680 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the Free Surface of a Conducting Liquid in a Near-Critical Electric Field

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    Near-critical behavior of the free surface of an ideally conducting liquid in an external electric field is considered. Based on an analysis of three-wave processes using the method of integral estimations, sufficient criteria for hard instability of a planar surface are formulated. It is shown that the higher-order nonlinearities do not saturate the instability, for which reason the growth of disturbances has an explosive character.Comment: 19 page

    Development Of Software–Hardware System for Real Time Simulation of Electric Power System with Smart Grids

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    The design and research of electric power system (EPS) with smart grids (SG), which are the current world trend of modern electric power industry, requires solving a large number of non-trivial tasks. The developed technical solutions and used equipment are novel for the world practice. Therefore, their implementation requires carefulanalysis and an individual approach to research that provides an assessment of the impact of new network elements on the power system. All of this puts requirements on the tools and methods of research used to solve such problems. At present, digital systems for modelling EPS with SG based on the application of numerical methods are used as such tools. However, despite the high level of these developments, it has drawbacks. The use of incomplete and invalid information obtained by digital tools can lead to the wrong design and operational decision in real power system, which can cause blackouts. The alternative approach for solving the problem of detailed simulation of EPS with SG is the creation of hybrid system based on the principle of combining different modelling methods. Hybrid Real-Time Power System Simulator (HRTSim) is developed based on this approach and presented in the paper

    Profile of subpopulation composition of regulatory T lymphocytes and intestinal microbiota in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

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    The following specificcharacteristics of the composition of intestinal microbiota in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were identified using a metagenomic analysis (16 S rRNA): 1) an increase in the representation of Actinobacteria, including Bifidobacterium spp., Firmicutes, including representatives of Streptococcaceae (Streptococcus), Lachnosperaceae (Dorea), Veillonellaceae (Dialister), Proteobacteria (Enterobacteriaceae and Desulfovibrionaceae families); 2) a decrease in the population of Bacteroidetes, including representatives of the families Prevotellacea (Prevotella spp.), Bacteroidaceae (Bacteroides spp.). Firmicutes belonging to the families Clostridiaceae and Ruminococcaceae (Fecalibacterium spp.).Flow cytometry in the study of the subpopulation composition of T regulatory (Treg) lymphocytes in patients with IBS revealed an increase in the number of CD45R0+CD62L+ central memory cells (CM), which can regulate the processes of maturation and differentiation of lymphocytes in lymphoid tissue. A decrease in the expression of exonucleases CD39 and CD73 was detected, which can have a significant effect on their activity. A reduction in effector memory cells (EM) Treg was observed.Changes in the expression level of exonucleases CD39 and CD73 were inversely correlated with the content of Proteobacteria and the representation of the genera Bifidobacterium spp. and Faecalibacterium spp. The content of СЫ Treg was directly correlated with the content of Dorea spp.The results may be indicative of impairment in the processes of Treg differentiation, which are closely related to changes in key components of intestinal microbiocenosis in IBS

    Search for electron antineutrino interactions with the Borexino Counting Test Facility at Gran Sasso

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    Electron antineutrino interactions above the inverse beta decay energy of protons (E_\bar{\nu}_e>1.8) where looked for with the Borexino Counting Test Facility (CTF). One candidate event survived after rejection of background, which included muon-induced neutrons and random coincidences. An upper limit on the solar νˉe\bar{\nu}_{e} flux, assumed having the 8^8B solar neutrino energy spectrum, of 1.1×105\times10^{5} cm2^{-2}~s1^{-1} (90% C.L.) was set with a 7.8 ton ×\times year exposure. This upper limit corresponds to a solar neutrino transition probability, νeνˉe\nu_{e} \to \bar{\nu}_{e}, of 0.02 (90% C.L.). Predictions for antineutrino detection with Borexino, including geoneutrinos, are discussed on the basis of background measurements performed with the CTF.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    Pulse-Shape discrimination with the Counting Test Facility

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    Pulse shape discrimination (PSD) is one of the most distinctive features of liquid scintillators. Since the introduction of the scintillation techniques in the field of particle detection, many studies have been carried out to characterize intrinsic properties of the most common liquid scintillator mixtures in this respect. Several application methods and algorithms able to achieve optimum discrimination performances have been developed. However, the vast majority of these studies have been performed on samples of small dimensions. The Counting Test Facility, prototype of the solar neutrino experiment Borexino, as a 4 ton spherical scintillation detector immersed in 1000 tons of shielding water, represents a unique opportunity to extend the small-sample PSD studies to a large-volume setup. Specifically, in this work we consider two different liquid scintillation mixtures employed in CTF, illustrating for both the PSD characterization results obtained either with the processing of the scintillation waveform through the optimum Gatti's method, or via a more conventional approach based on the charge content of the scintillation tail. The outcomes of this study, while interesting per se, are also of paramount importance in view of the expected Borexino detector performances, where PSD will be an essential tool in the framework of the background rejection strategy needed to achieve the required sensitivity to the solar neutrino signals.Comment: 39 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Nucl. Instr. Meth.

    New limits on heavy sterile neutrino mixing in 8B{^{8}\rm{B}}-decay obtained with the Borexino detector

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    If heavy neutrinos with mass mνHm_{\nu_{H}}\geq2me m_e are produced in the Sun via the decay 8B8Be+e++νH{^8\rm{B}} \rightarrow {^8\rm{Be}} + e^+ + \nu_H in a side branch of pp-chain, they would undergo the observable decay into an electron, a positron and a light neutrino νHνL+e++e\nu_{H}\rightarrow\nu_{L}+e^++e^-. In the present work Borexino data are used to set a bound on the existence of such decays. We constrain the mixing of a heavy neutrino with mass 1.5 MeV mνH\leq m_{\nu_{H}} \le 14 MeV to be UeH2(1034×106)|U_{eH}|^2\leq (10^{-3}-4\times10^{-6}) respectively. These are tighter limits on the mixing parameters than obtained in previous experiments at nuclear reactors and accelerators.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of the qualitative composition of a high-fat diet in rats with systemic inflammatory response syndrome upon myocardial resistance to ischemic-reperfusion injury and cytokine levels

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    Overweight and obesity are among the main factors of cardiovascular risk, but the prospective studies on the dependence between high-fat diets and weight gain yielded contradictory results. Different types of fats exert varying metabolic effects, and this fact leads to a difference in the risk associated with increasing body weight. The effects of fat quality in the daily diet on immunological status and resistance of myocardium to ischemic-reperfusion damage should be studied experimentally in biomedical models. The purpose of this work was to assess the effect of the qualitative composition of a high-fat diet used for induction of primary visceral obesity (PVO) in rats with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) upon myocardial resistance to ischemic-reperfusion injury, and levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines.The experiments were performed on adult male Wistar rats with PVO caused by 28-day consumption of any fat types: hydrogenated fats (HF), vegetable oils (VO), animal fats (AF) or milk fat (MF). The SIRS model included a combination of chemically induced colitis (CIC) and intragastric injection of a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent (AMA) for three days. Five days later, immunological and biochemical studies were conducted, as well as composition of intestinal microbiota in faecal samples, morphological changes in the structure of the large intestine, hemodynamic parameters and myocardial resistance to ischemic-reperfusion injury were studied in the model of isolated heart perfusion, by Langendorff technique.There was a significant increase in the concentration of anti-inflammatory cytokines in animals with SIRS, i.e., TNFα, IL-1α, IL-2, IL-8, as well as a decrease in TGF-1β, an anti-inflammatory cytokine. SIRS was accompanied by severe dietary disorders and evacuatory function of the gastrointestinal tract. Minimal changes in the intestinal microbiota composition, as well as the most pronounced regeneration signs of intestinal epithelium was observed in rats in the group with MF injection. There was a trend for increasing size of infarction in all the groups as compared with control, directly correlating with increase in BDNF and IL-2 production. However, a significant increase in the infarction size was found only in the group receiving milkfat, thus suggesting a decrease in myocardial resistance to ischemic reperfusion injury (IRI).Thus, the presence of SIRS in the primary obesity model is characterized by controllable change of inflammation markers and depends on the quality of dietary fats. The degree of morphofunctional deterioration of isolated heart, including a decrease in resistance to ischemia-reperfusion injury, correlates with the concentration of BDNF and IL-2 during the studied observation terms

    Recent Borexino results and prospects for the near future

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    The Borexino experiment, located in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory, is an organic liquid scintillator detector conceived for the real time spectroscopy of low energy solar neutrinos. The data taking campaign phase I (2007 - 2010) has allowed the first independent measurements of 7Be, 8B and pep fluxes as well as the first measurement of anti-neutrinos from the earth. After a purification of the scintillator, Borexino is now in phase II since 2011. We review here the recent results achieved during 2013, concerning the seasonal modulation in the 7Be signal, the study of cosmogenic backgrounds and the updated measurement of geo-neutrinos. We also review the upcoming measurements from phase II data (pp, pep, CNO) and the project SOX devoted to the study of sterile neutrinos via the use of a 51Cr neutrino source and a 144Ce-144Pr antineutrino source placed in close proximity of the active material.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures. To be published as proceedings of Rencontres de Moriond EW 201

    Measurement of the solar 8B neutrino rate with a liquid scintillator target and 3 MeV energy threshold in the Borexino detector

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    We report the measurement of electron neutrino elastic scattering from 8B solar neutrinos with 3 MeV energy threshold by the Borexino detector in Gran Sasso (Italy). The rate of solar neutrino-induced electron scattering events above this energy in Borexino is 0.217 +- 0.038 (stat) +- 0.008 (syst) cpd/100 t, which corresponds to the equivalent unoscillated flux of (2.4 +- 0.4 (stat) +- 0.1 (syst))x10^6 cm^-2 s^-1, in good agreement with measurements from SNO and SuperKamiokaNDE. Assuming the 8B neutrino flux predicted by the high metallicity Standard Solar Model, the average 8B neutrino survival probability above 3 MeV is measured to be 0.29+-0.10. The survival probabilities for 7Be and 8B neutrinos as measured by Borexino differ by 1.9 sigma. These results are consistent with the prediction of the MSW-LMA solution of a transition in the solar electron neutrino survival probability between the low energy vacuum-driven and the high-energy matter-enhanced solar neutrino oscillation regimes.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 6 table