane. As a consequence, Akt Substrate of 160 kDa (AS160), also known as TBC1D4, a GTPase Activating Protein (GAP) for Rab14, is phosphorylated and therefore inactivated. Phosphorylated AS160 (pAS160) loses its ability to promote GTP hydrolysis, favoring Rab14 binding to GTP. Akt inhibition by an allosteric isoform-specific Akt inhibitor (iAkt) prevents AS160 phosphorylation and reduces Rab14 recruitment to chlamydial inclusions. iAkt further impairs sphingolipids acquisition by C. trachomatis-inclusion and provokes lipid retention at the Golgi apparatus. Consequently, treatment with iAkt decreases chlamydial inclusion size, bacterial multiplication, and infectivity in a dose-dependent manner. Similar results were found in AS160-depleted cells. By electron microscopy, we observed that iAkt generates abnormal bacterial forms as those reported after sphingolipids deprivation or Rab14 silencing. Taken together, our findings indicate that targeting the Akt/AS160/Rab14 axis could constitute a novel strategy to limit chlamydial infections, mainly for those caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.Fil: Capmany, Anahi. Universidad de Mendoza; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Abregú, Ángel Julián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Alonso Bivou, Mariano Ángel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Damiani, María T.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; Argentin

    The Chandra survey of the COSMOS field II: source detection and photometry

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    The Chandra COSMOS Survey (C-COSMOS) is a large, 1.8 Ms, Chandra program, that covers the central contiguous ~0.92 deg^2 of the COSMOS field. C-COSMOS is the result of a complex tiling, with every position being observed in up to six overlapping pointings (four overlapping pointings in most of the central ~0.45 deg^2 area with the best exposure, and two overlapping pointings in most of the surrounding area, covering an additional ~0.47 deg^2). Therefore, the full exploitation of the C-COSMOS data requires a dedicated and accurate analysis focused on three main issues: 1) maximizing the sensitivity when the PSF changes strongly among different observations of the same source (from ~1 arcsec up to ~10 arcsec half power radius); 2) resolving close pairs; and 3) obtaining the best source localization and count rate. We present here our treatment of four key analysis items: source detection, localization, photometry, and survey sensitivity. Our final procedure consists of a two step procedure: (1) a wavelet detection algorithm, to find source candidates, (2) a maximum likelihood Point Spread Function fitting algorithm to evaluate the source count rates and the probability that each source candidate is a fluctuation of the background. We discuss the main characteristics of this procedure, that was the result of detailed comparisons between different detection algorithms and photometry tools, calibrated with extensive and dedicated simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Machine-Readable Privacy Certificates for Services

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    Privacy-aware processing of personal data on the web of services requires managing a number of issues arising both from the technical and the legal domain. Several approaches have been proposed to matching privacy requirements (on the clients side) and privacy guarantees (on the service provider side). Still, the assurance of effective data protection (when possible) relies on substantial human effort and exposes organizations to significant (non-)compliance risks. In this paper we put forward the idea that a privacy certification scheme producing and managing machine-readable artifacts in the form of privacy certificates can play an important role towards the solution of this problem. Digital privacy certificates represent the reasons why a privacy property holds for a service and describe the privacy measures supporting it. Also, privacy certificates can be used to automatically select services whose certificates match the client policies (privacy requirements). Our proposal relies on an evolution of the conceptual model developed in the Assert4Soa project and on a certificate format specifically tailored to represent privacy properties. To validate our approach, we present a worked-out instance showing how privacy property Retention-based unlinkability can be certified for a banking financial service.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure