2,715 research outputs found

    Las políticas públicas y las acciones privadas en cooperación al desarrollo : perspectivas y propuestas para el trabajo social = Public policies and private actions for cooperation for development : perspectives and proposals for social work

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    El surgimiento de nuevos yacimientos de empleo para los trabajadores sociales es una buena oportunidad para que el saber acumulado por los mismos se despliegue más allá de nuestras fronteras. Los conocimientos y capacidades asumidos en sus estudios debe ser aval más que suficiente para que ONGDs y Administraciones públicas vean la importancia de contar con estos profesionales en el ámbito de la cooperación al desarrollo. Para que el perfil se amolde a lo solicitado, desde diversos organismos y universidades se desarrollan asignaturas, cursos y másteres que son el complemento ideal a la formación básica, especialmente en un momento como el actual de cambio profundo en nuestra ayuda al desarrollo para que ésta sea de mayor calidad y cantidad.________________________________________________The upsurge of employment sources for social workers is a good opportunity to unfold their knowledge beyond the Spanish borders. The knowledge and skills acquired by students of the Social Work Degree should be enough guarantee that NGO’s and Public Administrations should see the relevance of counting on these professionals in the area of Cooperation for Development. In order to make their profile suit the requirements, the diverse organisms and universities develop subjects, courses and masters that make the ideal complement of a basic training, especially in the present moment of deep change in Spanish Development Aid so that it gains in quality and quantity

    Recursos TIC vs. Método Tradicional

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Infantil. Codi: MI1040. Curs acadèmic: 2017/201

    La interpretación actoral en ópera: bases para el desarrollo de una técnica actual para la escena operística

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    La interdisciplinariedad intrínseca al género operístico provoca, desde su inicio, el debate entre diferentes tendencias interpretativas. Latransformación del escenario operístico, tras la formulación de la Gesamtkunstwerk y el desarrollo de las vanguardias del siglo xx requiere,cada vez más, un intérprete que no solo debe usar su voz de forma virtuosa, sino también enfrentarse a la realidad escénica en toda su complejidad. De acuerdo con mi investigación, cuando la técnica actoral converge con la música y el canto, ciertos elementos técnicos que configuran la primera se transforman y surgen otros nuevos: en la ópera no solo el texto sino la música devienen elementos dramatúrgicos y el trabajo de la organicidad queda, pues, vinculado a la música. El problema del lenguaje y la terminología, al abordar el género interdisciplinar que es la ópera, lleva a considerar necesaria la creación de una nueva propuesta terminológica acorde a las necesidades. El objetivo es tratar de explorarlas principales diferencias entre la técnica actoral que requieren los actores de texto y la que requieren los cantantes de ópera. A partir del análisis de los principales cuerpos teóricos y experiencias artísticas que han abordado este punto a lo largo de la historia de la ópera, y explorando el trabajo y la experiencia artística de cantantes de ópera contemporáneos, nuestro reto será establecer las bases para formular una técnica específica para la interpretación actoral en óper

    Political content on the recovery of argentine companies. Notes for a demystifications

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    Entre las diversas respuestas colectivas que emergen en el marco de la crisis por la que atraviesa Argentina en el año 2001 está la de los trabajadores que recuperan la vida productiva de empresas en situación de abandono, quiebra o cierre. Sin tener su origen en la crisis, la recuperación de empresas adquiere en dicho contexto rasgos particulares como respuesta colectiva de resistencia defensiva ante la pérdida del empleo. El objetivo que persigo en este artículo es abordar la significación política que tiene dicha respuesta y el modelo autogestión colectiva de los trabajadores en su propia subjetividad narrativa a través de los discursos recogidos en Chilavert, una empresa gráfica de Buenos Aires recuperada en el año 2002.Amid a backdrop of deep economic crisis like the one that lives Argentina in 2001 produced the highest number of recoveries from the companies in the country. It is a collective response of defensive resistance starring workers to keep their jobs in a situation of extreme necessity, marked by the closure of the company and the difficulties in finding a job in this situation in which they reach unemployment and poverty figures hitherto unknown. The aim of this article is to address the political significance that has the recovery narrative subjectivity that workers have staged through the speeches collected between Chilavert workers, a business chart of Buenos Aires recovered in 2002

    Análisis comparado de interacciones comunicativas en el ámbito judicial en Estados Unidos y España

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    Treball Final de Grau en Traducció i Interpretació. Codi: TI0983. Curs acadèmic 2013-2014En este trabajo he querido profundizar en el tema de las diferencias culturales y en cómo afectan a la hora de comunicarnos. Existen numerosas teorías sobre la clasificación de las culturas desde el punto de vista de la comunicación; aquí comentaré las de Hofstede, las de Hall y las de Trompenaars y Hampden-Turner. Por otra parte, las principales barreras comunicativas con las que nos encontramos son los estereotipos, los prejuicios y el etnocentrismo. Estos tres aspectos dificultan enormemente la comunicación. Asimismo, existen dimensiones de la interacción comunicativa sobre las que poder comparar las diferentes culturas. Aquí juega un papel muy importante el lenguaje no verbal, ya que la mayoría de los mensajes que transmitimos cuando nos comunicamos son de carácter no verbal y, aunque compartamos comportamientos del lenguaje no verbal de manera universal, la cultura influye mucho. Además, he realizado un análisis comparado de dos situaciones comunicativas, teniendo en cuenta distintos aspectos, como los usos del lenguaje, el paralenguaje, la distribución del tiempo y la distribución del espacio. Para ello he escogido dos escenas de un juicio de dos culturas diferentes. Finalmente, he comentado la importancia de los aspectos del lenguaje no verbal (que está estrechamente relacionado con la cultura) en el ámbito de la interpretación

    Genes of different catabolic pathways are coordinately regulated by Dal81 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Yeast can use a wide variety of nitrogen compounds. However, the ability to synthesize enzymes and permeases for catabolism of poor nitrogen sources is limited in the presence of a rich one. This general mechanism of transcriptional control is called nitrogen catabolite repression. Poor nitrogen sources, such as leucine, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and allantoin, enable growth after the synthesis of pathway-specific catabolic enzymes and permeases. This synthesis occurs only under conditions of nitrogen limitation and in the presence of a pathway-specific signal. In this work we studied the temporal order in the induction of AGP1, BAP2, UGA4, and DAL7, genes that are involved in the catabolism and use of leucine, GABA, and allantoin, three poor nitrogen sources. We found that when these amino acids are available, cells will express AGP1 and BAP2 in the first place, then DAL7, and at last UGA4. Dal81, a general positive regulator of genes involved in nitrogen utilization related to the metabolisms of GABA, leucine, and allantoin, plays a central role in this coordinated regulation.Fil: Palavecino Ruiz, Marcos Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Correa Garcia, Susana Raquel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Bermudez Moretti, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentin

    Democratization Enabled By Participatory Premises In The Qualitative Study Of Companies Recovered By Their Workers (CRW)

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    Incidents of companies being recovered by their workers that have occurred in different countries have attracted media attention. Based on ideological tendencies, some experts have interpreted these processes as an indicator for their fulfilment of their own predictions.In contrast to these interpretations, this article focuses on the effectiveness of the use of the main premises of Participatory Action Research (PAR). The focus is on understanding the point of view of the involved protagonists. Qualitative evidence is presented (Dz Ru, 2014) demonstrating the existence of disaffected feelings towards experts caused by their inverviewing approaches. This disaffection is explained as a consequence of pre-built ideas connected to the experts' ideological tendencies


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    In this paper, we consider a model in which fishing boats or firms share the stock of fish in a fishing ground. The catches made by each firm reduce the stock available for the rest of the firms, which directly affects their profits. We aim to quantify in a static framework the gain in welfare obtained by the firms if they decide to cooperate in order to attain an individually rational efficient outcome. One of the main results is that, both the incentives for the firms to cooperate and the minimum level of catches which permits any gain in welfare decrease as real wage increases. On the other hand, the greater the asymmetry among boats of firms, the more difficult it will be to reach any cooperative agreement.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Spanish Companies' Conversion Into Cooperatives As A Collective Resistance Response To Unemployment

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    The samples of depletion in the current economical and productive model observed by various authors from different disciplines provide the framework of business recovery processes and companies' conversion into cooperatives by their workers. These processes can be observed in countries like Argentina, the USA, Greece and Spain.The main reason for this response lies in the organization of collective resistance strategies to prevent unemployment. The strategies represent an implicit criticism of the economical and productive model based on increased unemployment, job insecurity and instability.Based on the qualitative results and a set of surveys obtained in previous research conducted in Argentina (Dz Ruiz, 2014) and using discursive material recently collected in a private company in Cuenca (Spain), this paper will study the common elements of both scenarios. The result is the depiction of the conversion processes through the subjective vision of the main protagonists

    Evaluation of a Semi-Analytical/Numerical Method for Modeling Matrix Diffusion Effects in Groundwater Chemical Transport

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    Secondary sources of contamination, such as dissolved chemicals in low permeability zones result in plume persistence and limitations for plume remediation as a consequence of the process of matrix diffusion (Mackay and Cherry, 1989; Chapman and Parker, 2005). Existing numerical transport simulators are capable of modeling matrix diffusion; however, they require fine discretization, resulting in large computational effort. An alternative approach was developed combining numerical and analytical modeling to simulate matrix diffusion effects. The semi-analytical/numerical (referred to as semi-analytical for short) approach used here was adapted from geothermal reservoir modeling of transient heat conduction in low permeability cap rocks (Vinsome and Westerveld, 1980). The semi-analytical method discretizes the high permeability parts of the aquifer in the numerical model and the matrix diffusion flux is approximated at the sub-grid scale without modifying the grid. The objective of this research is to test the semi-analytical method for the simulation of matrix diffusion effects in groundwater transport. To achieve this goal the semi-analytical method was used to simulate laboratory-scale studies and the results were compared to experimental data. In addition, various test scenarios representing heterogeneous environments were developed and compared to results from a commercial numerical simulator. Two implementations of the matrix diffusion analysis were tested in this research. Initially, a Visual Basic program in Excel® was compared to experimental results from two published studies from University of Florida and Colorado State University. Results from the Visual Basic code were also compared to fine-grid numerical simulations of two-layer systems. A FORTRAN version of this program, called REMChlor-MD was evaluated by comparing to results from large fine-grid numerical models (approximately 3 million gridblocks) with highly heterogeneous material distributions. The results indicate that the semi-analytical method matches both experimental data and fine grid numerical simulations, even for systems with highly complex heterogeneities. Besides the visual comparison, coefficients of determination were estimated for the cases studied, obtaining values from 0.724 to 0.998, demonstrating good accuracy of the matrix diffusion semi-analytical method for most practical purposes. The semi-analytical model is highly efficient, requiring only a fraction (approximately 1/10000) of the run times of the fine grid numerical simulations used as comparison basis. This evaluation is one of the stages of the project funded by the DoD\u27s Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) and supported in part by the Department of Energy. The project aims to develop and implement a new generation of the screening level transport model REMChlor that considers matrix diffusion in the plume: REMChlor-MD