25 research outputs found

    Contributions of shape and stiffness to accommodative loss in the ageing human lens: a finite element model assessment

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    Ageing changes to the various components of the accommodative system of the eye lens contribute to the loss of focusing power. The relative contributions of each ageing component, however, are not well defined. This study investigates the contribution of geometric parameters and material properties on accommodation, simulated using models based on human lenses aged 16, 35, and 48 years. Each model was tested using two different sets of material properties and a range of zonular fiber angles and was compared to results from in vivo measurements. The geometries and material parameters of older and younger lens models were interchanged to investigate the role of shape and material on accommodative capacity. Results indicate that geometry has the greater role in accommodation

    To lead in a stressful work life : to prevent, identify and deal with work related stress from an employer perspective

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    Ämnet som studien avser att behandla Ă€r arbetsrelaterad stress. Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka hur chefer inom kommunal sektor förebygger, identifierar och hanterar arbetsrelaterad stress hos sina arbetstagare. Studien Ă€r alltsĂ„ fokuserad mot ett arbetsgivarperspektiv kring omrĂ„det. Empirin samlas in med inspiration frĂ„n ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv och genom kvalitativa intervjuer med en semistrukturerad utformning. Insamling, presentation och diskussion av empirin har utformats med hjĂ€lp av tre genomgĂ„ende teman; förebygga, identifiera och hantera. Studien benade ut i ett enhetligt resultat dĂ€r respondenterna var mycket eniga kring arbetet med arbetsrelaterad stress. Det förebyggande arbetet handlar i stor utstrĂ€ckning om att vara nĂ€rvarande som chef och kunna uppmĂ€rksamma stress i arbetet redan i ett tidigt skede. Identifieringen sker oftast genom att uppmĂ€rksamma beteendeförĂ€ndringar hos arbetstagarna. Slutligen hanteras fallen oftast med handlingsplaner som underlag, men eftersom varje fall Ă€r vĂ€ldigt individuellt behövs dessa modifieras för varje enskilt Ă€rende. Slutsatsen blev att arbetsrelaterad stress Ă€r ett komplext fenomen som för varje enskilt fall behöver anpassas utefter individens situation. Ett nĂ€rvarande ledarskap Ă€r grundlĂ€ggande för att kĂ€nna sina arbetstagare sĂ„ vĂ€l att cheferna lĂ€ttare kan identifiera nĂ€r nĂ„gon av deras arbetstagare Ă€r stressad. Det hĂ€r för att ocksĂ„ förebygga problemet innan det blir ohĂ€lsosamt. Slutsatsen blir vidare att det finns en hel del utmaningar vid hanterandet av arbetsrelaterad stress. Det krĂ€vs ett behjĂ€lpligt HR-stöd i kombination med erfarenheter av att kunna modifiera de handlingsplaner som finns tillgĂ€ngliga. Det finns ocksĂ„ en otydlighet kring vem som bĂ€r ansvaret för den arbetsrelaterade stressen

    Trust Building in the Sharing Economy : How Companies Build Trust between Peers and towards the Platform

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    Purpose With trust being an essential component in the sharing economy, this paper aims to understand how trust is established in practice and which relationships between consumer, supplier and platform specific tools and processes serve.   Problem Previous research has acknowledged the importance of trust but solely investigated single trust-building tools. Instead of presenting a trust construct composed of mechanisms describing their interplay between the three parties involved in the sharing economy, previous scholars have focused their research on the specificities of single tools and processes. With the sharing economy as a recent phenomenon, companies have an interest in investigating the implementation of different mechanisms and their effectiveness.   Method and Methodology This paper adopts a qualitative research approach in which content analysis was applied to group tools and processes and link them to one of the six trust streams between consumer, supplier and the platform. Moreover, the research deductively builds on existing literature by using present theory as a foundation and inductively analyses findings based on collected data.   Findings The findings of this paper reveal a broad spectrum of different trust-building tools and processes. Linking these to one of the specific relationship between the three parties in the sharing economy, this paper concludes that companies emphasize on gaining the consuming peer’s trust both towards the platforms and the supplying peers

    Unwanted clothes, where do they go? : A qualitative study of how young women decide to dispose of their clothes.

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    Konceptet fast fashion har skapat ökade möjligheter för konsumenten att kontinuerligtuppdatera sina klĂ€der i garderoben. Den konstanta rörelsen dĂ€r nya klĂ€der introduceras samtidigt som plagg avyttras bidrar till negativ pĂ„verkan pĂ„ miljö och samhĂ€lle. Ett sĂ€tt förkonsumenten att minska pĂ„frestningarna pĂ„ miljön Ă€r genom att oönskade klĂ€der fĂ„r kommatill fortsatt anvĂ€ndning med hjĂ€lp av metoder som att sĂ€lja och donera. Trots det visar siffror pĂ„ att slĂ€nga klĂ€derna i soporna Ă€r en alltför vanlig avvytringmetod bland konsumenter. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför av största relevans att undersöka vart klĂ€derna tar vĂ€gen efter de har lĂ€mnat garderoben och varför konsumenten gör sig av med dem pĂ„ ett visst sĂ€tt. Tidigare studier kring avyttringsbeteende av klĂ€der Ă€r frĂ€mst av en kvantitativ karaktĂ€r dĂ€r resultatet pekar pĂ„ att den bakomliggande orsaken till valet att avyttra klĂ€der grundar sig pĂ„ plaggets egenskaper. Kring valet av avyttringsmetod pekar tidigare studier istĂ€llet pĂ„ individens egenskaper sĂ„som Ă„lder och intressen. Tidigare forskning tycks dĂ€rmed inte ta hĂ€nsyn till individens relation till det enskilda plagget. Eftersom konsumenter har olika erfarenheter och personligheter kan det således påverka konsumentens syn på hur de värderar det enskilda plagget. Det krävs därför mer kvalitativ forskning till hur denna värderingsprocess går till och vilka faktorer som påverkar konsumentens val av avyttring. Unga kvinnor klassifieras som den konsumentgrupp som vill följa med i modetrenderna och konsumerar dĂ€rmed mest kläder. DĂ€rför kommer denna studie att undersöka mĂ„lgruppen unga kvinnor mellan 20-30 Ă„r. Resultatet ska bidra till en ökad förstĂ„else för unga kvinnors avyttringsbeteende vilket i senare skede kan vara till hjĂ€lp för att frĂ€mja avyttringsmetoder som förlĂ€nger plaggets livslĂ€ngd. Studien grundar sig pĂ„ en kvalitativ metod dĂ€r tolv semistrukturerade intervjuer ligger tillgrund för empirin. Materialet frĂ„n intervjuerna analyserades med hjĂ€lp av en modell som beskriver olika faktorer vilket leder fram till konsumentens avyttringsbeslut och alternativ. Resultatet visade pĂ„ hur unga kvinnors avyttringsbeslut pĂ„verkades av den kĂ€nslomĂ€ssiga relationen mellan Ă€garen och plagget. Relationen kännetecknas bland annat hur vĂ€l klädesplagget stämmer överens med individens självbild och identitet samt klädesplaggets sentimentala vĂ€rde, sĂ„som att plagget prĂ€glar en betydelsefull hĂ€ndelse i konsumentens liv eller tilldelats som en gĂ„va. Ett avyttringsbeslut påverkas även av plaggets inköpspris, skick och anvĂ€ndbarhet. Konsumentens situation sĂ„som tid eller upplevd anstrĂ€gning pĂ„verkade Ă€ven avyttringsbeslutet. Vidare har samhĂ€llet en signifikant roll dĂ€r information och tillgĂ€nglighet av olika avyttringslaternativ pĂ„verkar hur konsumenten avyttrar sina klĂ€der. De metoder som framhĂ€vs i resultatet vid avyttring Ă€r sĂ€lja, donera, dela och slĂ€nga. Valet av metod grundar sig dels pĂ„ externa faktorer som berör infrastruktur, dels interna faktorer som berör produkten och konsumenten men ocksĂ„ relationen mellan individen och plagget. Förslag pĂ„ vidare forskning Ă€r att studera fler typer av produktkategorier.  The concept of fast fashion has created increased opportunities for consumers to continuously update their clothes in the wardrobe. The constant movement where new clothes are introduced at the same time as garments are disposed contributes to a negative impact on the environment and society. One way for consumers to reduce the impact on the environment is by allowing unwanted clothing to continue to be used using methods such as selling and donating. Nevertheless, numbers show that throwing clothes in the trash is a far too common method by consumers. Therefore it is out of utmost relevance to examine where the clothes go and why they are disposed in a certain way after they have left the wardrobe. Previous studies on disposal behaviour of clothing is mainly of a quantitative nature where the results show that the underlying reason for the choice to dispose of clothes is based on the garment’s properties. Regarding the choice of disposal method, previous studies point instead to the individual's characteristics such as age and interests. Previous studies do not seem to take into account the individual's relationship to the individual garment. Since consumers have different experiences and personalities, it can affect the consumer's view of how they value the individual garment. More qualitative research is therefore needed on how this valuation process works and what factors influence the consumer's choice of disposition. Young women are classified as the consumer group that wants to follow fashion trends and consume the most clothes. Therefore, this study will examine the target group of young women between 20-30 years. The result will contribute to an increased understanding of young women's disposal behavior, which at a later stage can be helpful in promoting disposal methods that prolongs the life of the garment. The study is based on a qualitative method where twelve semi-structured interviews form the basis of the empirical data. The material from the interviews was analyzed using a model that describes various factors, which leads to the consumer's disposal decisions and alternatives. The results showed how young women's disposal decisions were affected by the emotional relationship between the owner and the garment. The relationship is characterized by, among other things, how well the garment matches the individual's self-image and identity and the sentimental value of the garment, such as that the garment marks a significant event in the consumer’s life or is a gift. A disposal decision is also affected by the garment's purchase price, quality, condition, and usability. The consumer's situation such as time or perceived effort affected the disposal decision as well. Furthermore, society has a significant role where information and availability of various disposal alternatives affect how the consumer disposes of her clothes. The methods of disposal that are highlighted in the result are sell, donate, share and throw away. The choice of method is partly based on external factors that refer to infrastructure, partly internal factors that refer to the product and the consumer, but also the relationship between the individual and the garment. Suggestions for further research are to study more types of product categories.

    Presbyopic Surgery

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    The Accommodation of Lens Implants

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