31 research outputs found
A weighted sustainability index for selection of optimal operating plans
The Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Project (WMPP) provides reticulated water to 36 towns and about 6000 farms across an area of approximately 2 million hectares and forms part of the Wimmera-Mallee Water Supply System (WMWSS). The WMWSS is a multi-reservoir system located in Western Victoria (Australia) which is operated to meet a range of conflicting interests for water using complex operating rules. Since completion in 2010, the pipeline has vastly improved efficiencies in the supply of water, with water savings being returned to the environment, existing consumptive use and new development. However, one of the major challenges for managers of these water recovery projects is to determine the most effective or optimal operational strategy to meet the needs of all water users. In Victoria, these often conflicting interests to water have traditionally been addressed through a consultative process supported by surface water simulation modelling. Simulation models attempt to represent all the major characteristics of a system and are suited to examine âwhat if?â scenarios. Whilst such models are highly effective in demonstrating the effect of changes in system operation, the modelling process is limited to finding one solution at a time for a given set of conditions. Optimisation models have also proven to be effective tools but unlike simulation models are characterised by a numeric search technique and are better suited to address âwhat should be?â questions. In recent times there has been growing interest in linking optimisation techniques with simulation models in order to build on the strengths of both modelling approaches in the search for optimal solutions. The general structure of this combined modelling technique provides for an iterative process; simulation outputs are used to quantify the effect of candidate solutions which are in turn passed to the search engine to find optimal solutions. The process of selecting the most preferred optimal solution brings together two aspects of multi-objective optimisation, namely; (i) the quantitative characteristics of these solutions relative to other solutions; and (ii) the higher level qualitative information in the form of stakeholdersâ preferences. The aim of this study is to incorporate stakeholder preferences into a sustainability index which has been previously used to evaluate and compare optimal operating plans for the WMWSS. In that previous study, Godoy et al. (2015) applied a multi-objective optimisation and sustainability assessment approach to an 18-objective function multi-objective optimisation problem (MOOP) which represented a range of interests for water. For the present study, the same interests are described in terms of three broad categories i.e. strong environmental preferences, strong social preferences, and strong preferences for the needs of consumptive users. A weighted sustainability index is presented which incorporates these preferences in the original sustainability index formulation. This weighted sustainability index is used to select preferred optimal operating plans previously found by the optimisation-simulation modelling. The results showed that the weighted sustainability index provided a simple means to incorporate stakeholdersâ preferences into the selection process and inform the decision maker of a stakeholderâs uncertainty about their values and priorities for water. © 2017 Proceedings - 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2017. All rights reserved
A framework for using ant colony optimization to schedule environmental flow management alternatives for rivers, wetlands, and floodplains
[1] Rivers, wetlands, and floodplains are in need of management as they have been altered from natural conditions and are at risk of vanishing because of river development. One method to mitigate these impacts involves the scheduling of environmental flow management alternatives (EFMA); however, this is a complex task as there are generally a large number of ecological assets (e.g., wetlands) that need to be considered, each with species with competing flow requirements. Hence, this problem evolves into an optimization problem to maximize an ecological benefit within constraints imposed by human needs and the physical layout of the system. This paper presents a novel optimization framework which uses ant colony optimization to enable optimal scheduling of EFMAs, given constraints on the environmental water that is available. This optimization algorithm is selected because, unlike other currently popular algorithms, it is able to account for all aspects of the problem. The approach is validated by comparing it to a heuristic approach, and its utility is demonstrated using a case study based on the Murray River in South Australia to investigate (1) the trade-off between plant recruitment (i.e., promoting germination) and maintenance (i.e., maintaining habitat) flow requirements, (2) the trade-off between flora and fauna flow requirements, and (3) a hydrograph inversion case. The results demonstrate the usefulness and flexibility of the proposed framework as it is able to determine EFMA schedules that provide optimal or near-optimal trade-offs between the competing needs of species under a range of operating conditions and valuable insight for managers.J.M. Szemis, H.R. Maier and G.C. Dand
An adaptive ant colony optimization framework for scheduling environmental flow management alternatives under varied environmental water availability conditions
Human water use is increasing and, as such, water for the environment is limited and needs to be managed efficiently. One method for achieving this is the scheduling of environmental flow management alternatives (EFMAs) (e.g., releases, wetland regulators), with these schedules generally developed over a number of years. However, the availability of environmental water changes annually as a result of natural variability (e.g., drought, wet years). To incorporate this variation and schedule EFMAs in a operational setting, a previously formulated multiobjective optimization approach for EFMA schedule development used for long-term planning has been modified and incorporated into an adaptive framework. As part of this approach, optimal schedules are updated at regular intervals during the planning horizon based on environmental water allocation forecasts, which are obtained using artificial neural networks. In addition, the changes between current and updated schedules can be minimized to reduce any disruptions to longterm planning. The utility of the approach is assessed by applying it to an 89km section of the River Murray in South Australia. Results indicate that the approach is beneficial under a range of hydrological conditions and an improved ecological response is obtained in a operational setting compared with previous longterm approaches. Also, it successfully produces trade-offs between the number of disruptions to schedules and the ecological response, with results suggesting that ecological response increases with minimal alterations required to existing schedules. Overall, the results indicate that the information obtained using the proposed approach potentially aides managers in the efficient management of environmental water.J. M. Szemis, H. R. Maier, and G. C. Dand
Systems Modeling to Improve the Hydro-Ecological Performance of Diked Wetlands
Water scarcity and invasive vegetation threaten arid-region wetlands and wetland managers seek ways to enhance wetland ecosystem services with limited water, labor, and financial resources. While prior systems modeling efforts have focused on water management to improve flow-based ecosystem and habitat objectives, here we consider water allocation and invasive vegetation management that jointly target the concurrent hydrologic and vegetation habitat needs of priority wetland bird species. We formulate a composite weighted usable area for wetlands (WU) objective function that represents the wetland surface area that provides suitable water level and vegetation cover conditions for priority bird species. Maximizing the WU is subject to constraints such as water balance, hydraulic infrastructure capacity, invasive vegetation growth and control, and a limited financial budget to control vegetation. We apply the model at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge on the Great Salt Lake, Utah, compare model-recommended management actions to past Refuge water and vegetation control activities, and find that managers can almost double the area of suitable habitat by more dynamically managing water levels and managing invasive vegetation in August at the beginning of the window for control operations. Scenario and sensitivity analyses show the importance to jointly consider hydrology and vegetation system components rather than only the hydrological component
Hydrologic controls on basin-scale distribution of benthic invertebrates
Streamflow variability is a major determinant of basin-scale distributions of benthic invertebrates. Here we present a novel procedure based on a probabilistic approach aiming at a spatially explicit quantitative assessment of benthic invertebrate abundance as derived from near-bed flow variability. Although the proposed approach neglects ecological determinants other than hydraulic ones, it is nevertheless relevant in view of its implications on the predictability of basin-scale patterns of organisms. In the present context, aquatic invertebrates are considered, given that they are widely employed as sensitive indicators of fluvial ecosystem health and human-induced perturbations. Moving from the analytical characterization of site-specific probability distribution functions of streamflow and bottom shear stress, we achieve a spatial extension to an entire stream network. Bottom shear stress distributions, coupled with habitat suitability curves derived from field studies, are used to produce maps of invertebrate suitability to shear stress conditions. Therefore, the proposed framework allows one to inspect the possible impacts on river ecology of human-induced perturbations of streamflow variability. We apply this framework to an Austrian river network for which rainfall and streamflow time series, river network hydraulic properties, and local information on invertebrate abundance for a limited number of sites are available. A comparison between observed species density versus modeled suitability to shear stress is also presented. Although the proposed strategy focuses on a single controlling factor and thus represents an ecological minimal model, it allows derivation of important implications for water resource management and fluvial ecosystem protection. Key Points Hydrologic variability is a major control of invertebrate habitat suitability New analytical basin-scale approach for pdfs of ecohydrological key features Austrian river basin used for ecohydrological data-model compariso
An adaptive multi-objective framework for the scheduling of environmental flow management alternatives using ant colony optimization
Rivers and their adjacent wetlands and floodplains worldwide have been altered or have vanished as a result of river regulation and development (such as dams, locks and weirs), as well as water over-allocation. In recent years, environmental flow management has been suggested as a means to mitigate these negative impacts. One approach in order to do this is through the scheduling of environmental flow management alternatives (EFMAs), such as reservoir releases and the operation of wetland regulators. However, this is not an easy task for the following reasons: (i) there are generally many wetlands and floodplains in any particular river system, all containing a wide range of biota that have different flow requirements; (ii) there is generally limited water allocated for environmental purposes, since there are multiple users (e.g. irrigation, domestic), all competing for the same water source; (iii) the schedules are generally developed over multiple years; and (iv) there are multiple competing objectives and constraints that need to be considered. This problem therefore lends itself to be formulated as an optimization problem, where the aim is to maximise the ecological integrity of the system, while also considering humans needs and the constraints of the system. In this thesis, a generic adaptive multi-objective optimization framework for determining the optimal schedule of EFMAs for rivers and their associated wetlands and floodplains is developed and tested. In order to achieve this, ant colony optimization algorithms are selected, since they can take into account the conditional dependencies and sequential nature of the scheduling problem explicitly. This is possible, as the solution space can be represented by a graph structure that can be adjusted dynamically based on the choices made at previous points in the decision graph, thereby reducing the size of the decision space and increasing the proportion of feasible solutions. This is not possible when most other metaheuristics are used. In addition to this, the framework is adaptive and able to incorporate forecasts of environmental water allocation, such that the environmental water can be used most efficiently in order to maximize ecological response. The major research contributions are presented in three journal publications. Firstly, the initial single-objective formulation of the optimisation framework, which incorporates the temporal dependencies associated with the scheduling of EFMAs is presented and validated using a hypothetical case study. The framework is then extended to incorporate multiple objectives and applied to a river section in the South Australian River Murray, so that the trade-off between the ecological response and environmental water allocation can be examined. Finally the framework is further extended to incorporate adaptive features by using forecasts of environmental water allocation in the development of EFMA schedules, as well as an additional objective which aims to minimise the number of differences of EFMA schedules developed at subsequent time steps. Thus the framework provides valuable insight to managers into the EFMA scheduling problem, as it can be applied to investigate a wide variety of problems, such as investigating the likely ecological benefit gained from an increase in environmental allocation, the impact of system constraints on ecological response and the potential advantages of investment in additional infrastructure.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, 201
Searching for common spaces. The accessibility of visual arts for people with visual impairments
This article ponders on the accessibility of art for people with visual impairments. Using the example of Fundacja WielozmysĆy (Multi-Sense Foundation), it shows how the visually impaired can be included in the reception and creation of visual culture. The text presents various forms of making art accessible and translating the language of the visual into other senses. It highlights the potential of artistic mediation in the process of sharing and creating events accessible to people with visual impairments and those with regular vision. Accessibility is defined as creating common spaces and searching for places and situations where people with disabilities can participate in the cultural and social life on par with others. The authors of the article refer to disability studies and argue that as long as disability is perceived in a stereotypical manner accessibility cannot exist. They conclude that accessibility can be beneficial for everyone, regardless of disability, and may become a new, democratic form of experiencing art. For people with disabilities, accessibility will be a process that enables them to study visual culture and its products. For others, it may serve as a new form of contact with art