57 research outputs found

    How E-Wom Influence Purchase Intention Mediated by Trust and Brand Awareness: Case on Generation X in Indonesia

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    nformation spreads rapidly through social media, with a steady increase in social media users in Indonesia each year. This presents an important concern for marketers, particularly in the automotive industry, which has experienced growth in car sales in 2021. Information disseminated between social media users, known as electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM), is believed to have an impact on consumers' purchase intentions. Therefore, this research aims to examine the influence of e-WOM on social media affects the purchase intention of a car in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative research approach with the application of Structural Equation Model (SEM) method. Data collection is conducted with the purposive sampling technique, targeting Generation X respondents in Indonesia who actively use social media and feels interested to buy a car. The questionnaire is distributed via Google Forms, and data analysis is conducted by SPSS 24 and SmartPLS 3. From 119 respondents, trust and brand awareness emerge as the key factors that increase purchase intention for a car in Generation X. Additionally, trust and brand awareness act as mediators between e-WOM and purchase intention, because e-WOM does not directly impact purchase intention. In addition, this study does not provide evidence supporting the moderating role of price. In conclusion, car marketers in Indonesia should effectively manage the spread of e-WOM information on social media platform.s This information has the potential to enhance consumer brand trust and awareness, influencing the emergence of their purchase intentions. Keywords: brand awareness, e-wom, generation x, purchase intention, social medi


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    The intention to use a product is one of the most important factors that must be considered by all companies to be able to make the product attractive and used by people. The purpose of this paper is to analyse, relation between Website Design, Assurance and Customer service towards Intention to adopt internet banking and Customer Service and Brand Image towards Customer Loyalty. A literature review was developed to prove that there are few factors related to intention to adopt internet banking and customer loyalty. Besides, the methodology related to intention to adopt internet banking and customer loyalty allows firms to know which factors are important to increase their customer intention and loyalties. This research proved that web design, customer service have an effect on intention to adopt internet banking and customer service and brand image have an effect on customer loyalty, but in this research, assurance have no effect on intention to adopt internet banking. This article was conducted on 111 respondents which located in DKI Jakarta with age range of under 25 years old to 35 years old. This research only addresses several variables namely Website Design, Assurance, Customer service, intention to adopt internet banking and customer loyalty. This is a replication model of a journal written by Rahi & Ghani (2018), this research conducted specifically on customers of Bank Central Asia (BCA) which helps Bank Central Asia to understand what factors are important to increase their number of customers to adopt their internet banking facility. Keywords: Website Design, Assurance, Customer Service, Brand Image, Intention to use a product and Customer Loyalty

    The Effect of Social Capital and Collaborative Knowledge Creation on E-Business Proactiveness and Organizational Agility in Creating Business Sustainability

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    Social capital is significant for an organization while collaborative knowledge creation and e-business proactiveness support the organization in every business process. This research intends to identify social capital and collaborative knowledge creation in influencing e-business proactiveness and organizational agility in order to obtain business sustainability. This research was conducted in three months on 24 companies from the Financial Services Industry (FSI) sector in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia, involving 155 respondents. The data was analyzed using the SEM-PLS. The results confirm that social capital positively impacts e-business proactiveness and collaborative knowledge creation in the FSI sector. Besides, e-business proactiveness and collaborative knowledge creation demonstrate a positive influence on the FSI’s organizational agility. Then, organizational agility significantly impacts business sustainability, while e-business proactiveness has yet to be proven to increase business sustainability in the FSI sector. The managerial implications of this research can be applied by organizations in developing social capital through social networks such as business partners in order to improve other aspects in creating business sustainability

    Marketing Planning PT. Luxury Indah Jaya "Premium Laundry Service"

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    The presence of a different laundry business service in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta and its surroundings. This business plan offers a special premium laundry service for 4 and 5-star hotels. PT. Luxury Indah Jaya (Luxury Laundry) as a provider of premium laundry services for 4 and 5-star hotels focuses on B2B but still pays attention to the needs of the end user. This marketing plan will be formulated and explained regarding marketing goals and objectives, STP marketing strategy, marketing mix with the NICE approach, sales activities, and calculation of income streams and Investment Feasibility Analysis

    Pengaruh E-Health Literacy Terhadap Kepatuhan Pasien Hipertensi Dalam Menjalani Pengobatan

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    Internet memudahkan banyak orang untuk mengakses informasi, khususnya informasi mengenai kesehatan. Namun demikian, banyaknya informasi yang tersedia harus diikuti dengan kemampuan seseorang untuk bisa memilih dan mengevaluasi kebenaran informasi tersebut. Kemampuan untuk menilai dan mencari informasi kesehatan yang tepat di internet dan menggunakannya dengan benar dikenal sebagai e-Health literacy. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang menganalisis pengaruh eHealth Literacy terhadap kepatuhan pasien melalui komunikasi dokter-pasien, health information seeking behavior dan persepsi kualitas informasi kesehatan. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 220 responden yaitu pasien hipertensi yang berobat ke poliklinik penyakit dalam. Pada penelitian ini teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan program LISREL 8.8. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa eHealth Literacy berpengaruh signifikan terhadap komunikasi dokter-pasien (t-value 6.34), health information seeking behavior (t-value 10.74), dan persepsi kualitas informasi kesehatan ( t-value 11,27). Komunikasi dokter-pasien dan health information seeking behavior berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepatuhan pasien dan memediasi secara parsial pengaruh eHealth Literacy terhadap kepatuhan pasien. Sedangkan persepsi kualitas informasi kesehatan tidak mampu memediasi ehealth literacy terhadap kepatuhan pasien. Manajemen rumah sakit diharapkan agar semakin aktif menambahkan informasi – informasi mengenai kesehatan pada website dan media sosial rumah sakit atau mengadakan live seputar kesehatan mengenai penyakit kronis seperti hipertensi

    Pengaruh Motivasi, Kepemimpinan dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja serta Dampaknya pada Kinerja Karyawan

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    Changes in leaders in an organization are common and will affect all units from the management level to implementation. This is related to the leadership style and organizational culture developed by new leaders, especially in terms of motivating and providing job satisfaction in achieving the best performance. This research is explanatory research that proves a causal relationship between work motivation, transformational leadership, organizational culture, and employee job satisfaction as a mediating variable on employee performance. The study also aims to see whether or not two or more variables have a relationship, and how significant the relationship is and how the relationship is going. In this study, to analyze and find out the significant level, and the relationship between variables, the structural equation model analysis method is used. The results of the study on 385 respondents who were a sample of research in educational foundations that shelter educational institutions from early childhood education to university level that are spread in almost all regions of Indonesia showed the need for special attention to work motivation which did not significantly influence job satisfaction and satisfaction work does not mediate employee performance against motivation, leadership, and organizational culture variables. Other results indicate that the variables of work motivation, organizational culture, and transformational leaders significantly influence employee performance

    The Effect of Customers’ Incivility and Work stress on Job Satisfaction through Burnout

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    The need for public services is currently increasing both in quantity and quality. In public service, employees need high job satisfaction because if they are satisfied with their work, they will be happy to do their duties and obligations to provide good service. Employee job satisfaction is influenced by several factors both from within and from the environment. This study aimed to examine the effect of customers Incivility and work stress on job satisfaction through burnout. This research was conducted on 191 respondents in the office of the Unit of Investment and One-Stop Services in the Kelurahan in DKI Jakarta Province. The survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 191 front office officers working in public service offices. The data were analyzed using the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis technique using Lisrel. The results of the study found that customers Incivility and work stress have a positive and significant effect on burnout. Furthermore, burnout has a negative and significant effect on job satisfaction. This study implies the importance of local government to pay attention to employee burnout aspects in increasing job satisfaction and front office employee performance


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    ABSTRAK Terkait dengan pelayanan administrasi rumah sakit, peneliti tertarik dan mencoba untuk menganalisa bagaimanakah proses administrasi pasien pulang di salah satu  Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah di Indonesia yang merupakan salah satu sarana layanan kesehatan umum milik pemerintah dan menjadi salah satu pusat rujukan  warga  kota sekitarnya. Berdasarkan hasil dari pilot interview dan telaah dokumen diketahui bahwa proses manajemen pasien pulang pada rumah sakit ini rata-rata membutuhkan waktu lebih dari dua jam.  Hal ini belum sesuai dengan standar pelayanan minimal yang ditetapkan oleh keputusan Menteri Kesehatan tentang waktu tunggu administrasi yang harus kurang atau sama dengan 2 jam. Analisa tentang  pengelolaan pasien pulang ini dapat menggambarkan bagaimana kinerja  dari masing-masing unit terkait pada ruang rawat inap yang harus saling berintegrasi dan bersinergi dalam menghasilkan keluaran/output sesuai dengan target hasil dan waktu yang diharapkan.  Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metoda kualitatif berdasarkan wawancara mendalam dengan beberapa informan, telaah dokumen dan pengamatan untuk mencari permasalahan pada rangkaian pelayanan pemulangan pasien rawat inap.  Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa variabel Sumber Daya Manusia, infrastruktur Tehnologi Informasi, Standar Operating Procedur dan faktor dari pasien/keluarga pasien berpengaruh terhadap proses manajemen pasien pulang dan memberi dampak terhadap kepuasan kerja para pegawai dan kepuasan pelanggan sebagai penerima layanan kesehatan. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menganalisa permasalahan yang ada dan meredesain sistem Blueprint alur pelayanan  sistem lama dengan bentuk Blueprint baru yang  lebih efisien dan efektif agar target waktu pelayanan pengelolaan pasien pulang  yang diharapkan dapat tercapai. Kata kunci: Rumah sakit, Service blueprint, Efisiensi Pelayanan ABSTRACT Related to the hospital administrative services,  the researcher is interested in and tried to analyze how the administrative process  of patients discharge in one of the  Regional General Hospital in Indonesia which is one of public health care facilities owned by the government and becomes one of the resident refferal centers in town and its surrounding. Based on the results of the pilot interviews and document analysis, it was found out that the management process of discharge patients  in this hospital took more than two hours in average. This is not in accordance with the minimum standard set by the Minister of Health Decree about the administration of waiting time should be less than or equal to 2 hours. Analysis of the  patient discharge management showed how the performance of each unit related to inpatient rooms must be integrated to each other and worked together to produce the output in accordance with the resulted target and the expected time. This research implemented qualitative method which based on in-depth interviews with informants, document analysis and observations. The results showed that the variables of Human resources, Information technology infrastructure, Standard Operating Procedure and factors of the patient/family influenced the management process of patient discharge and had an impact on job satisfaction of employees and customer satisfaction as recipients of health services. In the recommendation of this study, the researcher analyzed problems occurred and redesigned the old service flow system in the form of a new blueprint with a more efficient and effective system so that targetted-time service for expected patient discharge management is achieved. Keywords: hospital, patient discharge service blueprint,  Service eficiency