41 research outputs found


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    Abstrak:Proyek jalan sarat dengan risiko, salah satu risiko yang kerap terjadi adalah risiko terkait K3. Tingginya jumlah kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi di lokasi proyek menunjukkan bahwa K3 belum diterapkan secara optimal di proyek, meski sudah ada regulasi yang mengaturnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan melakukan analisis untuk penanganan risiko K3 khususnya pada proyek jalan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan melakukan identifikasi risiko yang mungkin terjadi pada proyek jalan kemudian mengidentifikasi risiko tersebut untuk mengklasifikasikan terhadap kategori risiko tinggi, moderat atau rendah. Berdasarkan nilai probabilitas dan dampak yang dihasilkan terhadap sasaran proyek yaitu biaya, mutu dan waktu. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi terdapat 6 (enam) kategori risiko yang kerap terjadi pada proyek jalan yaitu risiko terkait lokasi, risiko jalan akses, risiko galian, risiko timbunan, risiko struktur dan risiko clearing & striping. Jika menilik lebih detail lagi, maka dapat diketahui bahwa kejadian yang memiliki risiko tinggi atau berpotensi sering terjadi dan memiliki dampak besar bagi proyek adalah risiko adanya tabrakan/ tertabrak, risiko longsoran galian dan risiko adanya bekisting yang roboh. Selanjutnya tindakan mitigasi yang sesuai dengan risiko diperlukan untuk mengurangi dampak dan meminimalisir potensi terjadinya risiko tersebut. Output dari penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai masukan bagi stakeholder proyek dalam upaya optimalisasi penerapan K3 pada proyek jalan.Kata-kata kunci: Jalan, Kecelakaan, K3, Proyek, RisikoAbstract: Road projects are full of risks, one of the risks that often occurs is the risk related to K3. The high number of work accidents that occur at the project site shows that K3 has not been implemented optimally in the project, even though there are regulations that regulate it. This study aims to identify and conduct an analysis for handling OHS risks, especially in road projects. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative by identifying risks that may occur in road projects and then identifying these risks to classify them into high, moderate or low risk categories. Based on the probability value and the resulting impact on the project objectives, namely cost, quality and time. Based on the identification results, there are 6 (six) risk categories that often occur in road projects, namely location-related risks, access road risks, excavation risks, embankment risks, structural risks and clearing & striping risks. If we look in more detail, it can be seen that the events that have a high risk or have the potential to occur frequently and have a major impact on the project are the risk of a collision/hit, the risk of excavated avalanches and the risk of the formwork collapsing. Furthermore, mitigation actions that are appropriate to the risk are needed to reduce the impact and minimize the potential for the risk to occur. The output of this research can be used as input for project stakeholders in optimizing the implementation of OHS on road projects.Keywords: Road, Accident, OHS, Project, Ris


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    Perencanaan Jembatan Mlulon dimaksudkan sebagai pengganti jembatan lama. Struktur yang dipilih adalah box culvert, menyesuaikan bentang dan tinggi jembatan. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk merencanakan ulang Jembatan Mlulon agar dapat memberikan pelayanan bagi pengguna lalu lintas dengan aman dan nyaman. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh dimensi box culvert dengan tinggi 3 meter, panjang 6 meter, dan lebar 5 meter. Berdasarkan perhitungan perencanaan penulangan, digunakan tulangan D 19 – 125


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    The purpose of this research is to determine the total phenolic content of Hibiscussabdariffa calyx in variations of growing area. Red Rosell calyxs were collected fromGlagah, Kediri, and Samigaluh. Phenolic compounds of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyx wereextracted using maceration method with methanol. Total phenolics content weredetermined using visible spectrophotometry method with Folin Ciocalteau reagent. Theprinciple of this method is the formation of blue complex compound fromphospomolybdate-phosphotungstate reduced by phenolic compound in the basiccondition, which can be measured by spectrophotometry. Galic acid was used ascomperator in this research. Total phenolic content in red calyx Glagah, Kediri andSamigaluh were respectively 1.40 g GAE/100 g extract, SD 0.06 (n=12), 1.41 gGAE/100 g extract, SD 0.07 (n=12) dan 2.12 g GAE/100 g extract, SD 0.05 (n=15).Based on this results it could be concluded that growing area affected total phenoliccontent in the methanol extract of red calyx Rosell


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    Gogik village is one of villages in sub-district of Ungaran Barat, district of Semarang. Nowadays, Gogik village attemps to develop its nature potencies which is one of them is the area of embung Sokapanca. A design recommendation was proposed by the study programme of Civil Infrastructure Engineering and Architectural Design, Department of Civil and Planning, Vocational School, Diponegoro University, through a community service programme. The design approach used exotic, unique, and authentic as the concept. Neo-vernacular and contemporary architecture were adopted for the design of culinary hut and the centre of Small and Medium Enterprises. The concept of sustainable tourism will be implemented to maintain the harmony with the environment, nature, humanism value, and local wisdom

    Similarity Check Penetapan Kadar Fenolik Total Ekstrak Metanol Kelopak Bunga Rosella Merah (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) dengan Variasi Tempat Tumbuh secara Spektrofotometri

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan kadar fenolik total pada kelopak bunga rosella merah (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) dengan variasi tempat tumbuh. Kelopak bunga Rosella merah diambil dari daerah Glagah, Kediri dan Samigaluh. Senyawa fenolik dalam kelopak bunga rosella diekstraksi menggunakan metode maserasi dengan pelarut metanol. Kadar fenolik total ditetapkan menggunakan metode Spektrofotometri visibel dengan pereaksi Folin Ciocalteau. Prinsip dari metode ini adalah terbentuknya senyawa kompleks berwarna biru dari fosfomolibdat-fosfotungstat yang direduksi senyawa fenolik dalam suasana basa yang dapat diukur secara spektrofotometri. Sebagai pembanding digunakan asam galat. Kadar fenolik total pada kelopak bunga Rosella merah Glagah, Kediri dan Samigaluh berturut-turut yaitu 1,40 g GAE/100 g ekstrak, SD 0,06 dengan n=12; 1,41 g GAE/100 g ekstrak, SD 0,07 dengan n=12 dan 2,12 g GAE/100 g ekstrak, SD 0,05 dengan n=15. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tempat tumbuh berpengaruh terhadap kadar fenolik total dalam ekstrak metanol kelopak bunga Rosella merah


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    Jurnal ini membahas tentang bagaimana melakukan proses desain jembatan penghubung di lingkungan kawasan religi yang cukup terkenal yaitu di Desa Gogodalem, Bringin, Semarang. Kawasan ini cukup potensial untuk berkembangnya kawasan religi yang lebih komprehensif dikarenakan sejarah terbentuknya desa ini didominasi dengan perjalanan seorang wali yang turun temurun mengajarkan agama Islam dan meninggalkan jejak peninggalan yang masih ada hingga sekarang. Akses jalan menuju lokasi ziarah haru melewati sungai yang kedua daratannya dihubungkan dengan sebuah jembatan. Saat ini jembatan yang ada berupa beton sederhana tanpa pengaman dan hanya mampu dilewati kendaraan secara bergantian.  Metode yang dilakukan adalah analisis SWOT. Maksud dan tujuan dari pengabdian dan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan desain jembatan penghubung yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan potensi kawasan. Adapun produk yang dihasilkan adalah desain jembatan.


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    Galeh Village in Tangen District, Sragen Regency has a village head's office or what is usually referred to as a village hall as the center of government and administration at the village level. The village hall is a village-owned building where village residents gather when holding meetings, conferences or deliberations. Apart from holding important meetings to discuss matters related to the village, the village hall also often functions as a place for social activities to take place. Conditions in the field, the village hall office is experiencing problems such as many rooms that are not being used, are outdated, and circulation that is not up to standard. Applying the Neo Vernacular Architectural Concept to the Galeh Village Hall is a solution to the redesign of the hall. The combination of traditional and modern architecture is a characteristic of this architectural concept which can be seen from maintaining the joglo roof, adding batik ornaments and elephant tusk monuments to the building which are characteristic of the Javanese culture of the local community. then combined with the use of modern materials such as brick walls, roster windows, GRC list plans and others

    Risk Management of West Semarang Water Supply PPP Project: Public Sector Perspective

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    While the need for water supply infrastructure development keeps increasing, many local governments of Indonesia are facing problems related to limited funding. This condition opens up an opportunity for private sector to invest in water supply infrastructure projects through Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. As this scheme is relatively new for many local governments in Indonesia, its complexity and typically long duration of the concession period may raise concerns of potential risks throughout the project life cycle. It is, therefore, very important for public sector as owner of the project to understand and to be able to manage risks properly throughout the concession period. The aim of this research is to evaluate risk management of West Semarang Water Supply PPP Project as perceived by public sector. The objectives are to identify, to analyze, and to allocate risks to the right parties. Qualitative and quantitative approaches have been used for the research method. Data were collected through focus group discussion involving 16 relevant officials of local government of Semarang, including its Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM). This research has identified a total of 66 risks as perceived by the public sector, which are then classified into 11 categories, e.g. political, operation, revenue, etc. The proportions of the level of risks are relatively balanced, as follows; low (37.88%), moderate (28.79%) and high (33.33%). In terms of risk allocation, 46.97% of risks are allocated to the public sector, while 37.88% and 15.15% of the risks are allocated to the private sector and shared by both parties, respectively. The results of this research are valuable for the local government of Semarang and can be used as a guidance in managing risks of the PPP project throughout the concession period

    Risk Management of West Semarang Water Supply PPP Project: Public Sector Perspective

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    While the need for water supply infrastructure development keeps increasing, many local governments of Indonesia are facing problems related to limited funding. This condition opens up an opportunity for private sector to invest in water supply infrastructure projects through Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. As this scheme is relatively new for many local governments in Indonesia, its complexity and typically long duration of the concession period may raise concerns of potential risks throughout the project life cycle. It is, therefore, very important for public sector as owner of the project to understand and to be able to manage risks properly throughout the concession period. The aim of this research is to evaluate risk management of West Semarang Water Supply PPP Project as perceived by public sector. The objectives are to identify, to analyze, and to allocate risks to the right parties. Qualitative and quantitative approaches have been used for the research method. Data were collected through focus group discussion involving 16 relevant officials of local government of Semarang, including its Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM). This research has identified a total of 66 risks as perceived by the public sector, which are then classified into 11 categories, e.g. political, operation, revenue, etc. The proportions of the level of risks are relatively balanced, as follows; low (37.88%), moderate (28.79%) and high (33.33%). In terms of risk allocation, 46.97% of risks are allocated to the public sector, while 37.88% and 15.15% of the risks are allocated to the private sector and shared by both parties, respectively. The results of this research are valuable for the local government of Semarang and can be used as a guidance in managing risks of the PPP project throughout the concession period

    Pendampingan Desain Perencanaan Pengembangan Kawasan Kolam Renang Desa Dukuh Kecamatan Tangen Kabupaten Sragen

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    [Title: A design approach to developt the swimming pool area in Dukuh village, sub-district of Tangen, district of Sragen] Tourism activities are an inseparable part of societies and are expected to be the income for the regions. Dukuh village is one of the villages in the sub-district of Tangen, district of Sragen. Nowadays, Dukuh village attemps to develop its nature potencies which is one of them is the area of swimming pool. A design recommendation was proposed by the study programme of Civil Infrastructure Engineering and Architectural Design, Department of Civil and Planning, Vocational School, Diponegoro University, through a community service programme. There were three design approaches in this program. First, creating zoning of the swimming pool area by dividing the area into three main zones i.e. public, private, and services areas. Second, designing the landscape with hard and soft materials. Adding many trees in order to provide shaded areas for visitors. Third, providing good supporting facilities such as gazebo, sitting group, and cafeteria