124 research outputs found

    The deluge of debt : understanding the financial needs of poor households

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    This paper is about the financial lives of poor households. It examines the different sources of income and expenditure of the poor households residing in a coastal settlement in Kerala. The method of financial diary for data collection is adopted for the study. The sample size is 13. The study finds that more than 50% of the poor households in the socially excluded hamlet are not yet connected with the formal institutionalised system for their financial needs. The poor frequently borrow small amounts from money lenders, friends and relatives even though about 46% of the households had access to SHG [Self Help Groups] or bank linkages. In the sample households, the maximum amounts of over 72% of such loans were less than Rs 500. Debt or borrowed funds constituted about 47% of the resource inflow for the sampled households. The share of food in the expenditure basket of the poor was very high, regardless of the occupation and the source of livelihood of the household. The paper suggests the need for a relook at the design of financial products that banks offer to these underserved, vulnerable clients. The paper also urges more research in the area, and also a clear client consultation process before designing financial products for the poor. Key words: Poor households, Financial inclusion, SHG, Kerala, Moneylender JEL Classification: G2, G20, G2

    Non-sequential double ionization below laser-intensity threshold: Anticorrelation of electrons without excitation of parent ion

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    Two-electron correlated spectra of non-sequential double ionization below laser-intensity threshold are known to exhibit back-to-back scattering of the electrons, viz., the anticorrelation of the electrons. Currently, the widely accepted interpretation of the anticorrelation is recollision-induced excitation of the ion plus subsequent field ionization of the second electron. We argue that another mechanism, namely simultaneous electron emission, when the time of return of the rescattered electron is equal to the time of liberation of the bounded electron (the ion has no time for excitation), can also explain the anticorrelation of the electrons in the deep below laser-intensity threshold regime. Our conclusion is based on the results of the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation for a model system of two one-dimensional electrons as well as an adiabatic analytic model that allows for a closed-form solution.Comment: 6 pages and 3 figure

    Disentangling discrepancies between stellar evolution theory and sub-solar mass stars. The influence of the mixing length parameter for the UV Psc binary

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    Serious discrepancies have recently been observed between predictions of stellar evolution models in the 0.7-1.1 M_sun mass range and accurately measured properties of binary stars with components in this mass range. We study one of these objects, the eclipsing binary UV Piscium, which is particularly interesting because Popper (1997) derived age estimates for each component which differed by more than a factor of two. In an attempt to solve this significant discrepancy (a difference in age of 11 Gyr), we compute a large grid of stellar evolution models with the CESAM code for each component. By fixing the masses to their accurately determined values (relative error smaller than 1% for both stars), we consider a wide range of possible metallicities Z (0.01 to 0.05), and Helium content Y (0.25 to 0.34) uncorrelated to Z. In addition, the mixing length parameter alpha_MLT is left as another free parameter. We obtain a best fit in the T_eff-radius diagram for a common chemical composition (Z, Y)=(0.012, 0.31), but a different MLT parameter alpha_MLT_A = 0.95+-0.12(statistical)+0.30(systematic) and alpha_MLT_B = 0.65+-0.07(stat)+0.10(syst). The apparent age discrepancy found by Popper (1997) disappears with this solution, the components being coeval to within 1%. This suggests that fixing alpha_MLT to its solar value (~1.6), a common hypothesis assumed in most stellar evolutionary models, may not be correct. Secondly, since alpha_MLT is smaller for the less massive component, this suggests that the MLT parameter may decrease with stellar mass, showing yet another shortcoming of the mixing length theory to explain stellar convection. This trend needs further confirmation with other binary stars with accurate data.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Asteroseismic fundamental properties of solar-type stars observed by the NASA Kepler Mission

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    We use asteroseismic data obtained by the NASA Kepler Mission to estimate the fundamental properties of more than 500 main-sequence and sub-giant stars. Data obtained during the first 10 months of Kepler science operations were used for this work, when these solar-type targets were observed for one month each in a survey mode. Stellar properties have been estimated using two global asteroseismic parameters and complementary photometric and spectroscopic data. Homogeneous sets of effective temperatures were available for the entire ensemble from complementary photometry; spectroscopic estimates of T_eff and [Fe/H] were available from a homogeneous analysis of ground-based data on a subset of 87 stars. [Abbreviated version... see paper for full abstract.]Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJS; 90 pages, 22 figures, 6 tables. Units on rho in tables now listed correctly as rho(Sun

    Correlated multi-electron dynamics in ultrafast laser pulse - atom interactions

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    We present the results of the detailed experimental study of multiple ionization of Ne and Ar by 25 and 7 fs laser pulses. For Ne the highly correlated "instantaneous" emission of up to four electrons is triggered by a recollisional electron impact, whereas in multiple ionization of Ar different mechanisms, involving field ionization steps and recollision-induced excitations, play a major role. Using few-cycle pulses we are able to suppress those processes that occur on time scales longer than one laser cycle.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    MOST photometry of the enigmatic PMS pulsator HD 142666

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    We present precise photometry of the pulsating Herbig Ae star HD 142666 obtained in two consecutive years with the MOST (Microvariability & Oscilations of STars) satellite. Previously, only a single pulsation period was known for HD 142666. The MOST photometry reveals that HD 142666 is multi-periodic. However, the unique identification of pulsation frequencies is complicated by the presence of irregular variability caused by the star's circumstellar dust disk. The two light curves obtained with MOST in 2006 and 2007 provided data of unprecedented quality to study the pulsations in HD 142666 and also to monitor the circumstellar variability. We attribute 12 frequencies to pulsation. Model fits to the three frequencies with the highest amplitudes lie well outside the uncertainty box for the star's position in the HR diagram based on published values. The models suggest that either (1) the published estimate of the luminosity of HD 142666, based on a relation between circumstellar disk radius and stellar luminosity, is too high and/or (2) additional physics such as mass accretion may be needed in our models to accurately fit both the observed frequencies and HD 142666's position in the HR diagram.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Properties of 42 Solar-type Kepler Targets from the Asteroseismic Modeling Portal

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    Recently the number of main-sequence and subgiant stars exhibiting solar-like oscillations that are resolved into individual mode frequencies has increased dramatically. While only a few such data sets were available for detailed modeling just a decade ago, the Kepler mission has produced suitable observations for hundreds of new targets. This rapid expansion in observational capacity has been accompanied by a shift in analysis and modeling strategies to yield uniform sets of derived stellar properties more quickly and easily. We use previously published asteroseismic and spectroscopic data sets to provide a uniform analysis of 42 solar-type Kepler targets from the Asteroseismic Modeling Portal (AMP). We find that fitting the individual frequencies typically doubles the precision of the asteroseismic radius, mass and age compared to grid-based modeling of the global oscillation properties, and improves the precision of the radius and mass by about a factor of three over empirical scaling relations. We demonstrate the utility of the derived properties with several applications.Comment: 12 emulateapj pages, 9 figures, 1 online-only extended figure, 1 table, ApJS accepted (typo corrected in Eq.8

    Many-electron tunneling in atoms

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    A theoretical derivation is given for the formula describing N-electron ionization of atom by a dc field and laser radiation in tunneling regime. Numerical examples are presented for noble gases atoms.Comment: 11 pages, 1 EPS figure, submitted to JETP (Jan 99

    Solar-like oscillations in low-luminosity red giants: first results from Kepler

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    We have measured solar-like oscillations in red giants using time-series photometry from the first 34 days of science operations of the Kepler Mission. The light curves, obtained with 30-minute sampling, reveal clear oscillations in a large sample of G and K giants, extending in luminosity from the red clump down to the bottom of the giant branch. We confirm a strong correlation between the large separation of the oscillations (Delta nu) and the frequency of maximum power (nu_max). We focus on a sample of 50 low-luminosity stars (nu_max > 100 muHz, L <~ 30 L_sun) having high signal-to-noise ratios and showing the unambiguous signature of solar-like oscillations. These are H-shell-burning stars, whose oscillations should be valuable for testing models of stellar evolution and for constraining the star-formation rate in the local disk. We use a new technique to compare stars on a single echelle diagram by scaling their frequencies and find well-defined ridges corresponding to radial and non-radial oscillations, including clear evidence for modes with angular degree l=3. Measuring the small separation between l=0 and l=2 allows us to plot the so-called C-D diagram of delta nu_02 versus Delta nu. The small separation delta nu_01 of l=1 from the midpoint of adjacent l=0 modes is negative, contrary to the Sun and solar-type stars. The ridge for l=1 is notably broadened, which we attribute to mixed modes, confirming theoretical predictions for low-luminosity giants. Overall, the results demonstrate the tremendous potential of Kepler data for asteroseismology of red giants.Comment: accepted by ApJ Letters, to appear in special Kepler issue. Updated reference
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