79 research outputs found

    Om yrkeskompetanse for tilpasset opplÊring - begrepsparene "Äpen og skjult tilpasset opplÊring" og "smÄ og store metoder"

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    Tilpasset opplĂŠring er et bĂŠrende prinsipp i norsk skole. Det er et mangetydig begrep uten klar forskningsmessig enighet om forstĂ„else og anvendelse, og forskning har vist at det representerer en utfordring for lĂŠrere i skolen. Med utgangspunktet i mitt treĂ„rige FoU-prosjekt presenterer jeg i denne artikkelen to begrepspar som kan gi et viktig bidrag til forstĂ„elsen og operasjonaliseringen av tilpasset opplĂŠring i grunnskolen og ogsĂ„ for studenter i deres utvikling fra Ă„ vĂŠre perifere deltagere i praksisfellesskapet til Ă„ bli noviser og siden mestere i eget fag. Metaforene â€Ă„pen og skjult tilpasset opplĂŠring” og ”smĂ„ og store metoder” er utviklet gjennom analyse og tolkning av mine data fra prosjektet. Med utgangspunkt i teori vil begrepene bli belyst gjennom mĂžte ĂžvingslĂŠrerne de fiktive navn Sofia, Lars og Ingrid

    Knowing Your Population: Privacy-Sensitive Mining of Massive Data

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    Location and mobility patterns of individuals are important to environmental planning, societal resilience, public health, and a host of commercial applications. Mining telecommunication traffic and transactions data for such purposes is controversial, in particular raising issues of privacy. However, our hypothesis is that privacy-sensitive uses are possible and often beneficial enough to warrant considerable research and development efforts. Our work contends that peoples behavior can yield patterns of both significant commercial, and research, value. For such purposes, methods and algorithms for mining telecommunication data to extract commonly used routes and locations, articulated through time-geographical constructs, are described in a case study within the area of transportation planning and analysis. From the outset, these were designed to balance the privacy of subscribers and the added value of mobility patterns derived from their mobile communication traffic and transactions data. Our work directly contrasts the current, commonly held notion that value can only be added to services by directly monitoring the behavior of individuals, such as in current attempts at location-based services. We position our work within relevant legal frameworks for privacy and data protection, and show that our methods comply with such requirements and also follow best-practice

    A Review of Subjective Values and Their Implications for Green IS Research

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    Green Information Systems (IS) are defined in terms of certain sustainability-related characteristics. Sustainability itself is a concept based on subjective values and value judgments, which are political, value-laden, and context-dependent. However, Green IS literature does not provide a sufficient understanding of such subjective values nor their treatment. Also, value-judgments for Green IS have hardly been considered. We adapt material value-ethics to expose the fundamentals of subjective values. Reviewing and synthesizing work in which subjective values and value judgments have been explicitly considered in sustainability decision-making, we improve our understanding of their use and formalization. Finally, we discuss our findings through the lens of material-value ethics, and offer reflective arguments towards clarifying the role of values in Green IS. The paper contributes to a deeper understanding of subjective values and subjective value judgments for sustainability, along with their critical and significant implications for Green IS research

    Stamming og yrkesvalg : en kvalitativ undersÞkelse om stamming pÄvirker valg av yrke

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    Masteroppgave i logopedi - Universitetet i Nordland, BodĂž, 201

    Norges beredskapslovgivning i krisesituasjoner

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    Oppgaven ser pÄ om Norges kriseberedskapslovgivning og forslaget til ny sektorovergripende krisefullmaktslov i NOU 2019:13 ivaretar hensynene til effektivitet og kontroll, samt rettstat, demokrati og menneskerettigheter. Oppgaven ser ogsÄ pÄ prosessen rundt vedtakelsen av den midlertidige koronaloven, og hvordan en sektorovergripende krisefullmaktslov hadde pÄvirket hÄndteringen av koronapandemien


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    To improve the academic integrity of online examination, digital proctoring systems have been implemented in higher education worldwide, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper, we conducted a literature review of the research on digital proctoring in higher education. We found 115 relevant publications in nine databases. We applied topic modeling methods to analyze the corpus which resulted in eight topics. The review shows that the previous studies focus largely on the systems’ development, adoption of the systems, the effects of proctored online exams on students’ performance, and the legal, ethical, security, and privacy issues of digital proctoring. The annual topic trends indicate future research concerns, such as systems’ development, online programs (MOOCs) and proctoring, along with various issues of using digital proctoring. The results of the review provide useful insights as well as implications for future research on digital proctoring, a crucial process for digitalizing higher education

    How can a factor like “off-market”-sales affect real estate agents role in a sale? Eiendomsmegling vĂ„ren 2018

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    Bachelor i eiendomsmeglingI denne bacheloroppgaven tar vi for oss en eiendomsmeglers rolle i et salg uten annonsering, “off market”. Dette er et tema som er spennende Ă„ belyse fordi det gjerne blir fremstilt negativt i media. Dette er en salgsform som ikke er ulovlig, men kan ved visse tilfeller by pĂ„ noen utfordringer, og en bĂžr trĂ„ varsomt. Det er nettopp derfor vi Ăžnsket Ă„ se pĂ„ hvordan meglers rolle kan bli pĂ„virket ved et “off market”-salg. FormĂ„let med oppgaven er Ă„ kunne fĂ„ synspunkter og svar pĂ„ hvordan fagfolk, samt selgere og kjĂžpere mener at meglere bĂžr opptre i et slikt salg. Vi Ăžnsker spesielt Ă„ se pĂ„ hvordan tilliten og troverdigheten til megler eventuelt kan svekkes. Det av den grunn at dette er sentrale begrep nĂ„r det kommer til meglers rolle i et eiendomssalg. Vi har valgt Ă„ forske pĂ„ temaet ved Ă„ bruke bĂ„de kvalitativ og kvantitativ metode. Vi har utarbeidet kvantitative spĂžrreundersĂžkelser for selgere og kjĂžpere, samt gjennomfĂžrt semistrukturerte dybdeintervjuer med et betinget utvalg av fagfolk, eiendomsmeglere, Finanstilsynet og Norges Eiendomsmeglingsforbund (Heretter omtales som NEF). Forskningsdesignet tar for seg aktĂžrenes egne perspektiver, opplevelser og forstĂ„elseshorisont, og har bidratt til struktur og retning for forskningsarbeidet. Funnene i undersĂžkelsene vĂ„re er blitt drĂžftet og analysert i forhold til de teoretiske begrepene i oppgaven. Vi tar utgangspunkt i Eiendomsmeglingsloven, spesielt kapittel 1 og 6 (eiendomsmeglingsloven, 2007). De teoretiske aspektene vi har tatt med i oppgaven vil vi bruke som et verktĂžy nĂ„r vi analyserer resultatene vĂ„re. I kapittel 4 i oppgaven tar vi for oss resultatene fra undersĂžkelsene, og analyserer dem. Gjennom analysen tar vi utgangspunkt i de teoretiske momentene og bruker den metodiske strukturen for Ă„ finne svar. Vi finner svarene ved Ă„ dele inn kapittelet i en kvantitativ del og en kvalitativ del. Vi presenterer resultatene i henholdsvis sĂžylediagram hentet fra resultatene fra spĂžrreundersĂžkelsen, og utdrag av informantenes svar i dybdeintervjuene. Dette bruker vi til Ă„ se sammenhenger mellom den teorien vi allerede kjenner og de funnene vi gjĂžr. Med bakgrunn i teori, datainnsamling og analyse kan vi konkludere med at en eiendomsmeglers rolle overfor begge parter lettere kan bli pĂ„virket i et "off market"-salg. Dette av flere grunner; i den kvalitative analysen vĂ„r kommer det klart fram at dette gjerne er pĂ„ grunn av den nĂŠre relasjonen en megler fĂ„r til oppdragsgiver. Det kommer ogsĂ„ tydelig frem at et salg uten annonsering vil kunne fĂžre til negative konsekvenser hvis man ikke trĂ„r varsomt. Dette med bakgrunn i god meglerskikk, som kan utfordres i et "off market"-salg i fĂžlge vĂ„re resultater. Dette gĂ„r utover tillit til megler og tryggheten en oppdragsgiver og motpart bĂžr fĂ„. Disse resultatene ser vi i den kvantitative analysen. Vi ser tendenser til en skepsis blant kjĂžpere/selgere med bakgrunn i at de tror en megler kan utnytte situasjonen, samt at meglers opptreden vil endres. Det kom ogsĂ„ frem i vĂ„r analyse at flertallet mener at en eiendomsmegler ikke klarer Ă„ sette en pris som samsvarer med markedsprisen. PĂ„ den andre siden kan vi se tendenser bĂ„de i den kvalitative undersĂžkelsen og noen svar i den kvantitative, at megler ikke blir pĂ„virket eller i sĂ„ fall positivt. Dette av den grunn at megler blir ekstra skjerpet til Ă„ gjĂžre en god jobb, og i tillegg oppnĂ„r god tillit og viser faglig kompetanse i prosessen overfor partene. Dette er likevel ikke en del av hovedvekten i resultatene og konklusjonen. Vi peker pĂ„ det for Ă„ vise at dette ogsĂ„ er en del av resultatene vĂ„re.Engelsk sammendrag (Abstract) In this bachelor assignment, we are going to talk about a real estate agent's role in a sale without advertising, called "off market". This theme is exciting to work on because the media present this negatively. This is a form of sale that is “not illegal”, but can cause some challenges and real estate agents need to be extra careful. That is exactly why we want to look at how a real estate agents role, can be affected by an "off market" sale. The purpose of the assignment is to be able to get different opinions and answers on how professionals, as well as sellers and buyers, believe how a real estate agent should act in such sales. We particularly want to look at how trust and credibility can be challenges by this type of sale. We have chosen to research this topic using both qualitative and quantitative methods. We have prepared quantitative surveys for sellers and buyers, as well as we conducted semistructured interviews with real estate agents, Finanstilsynet and Norges Eiendomsmeglingsforbund (NEF). The results we found in our surveys has been discussed and analyzed in relation to our theory. Our assignment is based on chapter one and six in the law of real estate (Eiendomsmeglingsloven 2007). The theoretical aspects we have included in the assignment will be used as a tool when we analyze our results. In Chapter 4 of this assignment, we take the results of the surveys and analyze them. We find the answers by dividing the chapter into a quantitative part and a qualitative part. We present the quantitative results in the bar graph, and the qualitative results is presented through a text, with extracts from the results. We use this to see the connection between the theory we already have and the findings we make. Based on our theory, data collection and analysis, we can conclude that a real estate agent's role towards both parties can be more easily affected in an “off market”-sale. This for several reasons; In our qualitative analysis it becomes clear that this is because of the close relationship a real estate agent gets to the client. It is also clear that a sale without advertising could lead to negative consequences if you do not act carefully. This is based on “god meglerskikk”, which can be challenged in off-market sales according to our results. These results can we see in the quantitative analysis. We see tendencies of skepticism among buyers / sellers, believing that a real estate agent can exploit the situation and that the behavior of a real estate agent will change. It was also stated in our analysis that the majority believe that a real estate agent is unable to set a price that matches the market price. On the other hand, we can see trends both in the qualitative survey and some responses in the quantitative, that the real estate agent is not affected, and in that case positive. This for the reason that the real estate agent becomes more ready for doing a good job. In addition, he gains good faith and shows professional competence in the process towards the parties. This, however, is not a part of the main emphasis in the results and the conclusion. We just wanted to show that this is also a part of our results

    Quality of obstetric care in the sparsely populated sub-arctic area of Norway 2009-2011

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    Background: It is challenging to obtain high quality obstetric care in a sparsely populated area. In the subarctic region of Norway, significant distances, weather conditions and seasonable darkness have called for a decentralized care model. We aimed to explore the quality of this care. Methods: A retrospective study employing data (2009–11) from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway was initiated. Northern Norwegian and Norwegian figures were compared. Midwife administered maternity units, departments at local and regional specialist hospitals were compared. National registry data on post-caesarean wound infection (2009–2010) was added. Quality of care was measured as rate of multiple pregnancies, caesarean section, post-caesarean wound infection, Apgar score < 7, birth weight < 2.5 kilos, perineal rupture, stillbirth, eclampsia, pregnancy induced diabetes and vacuum or forceps assisted delivery. There were 15,586 births in 15 delivery units. Results: Multiple pregnancies were less common in northern Norway (1.3 vs. 1.7%) (P = 0.02). Less use of vacuum (6.6% vs. 8.3%) (P = 0.01) and forceps (0.9% vs 1.7%) (P < 0.01) assisted delivery was observed. There was no difference with regard to pregnancy induced diabetes, caesarean section, stillbirth, Apgar score < 7 and eclampsia. A significant difference in birth weight < 2.5 kilos (4.7% vs. 5.0%) (P < 0.04) and perineal rupture grade 3 and 4 (1.5% vs. 2.3%) (P < 0.02) were revealed. The post-caesarean wound infection rate was higher (10.5% vs. 7.4%) (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Northern Norway had an obstetric care of good quality. Birth weight, multiple pregnancies and post-caesarean wound infection rates should be further elucidated
