1,987 research outputs found

    Die wese van godsdienssin - ’n empiriese studie

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    In this article the following issues concerning the essence of religiosity are considered: faith, trust, decision making, knowledge of principles, commitment, direction, hope, peace, meaning and security. The respondents used in this study were politicians, businessmen and teacher educators from all sectors and regions of South Africa. Higher order factor analysis and item analysis were used to evaluate the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Subsequently differential differences were investigated by applying Hotelling's T-square test followed by the Student t-test as well as Multivariate Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Scheffe. Significant differences in the degree of religiosity were found between language and religious groups, as well as between respondents with different educational qualifications and between those living in urban and rural areas. Ministers of religion should note that it is essential to guide believers to a greater commitment and to the religious seeking of meaning and peace. The correct knowledge of and insight into the essence of religiosity will lead to attaining this goal

    Patch behaviour and predictability properties of modelled finite-amplitude sand ridges on the inner shelf

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    The long-term evolution of shoreface-connected sand ridges is investigated with a nonlinear spectral model which governs the dynamics of waves, currents, sediment transport and the bed level on the inner shelf. Wave variables are calculated with a shoaling-refraction model instead of using a parameterisation. The spectral model describes the time evolution of amplitudes of known eigenmodes of the linearised system. Bottom pattern formation occurs if the transverse bottom slope of the inner shelf, β, exceeds a critical value β<sub>c</sub>. For fixed model parameters the sensitivity of the properties of modelled sand ridges to changes in the number (<i>N</i>−1) of resolved subharmonics (of the initially fastest growing mode) is investigated. For any <i>N</i> the model shows the growth and subsequent saturation of the height of the sand ridges. The saturation time scale is several thousands of years, which suggests that observed sand ridges have not reached their saturated stage yet. The migration speed of the ridges and the average longshore spacing between successive crests in the saturated state differ from those in the initial state. Analysis of the potential energy balance of the ridges reveals that bed slope-induced sediment transport is crucial for the saturation process. In the transient stage the shoreface-connected ridges occur in patches. The overall characteristics of the bedforms (saturation time, final maximum height, average longshore spacing, migration speed) hardly vary with <i>N</i>. However, individual time series of modal amplitudes and bottom patterns strongly depend on <i>N</i>, thereby implying that the detailed evolution of sand ridges can only be predicted over a limited time interval. Additional experiments show that the critical bed slope β<sub>c</sub> increases with larger offshore angles of wave incidence, larger offshore wave heights and longer wave periods, and that the corresponding maximum height of the ridges decreases whilst the saturation time increases

    Моделювання динамічних силових характеристик плунжерних токарних патронів з компенсаторами відцентрових сил

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    Efficient energy transfer was demonstrated in the SrF2:Eu2+, Pr3+ phosphor synthesized by the co-precipitation method. Results obtained with X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray spectroscopy (XPS), photoluminescence (PL) and decay curves proposed the UV-Vis energy transfer process. The energy transfer process between the Eu2+ and Pr3+ ions in SrF2 was investigated to evaluate the potential of the Eu2+ ion as a sensitizer for the Pr3+ ion. The results proposed that Eu2+ could be a good sensitizer for absorbing the UV photons and efficiently enhancing the Pr3+ emission intensity. The energy transfer process was effective until concentration quenching for the Pr3+ ions occurred. The concentration quenching was attributed to cross-relaxation between the Pr3+ ions. (C) 2016 Author(s).Funding Agencies|South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Technology; National Research Foundation of South Africa; National Research Foundation (NRF); Cluster program of the University of the Free State</p

    Concatenated permutation block codes based on set partitioning for substitution and deletion error-control

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    A new class of permutation codes is presented where, instead of considering one permutation as a codeword, codewords consist of a sequence of permutations. The advantage of using permutations, i.e. their favourable symbol diversity properties, is preserved. Additionally, using sequences of permutations as codewords, code rates close to the optimum rate can be achieved. Firstly, the complete set of permutations is divided into subsets by using set partitioning. Binary data is then mapped to permutations from these subsets. These permutations, together with a parity permutation, will form the codeword. Two constructions will be presented: one capable of detecting and correcting substitution errors and the other capable of detecting and correcting either substitution or deletion errors

    Pertinent Dirac structure for QCD sum rules of meson-baryon coupling constants

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    Using general baryon interpolating fields JBJ_B for B=N,Ξ,Σ,B= N, \Xi, \Sigma, without derivative, we study QCD sum rules for meson-baryon couplings and their dependence on Dirac structures for the two-point correlation function with a meson i\int d^4x e^{iqx} \bra 0|{\rm T}[J_B(x)\bar{J}_B(0)] |{\cal M}(p)\ket. Three distinct Dirac structures are compared: iγ5i\gamma_5, i\gamma_5\fslash{p}, and γ5σμνqμpν\gamma_5\sigma_{\mu\nu}q^\mu p^\nu structures. From the dependence of the OPE on general baryon interpolating fields, we propose criteria for choosing an appropriate Dirac structure for the coupling sum rules. The γ5σμνqμpν\gamma_5\sigma_{\mu\nu}q^\mu p^\nu sum rules satisfy the criteria while the iγ5i\gamma_5 sum rules beyond the chiral limit do not. For the i\gamma_5\fslash{p} sum rules, the large continuum contributions prohibit reliable prediction for the couplings. Thus, the γ5σμνqμpν\gamma_5\sigma_{\mu\nu}q^\mu p^\nu structure seems pertinent for realistic predictions. In the SU(3) limit, we identify the OPE terms responsible for the F/DF/D ratio. We then study the dependence of the ratio on the baryon interpolating fields. We conclude the ratio F/D0.60.8F/D \sim 0.6-0.8 for appropriate choice of the interpolating fields.Comment: To be published in Phys.Rev.C ; 21 pages,8 figures, revtex ; references are adde

    Synthesis of polyol based Ag/Pd nanocomposites for applications in catalysis

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    The synthesis of polyvinylpyrrolidone seed mediated Ag/Pd allied nanobimetallic particles was successfully carried out by the simultaneous reduction of the metal ions in ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, glycerol, pentaerythritol and sodium borohydride solution. The optical measurement revealed the existence of peak broadening that causes diffusion processes of the metal sols to decrease making it possible to monitor the changes spectrophotometrically. This, together with X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high resolution TEM measurements strongly support the conclusion that intimately alloyed clusters were formed and the particle growth anisotropy is diffusion limited. Finally, the catalytic potential of the nanocomposites was investigated using 4-nitrophenol in the presence of sodium borohydride at 299 K; a good linear fitting of ln (A/A0) versus the reaction time was obtained, indicating pseudo-first-order kinetic

    Strangeness in the Scalar Form Factor of the Nucleon

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    The scalar form factor of the nucleon and related physical quantities are investigated in the framework of the semibosonized SU(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio soliton model. We take into account the rotational 1/Nc1/N_c corrections and linear msm_s corrections. The strangeness content of the nucleon in the scalar form factor is discussed in detail. In particular, it is found that the msm_s corrections play an essential role of reducing the NsˉsN\langle N | \bar{s} s | N \rangle arising from the leading order and rotational 1/Nc1/N_c contributions. We obtain the \sigma_{\pi N} (0)=40.80\;\mbox{MeV}, \Delta \sigma = \sigma_{\pi N} (2m^{2}_{\pi})-\sigma_{\pi N} (0) = 18.18\;\mbox{MeV} and \langle r^2\rangle^{S}_{N} = 1.50\;\mbox{fm}^2. The results are in a remarkable agreement with empirical data analyzed by Gasser, Leutwyler, and Sainio~\cite{gls}.Comment: 13 pages, RevTex is used. 3 figures as uufiles are include