42 research outputs found

    Évolution de la tempĂ©rature de l’air et des prĂ©cipitations dans la rĂ©gion cĂŽtiĂšre syrienne (gouvernorat de LattaquiĂ©) de 1970 Ă  2016

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    This study aims to analyze the changes in the annual and seasonal averages of air temperature and precipitation over Lattakia Governorate during the period 1970-2016. Annual and seasonal trends for temperature and precipitation were calculated by using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test. The mean differences between the two periods 1970-2000 and 2001-2016, were assessed at the annual and seasonal scales by using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test. Furthermore, the occurrence of extreme high/low values were analyzed at the annual scale by using the normal distribution curve. The study found that the annual temperature averages significantly (p<0.05) increased by 0.22 ˚C/decade and 0.17 ˚C/decade, respectively at Lattakia and Hiffeh stations during the period 1970-2016. Summer exhibited strong and significant (at level 0.01) increasing trends by 0.39 ˚C/decade at Lattakia, and by 0.34 ˚C/decade at Hiffeh. Total spring precipitation significantly decreased by -6.5 mm/decade at Lattakia and by -12.1 mm/decade at Hiffeh. Probability of the occurrence of the value 20.2 ˚C or more as an extreme value increased by 40.8% at Lattakia station during the period 2001-2016. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar los cambios en los promedios anuales y estacionales de la temperatura del aire y las precipitaciones en la gobernaciĂłn de Lattakia durante 1970-2016. Las tendencias anuales y estacionales para la temperatura y la precipitaciĂłn se calcularon utilizando la prueba no paramĂ©trica de Mann-Kendall. Las diferencias de medias entre los dos perĂ­odos (1970-2000) / (2001-2016) se evaluaron en los niveles anuales y estacionales mediante el uso de la prueba no paramĂ©trica de Mann-Whitney U. AdemĂĄs, la apariciĂłn de valores extremadamente altos / bajos se analizĂł a nivel anual mediante el uso de la curva de distribuciĂłn normal. El estudio encontrĂł que los promedios anuales de temperatura aumentaron significativamente (p <0.05) en 0.22 ˚C / dĂ©cada y 0.17 ˚C \ dĂ©cada, en las estaciones de Lattakia y Hiffeh, respectivamente, durante 1970-2016. El verano revelĂł tendencias fuertes y significativas al alza (a nivel 0.01) en sus promedios de temperatura en 0.39 ˚C / dĂ©cada en Lattakia, y en 0.34 ˚C / dĂ©cada en Hiffeh. El promedio de precipitaciones de primavera disminuyĂł significativamente en -6.5 mm / dĂ©cada en Lattakia y en -12.1 mm / dĂ©cada en Hiffeh. La probabilidad de la apariciĂłn del valor de 20.2 ˚C o mĂĄs como valor extremo aumentĂł en la estaciĂłn de Lattakia durante 2001-2016 en un 40.8%.L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’analyser les changements dans les moyennes annuelles et saisonniĂšres de la tempĂ©rature de l’air et des prĂ©cipitations sur la rĂ©gion du gouvernorat de LattaquiĂ© entre 1970 et 2016. Les tendances annuelles et saisonniĂšres de la tempĂ©rature ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©es Ă  l’aide du test non-paramĂ©trique de Mann-Kendall. Les diffĂ©rences moyennes entre les pĂ©riodes 1970-2000 et 2001-2016 ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es par annĂ©e et saison en utilisant le test non-paramĂ©trique de Mann-Whitney U. En ce qui concerne l’occurence de valeurs extrĂȘmement Ă©levĂ©es/ basses, celle-ci a Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©e sur une base annuelle en utilisant la courbe de distribution normale. L’étude a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les tempĂ©ratures moyennes annuelles (p<0,05) ont augmentĂ© significativement de 0,22 ˚C / dĂ©cennie et de 0,17 ˚C / dĂ©cennie, dans les cas respectifs des stations de Lattakia et de Haffah durant la pĂ©riode 1970-2016. L’étĂ© a laissĂ© voir une tendance marquĂ©e Ă  la hausse (au niveau de 0,01) de ses moyennes de tempĂ©rature : 0,39 ˚C / dĂ©cennie Ă  LattaquiĂ© et 0,34 ˚C / dĂ©cennie Ă  Hiffeh. La moyenne des prĂ©cipitations printaniĂšres a diminuĂ© de maniĂšre significative, soit de -6,5 mm / dĂ©cennie Ă  Lattakia et de -12,1 mm / dĂ©cennie Ă  Hiffeh. La probabilitĂ© d’apparition de la valeur de 20,2 ˚C ou plus comme valeur extrĂȘme a augmentĂ© de 40,8% pour la station de LattaquiĂ© pendant la pĂ©riode 2001-2016

    A mixed methods analysis of factors affecting antenatal care content: A Syrian case study

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    Background Maternity care services provide critical interventions aimed at improving maternal and newborn health. In this study, we examined determinants of antenatal care (ANC) content in Syria, together with changes over time. Methods We analysed two national surveys conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics in Damascus (PAPFAM 2001 and MICS 2006). Findings of this initial analysis led to a qualitative study on adequacy of antenatal care content in two Syrian governorates, Aleppo and Latakia in 2010, which in turn informed further quantitative analysis. The perspectives and practices of doctors, women, midwives and health officials were explored using in-depth interviews. A framework approach was used to analyse the data. Results The quantitative analysis demonstrated that women’s education level, the type of health facility they attended and whether they had experienced health complications were important determinants of adequacy of ANC content received. The qualitative study revealed that additional factors related to supply side and demand side factors (e.g. organization of health services, doctors’ selective prescription of ANC tests and women’s selective uptake of those tests), influenced the quality of ANC and explained some regional differences between Aleppo and Latakia. Conclusions The percentage of women who received adequate ANC content was probably higher in Latakia than in Aleppo because women in Latakia were more educated, and because services were more available, accessible, and acceptable to them


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    Dealing with the issue of poverty, food security and social disparities becomes an even more pressing prerogative for the policy maker during economic downturns. The debate among the economists focuses on what might be the major policy initiatives to be undertaken in order to produce complementarities between growth and income-redistribution. These would involve not only generating an inequality-reducing pattern of growth but also undertaking a growth-enhancing pattern of redistribution. Developing countries are the most sensitive to this issue and are committed to develop the policy measure able to both stimulate economic growth and reduce social disparities and food insecurity. The Al-Ghab region in Syria is considered the typical resource rich poor area in a developing country. The possibility to activate the economic growth in this area goes through the exigency of diversify the economic production to stimulate the value added generation and reduce the social and economic disparities between female and male labour employment. In this way the problem of food insecurity should be better address since it is strongly connected to the poverty level of households. To address this complex target an extended multi-sector model is considered the most suitable analysis instrument especially since it is developed by means of the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the area of interest. In this paper, we develop a SAM for the Al-Ghab region and quantify the effects of selected policy scenarios in terms of economic diversification, female labour efficiency and food nutrition security for the Al-Ghab region, in order to identify the pillars able to sustain the economic growth of the area

    Policies for care during the third stage of labour: a survey of maternity units in Syria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Care for women during the third stage aims to reduce the risk of major haemorrhage, but is very variable. The current World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendation is that care should include administration of a uterotonic (oxytocin, if it is available) soon after birth of the baby, delayed cord clamping, and delivery of the placenta by controlled cord traction.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To ascertain care policies used during the third stage of labour in maternity units in Syria, we conducted a survey of 69 maternity units in obstetric and general public hospitals. A brief questionnaire was administered by face to face interview or telephone with senior obstetricians and midwives. Outcome measures were the use of prophylactic uterotonic drugs, timing of cord clamping, use of controlled cord traction, and treatment for postpartum haemorrhage. Obstetricians were asked about both vaginal and caesarean births, midwives only about vaginal births.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Responses were obtained for 66 (96%) hospitals: a midwife and an obstetrician were interviewed in 40; an obstetrician only in 20; a midwife only in 6. Responses were similar, although midwives were more likely to report that the umbilical cord was clamped after 1-3 minutes or after cessation of pulsation (2/40 obstetricians and 9/40 midwives). Responses have therefore been combined.</p> <p>One hospital reported never using a prophylactic uterotonic drug. The uterotonic was Syntometrine<sup>Âź </sup>(oxytocin and ergometrine) in two thirds of hospitals; given after delivery of the placenta in 60 (91%) for vaginal births, and in 47 (78%) for caesarean births. Cord clamping was within 20 seconds at 42 hospitals 64%) for vaginal births and 45 (75%) for caesarean births. Controlled cord traction was never used in a quarter (17/66) of hospitals for vaginal births and a half (32/60) for caesarean births.</p> <p>68% of respondents (45/66) thought there was a need for more randomised trials of interventions during the third stage of labour.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Most maternity units report using Syntometrine<sup>Âź</sup>, usually given after delivery of the placenta, clamping the cord within 20 seconds, and using controlled cord traction.</p

    Gender Inequality and Integration of Non-EU Migrants in the EU. CEPS Policy Insights No 2017/06, February 2017

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    The integration of refugees and migrants in general into the labour market – and into society at large –stands at the forefront of current policy debate. And rightly so: better integration enriches not only the migrant, but also the host country’s population and its public finances. A number of recent noteworthy publications have therefore studied the labour market integration process and how to improve it. While the diverse background of new arrivals is often acknowledged in these studies, on-the-ground labour market integration programmes too often follow a one-size-fits-all approach. In this Policy Insights study, we argue that there is a particularly strong case for labour market integration measures specifically geared towards female migrants. The primary reason is the traditionally low female labour market participation in the majority of source countries, which translates into a large excess gender gap in labour market integration among non-EU migrants in Europe. This gap is further mirrored by other important aspects of societal integration. We argue that this lack of labour market integration inhibits wider societal integration of female migrants. Hence, integration efforts need to more explicitly take the gender dimension into account and further analyse the determinants of the gender gap in integration. A mapping of successful initiatives targeting migrant women, as has been done in recent best-practice guidelines, is therefore essential. However, these studies mainly stress that the number of targeted measures is currently insufficient


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    The purpose of this study is to research how teaching practices and in-service professional development of English language teachers’ in Syria have been affected during times of military conflict: what impact English language teachers in Syria perceive the professional development programs they are required to attend have on their teaching and the learning environments they provide for their students, and how this perceived impact relates to the country’s current military conflict; and to explore the ways that teachers can be assisted to enhance their in-service professional development in a country experiencing a military conflict. Thus, by probing these two issues, this study provides the foundation for the initiation of pedagogical change based on a systematic approach towards in-service teacher training programs, exploring the training needs of teachers in light of the current military conflict, and on the Syrian teachers of English as a Foreign Language own perspectives on both these programs and their in-class practices. The importance of this research grows from the scarcity of empirical data on the EFL Syrian teachers’ previous or current practices in their classrooms and in regard to the in-service training they have received. In order to comprehensively address the complexity of the research questions, a mixed method research design using both quantitative and qualitative methods was applied. This allowed for triangulation of data, in order to achieve greater validity and reliability in the study. The methods were designed to be closely related to each other to ensure a fully integrated research design. The questions were investigated through a mixed method approach using a structured survey and teachers’ journal-logs. Concept mapping of teachers’ responses to the open-ended question in the survey served as a check on researcher bias and allowed respondents in the survey population to identify and name clusters of the participants’ responses. The research revealed that the designers of the in-service development programs for Syrian teachers of English as a Foreign Language overlooked the fact that public education is a system in permanent interaction with various individuals with different needs, facing different challenges in different environments. The survey respondents did not believe that the Ministry of Education’s approaches to engage the EFL teachers and their students have been effective. The study revealed that Syrian EFL teachers were not trained to recognize or deal with classroom issues related to or affected by the military conflict. In more general terms, teacher respondents were skeptical about centralized in-service development programs. Therefore, there is a need for a design structured upon the micro attributes and analysis of the specific EFL teachers’ needs in the context of their actual classroom environment. This can occur by involving the teachers in what needs to be included in the programs. This research adds to both international literature on the theme of education in conflict areas in general, and to Syrian EFL teaching during times of military conflict in particular. This research is unique in that it was conducted and completed while the military conflict was still ongoing, unlike most retrospective studies that are conducted after conflicts have been resolved. Another distinctive element of this research, methodologically speaking, is that up to this date, there has not been any empirical research that has examined Syrian in-service EFL programs or their effectiveness from the EFL teachers’ perspectives prior or during The study provides a solid foundation for a systematic redesign of Syrian EFL in-service development programs in a manner that addresses both the teachers’ needs and the students’ language-learning needs while taking into consideration the immediate class environment and broader military conflict

    Obstetric near-miss and maternal mortality in maternity university hospital, Damascus, Syria: a retrospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Investigating severe maternal morbidity (near-miss) is a newly recognised tool that identifies women at highest risk of maternal death and helps allocate resources especially in low income countries. This study aims to i. document the frequency and nature of maternal near-miss at hospital level in Damascus, Capital of Syria, ii. evaluate the level of care at maternal life-saving emergency services by comparatively analysing near-misses and maternal mortalities.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Retrospective facility-based review of cases of near-miss and maternal mortality that took place in the years 2006-2007 at Damascus Maternity University Hospital, Syria. Near-miss cases were defined based on disease-specific criteria (Filippi 2005) including: haemorrhage, hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, dystocia, infection and anaemia. Main outcomes included maternal mortality ratio (MMR), maternal near miss ratio (MNMR), mortality indices and proportion of near-miss cases and mortality cases to hospital admissions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 28 025 deliveries, 15 maternal deaths and 901 near-miss cases. The study showed a MNMR of 32.9/1000 live births, a MMR of 54.8/100 000 live births and a relatively low mortality index of 1.7%. Hypertensive disorders (52%) and haemorrhage (34%) were the top causes of near-misses. Late pregnancy haemorrhage was the leading cause of maternal mortality (60%) while sepsis had the highest mortality index (7.4%). Most cases (93%) were referred in critical conditions from other facilities; namely traditional birth attendants homes (67%), primary (5%) and secondary (10%) healthcare unites and private practices (11%). 26% of near-miss cases were admitted to Intensive Care Unit (ICU).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Near-miss analyses provide valuable information on obstetric care. The study highlights the need to improve antenatal care which would help early identification of high risk pregnancies. It also emphasises the importance of both: developing protocols to prevent/manage post-partum haemorrhage and training health care professionals to manage infrequent but fatal conditions like sepsis. An urgent review of the referral system and the emergency obstetric care in Syria is highly recommended.</p

    Cities, health and well-being: methodology for an international analysis

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    This research project is part of a wider research strand underway at LSE Cities that seeks to explore the relationships between the design of the built environment, health and well-being in cities with a particular focus on how urban density affects the experiences of different population groups. This theme will form the basis of the 11th Urban Age conference in Hong Kong on 16-17 November 2011. This particular aspect of the research strand is focused on the international comparison of cities in terms of health, wider socioeconomic data and density. Other aspects exist which are focussing on intra-urban spatial analysis of the same issues, design analysis, and qualitative research into the subjective experiences of living at high densities in Hong Kong