Jurnal Nukhbatul 'Ulum
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    124 research outputs found

    Analisis Tipologi Sains dan Agama serta Relevansinya dengan Upaya Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam dalam Mengembangkan Sains Islam

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    This research aims to analyze and describe the relationship between science and religion, which remains a subject of discussion and debate among experts worldwide. It is a library research study with primary sources consisting of books written by Ian Barbour and Zakir Naik. The approach used is qualitative descriptive with content analysis method. The research has found that Ian Barbour's thoughts on the connection between religion and science can indeed be considered as reliable references. On the other hand, Zakir Naik's ideas regarding science and religion lean towards objectively proving various natural phenomena based on the Qur'an as a divine revelation. Not only Ian Barbour and Zakir Naik, but various other figures also contribute to supporting the argument that there is no gap between science and religion. In Indonesia, a program has been promoted to address the separation between knowledge and religion, which involves integrating science and knowledge while developing Islamic science in religious discussions. This is achieved through the use of Islamic Higher Education Institutions (PTKI) as a means of realization, such as increasing research activities for faculty and students, implementing teaching methods that encourage critical thinking among students, and improving curricula that support the development of Islamic science on campuses

    Toleransi yang Bijak sebagai Solusi Islam dalam Menyikapi Pluralitas

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    Humans live in plurality, which is an unavoidable phenomenon that can encourage conflict and has the potential to divide people. To realize unity based on existing differences, one of the values that must be upheld is the value of tolerance. This research aims to find out Islam's attitude towards plurality, what kind of tolerance is taught, and examples of its implementation. This research is qualitative literature research with a normative theological approach. The results of the research show that Islam's attitude towards plurality is to apply wise tolerance, not the excessive tolerance that is often applied in Indonesia. Wise tolerance means responding to religious plurality with each party continuing to follow its religion, upholding the principles of faith, which are the most basic things in religion, and not disturbing the existence of other parties. It is hoped that with wise tolerance, people can live in peace and tranquility without having to sacrifice the principles of faith that are embedded in their religion

    Konsep Business Judgement Rule dalam Perspektif Maṣlaḥah Mursalah

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    This research aims to analyze the benefits of implementing the Business Judgment Rule concept when viewed from the perspective of maṣlaḥah murlah. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a normative juridical approach which makes the law the center of its study with the aim of providing legal arguments as a basis for whether the application of the Business Judgment Rule doctrine can be detrimental or not if viewed from the perspective of maṣlaḥah murlah which is then processed. into descriptive analysis. The results of this research show that the concept of the Business Judgment Rule doctrine is a concept that provides information to company directors regarding business decisions by considering various factors, namely the existence of good faith, prudence and accountability. Apart from that, the Business Judgment Rule doctrine has been widely used in several cases, especially in Indonesia. This means that the Business Judgment Rule doctrine, if seen from the maṣlaḥah murlah's point of view, does indeed bring benefits to the point of being a reference in a trial, even though in its implementation there is still a lack of socialization and education regarding the Business Judgment Rule doctrine within the scope of institutions or law enforcement officials

    Penanggulangan Penyakit Kesurupan Jin: Analisis Konsep Pendidikan Kesehatan Rohani dalam Al-Qur’an

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    This study aims to analyze the concept of spiritual health education in the Qur'an in dealing with spiritual health disorders in the form of possession by a jinn. This research is a library research using descriptive method and analyzed using interpretation, syarḥ of hadith, pedagogical, philosophical and public health science approaches. The results of the research show that the Qur'an contains the concept of spiritual health education, in the form of preventive, curative (treatment), and maintenance of various spiritual diseases. The preventive concept aims to protect and fortify oneself from being infected with spiritual disorders/illness, while the curative concept aims to provide therapeutic measures if someone has been infected with a disease. The development of the concept of spiritual health education gave birth to a special concept for tackling jinn possessed, namely; a). The preventive method is carried out by: strengthening faith and piety, consistently carrying out His Shari'a, trusting, purifying monotheism, doing istiāżah (asking for protection from Allah), earnestly repenting, giving charity/loving to donate, always reading the Qur'an, zikr, pray and perform circumcision services; b). curative methods in the form of treatment measures for sufferers of jinn and possession disorders by using the Qur'anic method called ruqyah syar'iyyah, namely a therapeutic method by reciting verses from the Al-Qur'an and prayers that were passed down by the Prophet saw, and using treatment that is not contrary to Islamic law

    تجديد النظام التعليمي نحو تحقيق رؤية و رسالة المعاهد الإسلامية في سولاويسي الجنوبية

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    This study aims to find out: 1) the role of the education system at Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School; 2) efforts to realize the vision and mission of Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School; and supporting and inhibiting factors in the role of the Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School education system. This research is located at the Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School, South Sulawesi, using a qualitative descriptive method along with SWOT analysis. The collected data were selected and analyzed semantically and inductively, supported by the results of direct observation. The research results show: 1) The role of the education system must follow developments in the National Education System which includes aspects of institutional and curriculum management; 2) Efforts to realize the vision and mission of Islamic boarding schools through success alumni, outstanding leaders at the local and national levels, nurturing cadres of scholars through the Tahfidz Al-Quran and Kemuhammadiyahan programs; 3) The supporting factors for achieving the vision and mission of the pesantren are adequate facilities and infrastructure, professional human resources, good leadership, effective communication and cooperation. Inhibiting factors, including; the absence of Information Technology-based blueprints, competition between Islamic boarding schools, the lack of budget support from the government

    Perkembangan Paradigma Ulama terhadap Kajian Fitrah dalam Maqāṣid al-Syarī‘ah

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    This study describes the concept of fitrah and explains the development of ulama's paradigm of the concept of fitrah within the study of maqāṣid al-syarī’ah. This normative legal research presents the perspectives of the ulamas about this discourse. Content analysis was performed to identify the data based on several characteristics and different periods. The research concluded that fitrah meant the natural nature of creation in the form of inherent potential within human beings since their creation, distinguishing them from other creatures and guiding them towards embracing goodness and Shari'a. Furthermore, it was found that the paradigm regarding the position of fitrah in maqāṣid al-syarī’ah developed alongside the evolution of maqāṣid. The development can be classified into three periods. In the first period, fitrah filled the gaps between the nas in the legal development and it became a supporting argument. In the second period, fitrah was viewed in a broader perspective where it became the basis for the development of maqāṣid al-syarī'ah. In the last period, fitrah was understood as maqāṣid al-syarī'ah as the general purpose of the law or maqāṣid, which underlies almost all of the laws that the implementation is in accordance with sunnatullāh. The In-depth understanding of fitrah in maqāṣid al-syarī’ah directs to determine, choose and implement the law properly based on the human nature

    Implementasi Etika Bisnis Islam dalam Pengelolaan dan Pelayanan Unit Bisnis Wahdah Islamiyah

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    This study aims to: (1) analyze the implementation of the concept of Islamic business ethics in the service of Wahdah Islamiyah business units; and (2) analyzing the use of the concept of Islamic business ethics in the service of Wahdah Islamiyah business units. This research is a field research (field research) using qualitative methods that are carried out in a descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that: first, all informants (100%) answered that the principles/ethics of monotheism had been applied/practiced, the majority of informants (61.5%) answered that the principles or ethics of justice had been applied/practiced, as many as 42.3% of informants chose very appropriate and 42.3% of informants chose appropriate regarding the application/practice of the principles/ethics of trustworthiness, and as many as 19 people or 73.1% of informants chose very appropriate regarding the application/practice of the principles/ethics of virtue and honesty; second, the Islamic business principles/ethics that have been implemented provide great benefits and uses for the management and service of business units within Wahdah Islamiyah, where the implementation of the principles/ethics of monotheism is believed to bring blessings, the implementation of the principles/ethics of justice is believed to create a work environment that is fair, inclusive, dignified, and in accordance with Islamic law, the implementation of the principles/ethics of trustworthiness is believed to be able to increase the trust of customers and other parties, and the implementation of the principles/ethics of virtue/honesty is believed to be able to improve and provide excellent service to all parties

    Nilai-nilai Moderasi Beragama dalam Penerapan Nafkah Suami Penyandang Disabilitas Generasi Sandwich

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    The sandwich generation is defined as individuals who become the backbone of their families by providing for their children, themselves, and their parents. This phenomenon is widespread in Indonesia. This research aims to uncover the role of husbands with disabilities in the sandwich generation, focusing on the dimension of religious moderation. This study uses a case study method to explore a comprehensive overview of the role of husbands with disabilities in the dynamics of the sandwich generation. The result of the research shows that husbands with disabilities in the sandwich generation are able to integrate religious values into their livelihood practices, creating an inclusive and fair approach. The implications are to support husbands with disabilities in their livelihood roles by understanding religious values and promoting social and economic inclusion. It also highlights the role of religion in creating peace within sandwich generation families.   Generasi sandwich adalah setiap individu yang menjadi tulang punggung keluarga dengan membiayai anak, dirinya, dan orang tuanya. Fenomena ini sangat banyak di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap peran suami penyandang disabilitas dalam generasi sandwich dengan berfokus pada dimensi moderasi beragama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus untuk menggali gambaran yang komprehensif tentang peran suami penyandang disabilitas dalam dinamika generasi sandwich. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari dua jenis sumber, yaitu sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Sumber data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam. Sumber data sekunder terdiri dari kitab-kitab ulama klasik, buku-buku, dan artikel jurnal yang membahas nafkah, penyandang disabilitas, generasi sandwich, dan moderasi beragama. Proses analisis data dimulai dengan reduksi data, pengkodean relevan, dan penyajian data. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa suami penyandang disabilitas generasi sandwich mampu mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai agama dalam praktik nafkah, menciptakan pendekatan inklusif dan adil. Implikasinya adalah mendukung suami penyandang disabilitas dalam peran nafkah dengan memahami nilai-nilai agama serta mendorong inklusi sosial dan ekonomi. Ini juga menyoroti peran agama dalam menciptakan kedamaian dalam keluarga generasi sandwich.   &nbsp

    Implementasi Perencanaan Kurikulum Baca Tulis dan Hafal Al-Qur’an pada Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Wahdah Islamiyah 01 Makassar

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    This study aims to determine the application of curriculum management to learning to Read, Write and Memorize the Qur'an (BTHQ) at the Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) Wahdah Islamiyah 01 Makassar, especially at the planning stage. This research is a field research with a type of qualitative descriptive research and a case study and pedagogical approach. This study also uses Source Triangulation, Method Triangulation, and Theory Triangulation in testing the validity of the data. The results showed that SDIT Wahdah Islamiyah 01 Makassar had planned the BTHQ curriculum well. In its implementation, BTHQ curriculum planning includes determining the school's internal educational calendar, preparing SYLLABUS, preparing PROTA, preparing PROSEM, determining KKM, and making lesson plans. BTHQ curriculum planning is carried out at the beginning of each new school year using a grassroots approach through meetings with the Principal, Deputy Principal (Wakasek) of the Curriculum Section, the Academic Section, the Curriculum Team, the BTHQ Quality Assurance Team, and all BTHQ teachers. The obstacle faced was the difference in perception between BTHQ teachers about the goals and the BTHQ curriculum itself in planning. School administrators overcome this by holding coordination meetings, polling, discussing and strengthening their respective roles. Periodic activities, teacher management training from schools, BTHQ internal teacher coaching, and periodic training from the Wahdah Islamiyah Center are the supporting forces in the success of the BTHQ curriculum planning process at the beginning of each school year

    Analisis Pengelolaan Zakat di Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara: Penghimpunan, Pendistribusian, dan Pelaporan

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    This study aims to analyze the collection, distribution, and reporting of zakat at the National Amil Zakat Agency in Southeast Minahasa Regency. This research is a qualitative approach (natural setting) using interviews and observation as data collection methods. The results of the study show that the management of zakat in Southeast Minahasa Regency is carried out by UPZ-UPZ in the Southeast Minahasa Regency, in this case the UPZ Al-Ansor Mosque and Ar-Rahman Mosque. The collection of zakat is preceded by outreach to the community via mosque loudspeakers and announcements when Friday prayers have been held. The collection of zakat fitrah is then carried out together with zakat mal in the month of Ramadan. The distribution of zakat is done by distributing the zakat to mustahik, at the time after the completion of the Eid al-Fitr prayer. As for zakat reporting, the National Amil Zakat Agency does not have a zakat report because the zakat reporting from the UPZ-UPZ is done through the Office of Religious Affairs in Belang District. This study highlights the current condition of zakat management which is not fully running optimally and suggests the need for increased government support to optimize the function of these zakat management institutions


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