550 research outputs found


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    Arifin Budi Susilo. 2010. The Housekeeping Department of Bali Reef Resort at Tanjung Benoa - Bali. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This report is based on a job training evaluation which was conducted at Bali Reef Resort. It located on Jl. Pratama Tanjung Benoa, one of tourism areas in Bali. The objectives of this report are to describe how the Housekeeping Department works and to find out the problems faced. This report explains the division of labor in the Housekeeping Department. In doing its job, the Housekeeping Department is divided into six main sections, they are: Floor Section, Public Area Section, Swimming Pool Section, Gardening Section, Linen and Uniform Section, and Florist Section. Each main section has its own work area and responsibility. They also have several officers with their own job description. This report is also intended to find out the problems faced by the Housekeeping Department internal and external. Therefore, several solutions are proposed to solve the problems. Based on the discussion, the writer suggests that the hotel should improve its work quality by changing the damage equipment with the new one and pay more attention to the employees by giving extra salary if the employees have to work overtime. This way expected to make the hotel be able to compete with the other hotels

    Geology Of Tanjung Medan ,Rokan IV Koto , Rokan Hulu District, Riau Province

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    The Administrative of research area has been in Tanjung Medan, Rokan IV Koto, Rokan Hulu, Riau Province and geographically located at 0 ° 37 '28.488 "- 0 ° 40' 10.3692" LU and 100 ° 24 '55.6884 "- 100 ° 27 '37.5804 "BT. Research method used approach method and laboratory analysis to get data of geology modeling and re-construction of geological history in research area. Based on surface observation, the geology of research area consists of Slate (Permian-carbon), Granite intrusion (Permian-Trias) with distribution SouthWest-SouthEast on the center of map. Arenite Sandstone unit (Easly Eocene) unconformity with slate on the bottom. Alluvial Rokan river crosses all type off rocks from north to south of map. While structure growth  in the research area have been joints structure with main stress Southwest-NorthEast, its similar with trend tectonic setting of Sumatra island, on the other hand reverse fault indicates the formation of a basin of extension stress in the early Eocene. the formation of basins in basement rocks begun at the time of the formation of the north-south trending northern form of the fault block forming horst and graben as well as accommodated the precipitation of pre-tertiary clastic materials. Whereas the Oligocene trans-tensional compression system accommodating the sedimentation system in the formed of arenite sandstone (SBPa) unconformity above the basement rocks simultaneously on the basin base decrease. The distribution of arenite sandstones based on the geological reconstruction covering all parts of the rock distribution which then undergoes the same weathering process of the formation of Bukit Barisan volcanic path that controls the development of geological structure up to the present

    Quo Vadis Objects To Fiduciary Collateral Under Regulations In Indonesia And Malaysia

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    means of social engineering where comprehensive laws and regulations can create effective protection of citizens' rights where laws and regulations must keep abreast of developments in the country one of which is a new phenomenon and until now there has been no implementation regulation is copyright which can be used as an object of guarantee fiduciary by looking at the regulations in Indonesia and Malaysia and the issues to be raised are (1) How can a work be used as a fiduciary guarantee in Indonesia and Malaysia (2) What is the comparison between Indonesian and Malaysian copyright regulations In Indonesia, even though it already exists in Article 16 paragraph 3 of Law Number 28 of 2014 , the mechanism for the development of works as a fiduciary guarantee experiences many obstacles, namely regarding the time limit for protection, asset valuation which later refers to Article 40 paragraph (1) while in Malaysia, although in the 1987 copyright deed 332 it is not very clear because it is still in the drafting process by intangible property, where the ownership of Intellectual Property Rights has developed intangible asset-based credit, through the Malaysian Intellectual Property Company (MyIPO) and the Inland Reveneu Board of Malaysia. (LHDN) has provided infrastructure in providing guarantee

    Pengelolaan Prakerin Di SMK Negeri 1 Mondokan Kabupaten Sragen

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) Mendeskripsikan karakteristik struktur dan peran organisasi pengelola prakerin di SMK Negeri 1 Mondokan Kabupaten Sragen. (2) Mendeskripsikan karakteristik hubungan kerja personal pengelola prakerin di SMK Negeri 1 Mondokan Kabupaten Sragen. (3) Mendeskripsikan karakteristik kinerja peserta prakerin di SMK Negeri 1 Mondokan Kabupaten Sragen. Penelitian tentang pembinaan siswa prakerin termasuk penelitian naturalistik kualitatif dengan menggunakan desain penelitian etnografi. Lokasi penelitian di SMK Negeri 1 Mondokan Kabupaten Sragen. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara, metode observasi, dan metode dokumentasi. Model analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis data tertata dalam situs untuk diskripsi. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) Struktur organisasi pengelola prakerin di SMK Negeri 1 Mondokan Kabupaten Sragen dibentuk oleh kepala sekolah, terdiri dari penanggung jawab dijabat oleh kepala sekolah, ketua pokja, sekretaris, bendahara, koordinator pembimbing, koordinator siswa teknik otomotif, koordinator teknik komputer dan jaringan, seksi perlengkapan, dan pembimbing prakerin. (2) Hubungan kerja personal pengelola prakerin di SMK Negeri 1 Mondokan Kabupaten Sragen diatur dalam program kerja prakerin SMK Negeri 1 Mondokan oleh kelompok kerja prakerin. Hubungan kerja personal pengelolaan prakerin dibentuk dalam struktur organisasi prakerin. Hubungan penanggung jawab prakerin (kepala sekolah), sekretaris, bendahara, koordinator siswa, koordinator pembimbing, seksi perlengkapan, dan pembimbing siswa, bersifat koordinatif, yaitu sebagai pengelola prakerin, bekerja dengan saling membantu. (3) Kinerja peserta prakerin di SMK Negeri 1 Mondokan dinilai oleh pembimbing prakerin baik dari pihak sekolah maupun dari perusahaan yang diukur sesuai dengan standar kerja perusahaan. Kinerja peserta prakerin merupakan penilaian terhadap pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan atitude peserta prakerin selama melaksanakan kegiatan prakerin. Penilaian kinerja prakerin dinilai dengan parameter nilai yang diperoleh dari industri (IN), diberi bobot 40%, nilai evaluasi di sekolah (SC) , dalam bentuk tes tulis atau lisan diberi bobot 40%, karya tulis/laporan (LP) diberi bobot 20%. Sehingga nilai yang tercantum dalam sertifikat peserta didik adalah: 0,4(IN) + 0,4(SC) + 0,2 (LP)

    Kinerja Unit Pengolahan Air Limbah Reaktor Elektrokimia untuk Pengolahan Air Limbah Home Industri Batik di Kelurahan Sondakan

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    ABSTRAK Hanif Budi Susilo, 2013. Kinerja Unit Pengolahan Air Limbah Reaktor Elektrokimia untuk Pengolahan Air Limbah Home Industri Batik di Kelurahan Sondakan. Tugas Akhir, Program Diploma III Teknik Sipil Infrastruktur Perkotaan, Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Industri batik sebagai salah satu bidang pengembangan industri dalam negeri telah cukup berkembang. Terlepas dari peranannya sebagai komoditi ekspor yang diandalkan, industri ini telah menimbulkan masalah yang serius bagi lingkungan terkait dengan penggunaan zat warna dalam produksi dan turut terbuang bersama air limbah sisa proses. Pada beberapa daerah pusat produksi batik telah diupayakan adanya pengolahan limbah yang dihasilkan secara terpadu untuk mengatasi dan mencegah perairan yang berwarna dan parameter lingkungan yang lebih baik. UPAL-RE merupakan salah satu alat yang dapat mengurangi kadar polutan yang ada di dalam air limbah. Oleh karena itu tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah mengetahui besarnya efisiensi kinerja UPAL-RE terhadap penurunan kadar COD dan warna. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Experimental di laboratorium secara elektrokimia yaitu gejala dekomposisi elektrolit dimana salah satu elektrodanya adalah alumunium, reaksi kimia yang terjadi pada proses elektrokimia adalah reaksi reduksi oksidasi sebagai akibat adanya arus listrik (DC). Pada reaksi ini terjadi pergerakan dari ion-ion yaitu ion positif (disebut kation) yang bergerak pada katoda yang bermuatan negatif. Sedangkan ion-ion negatif bergerak menuju anoda yang bermuatan positif yang kemudian ion-ion tersebut dinamakan sebagai anion (bermuatan negatif). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan besarnya efisiensi penurunan kadar COD dan warna dalam air limbah home industry di kelurahan Sondakan kota Surakarta dengan menggunakan UPAL-RE skala laboratorium selama 40 menit dan besar arus listrik DC 10 Volt. Besarnya efisiensi penurunan kadar COD dan warna berturut-turut 72% dan 67%, yang berarti UPAL-RE kinerjanya cukup baik. Kata kunci : air limbah, UPAL-RE, parameter, efisiens

    Sistem Intelijen Bisnis Global Untuk Perencanaan E-commerce

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    S: The first step to reach the E-commerce is to understand the environments in which trading would take place. Business Intelligence is an activity of gathering information about the environmental elements that interact with the company. E-commerce failure to achieve planned goals, because the understanding of the environmental conditions of trade faced by the company is not in accordance with E-commerce applications are implemented. This is due to the information collected can not provide a clear picture of environmental conditions. This study aims to describe the fields of information and categories that can be used as a starting point to describe the environmental conditions that affect the company globally. Global Business Intelligence System is used as a general framework, which can be developed according to specific company needs and objectives. In general, the system consists of six fields of information and 31 categories. The process of collecting information in this system using a Modus Scanning that has the characteristics of active and focused on the desired categories. Each information field with the categories that have described the different influences, both as a driving force, the power resistor, and by providing pressure to the company's business. Differences influence of environmental conditions provides an explanation of the level of preparedness organizations in the application of E-commerce, as a business strategy to gain competitive advantage

    Perancangan Branding Sentra Kuliner PKL Wiyung Surabaya

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    In order to do the legal action, public officials often execute out of written law, this condition is a logic consequence, that the acts and others written laws are left behind in anticipating the development of the era, the change of values, and increasing need of human life along with the progress that they have achieved in science and technology. Therefore, to make legality principle on operational stage can be done as good as it could, so the development instrument of the discretion is needed, ironically, not the rare things, the use of discretion sometimes misuse by public officials, pretending bases on public need and legal certainty in fact they abandon civil rights, either individually, in group or even civil corporate body. To anticipate it all, another draft is required to control the discretion of public policy and/or act of public officials, and that draft is good governance, which usually assume as good governance system. By understanding main principle from good governance itself, it’s hoped that the discretion of public policy and/or act of public officials can be applied together with code of conduct in law (rechtmatigheid van regering).Keywords : Discretion, Public Officials, Good Governanc

    Renewal of Criminal Law Politics Relating to Justice Based On Justice

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    Copyright is a high reality of various values, including economic value, this is because copyright that is born of copyright, taste, and intention is able to color the development of human life through objects born from the copyright process. However, in its development various copyrights were not considered in this country. The rise of piracy on song copyrights for example, is only able to benefit the perpetrators of piracy of song copyright economically. The research method used is a juridical legal research method of analysis with the object of research studies aimed at the laws and regulations relating to copyright and principles - applicable legal principles. Substantially, the material changes in Law No. 28 of 2014 is related to the change of type of criminal offense from ordinary offense to complaint offense and in the meantime there are not many creators who can seek justice about it. The results of the research are increasingly unfair with the existence of Clause 112 to Clause 119 of Law Number 28 of 2014 changing copyright offenses to complaint offenses that increasingly marginalize the rights of the creators of copyrighted works in this country. Therefore it is necessary to have a joint discussion related to the political development of criminal law related to copyright offenses. Hak Cipta adalah suatu realitas yang tinggi akan berbagai nilai, termasuk didalamnya nilai ekonomis, hal ini dikarenakan hak cipta yang lahir dari cipta, rasa, dan karsa mampu mewarnai perkembangan kehidupan umat manusia melalui benda yang lahir dari proses cipta tersebut. Namun dalam perkembangannya berbagai hak cipta tidaklah diperhatikan di negara ini. Maraknya pembajakan akan hak cipta lagu misalnya, hanya mampu menguntungkan bagi oknum pelaku pembajakan hak cipta lagu tersebut secara ekonomis,  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum yuridis analisis dengan objek kajian penelitian yang ditujukan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan hak cipta dan prinsip-prinsip hukum yang berlaku. Secara substansial, materi perubahan dalam UU No. 28 Tahun 2014 adalah yang berkaitan dengan perubahan jenis tindak pidana dari delik biasa menjadi delik aduan serta sementara itu pihak pencipta tidak banyak yang dapat mengupayakan keadilan akan hal itu. Hasil dari penelitian semakin bertambah tidak adil dengan adanya Pasal 112 hingga Pasal 119 Undang-Undang Nomer 28 Tahun 2014 merubah delik hak cipta menjadi delik aduan yang semakin memarjinalkan hak dari pencipta suatu karya cipta di negara ini. Oleh sebab itu perlu adanya pembahasan bersama terkait pembangunan politik hukum pidana terkai delik hak cipta
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