112 research outputs found


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    Kata kunci : Pengaruh teman terhadap perilaku peserta didik disekolah Kelompok teman sebaya sebagaian sosial bagi remaja (peserta didik) mempunyai peranan penting bagi perkembangan kepribadianya, salah satunya adalah membantu remaja untuk memahami identitas diri (jati diri) selain sebagai pemenuhan salah satu tugas perkembanganya yaitu mengembangkan keterampiran komunikasi interpersonal dan bergaul dengan teman sebaya. Remaja yang gagal dalam mengembangkan rasa identitasnya akan kehilangan arah dan bisa berdampak pada kecenderungan melakukan perilaku menyimpang yang berarti perilaku tersebut tidak sesuai dengan norma sosial yang ada. Seperti yang belakangan ini terjadi di SMA Pasundan 3 Bandung, beberapa kasus yang terjadi diantaranya bolos sekolah, pelanggaran tata tertib sekolah, bahkan kasus penyimpangan bersifat sekunder pernah terjadi di sekolah tersebut. Maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kelompok teman sebaya berpengaruh terhadap perilaku menyimpang peserta didik disekolah atau tidak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, angket, wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dengan sampel penelitian 24 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa jika peserta didik melakukan suatu perilaku menyimpang maka salah satu faktor penyebabnya bisa jadi interaksi sosial yang dilakukan dengan kelompok teman sebaya yang juga melakukan perilaku menyimpang, berarti semakin tinggi interaksi sosial dengan kelompok teman sebaya yang melakukan perilaku menyimpang maka akan semakin tinggi pula kecenderungan perilaku menyimpang yang dilakukan, kadar hubungan antara kelompok teman sebaya dengan perilaku menyimpang peserta didik disekolah menunjukan hubungan yang signifikan dengan kontribusi sebesar 52,7%. Berdasarkan abstrak diatas maka berarti kelompok teman sebaya berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya perilaku menyimpang di SMA Pasundan 3 Bandung

    Hubungan Pendidikan dan Status Kawin dengan Infeksi Menular Seksual pada Wanita Usia Subur di Layanan Klinik IMS

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    Background: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) becomes still the main problem of public health in the world. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are infections that are transmitted through sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal, and oral). The highest of number visited and illnesses of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in clinics Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Cangkringan Public Health Center will have to appear to affect public health in the district area. This research purpose to determine the relation of level education and marital status with the incidence of STIs on fertile women in clinic IMS. Method: This research was observational analytic research with quantitative methods and cross-sectional design. The population in this study every patient fertile women were examined on clinic Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Cangkringan Public Health Center from January 2016 to July 2016. Samples were 107 respondents taken using a probability sampling technique in which samples using secondary data from inform concent in Public Health Center. Data were analyzed by chi-square test. Result: The result study showed that none significant between level education (RP = 0,796; CI = 0,458-1,382; p-value 0,533) and mental status (RP = 0, 846; CI = 0,168 - 4,264; p-value 1,000) with STIs. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the incidence Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) on fertile women in clinic Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Cangkringan Public Health Center not caused by the variable education level and marital status


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    Sistem Otomasi Penggerak Kamera Dengan Motor Step Sebagai Alat Bantu Kalibrasi Alat Ukur Panjang

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    Alat ukur panjang merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur jarak antara dua titik dan mengukur pada kegiatan teknik maupun penelitian yang paling banyak dipakai dalam dunia industri maupun perdagangan. Sehingga, pengujian alat ukur panjang mutlak dibutuhkan untuk menjamin kebenaran alat ukur. Saat ini pengujian tera dan tera ulang alat ukur panjang yang ada di Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kemetrologian (PPSDMK) Bandung dilakukan dengan membandingkan alat ukur terhadap komparator standar. Pengamatan dilakukan menggunakan web-camera yang ditampilkan pada layar monitor. Kondisi kamera terpasang diam sehingga area pengamatan titik uji sempit, pemosisian kamera, dan pembacaan hasil uji harus dilakukan secara manual. Untuk meningkatkan mobilitas kamera, dalam penelitian ini dibuat sistem otomasi penggerak kamera menggunakan motor step. Motor dikontrol menggunakan mikrokontroler, sehingga  kecepatan motor dapat diatur untuk menempatkan kamera pada posisi yang diinginkan menggunakan antar muka yang  yang dilengkapi dengan pengolahan citra sederhana sehingga dapat mendeteksi posisi skala dan menentukan posisi kamera. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, posisi kamera telah dapat dikontrol sehingga motor akan berhenti ketika kamera mendeteksi posisi skala standar, serta menampilkan citra gambar secara langsung. Karakteristik pengukuran selisih skala meliputi sensitivitas 0,095 mm/pixel, akurasi 96% dan presisi 98%.Keywords: Alat ukur; control; web-camera; motor step; citra; pengukura

    Successful Aging Lansia yang Tinggal di Panti Wreda: Peran Resiliensi dan Hardiness

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    Abstrak: Lansia adalah individu yang berada pada tahap akhir rentang hidup manusia yang diharapkan dapat mencapai successful aging, termasuk lansia yang tinggal di panti wreda. Terdapat berbagai faktor yang memengaruhi successful aging. Dua prediktor penting yang diduga berhubungan dengan  successful aging adalah resiliensi dan hardiness. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuktikan apakah resiliensi dan hardiness secara simultan dapat menjadi prediktor succesful aging lansia yang tinggal di panti wreda. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan Skala Successful Aging, Skala CD-RISC, dan Skala Short Hardiness. Partisipan dipilih secara purposive sampling dengan jumlah 26 lansia yang tinggal di Panti Wreda Salatiga. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan regresi berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa successful aging pada lansia dapat diprediksi oleh resiliensi (b=0,498; p0,05) dan hardiness (b=0,477; p0,05) secara simultan. Resiliensi dan hardiness secara simultan merupakan faktor penting untuk mencapai successful aging pada lansia yang tinggal di panti wreda. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini dibahas lebih lanjut oleh peneliti.Kata kunci: Successful aging, resiliensi, hardiness, lansia, panti wreda Abstract: Elderly are the individual who are at the last stage in the human life span who are expected to achieve successful aging, including the elderly who live in nursing home. There are various factors that affect successful aging. Two important predictors that are expected to be associated with successful aging are resilience and hardiness. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of resilience and hardiness simultaneously to successful aging in elderly who live in nursing home. This study uses a quantitative approach and the data collected using the Successful Aging Scale, CD-RISC Scale, and Short Hardiness Scale. The participants was selected using  purposive sampling with a total of 26 elderly who live in nursing home, Salatiga. The collected data were analyzed using multiple regression. The analysis showed that successful aging in the elderly can be predicted by resilience (b=0.498; p0.05) and hardiness (b=0.477; p0.05) simultaneously. The resilience and hardiness simultaneously are important factors to achieve successful aging in elderly who live in nursing home. The implications of the results of this study are discussed further by the researcher.Keywords: Successful aging, resilience, hardiness, elderly, nursing hom

    A study on ceramic composite filters utilizing rice husk for enhancing groundwater quality

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    Summary: This study addresses the persistent reliance of certain communities on groundwater for drinking purposes, despite its failure to meet quality standards due to the presence of harmful coliform bacteria. To meet these standards, a cost-effective and environmentally friendly filtration method is proposed, utilizing clay and rice husk as formative elements. The research focuses on creating a ceramic composite filter by blending rice husk with clay in varying compositions (30 %, 40 %, and 50 %). The mixture is processed into a paste, shaped into a green body, air-dried, and fired at different temperatures (875 °C, 900 °C, and 925 °C). Compression, porosity, and flow tests are conducted to evaluate the filter's performance. An increase in rice husk composition leads to higher flow rates, indicating improved water flow through the filter, suggests a positive influence of rice husk on the hydraulic characteristics of the filter material. The ceramic composite filter effectively filters coliform bacteria, achieving a 93 % reduction, although it falls short of meeting drinking water quality standards. The optimal sintering temperature is identified at 900 °C with a forming pressure of 30 MPa. This study emphasizes the potential of clay and rice husk-based ceramic filters as a viable option for improving groundwater quality, acknowledging their positive impact on porosity and flow characteristics. However, further refinement is required to fully align with established drinking water quality standards, suggesting avenues for future research and development in this critical field. This research explores the potential development of technology ceramic composite filter with the hope of making a positive contribution to advancing clean and sustainable energy solutions in the futur


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    Kopling yang berfungsi sebagai penyambung dan memutus dua buah poros.Kampas kopling motor matic pada umumnya terdiri dari karbon yang tertanam dalam matriks polimer.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari komposisi bahan yang menggunakan material komposit serat bambu dan sabut kelapa,dengan menggunakan resin epoxy terhadap laju aus, uji kekerasan dan uji gesek matic dan membandingkanya dengan dengan kampas kopling manufaktur Komposisi bahan material komposit ini memiliki beberapa sampel pengujian. Bahan ini dicampur kemudian dipress selama 15 menit menggunakan suhu 1100 C di berikan beban kompaksi sebesar 2000kg . Setelah mencapai holding time, sampel dikeluarkan dari cetakan. Setelah itu dilakukan proses Pengujian laju aus menurut standar SNI 09-01431987, Pengujian kekerasan dengan standart Vickers LM 800AT, Pengujian koefisien gesek. dengan standart SNI 09-01431987 Hasil rekayasa komposit menunjukan Sampel A (Bambu 80% dengan epoxy 30%) memiliki nilai koefisien gesek paling kecil yaitu 0.28 (x10-7 cm³ /Nm) Pada suhu 100°C., Sampel E (Kelapa 80% dengan epoxy 20%) memiliki nilai koefisien gesek paling besar yaitu 0.36 (x10-7 cm³ /Nm) Pada suhu 100°C. Sampel E (Bambu 80% dengan epoxy 20%) Nilai kekerasan sebesar 153.11 VHN mendekati dengan kampas kopling aslinya ( sampel G) sebesar 184.47 VHN

    Redesign of 13 HP Pakura Boat Engine Exhaust to Reduce Noise Levels

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    The hearing level of fishermen in the Lembeh Strait out of 11 fishermen, there are only 2 fishermen whose hearing is still normal. This is likely the effect of a plain exhaust modification and does not use a muffler. The muffler acts as a sound transmission damper when the exhaust gases exit the engine. The objectives of this study are as follows: 1) redesign of the engine exhaust of the pakura boat; 2) analyze the relationship and influence of rotation per minute with laboratory-scale noise levels; and 3) analyze the relationship and influence of rotation per minute with field-scale noise levels. The method used in this research is experimental laboratory and field, comparising one control group and three treatment groups. The results obtained are that there are three types of redesigned exhausts equipped with mufflers. The most effective exhaust for reducing noise levels is exhaust type B, with a range of values between 79-93 dB in laboratory scale and 90-102 dB in field scale

    Study on the composite structure of cobalt-free oxides as cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs)

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    Summary: Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) represent a promising technology for efficient and clean energy conversion. This study focuses on the design and development of a novel cathode material for SOFCs, specifically exploring the use of a free-cobalt cathode within a composite structure. Investigating the structure of cobalt-free composites of Ba0.5Sr0.5FeO3-δ (BSF) and Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe0.8B0.2O3-δ (B=Cu, Zn) (BSFB) have been prepared and evaluated as cathodes for IT-SOFCs. The solid-state reaction was employed for generating and modifying the composite structure of the model system. The decomposition reaction and the formation of perovskite structure have been observed using thermal gravimetric analysis and X-ray diffraction. The study encompasses experimental procedures, data processing using GSAS software, and the application of the Rietveld method to achieve precise analysis results. Rietveld analysis outcomes offer intricate details about the crystal structure, encompassing crystal unit parameters, and scale factors. The solid-state reaction led to the reduction in the weight of the composite during the heating process. The decomposition reaction of oxides was generated between 650 to 950 oC. The average of total weight loss during the period treatment was achieved up to 18 % and the perovskite phase formed in the composite structure. A single-phase perovskite from a cubic structure with space group Pm-3m was demonstrated by all composite’s models. The lattice parameter and a unit cell volume were obtained from the model system of BSF, BSFC and BSFZ, respectively. This study explores the potential development of SOFCs technology with the hope of making a positive contribution to advancing clean and sustainable energy solutions in the futur