23 research outputs found

    Object Detector on Coastal Surveillance Radar Using Two-Dimensional Order-Statistic Constant-False Alarm Rate Algoritm

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    This paper describes the development of radar object detection using two dimensional constant false alarm rate (2D-CFAR). Objective of this development is to minimize noise detection if compared with the previous algorithm that uses one dimensional constant false alarm rate (1D-CFAR) algorithm such as order-statistic (OS) CFAR, cell-averaging (CA) CFAR, AND logic (AND) CFAR and variability index (VI) CFAR where has been implemented on coastal surveillance radar. The optimum detection result in coastal surveillance radar testing when Pfa set to 1e-2, Kth set to 3/4*Nwindow and Guard Cell set to 0. Principle of 2D-CFAR algorithm is combining of two CFAR algorithms for each array data of azimuth and range. Order statistic (OS) CFAR algoritm is implemented on this 2D-CFAR by fusion rule of AND logic.The algorithm of 2D-CFAR is developed using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 and the output of 2D-CFAR is plotted on PPI scope radar using GDI+ library. The result of 2D-CFAR development shows that 2D-CFAR can minimize noise detected if compared with 1D-CFAR with the same parameter of CFAR. Best performance of 2D-CFAR in object detection when Nwindow set to 128. The time of software processing of 2D-CFAR is about two times longer than the 1D-CFAR

    Online Monitoring of Shrimp Aquaculture in Bangka Island Using Wireless Sensor Network

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    In this paper, it will be described the design and realization of online water quality monitoring system based on wireless sensor network (WSN). The new system has been implemented specifically to monitor parameters Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH and temperature in one spot shrimp aquaculture in Bangka island. The aim was to create suitable water conditions for shrimp aquaculture and save the cost of energy consumption using an automated aeration system, by maintaining the value of the DO above 5 mg/L. On the other hand, water quality data collected from sensor measurements are sent to a data logger using WSN, and then the data is sent to a data center using cellular network (GPRS) such that this data can be viewed using the website. The experimental results show that the system has great prospects and can be used for shrimp aquaculture by providing information that is relevant and timely. The resulting data the collection can be used for research and analysis

    Rancang Bangun Kontrol IC LMS6002 Pada RF Modul LTE (Long Term Evolution)

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    Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang pengembangan perangkat lunak untuk mengkonfigurasi RF IC LMS6002D. Chip IC LMS6002D merupakan IC RF yang dapat diaplikasikan pada sistem GSM, WiMAX, LTE, serta memiliki berbagai fitur seperti: programmable bandwidth modulation, internal ADC/DAC 12 bit, dan rentang frekuensi 0,3 - 3,8 GHz. Modul sasakala-M328 dengan mikrokontroler ATMega328 (dari Atmel) telah digunakan untuk mengkonfigurasi IC LMS6002D melalui 4 jalur (wire) komunikasi SPI (Serial Periperal Interface), yaitu SS, SCLK, MOSI, dan MISO. Konfigurasi IC LMS6002D dilakukan pada laptop/PC untuk menghasilkan program GUI (Graphical User Interface) dengan menggunakan Visual C#. Paket data dari laptop/PC ditransfer ke modul sasakala-M328 secara serial melalui port USB (USB to Serial), yang selanjutnya diteruskan oleh modul ke IC LMS6002D. Komunikasi SPI dilakukan dalam 16 kali clock, dimulai dengan memberikan logika low pada jalur SS. Delapan bit pertama adalah identifier yang menentukan modus read/write dan 8 bit berikutnya adalah data. Data dikirim mulai dari MSB dengan posisi clock pada tepi naik. Frekuensi clock SPI yang digunakan adalah maksimum 50MHz dengan level tegangan maksimum 3.3V

    Simulasi Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Aksyaa.Com Berbasis Web dan Mobile Bagi UMKM

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    Financial management has an important role in the success of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). MSME owners face challenges when improving their business performance due to difficulties in managing their financial resources effectively. One of the factors contributing to this challenge is the mix of their business and personal operating funds. Because of this, a free licensed financial management system start-up called aksyaa.com was developed. Aksyaa.com has features for recording general journals, reporting sales and purchases, and ledgers. Output documents include sales reports, purchases, cash flow statements, balance sheets, and income statements. Aksyaa.com on a web and android basis has been selectively implemented and simulated for several MSMEs as part of community service activities from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram. One of the user partners, MSMEs engaged in selling furniture products in the city of Mataram, managed to use the system by inputting transaction data, so that there were 798 transactions recorded within one month. Output documents are consistently aligned with the list of accounts provided in the system, categorized by transaction type, and when testing the system no bugs were detected

    EAM-LoRaNet: Energy Aware Multi-hop LoRa Network for Internet of Things

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    LoRa Technology is one of the devices used on Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN), which is a viable alternative wireless communication technology for the Internet of Things (IoT). The LoRa device is meant to traverse a large distance while using minimal power. However, because it uses single-hop communication, the Gateway's farthest nodes will die prematurely as a result of the increased energy usage. This research attempts to improve the range of LoRa networks utilizing multi-hop uplink communication while also reducing energy consumption by adjusting the LoRa transmission power to the lowest possible dBm in each hop. As a network model, a star topology-based tree made of some rings with a gateway as the central point is chosen. The performance of two forms of uplink communication, single-hop and multi-hop models was tested in terms of energy consumption and coverage. The results show that the network structure in the multi-hop uplink model can extend coverage over a greater distance while using less energy than the single-hop uplink model. This model can be used as a supplement to the LPWAN's uplink communication in the IoT to enhance the network's coverage range and lifetime

    Fast pornographic image recognition using compact holistic features and multi-layer neural network

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    The paper presents an alternative fast pornographic image recognition using compact holistic features and multi-layer neural network (MNN). The compact holistic features of pornographic images, which are invariant features against pose and scale, is extracted by shape and frequency analysis on pornographic images under skin region of interests (ROIs). The main objective of this work is to design pornographic recognition scheme which not only can improve performances of existing methods (i.e., methods based on skin probability, scale invariant feature transform, eigenporn, and Multilayer-Perceptron and Neuro-Fuzzy (MP-NF)) but also can works fast for recognition. The experimental outcome display that our proposed system can improve 0.3% of accuracy and reduce 6.60% the false negative rate (FNR) of the best existing method (skin probability and eigenporn on YCbCr, SEP), respectively. Additionally, our proposed method also provides almost similar robust performances to the MP-NF on large size dataset. However, our proposed method needs short recognition time by about 0.021 seconds per image for both tested datasets

    Fabrication of nitrate ion sensor based on conductive polyaniline doped with nitrate using thick film technology

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    Nitrate is one of the nutrients that can give an effect on the environment if it is applied in excess. It is also easily soluble in water and it has the potential to be a pollutant in groundwater by the over-process of fertilizer. Therefore, it needs a detected component to give the right measure for nitrate in the soil, called a nitrate ion sensor. It consists of three electrodes configuration, namely, working, counter, and reference electrodes with conductive polyaniline doped with Nitrate (NO₃‾) which is fabricated by thick film technology. In previous research, acidic media was used as a solvent for polyaniline, while this research used water (H2O) solvent. The result of characterization showed that particles were distributed evenly on the sample with the form of particles being small balls with a dimension of 0.18 µm and the percentage of atomic elements being: 91.96 % carbon, 3.14 % nitrogen, and 4.9 % oxygen. The performance of sensors was investigated using potentiostat with four concentrations of nitrate standard solution. The result showed good response with a voltage range in each concentration of nitrate standard solution being 0.5002 Volt (10 mg/l), 1.3552 Volt (20 mg/l), 1.1208 Volt (50 mg/l), and 0.8963 Volt (100 mg/l). It was found that nitrate sensors with nitrate-doped conductive polymer, polyaniline, as the sensitive membrane responded well to detecting nitrate elements in precision farming and the sensitivity showed that for every 1 mg/l concentration in nitrate standard solution, the voltage increases by 0.0007

    Continuous Live-Cell Culture Imaging and Single-Cell Tracking by Computational Lensfree LED Microscopy

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    Continuous cell culture monitoring as a way of investigating growth, proliferation, and kinetics of biological experiments is in high demand. However, commercially available solutions are typically expensive and large in size. Digital inline-holographic microscopes (DIHM) can provide a cost-effective alternative to conventional microscopes, bridging the gap towards live-cell culture imaging. In this work, a DIHM is built from inexpensive components and applied to different cell cultures. The images are reconstructed by computational methods and the data are analyzed with particle detection and tracking methods. Counting of cells as well as movement tracking of living cells is demonstrated, showing the feasibility of using a field-portable DIHM for basic cell culture investigation and bringing about the potential to deeply understand cell motility

    Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Evaluasi Pembelajaran Sebagai Sistem Pendukung Untuk Kriteria Pendidikan IAPS 4.0 LAM-Teknik

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    Evaluasi merupakan tahapan penting untuk mengukur suatu ketercapaian kualitas pelaksanaan. Pada mitra kami, program studi Teknik Elektro Universitas Mataram, terdapat pelaksanaan Tridharma perguruan tinggi salah satunya pelaksanaan pada aspek Pendidikan. Aspek Pendidikan ini mencakup proses pembelajaran untuk mahasiswa dan pengajaran oleh dosen. Dalam implementasinya, mitra telah melakukan pengukuran untuk evaluasi terkait pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan pengajaran dengan menyebar formulir kuisioner menggunakan survei elektronik, dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi layanan terbuka dari google cloud berupa google formulir kami singkat gform. Layanan gform ini mudah untuk digunakan. Dalam menggunakannya, evaluator akan membuat formulir berisikan daftar pertanyaan untuk diisi oleh mahasiswa. Setelah pengisian itu akan dilakukan rekapitulasi dan selanjutnya data akan terhimpun dalam format .xlsx atau .csv. Penggunaan gform sebagai alat bantu cukup efektik, hanya masih terdapat beberapa kebutuhan lainnya yang belum tersedia seperti fitur analisa data berdasarkan data periode waktu tertentu, terdapat potensi terjadi redundansi data karena tidak tersimpan pada sistem manajemen basisdata, dan belum tersedia pilihan analisa data secara statistik untuk kepentingan analisa data lebih lanjut. Karena itu dibutuhkan perangkat lunak lain sebagai alat bantu yang juga bersifat online menyerupai gform tadi, tetapi memiliki use-ability dan fungsionalitas terintegrasi lebih efektif sesuai ekspektasi pengguna. Aplikasi ini yang kami kembangkan berupa sistem informasi berbasis website yang dibangun menggunakan framework Flask-python sebagai kerangka sistem dan relasi manajemen basis data menggunakan MySql. Diperlukan perancangan secara sistematis hingga sistem direalisasikan dengan pendekatan Unified Modelling Language (UML). Aplikasi dengan versi standar ini telah disiapkan untuk digunakan oleh mitra sebagai keluaran dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Sistem aplikasi ini telah digunakan oleh mitra dalam dua kali ujicoba pada evaluasi pembelajaran semester genap 2021/2022 dan semester ganjil 2022/2023. Aplikasi ini mendukung kriteria Pendidikan pada instrument akreditasi 4.0 Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri kluster Teknik Perguruan Tinggi atau LAM-Teknik serta juga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh instansi Pendidikan lain sebagai alat bantu dalam mengukur ketercapaian evaluasi proses pembelajaran. &nbsp

    Diseminasi Long Range (LoRa)Sebagai Perangkat Nirkabel Pada Jaringan Lokal Internet Of Things di SMK 2 Praya Lombok Tengah

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    Internet of Things atau dikenal juga dengan singkatan IoT, merupakan wujud perkembangan teknologi internet yang memungkinkan setiap barang (things) yang dimiliki dapat terhubung ke internet sehingga dapat dikendalikan dari jarak jauh menggunakan smartphone atau bahkan dengan perintah suara. Saat ini pemerintah sedang giat mengembangkan teknologi IoT untuk mendukung penerapan konsep Smart City. Salah satu himbauan pemerintah adalah meminta peran generasi muda khususnya yang berada pada jenjang Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) untuk mengenal, mempelajari dan mengimplementasikan produk IoT yang mampu bersaing pada era globalisasi. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan, para guru dan siswa SMKN 2 Praya Tengah, belum mengerti mengenai IoT. Pengetahuan dan kompetensi IoT juga masih dirasa sangat rendah dikarenakan kurikulum belum secara langsung mengakomodir pada pembelajaran IoT. Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kompetensi di kalangan siswa terutama tentang IoT, diperlukan pelatihan bagi guru dan siswa SMKN 2 Praya Tengah terutama yang memiliki kompetensi Elektronika. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan memberikan ceramah mengenai IoT dan komunikasi LoRa, dilanjutkan dengan pengenalan dan perakitan modul penggunaan LoRa berbasis IoT. Dengan Pelatihan tersebut, para guru dan siswa khususnya kompetensi elektronika, mengerti dan memahami pemanfaatan IoT serta mampu mengimplementasikan IoT menggunakan jaringan komunikasi LoRa.