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    O artigo apresentado eĢ dedicado ao desenvolvimento da competeĢ‚ncia comunicativa de estudantes de instituicĢ§oĢƒes de ensino superior no processo de formacĢ§aĢƒo profissional. Com base nos trabalhos de pesquisadores como B.G. Ananiev, A.A. Bodalev, V.A. Kan-Kalik, E.D. Bozhovich, L.A. Petrovskaya, I.A. Zimnyaya, etc., os autores definiram mais exatamente o conteuĢdo do conceito ā€œcompeteĢ‚ncia comunicativa de alunos de uma instituicĢ§aĢƒo de ensino superiorā€, sistematizaram seus criteĢrios e indicadores (Bakholskaya, 2017; Bakholskaya, 2019; Bakholskaya, 2018; Bakholskaya, 2019; Zimnyaya 2003). O artigo tambeĢm apresenta aos autores um complexo de condicĢ§oĢƒes pedagoĢgicas, que garantem o desenvolvimento da competeĢ‚ncia comunicativa de estudantes universitaĢrios no processo de formacĢ§aĢƒo profissional. O complexo inclui os seguintes componentes: envolvimento dos alunos em um ambiente comunicativo educacional intensivo; criacĢ§aĢƒo de situacĢ§oĢƒes comunicativas com base em problemas educacionais (profissionais), garantindo a formacĢ§aĢƒo da competeĢ‚ncia comunicativa dos alunos; organizacĢ§aĢƒo de vaĢrios tipos de interacĢ§aĢƒo em grupo entre professor e alunos, com base na aplicacĢ§aĢƒo de meĢtodos, teĢcnicas e tecnologias interativas. O artigo tambeĢm apresenta os resultados do trabalho experimental, que confirmou a efetividade do complexo desenvolvido de condicĢ§oĢƒes pedagoĢgicas, garantindo o desenvolvimento da competeĢ‚ncia comunicativa dos alunos no processo de formacĢ§aĢƒo profissional.The presented article is devoted to the development of communicative competence of students of higher educational institutions in the process of their professional training. Based on the works of such researchers as B.G. Ananiev, A.A. Bodalev, V.A. Kan-Kalik, E.D. Bozhovich, L.A. Petrovskaya, I.A. Zimnyaya, etc., the authors defined more exactly the content of the concept ā€œcommunicative competence of students of a higher educational institutionā€, systematized its criteria and indicators (Bakholskaya, 2017; Bakholskaya, 2019; Bakholskaya, 2018; Bakholskaya, 2019; Zimnyaya, 2003). The article also presents the authors complex of pedagogical conditions, which ensure the development of communicative competence of university students in the process of their professional training. The complex includes the following components: involvement of students in an intensive educational communicative environment; creation of communicative situations on the basis of educational (professional) problems, ensuring the formation of studentsā€™ communicative competence; organization of various types of group interaction between the teacher and students, based on the application of interactive methods, techniques and technologies. The article also presents the results of experimental work, which has confirmed the effectiveness of the developed complex of pedagogical conditions, ensuring the development of students' communicative competence in the process of their professional training.    El artiĢculo presentado estaĢ dedicado al desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes de instituciones de educacioĢn superior en el proceso de su formacioĢn profesional. Basado en los trabajos de investigadores como B.G. Ananiev, A.A. Bodalev, V.A. Kan-Kalik, E.D. Bozhovich, L.A. Petrovskaya, I.A. Zimnyaya, etc., los autores definieron maĢs exactamente el contenido del concepto "competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes de una institucioĢn de educacioĢn superior", sistematizaron sus criterios e indicadores (Bakholskaya, 2017; Bakholskaya, 2019; Bakholskaya, 2018; Bakholskaya, 2019; Zimnyaya , 2003). El artiĢculo tambieĢn presenta a los autores un complejo de condiciones pedagoĢgicas, que aseguran el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes universitarios en el proceso de su formacioĢn profesional. El complejo incluye los siguientes componentes: participacioĢn de los estudiantes en un ambiente educativo comunicativo intensivo; creacioĢn de situaciones comunicativas sobre la base de problemas educativos (profesionales), asegurando la formacioĢn de la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes; OrganizacioĢn de varios tipos de interaccioĢn grupal entre el profesor y los alumnos, basados en la aplicacioĢn de meĢtodos, teĢcnicas y tecnologiĢas interactivas. El artiĢculo tambieĢn presenta los resultados del trabajo experimental, que ha confirmado la efectividad del complejo desarrollado de condiciones pedagoĢgicas, asegurando el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes en el proceso de su formacioĢn profesional

    Cost-Effectiveness of Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Adolescent Girls in Russian Federation

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    The human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is one of the major risk factor of development of genital warts, a cervical dysplasia, a cervicalĀ cancer, and also some other oncologic diseases. The usageĀ  of quadrivalent HPV vaccine in girls reduces the corresponding caseĀ  rateĀ and the mortality significantly.The objective of this study is to analyze the cost-effectiveness of quadrivalent HPV vaccination cases ofĀ 12-year-old girls in Russian Federation.Methods. A Markov model is used on the basis of epidemiological data in Russian Federation. InĀ base case the cost-effectiveness wasĀ  estimated from societal perspective. We assumed that the effect ofĀ  vaccination remains throughoutĀ all life. The analysis is performed for survival of 12-year-old girls. We considered only effect in theĀ  vaccinated population. Costs forĀ therapy of the diseases associatedĀ  with HPV infection corresponded to compulsory health insuranceĀ  rates across St. Petersburg for 2017.Ā Costs and life expectancy have been discounted for 3.5% a year.Results. Quadrivalent HPV vaccination of 12-year-old girls in RussianĀ Federation will allow to prevent counting on 100 000 theĀ  vaccinated persons 2918 cases of genital warts, 5095 cases ofĀ  cervical dysplasia,Ā 893 cases of invasive cervical cancer, 56 cases ofĀ  vulvar cancer, 18 cases of vaginal cancer, 13 cases of anal cancer, 7Ā  casesĀ of oropharyngeal cancer. The vaccination will provide costĀ  reduction, caused by HPV-associated diseases, for 453.9 millionĀ  rubles onĀ 100 000 vaccinated, and 86.5% of the predicted prevented costs will be caused by decrease in incidence of cervical cancer, 9%Ā  ā€” cervicalĀ dysplasia, 2.9% ā€” genital warts. The quadrivalent HPV vaccination is associated with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) ofĀ 247 560 rubles per quality adjusted life-year (QALY) andĀ  334 200 rubles per life-year gained (LYG). Thus, in both cases, costĀ  effectivenessĀ of rotavirus vaccination per 1 QALY will not exceed theĀ  generally accepted threshold willingness-to-pay equal to three timesĀ  the grossĀ domestic product in Russia (2016 ā€” 1.76 million RUB).Conclusions. Quadrivalent HPV vaccination of girls prior to the beginning of sexĀ life could be considered in Russian Federation as an economically effective technology for preventing HPV-associated diseases

    The Institutional Foundations of the Digital Economy in the 21st Century/ Elena G. Popkova, Artem Krivtsov, Aleksei V. Bogoviz.

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    In English.The development of the Digital Economy has been a landmark breakthrough for economic systems in the 21st century, as it opens up opportunities for the full-scale implementation of new digital technologies and the optimization of economic activities. While the conceptual essence and specific features of the digital economy are described in detail in the existing literature, the practical foundations of its formation are poorly studied. In this book, the digital economy is studied from the perspective of neo-institutional economic theory. This allows for the tracking of the process of formation (institutionalization) of the digital economy, determining the basic institutions that are necessary for its formation and that exist in modern economic practice, and analyzing scenarios for the future development of the digital economy in the 21st century.Frontmatter -- Contents -- Digital Economy in the 21 Century: An Introduction to the Institutional Approach -- Part I: The Scientific Concept of the Digital Economy in the 21st Century -- 1 Digital Economy as a Modern Type of Economic System -- 2 ā€œDigitalizationā€- Overcoming Institutional Barriers -- 3 Development of the Information Technologies Sector in Latvia under Globalization -- 4 The Principles of Functioning and Priorities of Development of the Digital Economy -- 5 Classification of Breakthrough Digital Technologies and the Perspectives of Their Application in Economy -- Part II: The Process of Digital Economy Institutionalization in the 21st Century -- 6 The Essence and Logic of the Process of Sectorial Markets' Digital Transformation -- 7 The Current Tendencies of Economy Digitalization in Developed and Developing Countries -- 8 The Main Stages of the Digital Modernization of Economy -- 9 Implementation of Cluster Initiatives in the Digital Sphere as a Tool of Digital Entrepreneurship's Institutionalization -- 10 Institutions of Support for Digital Entrepreneurship: Special Economic Zones, Innovative Networks and Technological Parks -- Part III: Meso-Level Institutions of the Digital Economy in the 21st Century -- 11 Digitalization of Regional Economy: Problems and Perspectives -- 12 The Institutional Model of the Digital Economy Creation in a Modern Region -- 13 Managing a Modern Region Based on Digital Technologies -- Part IV: Macro-Level Institutions of the Digital Economy in the 21st Century -- 14 State Institutional Regulation of Economy Digital Modernization -- 15 The Role of Financial Institutions in Supporting the Digital Economy -- 16 Digital Economy of the 21st Century: A View from the Positions of Developed and Developing Countries -- Part V: The Global Institutions of the Digital Economy in the 21st Century -- 17 International Trade in the Digital Sphere: Barriers and Prospects for Development -- 18 The Existing and Perspective International Institutions for Supporting Digital Transformation of Economy -- 19 The Scientific and Methodological Approach to Provision and Evaluation of the Digital Economy's Global Competitiveness -- 20 The Strategy of Optimal Development of the Digital Economy: A View from the Positions of Game Theory -- 21 The Institutional Model of Well-Balanced and Sustainable Digital Economy -- 22 The Institutional Mechanism of Managing the Digital Economy's Development -- Part VI: Case Studies of Institutions of the Digital Economy in the 21st Century -- 23 Problems and Prospects of Economic Cooperation Between Russia and Mexico -- 24 Innovative Critical Success Factors for Public - Private Partnerships (PPP) in Infrastructure Projects of Developing Countries. A Case of Zambia -- 25 Prediction Mechanism of the Territorial Socio-Economic Processes in Formation of the Information Systems -- 26 Specific Economic Security Regulations in the Context of Pathological Crises of Digital Transformation of Agricultural Organizations -- Conclusion: Institutional Perspectives of the Digital Economy's Development in the 21st Century -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Index.1 online resource (XI, 258 p.)