175 research outputs found

    Ideologi Manusia Menurut Erich Fromm (Perpaduan Psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud Dan Kritik Sosial Karl Marx)

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    Human being needs to be understood deeply by exploringfundamental characters. The fundamental characters have a set of dichotomised situation. Personally, in the process of thinking and behaving, people try to solve those dichotomised problems. The attempts can be seen in the form of character and orientation desired. These are ideology. The ideology determines attitudes and ideas undeliberately fight his human existence. The ideology correlates with conflict situations of human. This obligates free choices according to his fundamental attitudes.Erich Fromm solved the problem which is relevant to theideology by making the concept of' to be', in human potencies be confronted with concept of ‘to have' which signed by productive activity, autonomous, critical, and freedom

    Keterasingan Manusia dalam Historisitas: sebuah Telaah Kritis terhadap Konsep Manusia Menurut Erich Fromm

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    Manusia modern tengah dihadapkan pada krisis kehidupan yang cukup mengkhawatirkan

    Membincang Pembelajaran Daring dari Sudut pandang Filsafat Teknologi dan Keterasingan Manusia

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    The Covid-19 pandemic, which has rapidly moved the offline mode of learning to online in the last two years, has brought many changes in the learning culture. To be able to continue to carry out learning activities, lecturers and students must inevitably become more closely related to technology. On the other hand, learning technology which was originally only a tool for lecturers during online learning actually takes on a role on the main stage and makes lecturers alienated in their own world. Through literature searches, this research seeks to uncover various forms of human relations with online learning technology while exploring the forms and causes of alienation experienced by the humans involved in it. Based on the findings of this study, it is known that humans build relationships with learning technology in four forms, namely embodiment relations, hermeneutics relations, alterity relations and background relations. Lecturers experience alienation in online learning because they are no longer able to make themselves fully embodied in their work; lecturers also lose their feudal authority which makes themselves no more than servants to learning machines as the main instrument. Therefore, a middle ground is needed that can still bridge the direct meeting of lecturers and students, which provides opportunities and space for students to not only transfer knowledge but also gain phenomenological and critical experiences in online learning that takes place, and hybrid learning methods are one of the alternatives

    Implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2014 Tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan Terhadap Proses Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Di Polres Rembang

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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berjudul Implementasi Undang-undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2014 Tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan Terhadap Proses Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Polres Rembang. Tujuan penelitian ini : 1) Mendeskripsikan studi kasus tindak pidana korupsi sejak berlakunya UURI Nomor 30 tahun 2014 studi kasus di Satreskrim Polres Rembang. 2) Menganalisis kendala–kendala yang dihadapi oleh penyidik satreskrim Polres Rembang dalam penanganan tindak pidana korupsi sejak berlakunya UURI Nomor 30 tahun 2014 studi kasus di Polres Rembang. 3) Menganalisis solusi terhadap kendala penanganan tindak pidana korupsi di satreskrim Polres Rembang setelah berlakunya UURI Nomor 30 tahun 2014.Hasil penelitian : 1) Keberadaan Pasal 21 Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2014 tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan mencabut kewenangan yang dimiliki penyidik dalam melakukan penyidikan dalam rangka mengetahui apakah telah terjadi penyalahgunaan wewenang yang dilakukan oleh seorang tersangka selaku pejabat pemerintahan.Kata Kunci : Implementasi, Administrasi Pemerintahan, Korupsi.ABSTRACT               This research entitled Implementation of Law Number 30 Year 2014 About Government Administration Against Corruption Crime Investigation Process in Polres Rembang. The purpose of this study: 1) Describe the case study of corruption since the enactment of UURI Number 30 year 2014 case study in Satreskrim Polres Rembang. 2) Analyzing the constraints faced by the investigator satreskrim Rembang Police in handling corruption since the entry into force of UURI Number 30 of 2014 case study in Polres Rembang. 3) Analyzing the solution to the constraints handling corruption crime in Satres Polres Rembang after the enactment of UURI Number 30 of 2014.Result of research: 1) The existence of Article 21 of Law Number 30 Year 2014 concerning Government Administration revokes the authority of the investigator in conducting an investigation in order to know whether there has been misuse of authority carried out by a suspect as a government official.Keywords: Implementation, Government Administration 

    Kebebasan Pers Dulu dan Kini (Tinjauan Filsafat Terhadap Transformasi Kebebasan Pers di Indonesia)

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    Kebebasan pers menjadi sebuah wacana yang selalu menarik di perbincangkan terutama pasca kejatuhan pemerintahan Soeharto pada Mei 1998. Pers Indonesia mengalami euphoria kebebasan setelah 32 tahun sebelumnya berada di bawah tekanan. Namun pendukung kebebasan terus bergerak, ketika represi negara berkurang, represi massa justru menguat, dan secara bergantian represi juga bisa muncul dari elemen bangsa lainnya seperti kepolisian dan kepentingan kapitalís. Dalam konteks demikian maka diskusi tentang transformasi kebebasan pers menjadi penting dibicarakan. Menggunakan pendekatan filsafat, tulisan ini akan menguraikan transformasi kebebasan pers dari aspek ontologis, epistemologis, dan aksiologis

    Keterasingan Manusia dalam Historisitas: Sebuah Telaah Kritis terhadap Konsep Manusia Menurut Erich Fromm

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    Manusia modern tengah dihadapkan pada krisis kehidupan yang cukup mengkhawatirkan


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    AbstractHuman being needs to be understood deeply by exploringfundamental characters. The fundamental characters have a set of dichotomised situation. Personally, in the process of thinking and behaving, people try to solve those dichotomised problems. The attempts can be seen in the form of character and orientation desired. These are ideology. The ideology determines attitudes and ideas undeliberately fight his human existence. The ideology correlates with conflict situations of human. This obligates free choices according to his fundamental attitudes.Erich Fromm solved the problem which is relevant to theideology by making the concept of’ to be’, in human potencies be confronted with concept of ‘to have’ which signed by productive activity, autonomous, critical, and freedom.Keywords : Human being, Dichotomy, Ideologi, “to be

    Persuasive Communication Strategy of Village Family Planning Volunteers in Bergas, Semarang

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    Village Family Planning, also known as Kampung KB, was formed by the Indonesian National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN). This study focused on the Kampung KB area in Bergas Semarang that grew from ‘primary’ to ‘developing.’ Since 2018, the progress is marked by the data on the increase in couples carrying out family planning. In September 2020, the number of fertile age couples (PUS) who already have two children but have not participated in family planning (TIAL) was as many as 43 couples. Meanwhile, the latest data in August 2022 showed a decline in TIAL of 9 couples. This study aimed to determine the persuasive communication strategies of family planning volunteers in Kampung KB Bergas, Semarang. Qualitative descriptive research methods and Elaboration Likelihood (ELM) theory were used to explain the persuasive communication strategies used by volunteers. The study results showed they used a persuasive communication strategy with a central route in ELM theory. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has become a persuasive communication strategy in the post-pandemic era with a fear appeal approach that encourages increased use of contraceptives - one of the family planning village programs. Keywords: COVID-19, elaboration likelihood, family planning village, fear appeal


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    Human being needs to be understood deeply by exploring fundamental characters. The fundamental characters have a set of dichotomised situation. Personally, in the process of thinking and behaving, people try to solve those dichotomised problems. The attempts can be seen in the form of character and orientation desired. These are ideology. The ideology determines attitudes and ideas undeliberately fight his human existence. The ideology correlates with conflict situations of human. This obligates free choices according to his fundamental attitudes. Erich Fromm solved the problem which is relevant to the ideology by making the concept of\u27 to be\u27, in human potencies be confronted with concept of \u27to have\u27 which signed by productive activity, autonomous, critical, and freedom. Keywords: Human being, Dichotomy, Ideologi, "to be


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    Every technology will bring its own culture. This also happened to the internet and digital technology. Internet has penetratedall aspects of life including religion. Nowadays, we can find any information of any religion in the internet (religion online), even the internet has became the locus for religious ritual itself (online religion). The online religion phenomena is also found a lot in Indoesia since One Day One Juz (ODOJ) community launched, which followed by another religion communities like Komunitas Tahajjud Berantai (KUTUB), komunitas puasa ummat (KOPPUSAT), komunitas matsurat (KOMA) etc. There were a lot of controversies around those communites. So, by using ethnographic method, this research conduct with the aims to gain comprehensive understanding from native standpoint. ODOJ and KUTUB choosedas research subjects with consideration that both of them are the pioneer in virtual religious communities in Indonesia. The researcher is also take a part in the field of research by joining the communities. The results shows that religious virtual communities can serve as a panopticon for its member. In general they consciously join in the communities to look for “coersive” situationso that they can istiqomah (discipline and consisten) in readingAl Quran and doing qiyamul lail. Becoming a member of community is not easy. They have to strengthen their intention that anything done is because of Allah.Key words: Religious Community, Self Disciplinary, Virtua