26 research outputs found

    Deconstruction of Gendered Dialogues in English Language Students Textbook for Grade 12 Senior High School

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    Education plays a significant role in maintaining or deconstructing patriarchal gender constructions in society. Within this ambivalent arena, this study aimed to analyze the representation of gender constructions in a textbook for grade 12 Indonesian EFL students published by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia in 2018. The textual analysis proposed by McKee is used to analyze the data. Language functions attributed to the two genders are used as the parameters to find their feminine or masculine depiction based on Lakoff (1973) and Coates (2013) combined with Millet’s Sexual Politics. The study revealed that the textbook shows gender deconstructions towards language functions used in female-only, male-only and mixed sex dialogues. The deconstruction of the stereotypes can be seen from the presence of feminine traits in male characters, such as asking for information and producing more phatic and expressive utterances than females. In contrast, female characters are depicted to be dominantly produced masculine traits, such as being knowledgeable by giving more information than men and dominating in conversations. Although, at some points, the characters are still associated with stereotyped gender traits, the efforts to deconstruct traditional images of both genders need to be appreciated even though they still seem ambivalent

    Daffodils and Solitude in William Wordsworth’s I Wandered Lonely as A Cloud

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    PurposeThis study aims to identify the meaning of Wordsworth’s poem entitled I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by analyzing its intrinsic elements. MethodThe present study is qualitative interpretive, focusing on the meaning conveyed in the poem entitled I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud using objective approach by interpreting the poem’s intrinsic elements through repeated reading of the poem as a whole and its details to achieve trustworthy analysis and conclusion. Results/findingsDifferent from general trend in the analysis Wordsworth’s I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, the meaning of the poem is the experience of recalling the sight of the daffodils, which brought solitude to the speaker of the poem. The poem’s subject was not the daffodils, but the experience of encountering them and its recollection. As a traveler traveling in the countryside, the speaker viewed the sight of the daffodils in a positive tone through imageries of sight, internal sensation, and muscle movements related to good experiences, as well as dictions of natural views with positive connotations. The poem includes simile, personification, metonymy, and symbols to compare the beautiful crowd of daffodils and the solitude they bring to the speaker of the poem’s mind when he was recalling the sight of the dancing daffodils. ConclusionUsing Abram’s objective point of view, the analysis reveals the daffodils as representative of nature become the remedy for human’s loneliness as represented by the speaker of the poem by recalling the experience of seeing them, sending the message that appreciation of nature and the experience with nature should be maintained to create a tranquil life


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    AbstractPronunciation for Indonesian EFL students is tricky and challenging due to the different phonetic systems of the student's mother tongue and the target language. Integrating YouTube into English language learning could overcome these issues. The present study reviewed previous studies about the benefits of integrating YouTube as instructional media in promoting EFL students' pronunciation. This study was library research following George's (2008) model by selecting recent publications on the topic to summarize how YouTube videos affect students' English pronunciation and highlight a research gap that could be taken by future research. The review revealed that YouTube had benefitted students in aspects of pronunciation: stress, intonation, rhythm, voice quality, gestures, vowels, and consonants, although research on the application's use for improving students' rhythm is minimal despite the availability of relevant videos. This finding implies the need for more research on improving students' rhythm using YouTube video. Bahasa Indonesia AbstrakPengucapan bahasa Inggris sangat rumit untuk pebelajar Indonesia karena perbedaan dalam sistem fonetik bahasa ibu dan bahasa target siswa. Integrasi video YouTube ke dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dapat mengatasi masalah ini. Kajian ini mencermati hasil penelitian terkini mengenai integrasi video YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan pelafalan bahasa Inggris siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian pustaka menggunakan model dari George (2008), dengan melibatkan peneitian terkait untuk menghasilkan gambaran umum mengenai pengaruh video Youtube terhadap pelafalan siswa untuk menyoroti kesenjangan penelitian yang masih ada sehingga menjadi masukan untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Ditemukan bahwa Youtube meningkatkan pelafalan siswa dari tekanan, intonasi, ritme, kualitas suara, gestur, pelafalan suara vokal dan konsonan. Namun, penelitian yang menyoroti pemanfaatan Youtube untuk meningkatkan ritme dalam pelafan siswa masih terbatas, walaupun Youtube menyediakan banyak video yang relevan. Temuan ini berimplikasi pada perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai pemanfaatan video YouTube untuk mengembangkan ritme pelafalan bahasa Inggris siswa

    Deconstruction of Gendered Dialogues in English Language Students Textbook for Grade 12 Senior High School

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    Education plays a significant role in maintaining or deconstructing patriarchal gender constructions in society. Within this ambivalent arena, this study aimed to analyze the representation of gender constructions in a textbook for grade 12 Indonesian EFL students published by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia in 2018. The textual analysis proposed by McKee is used to analyze the data. Language functions attributed to the two genders are used as the parameters to find their feminine or masculine depiction based on Lakoff (1973) and Coates (2013) combined with Millet’s Sexual Politics. The study revealed that the textbook shows gender deconstructions towards language functions used in female-only, male-only and mixed sex dialogues. The deconstruction of the stereotypes can be seen from the presence of feminine traits in male characters, such as asking for information and producing more phatic and expressive utterances than females. In contrast, female characters are depicted to be dominantly produced masculine traits, such as being knowledgeable by giving more information than men and dominating in conversations. Although, at some points, the characters are still associated with stereotyped gender traits, the efforts to deconstruct traditional images of both genders need to be appreciated even though they still seem ambivalent


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    This study focuses on the analysis of how information may be lost, added, and skewed in the English-Indonesian translation of noun phrases in the novel The Valley of Fear. This study utilized descriptive qualitative method through note-taking technique. Nida’s principles of translation were applied to investigate how these three principles occur. The results showed that loss, addition, and skewing were found with several classifications, namely (1) omission of adjectives and indefinite quantifiers as well as different grammatical points of view for loss of information, (2) different linguistic and cultural aspects for addition of information, and (3) deviation of meaning and the choice of closest natural equivalence for skewing of information. Of the 507 cases found, addition of information occurs on the highest percentage, i.e. 54,81% (278 data), loss of information takes 41,42% (210 data) and skewing of information takes the lowest percentage, i.e. 3,74% (19 data). These findings indicate that actually loss, addition and skewing take place in translation of noun phases from English into Indonesian for the sake of finding naturalness without neglecting the accuracy of transferring meaning

    The Effectiveness of Google Classroom Media in Teaching English for Tourism at a Tourism and Business Institute

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    ABSTRACTThe present study examined the effectiveness of Google Classroom media in teaching English for tourism students at a private Tourism and Business Institute in Bali during mandatory online learning in 2020. The study was qualitative research, implementing the QAIT model for evaluating the effectiveness of Google Classroom in teaching English, involving four lecturers and 42 students. The data were collected through observations of the teaching-learning process in two classes and interviews with the lecturers. The researchers were the primary research instrument, supported by interview guides and an observation checklist. In general, the use of Google Classroom in these English for Tourism classes was only sufficiently effective, with only one lecturer performing well, two lecturers performing sufficiently, and one lecturer performing insufficiently. Obstacles identified among the students were lousy internet connection, lack of device, low motivation, and lack of readiness in using the online learning platform. In conclusion, the implementation of Google Classroom in the observed English Classroom was proven to be only sufficient. This conclusion implies the need for more training for teachers in using Google Classroom to improve the quality, appropriateness, incentive, and time-effectiveness of the teaching and learning process, especially in online learning. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengamati efektivitas media Google Classroom dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris untuk mahasiswa pariwisata di Institut Pariwisata dan Bisnis swasta di Bali selama pembelajaran online wajib tahun 2020. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, mengimplementasikan model QAIT untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas Google Classroom di pengajaran bahasa Inggris, yang melibatkan empat dosen dan 42 mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi proses belajar mengajar di kedua kelas dan wawancara dengan dosen. Peneliti bertindak sebagai instrumen penelitian utama, didukung oleh pedoman wawancara dan daftar periksa observasi. Secara umum penggunaan Google Classroom pada kelas Bahasa Inggris untuk Pariwisata ini baru cukup efektif, dengan hanya satu dosen yang berprestasi baik, dua dosen berprestasi cukup, dan satu dosen dirasa kurang memadai. Kendala yang ditemukan pada siswa adalah koneksi internet yang buruk, kurangnya perangkat, motivasi yang rendah, dan kurangnya kesiapan dalam menggunakan platform pembelajaran online. Kesimpulannya, penerapan Google Classroom di Kelas Bahasa Inggris yang diamati terbukti hanya cukup. Kesimpulan ini menyiratkan perlunya lebih banyak pelatihan bagi guru dalam menggunakan Google Classroom untuk meningkatkan kualitas, kesesuaian, insentif, dan efektivitas waktu proses belajar mengajar, terutama dalam pembelajaran online

    Benefits of online learning according to recent studies

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    Abstrak: Pembelajaran online merupakan sebuah inovasi dalam mode pembelajaran yang dibawa oleh keniscayaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Studi ini menekankan pada manfaat pembelajaran online untuk otonomi siswa, motivasi, dan kemampuan kolaborasi sambil memberikan pembelajaran yang fleksibel bagi para pelajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebagai penelitian kepustakaan, di mana penelitian sebelumnya tentang manfaat pembelajaran online digunakan sebagai sumber data. Terungkap bahwa pembelajaran online dikatakan secara positif mempengaruhi otonomi, motivasi, dan keterampilan kolaboratif siswa, serta memungkinkan siswa belajar secara fleksibel sesuai dengan ketersediaan tempat dan waktu mereka. Ketersediaan sumber-sumber online, sarana, dan koneksi internet memungkinkan siswa mengatur pembelajarannya sendiri. Implikasi penelitian ini bagi guru, pendidik, dan siswa adalah bahwa semua harus merangkul pembelajaran daring dan berbagai aplikasinya untuk meningkatkan proses dan hasil belajar. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini berkontribusi menambah rujukan mengenai pembelajaran daring terutama kebermanfaatannya bagi siswa.Abstract: Online learning is an innovation in learning mode brought by the inevitability of information and communication technology. The present study highlights the benefits of online learning for students. The study was conducted as library research, where previous studies on the benefits of online learning were used as the data source. The study revealed that online learning is argued to have positively affected students' autonomy, motivation, and collaboration skills while providing flexible learning for the learners. The abundance of online sources, tools, and networking enables learners to navigate their learning. These results imply that teachers, educators, and students should embrace online learning and its supporting applications to improve learning processes and outcomes. The present study contributes to the limited literature on a general overview of online learning benefits seen from the learners' side

    English Prospective Teachers' Views on Using Poetry to Enhance Reading Skills

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    Exploring the role of poetry in language education, this study seeks to understand its impact on reading skills from the perspective of EFL students preparing to become English teachers. With the increasing globalization of English, the techniques for teaching and enhancing its comprehension are evolving. Poetry, with its rhythmic and metaphorical nuances, offers a unique avenue to tap into this development. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, the research engaged ninety-one English Language Education program participants. The findings reveal multifaceted benefits: a significant majority viewed poetry as an avenue for vocabulary enhancement, emphasizing its rich and varied lexicon. Others associated poetry with improvements in literal comprehension, attributing this to the layered meanings often found in poems. The attributes of critical thinking, interpretation of figurative language, grammar refinement, and reading fluency were also highlighted, reflecting poetry's comprehensive influence on reading dimensions. These insights underscore the pedagogical value of poetry in language development, suggesting that integrating authentic poetic materials not only enriches the language repertoire but also amplifies the depth and relevance of the learning experience for students

    INTERLANGUAGE PRODUCED BY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN RECOUNT TEXT (Interlanguage (Bahasa Antara) yang Dihasilkan oleh Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama dalam Teks Rekon)

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    Karangan yang ditulis oleh siswa sekolah menengah pertama mengandung kalimat-kalimat salah yang  menggambarkan bahasa mereka.  Bahasa yang dihasilkan oleh siswa-siswa ini biasa dirujuk sebagai interlanguage (bahasa antara). Apakah bahasa pertama atau bahasa sasaran memengaruhi kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut?  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan interlanguage  yang digunakan oleh siswa-siswa yang mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing dalam teks rekon.  Subjek penelitian ini terdiri atas 20 orang siswa sekolah menengah pertama di Buleleng.   Data dikumpulkan melalui latihan menulis terbimbing dalam bentuk teks rekon.  Empat langkah ditempuh dalam menganalisis data, yaitu mengidentifikasi, mengklasifikasikan, mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan bentuk linguistik dalam tulisan siswa. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pengaruh bahasa ibu terhadap bahasa antara siswa antara lain adalah penggunaan tata bahasa Indonesia, penggunaan kata-kata Indonesia, penghilangan  pemarkah jamak -s, penghilangan TO BE dan aspek kala dari verba.  Pengaruh bahasa sasaran antara lain adalah  padanan yang salah,  penambahan kata sandang, kesalahan dalam memilih pronomina  dan overgeneralisasi bentuk lampau -ed. English text written by junior high school students consists of erroneous sentences which describe learners' language. Either the native language or target language influences the errors. This term is called interlanguage. The study aimed at describing the interlanguage produced by EFL students in recount text. The subjects of the study were 20 students of junior high school in Buleleng Regency.  The data was collected through a guided writing exercise in the form of recount text. There were four steps in analyzing the data, namely identifying errors, classification, description, and explanation. The result shows that native language influence includes Indonesian grammar patterns, Indonesian words, wrong selection of word form, the omission of plural marker -s,  TO BE deletion, and verb tense.  Target language influence includes false friend, the addition of articles, wrong choice of pronoun, and overgeneralization of past form -ed


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    Recent studies have argued for the use of comic strips in language teaching, while concerns with the challenges in its application are also frequently highlighted. Using George’s (2008) model of literature review, the present study will elaborate on the use of comic strips as a medium of learning, its benefits, and the challenges in its implementation. The data sources are research articles related to the implementation of comic strips for language teaching, published in reputable international journals and accredited national journals from 2011 to 2020. The review reveals that previous studies have proven that comic strips in language teaching can promote students’ vocabulary, improve students' grammar competence, support the students' reading skills, and help the students who lack writing skills. However, these studies also show concerns on challenges in implementing comic strips in language teaching, such as its relevance, the choices of the topics, and how it cannot support spoken skills as much as it would support the written skills. It implies that while comic strips can be good media for teaching language, teachers should also find strategies in overcoming the challenges that may occur during its implementation.