395 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Paradigma Ulama terhadap Kajian Fitrah dalam Maqāṣid al-Syarī‘ah

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    This study describes the concept of fitrah and explains the development of ulama's paradigm of the concept of fitrah within the study of maqāṣid al-syarī’ah. This normative legal research presents the perspectives of the ulamas about this discourse. Content analysis was performed to identify the data based on several characteristics and different periods. The research concluded that fitrah meant the natural nature of creation in the form of inherent potential within human beings since their creation, distinguishing them from other creatures and guiding them towards embracing goodness and Shari'a. Furthermore, it was found that the paradigm regarding the position of fitrah in maqāṣid al-syarī’ah developed alongside the evolution of maqāṣid. The development can be classified into three periods. In the first period, fitrah filled the gaps between the nas in the legal development and it became a supporting argument. In the second period, fitrah was viewed in a broader perspective where it became the basis for the development of maqāṣid al-syarī'ah. In the last period, fitrah was understood as maqāṣid al-syarī'ah as the general purpose of the law or maqāṣid, which underlies almost all of the laws that the implementation is in accordance with sunnatullāh. The In-depth understanding of fitrah in maqāṣid al-syarī’ah directs to determine, choose and implement the law properly based on the human nature


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    Pengetahuan struktur teks merupakan salah satu factor yang mempengaruhi pemahaman membaca siswa. Walaupun siswa telah mempelajari struktur teks mereka masih mendapatkan kesulitan dalam memahami teks bacaan. Berdasarkan permasalahan ini perlu kiranya melakukan penelitian tentang seberapa besar kontribusi pengetahuan struktur teks pada pemahaman membaca teks narrative. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan kontribusi pengetahuan struktur teks terhadap pemahaman membaca pada teks narativ siswa kelas dua SMPN 17 pekanbaru. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas dua SMPN 17 Pekanbaru. Populasi penelitian adalah 280 siswa, penulis menggunakan siswa kelas VIII 3 sebanyak 40 orang sebagai sampel, dengan menggunakan cluster sampling untuk mengumpulkan sampel. Kemudian, penulis menggunakan tes untuk mengumpulkan data. Dalam analisis data penulis menggunakan simple regresi pada program SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pengetahuan struktur teks memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa. Oleh sebab itu, guru perlu mengajarkan teks struktur untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat diterapkan dalam pengajaran bahasa inggris untuk bisa meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa

    The landslides mechanism on the slopes of mount rinjani due to the july 2018 Lombok earthquake

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    The Lombok earthquake that occurred in succession, which began at the end of July 2018, triggered landslides on several slopes on Mount Rinjani. The vibrations caused by the earthquake make the slopes unstable due to a decrease in the normal force as a component of the frictional force that binds the deposited material on the mountain slopes. The standard power is one factor that influences the friction force as a material binding to resist landslides. Under ordinary conditions, the average pressure depends on mass, gravity, and the slope's slope. During an earthquake, the normal force can be significantly reduced, causing landslides to occur. The slope stability angle shows the maximum slope angle susceptible to landslides due to an earthquake shock. The greater the peak ground acceleration (PGA) due to an earthquake, will have a landslide effect at a smaller tilt angle. The means that a significant shock due to an earthquake on a slope will be able to launch a landslide on a gentle slope, whereas a small shock can only slide a steep slope with a large angle. From the calculation of slope stability, which depends on the static friction coefficient, and PGA, which depends on the earthquake magnitude and the distance of the earthquake source from the slopes of Mount Rinjani, it gives a maximum value of 61.9o and a minimum value of 45.76o

    Model of Vertical Resistivity Distribution of Rock Layers in Jeneberang Watershed

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    Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) or Watershed is the accumulation of material from Jeneberang\ud debris avalanche of Mount Bawakaraeng. The Resistivity material from several types of rock\ud settling needs to be identified by using the geoelectric geophysical studies. Geoelectrical\ud resistivity method used in this study aims to map the vertical layers of rock in the upstream and\ud downstream of Jeneberang watershed. The results shows that resistivity values in the upstream of\ud Jeneberang watershed is relatively high at around 300 - 2000 ohmmeter. This price indicates the\ud value of plutonic rock of resistivity type. Around the downstream watershed of Jeneberang, \ud resistivity value is relatively low, ie below 300 ohmmeter. This value indicates that in the\ud downstream of watershed sediment rocks have experienced weathering

    Bureaucratic Reform Resistance in Indonesia

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    Formulating, rearranging, and improving and perfecting bureaucratic behavior to become better, productive, professional, efficient, and effective for the formation of a pattern, mode, system and better governance. Commitment, good etiquette, seriousness, and hard work from all parties are absolute, and must be upheld. Our country's political leadership is very weak, there is a politicization of the bureaucracy, there is resistance (resistance) from the bureaucrats themselves and the competence of implementing bureaucratic reform. Political commitment needs to be emphasized and formulated into a solid policy, guide and guide in its implementation along with an evaluation of all activities and there must be an institution that is responsible for making and overseeing the bureaucratic reform policy. Focus, priorities and targets for achievement need to be set. Systematic, consistent, accurate, and controlled from an agenda that is carried out can avoid stagnation, saturation, and can also be separated from the image of mere pretense where every regime in power in the beginning always has a breakthrough or image.Penelitian ini membahas mengenai upaya pemerintah dalam merumuskan, menata kembali, dan meningkatkan serta menyempurnakan perilaku birokrasi menjadi lebih baik, produktif, profesional, efisien, dan efektif untuk pembentukan pola, modus, sistem, dan tata kelola yang lebih baik. Komitmen, etika yang baik, keseriusan, dan kerja keras dari semua pihak adalah mutlak, dan harus dijunjung tinggi. Kepemimpinan politik negara kita sangat lemah, ada politisasi birokrasi, ada resistensi (perlawanan) dari birokrat itu sendiri dan kompetensi pelaksana reformasi birokrasi. Komitmen politik perlu ditegaskan dan dirumuskan menjadi suatu kebijakan, pedoman dan pedoman yang kokoh dalam pelaksanaannya disertai evaluasi terhadap seluruh kegiatan dan harus ada lembaga yang bertanggung jawab membuat dan mengawasi kebijakan reformasi birokrasi. Fokus, prioritas dan target pencapaian perlu ditetapkan. Sistematis, konsisten, akurat, dan terkontrol dari sebuah agenda yang dijalankan dapat menghindari stagnasi, kejenuhan, dan juga dapat dipisahkan dari citra kepura-puraan belaka dimana setiap rezim yang berkuasa pada awalnya selalu memiliki terobosan atau citra

    Efek Intervensi Pemaafan Konseling Pada Anak-Anak Yang Terluka Dalam Hubungan Interpersonal

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    Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk menguji efek intervensi pemaafan dengan teknik konseling pada anak-anak yang terluka dalam hubungan interpersonal. Desain eksperimen menggunakan pretes dan postes dengan jumlah subjek 6 orang anak sekolah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanada perbedaan signifikan kemampuan interpersonal anak sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perilakuan. Intervensi pemaafan dengan teknik konseling dapat meningkatkan kemampauan anak dalam hubungan interpersonal. Hubungan interpersonal yang tinggi ditandai dengan kedekatan, membuka diri memulai komunikasi, dukungan emosional, persetujuan untuk saling terbuka dalam komunikasi, dan kepuasan

    Completeness and Legal Implications of Patient Medical Records at Hajj Regional General Hospital of Makassar

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    Information on a patient’s health development can be obtained if the data contained in the medical record are filled out completely, accurately and consistently. This study aimed to analyze the completeness of medical records and the legal aspect of the use of medical records in health services. This research was carried out at Hajj General Hospital of Makassar. The study was conducted retrospectively with a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews, observation of medical record files and document review, as well as with a quantitative approach, from October to December 2020. 258 medical record files were reviewed, and informants included five implementing medical personnel and 10 implementing nurses, who were interviewed to examine opinions about the completeness and legality of ownership of medical record files. The results showed that there were still incomplete medical record files, and most medical record items were not filled out completely and consistently, which has legal implications in terms of the file owner and the contents of the medical record. For this reason, open communication is sought between all health workers. Keywords: completeness, legality, medical recor

    Identifikasi Akuifer Air Tanah Dengan Metode Geolistirk Resistivitas Konfigurasi Schlumberger Untuk Pengembangan Irigasi Persawahan Di Dusun Tampak Siring, Mantang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui litologi lapisan bawah permukaan dan mengetahui kedalaman akuifer untuk rekomendasi pengeboran dalam menggembangkan irigasi untuk persawahan. Lokasi penelitian bertempat di Dusun Tampak Siring, Mantang, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 2 titik sounding dengan lintasan sepanjang 400 meter menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Tahanan Jenis dengan Konfigurasi Schlumberger. Data diolah  menggunakan software Ms. Excel dan IPI2Win untuk memperoleh nilai resistivitas, ketebalan dan kedalaman lapisan. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan litologi bawah permukaan daerah survey terdiri dari 5 lapisan yaitu  lapisan pertama berupa tanah penutup , pasiran lepas di bagian atas, lapisan konduktif berupa lempung, lapisan alluvium  (tanah berpasir) yang mengandung air, lapisan breksi yang tak terlalu massif dengan perselingan  pasir dan gravel (kerikil). lapisan akuifer pembawa air yaitu berupa lapisan breksi lapuk, tufa pasiran dan kerikil. Berdasarkan penelitian ini lapisan akuifer berada pada titik VES 1 dan VES 2 yaitu pada lapisan ketiga dan lapisan kelima. Pada titik VES 1 lapisan akuifer terdapat pada kedalaman 5,3 – 12,57 m (air permukaan) dan kedalaman >37,59 m  dengan nilai tahanan jenis jenis 65,8 Ωm dan  29,8 Ωm. Pada titik VES 2 lapisan akuifer terdapat pada kedalaman 3,375 – 8,665 m (air permukaan) dan kedalaman >33,76 m  dengan nilai tahanan jenis jenis 21,9 Ωm dan  20,6 Ωm