138 research outputs found

    Skjortor för finsmakaren eller nummer tretton i dussinet? : KlĂ€dföretaget Schoffa – en fallstudie

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    KlÀdföretaget Schoffa Oy Ab Àr en av aktörerna i detaljvaruhandeln med klÀder och accessoarer. Företaget Àr grundat Är 2005 men har trots sin unga Älder lyckats etablera sig pÄ den inhemska marknaden. Företaget har lyckats bra i utvecklingen av sitt koncept, trots att största delen av utvecklingen skett under en ekonomisk recession. Ledningen har hittills inte dokumenterat tankar och mÄl och har dÀrmed inte en klar bild av företagets koncept och differentiering. Första steget mot detta Àr att dokumenterat det som redan gjorts. ProblemomrÄdet i detta arbete Àr att undersöka vad företaget gjort hittills med fokus pÄ produktsortiment samt kundservice och ta reda pÄ vad som differentierar företagets koncept. Den valda metoden för arbetet Àr fallstudie och kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultatet av vÄrt arbete Àr en redogörelse av företagets differentiering med betoning pÄ just produktsortimentet och kundservicen sett frÄn företagets synvinkel. Produktsortimentet har vuxit stadigt under företagets existens men hÄllit fast vid de aspekter som gör Schoffa unikt. Kundservicen har genom personalens individuella kunskaper och intresse för mode lett till att kundservicen Àr en av företagets styrkor inom den hÄrda konkurrensen pÄ klÀdbranschen.The clothing company Schoffa Oy Ab is one of many players in the retail business with clothes and accessories. The company was founded as late as year 2005, but has already established its position among other fashion brands on the Finnish market. The company has succeeded exceptionally well in developing of its business. Especially considering that most of this development took place during a severe economic depression. The management has yet not documented thier thoughts and goals, therefor they have not yet established a clear opinion for the companys concept of choice and differentiation. The first step is a clear documentation of what already has been done. Our area of concern with this study is to find out what Schoffa as a company already has achieved considering development of product range and customer service and what makes their concept special. Our theoretical references consist of differentiation, product and customer service. The chosen method was case study supported by semiformal interviews. The result of our study is a report about the companys differentiation based on product range and customer survice, from the managementŽs point of view. Our results show that the company's product range has grown steadily since the company started its activity. Allthou the product range has grown a lot, the company has been fond of keeping its products carachteristic features intact. The customer service has developed rapidly though the knowledge and profound interest in fashion among the employees. All this combined creates a way for the company to identify itself and differentiate itself in its field of market.Vaateliike Schoffa Oy Ab on yksi tekijöistÀ vaate- ja asuste vÀhittÀismyyntialalla. Yritys perustettiin vasta vuonna 2005 mutta on siitÀ huolimatta vakiintunut kotimaisilla markkinoilla. Yritys on onnistunut toimintansa kehittÀmisessÀ taloudellisesta taantumasta huolimatta. Schoffan johto ei tÀhÀn mennessÀ ole dokumentoinut ajatuksiaan tai tavoitteitansa eikÀ selvÀÀ kuvaa yrityksen konseptista tai erittelystÀ tÀstÀ syystÀ ole. EnsimmÀinen askel tÀtÀ kohti on jo tapahtuneiden asioiden dokumentointi. TÀmÀn opinnÀytteen ongelma-alue on tutkia mitÀ yritys on tÀhÀn pÀivÀÀn mennessÀ tehnyt ja ottaa selvÀÀ miten Schoffa eroaa kilpailijoista, keskittyen tuotevalikoimaan ja asiakaspalveluun. Teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu kolmesta osasta: erittely, tuote, asiakaspalvelu. Valittu menetelmÀ tutkimuksessa on tapaustutkimus ja haastattelu. OpinnÀytteemme tulos on selvitys yrityksen erittelystÀ verrattaen kilpailijoihin johdon nÀkökulmasta, painottaen tuotevalikoimaa ja asiakaspalvelua. Tuotevalikoima on kasvanut tasaiseen tahtiin yrityksen olemassaolon aikana, mutta pitÀnyt kiinni asioista jotka tekevÀt tuotteista ainutlaatuiset. Henkilöstön osaamisen ja muodista kiinnostuneisuuden takia Schoffan asiakaspalvelu on suuri vahvuus vaatetusalan kilpailussa

    E-vitamiinilla ja beetakaroteenilla ei vaikutusta katkokÀvelyyn

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    Genetic and Environmental Influences on Chemosensory Perception and Preferences

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    Chemosensory perceptions have biological relevance in aiding the recognition of nutrients and toxins, and initiating physiological processes that affect the digestion system. Food is first and foremost a source of nutrition affecting our well-being, but it is also characterized by one s culture and is a great source of pleasure and satisfaction. Affective responses to sensory characteristics of foods are the best predictor of human food choice in the absence of economic and availability constraints. The aim of this work was to elucidate the impact of genes and environment on responses and preference for astringent, pungent (sensory burn caused by spicy foods) and sour perceptions. Furthermore, a coherent picture of the chemosensory preferences and their underlying causes in young adulthood was achieved. Extensive data from 331 Finnish twins (21-25 years, 146 men, 185 women) were collected as part of FinnTwin12-study including pleasantness and intensity responses to samples spiked with sour, pungent, umami, and astringent stimuli (subgroup for astringency n=194, 96 men, 98 women). Liking and use-frequency responses for variety of food and beverage names representing these chemosensory qualities were collected. In addition, eating behavior related traits (e.g. food neophobia) were measured with validated scales. The heritabilities of chemosensory traits and food preferences were estimated. Furthermore, subgroups of respondents were identified based on preferences to sour, pungent and umami foods. Differences in food behavior and sensory responses, and the impact of genes were explored in the obtained subgroups. Sensory pleasantness and intensity responses to sourness and pungency showed modest heritabilities (12-31%) whereas astringency perception showed no inheritance. However, suggestive evidence that salivary secretion related to astringent stimulation is under genetic control was observed (heritability 43-51%). The preference for foods with sour and spicy flavor qualities showed a clearer and higher impact of genes (heritability 45-50%). Two subgroups of respondents were identified. The basic group was less dramatic in their flavor preferences, whereas the adventurous favored foods with sour and pungent qualities. The adventurous, were also less food neophobic and exhibited more tolerance for the sensory burn caused by capsaicin compared to the basic subgroup. The influence of genes underlying the subgrouping was discovered (heritability 66%). Being adventurous was suggestively found to be in linkage with umami and sour coding taste receptor genes: TAS1R1 and PKD1L3, respectively. This is the first work to demonstrate the role of genetics and environment in perceptions and preference for astringent and pungent flavor qualities, and one of the few to study the heritability of sour taste. It was demonstrated that preference for sour and pungent flavors was partially inherited. Furthermore, two subgroups of individuals were found differing in their flavor preferences. Genetic variability together with food neophobic tendency partially explained these differences. Food neophobia and genetic differences may form a barrier through which individual flavor preferences are generated.Kemiallisilla aistimuksilla on biologinen merkitys syötÀvÀksi kelpaavan ravinnon tunnistamisessa sekÀ ruoansulatusjÀrjestelmÀn fysiologisten prosessien alkuun saattamisessa. Ruoka on kulttuurin ilmentymÀ, joka ravinnon ja terveysvaikutusten lisÀksi on myös mielihyvÀn lÀhde. Makumieltymykset selittÀvÀtkin pitkÀlti ruokavalintoja. TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa selvitettiin geenien ja ympÀristön osuutta astringoivan, polttavan (mausteiden aiheuttama) ja happaman maun mieltymyksissÀ. TyössÀ selvitettiin myös nuorten makumieltymysten kokonaiskuvaa ja mieltymysten taustaa. Aineisto kerÀttiin suomalaisilla kaksosilla (21-25 v., 146 miestÀ, 185 naista) osana Kaksosten kehitys- ja terveystutkimusta (FinnTwin12). MieltymystÀ ja aistimuksen voimakkuutta (makumittaus) mitattiin maistamalla erilaisia nÀytteitÀ, joihin oli lisÀtty hapanta, polttavaa, umamia tai astringoivaa yhdistettÀ (alaryhmÀ astringoivuusmittauksissa n=194, 96 miestÀ, 98 naista). RuokakyselyllÀ kartoitettiin mieltymyksiÀ ja kÀyttöuseutta happamien, polttavien, umami- ja astringoivien ruokien suhteen. RuokakÀyttÀytymistÀ (esim. uusien ruokien pelkoa) mitattiin useilla validoiduilla mittareilla. Aistimusten miellyttÀvyydelle, voimakkuudelle sekÀ ruokakyselyn perusteella muodostetuille makumuuttujille mÀÀritettiin periytyvyysaste. LisÀksi vastaajat jaettiin alaryhmiin mieltymysten suhteen (happamat, polttavat ja umamia sis. ruoat). Ala-ryhmien vÀlisiÀ eroja ruokakÀyttÀytymisen ja aistimusten suhteen sekÀ geenien vaikutusta tutkittiin. Makumittauksen happaman ja polttavan maun miellyttÀvyydestÀ sekÀ voimakkuudesta vain pieni osa selittyi perinnöllisillÀ tekijöillÀ (12-31%). Astringoivuuden aistiminen ei tÀmÀn tutkimuksen mukaan ollut periytyvÀ ominaisuus, mutta viitteitÀ saatiin aistimusta osittain selittÀvÀn syljentuotannon perinnöllisistÀ ominaisuuksista (perityvyysaste 43-51%). RuokakyselyssÀ lÀhes puolet mieltymyksistÀ happamiin ja polttaviin ruokiin selittyi perinnöllisillÀ tekijöillÀ (periytyvyysaste 45-50%). Vastaajat voitiin jakaa kahteen ala-ryhmÀÀn. PerusryhmÀ oli flavorimieltymysten suhteen maltillisempi verrattuna seikkailijat -ryhmÀÀn, joka suosi ruokien happamia ja polttavia ominaisuuksia. Seikkailijoiden keskuudessa uusien ruokien pelko oli vÀhÀisempÀÀ ja he osoittivat suurempaa sietokykyÀ makumittauksissa polttavalle nÀytteelle. Ryhmittelyn taustalla todettiin geneettinen vaikutus (periytyvyysaste 66%). ViitteitÀ saatiin umamin ja happaman aistimuksia sÀÀtelevien geenien (TAS1R1 ja PKD1L3) ja seikkalijat-ryhmÀn vÀlisestÀ kytkennÀstÀ. TÀmÀ työ on ensimmÀinen, jolla havainnollistettiin geenien ja ympÀristön osuutta astringoivuuden ja polttavuuden aistimuksissa sekÀ mieltymyksissÀ. Työ on myös yksi harvoista, jossa on tutkittu happaman maun periytyvyyttÀ. Voitiin osoittaa, ettÀ mieltymys happamiin ja polttaviin ruokiin on osittain periytyvÀ ominaisuus. Vastaajat voitiin jakaa kahteen ala-ryhmÀÀn flavorimieltymysten suhteen. Eroja selittivÀt osittain uusien ruokien pelko ja periytyvÀt ominaisuudet. Yksilölliset flavorimieltymykset voivatkin ilmentyÀ uusien ruokien pelon ja geneettisten erojen kautta

    Unettomuuden kognitiivis-behavioraalisiin menetelmiin perustuva hoito masennusoireista kÀrsivillÀ potilailla

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    Depressio on maailmanlaajuisesti yleinen oireyhtymÀ. Varsinaisen kliinisen depression lisÀksi myös lievemmÀt masennusoireet ovat yleisiÀ. Depression kehittyminen on monitekijÀinen prosessi, johon vaikuttaa henkilön biologiset, psykologiset ja sosiaaliset vaaratekijÀt samanaikaisesti. Unettomuus on yleinen ongelma, joka esiintyy usein depression kanssa samanaikaisesti. PitkÀaikainen unettomuus syntyy usein akuutista elÀmÀntilanteesta johtuvasta ajoittaisesta unettomuudesta, joka kroonistuu. Unen sÀÀtely on monimutkainen systeemi, johon osallistuu useampi eri vÀlittÀjÀaine sekÀ monet ulkoiset tekijÀt. Unen ja valvetilan vÀlillÀ olevan tasapainon hÀiriintyessÀ kehittyy noidankehÀ, joka vaikeuttaa unettomuuden hoitoa. On arvioitu, ettÀ maailmanlaajuisesti noin 90 %:lla depressiosta kÀrsivistÀ ihmisistÀ on samanaikaisesti jokin unihÀiriö. PidempÀÀn on ollut tiedossa, ettÀ depressio altistaa unettomuudelle, mutta viimeisten vuosikymmenien aikana on saatu lisÀÀ tietoa siitÀ, miten unettomuus voi altistaa depressiolle. Unettomuus on merkittÀvÀ itsenÀinen depression riskitekijÀ, kyseessÀ on siis kaksisuuntainen suhde. TÀssÀ kuvailevassa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdyin depressioon ja unettomuuteen, sekÀ mekanismeihin, joilla unettomuus voi altistaa henkilön depressiolle. TÀmÀn jÀlkeen tutustuin unettomuuden hoitoon kÀytettÀviin kognitiivis-behavioraalisiin menetelmiin (CBT-I) sekÀ niiden kÀyttöön masennusoireisilla potilailla. CBT-I-hoidon on todettu olevan tehokas unettomuuden hoitomuoto myös masennusoireista kÀrsivillÀ potilailla. CBT-I vÀhentÀÀ unta hÀiritseviÀ tekijöitÀ sekÀ parantaa unen laatua depressiota sairastavilla. CBT-I-hoidon on todettu vÀhentÀvÀn kohtalaisesti sekÀ unettomuutta ettÀ masennusoireita. Depression remission todennÀköisyyttÀ voidaan lisÀtÀ yhdistÀmÀllÀ masennuksen lÀÀkehoitoon lyhyt CBT-I- jakso. CBT-I on ensilinjan hoitomenetelmÀ pitkÀaikaiseen unettomuuteen, ja se toimii tehokkaasti myös masennusoireisilla potilailla, lieventÀen heidÀn unettomuuttaan ja masennusoireita

    Behavior of C-reactive protein in association with surgery of facial fracture and the influence of dexamethasone

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    To clarify pre- and postoperative C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in patients with facial fractures and to investigate the influence of perioperatively administered dexamethasone on postoperative CRP levels. Facial fracture patients were randomized to receive perioperatively a total dose of 30 mg of dexamethasone (OradexonA (R)), whereas patients in the control group received no glucocorticoid. The analysis included patients who had CRP measured pre- and postoperatively. A total of 73 adult patients with facial fractures were included in the final analysis. Mean CRP level was elevated preoperatively and the level increased further after surgery. However, postoperative CRP rise was significantly impeded by dexamethasone (p <0.001), regardless of gender, age, treatment delay, site of fracture, surgical approach, and duration of surgery. CRP rise halved on the 1st postoperative day when dexamethasone was used. In addition, dexamethasone resulted in a CRP decrease on the 2nd postoperative day, whereas the CRP rise continued in the control group. CRP rise is a normal body response after facial fracture and surgery that can be markedly reduced with dexamethasone. CRP changes should be considered with caution if perioperative dexamethasone is used.Peer reviewe

    Influence of perioperative dexamethasone on delayed union in mandibular fractures: a clinical and radiological study

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    Background: The aim was to clarify the occurrence of delayed union after surgical treatment of mandibular fracture and investigate whether an association exists between perioperative use of dexamethasone and delayed union. Material and Methods: Thirty-seven patients were included in a prospective randomized study. Of these patients, 19 (51.4%) were randomized to receive a total dose of 30 mg of dexamethasone and 18 (48.6%) served as controls. Patients underwent clinical and radiological investigation immediately, one month, three months and six months postoperatively. Radiographs were evaluated by an experienced, blinded senior oral radiologist. Results: Delayed fracture union was found in 9 patients (24.3%). It was associated significantly with angle fractures (p=0.012). Delayed union occurred more frequently in patients who received dexamethasone (36.8%) than in those who did not (11.1%) (p=0.068). The association of infection with delayed union was significan t ( p=0.027). Moreover, dexamethasone was significantly ( p=0.019) associated with delayed fracture union with concomitant infection. Gender, age group, smoking habit, treatment delay and duration of surgery were not associated with delayed union. Conclusions: Infection was associated with delayed union. Short-term high-dose dexamethasone predisposed to complicated fracture union, especially in patients with angle fractures. The relationship between dexamethasone and delayed bone healing without infection remains unresolve

    Parental Mental Well-Being and Frequency of Adult-Child Nature Visits: The Mediating Roles of Parents’ Perceived Barriers

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    Regular access to green space has been shown to provide several health benefits for children. However, children today spend less time outdoors. Thus, it has become important to understand what drives and limits children’s activities in nature. Based on a Finnish online survey of 1463 parents of children aged 2–7 conducted in 2019, the current study examined parents’ perceived barriers to visiting nature with their children. It also examined how parental mental well-being is related to families’ frequency of nature visits, and whether this association is mediated by different categories of parents’ perceived barriers. Eleven out of 12 barriers were largely perceived by parents as reasons that did not prevent them from visiting nature with their children. Next, factor analysis indicated a three-factor solution to the barriers. The results of a multiple mediation analysis showed that better parental mental well-being was associated with more frequent adult-child nature visits, and this relationship was partially mediated by a “lack of competence and logistics” and a “lack of time and interest”, but not by “insecurity and fear”. The results indicated that parents with poor mental well-being were more likely to perceive barriers to visiting nature, which in turn appeared to be related to a higher likelihood of having children who visited nature less frequently

    Role of Academic Biobanks in Public-Private Partnerships in the European Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure Community

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    Public-private partnerships (PPP) are an efficient means to advance scientific discoveries and boost the medical innovations needed to improve precision medicine. The increasing number and novel nature of such collaborations is keeping the biomedical field in a constant flux. Here we provide an update on PPP development involving academic biobanks in the BBMRI community (the European Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure) and report the views on PPP of 20 key players from this field. The interviewed academic representants broadly show interest for their institution to establish PPP and initiate or partner with BBMRI expert centers. The results indicate that PPP has gained foothold in this area of biomedical research, with great promise to facilitate access to samples and data and to improve data interoperability and reproducibility.Peer reviewe

    Parental Mental Well-Being and Frequency of Adult-Child Nature Visits : The Mediating Roles of Parents’ Perceived Barriers

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    Regular access to green space has been shown to provide several health benefits for children. However, children today spend less time outdoors. Thus, it has become important to understand what drives and limits children’s activities in nature. Based on a Finnish online survey of 1463 parents of children aged 2–7 conducted in 2019, the current study examined parents’ perceived barriers to visiting nature with their children. It also examined how parental mental well-being is related to families’ frequency of nature visits, and whether this association is mediated by different categories of parents’ perceived barriers. Eleven out of 12 barriers were largely perceived by parents as reasons that did not prevent them from visiting nature with their children. Next, factor analysis indicated a three-factor solution to the barriers. The results of a multiple mediation analysis showed that better parental mental well-being was associated with more frequent adult-child nature visits, and this relationship was partially mediated by a “lack of competence and logistics” and a “lack of time and interest”, but not by “insecurity and fear”. The results indicated that parents with poor mental well-being were more likely to perceive barriers to visiting nature, which in turn appeared to be related to a higher likelihood of having children who visited nature less frequently
