94 research outputs found

    Biological characteristics of sperm in European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis)

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    In brooding mollusc species that incubate larvae before their release in seawater, the biology of gametes remains poorly explored. The present study describes some biological characteristics of sperm of the European flat oyster, a native species that has been over-exploited in the past and is nowadays classified as an endangered species in Europe. Flat oysters were collected by divers in the Rade de Brest (FinistĂšre, France), during its natural reproduction period. Gonadal pH is acidic (6.31 ± 0.10). Spermatozoa are clustered in spermatozeugmata, an acellular structure in which the sperm heads are embedded. After their transfer in seawater, spermatozeugmata have a mean diameter of 64 ± 3 Όm and they release free spermatozoa for a mean duration of 21 ± 3 min. Immediately after their release, the mean percentage of motile spermatozoa was 48.5 ± 12.6%. At 10 min after dilution in seawater, movement of spermatozoa was no more observed. Biological characteristics of European flat oyster sperm are compared to those observed in the Pacific oyster, regarding the unique reproductive behaviour of the former species and the role of spermatozoa transfer played by spermatozeugmata. The present results aim to improve the knowledge of reproduction and natural recruitment processes, support conservation and restoration measures and favour the establishment of management protocols of gametes and larvae in this endangered species

    Effective elastic properties of 3D stochastic bicontinuous composites

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    We study effective elastic properties of 3D bicontinuous random composites (such as, e.g., nanoporous gold filled with polymer) considering linear and infinitesimal elasticity and using asymptotic homogenization along with the finite element method. For the generation of the microstructures, a leveled-wave model based on the works of J. W. Cahn [J.W. Cahn. Phase separation by spinodal decomposition in isotropic systems. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 42(1):93-99, 1965.] and Soyarslan et al. [C. Soyarslan, S. Bargmann, M. Pradas, and J. WeissmĂŒller. 3D stochastic bicontinuous microstructures: generation, topology and elasticity. Acta Materialia, 149: 326-340, 2018.] is used. The influences of volume element size, phase contrast, relative volume fraction of phases and applied boundary conditions on computed apparent elastic moduli are investigated. The nanocomposite behaves distinctly different than its nanoporous counterpart without any filling as determined by scrutinized macroscopic responses of gold-epoxy nanocomposites of various phase volume fractions. This is due to the fact that, in the space-filling nanocomposite the force transmission is possible in all directions whereas in the nanoporous gold the load is transmitted along ligaments, which hinges upon the phase topology through network connectivity. As a consequence, we observe a distinct elastic scaling law for bicontinuous metal-polymer composites. A comparison of our findings with the Hashin-Shtrikman, the three-point Beran-Molyneux and the Milton-Phan-Tien analytical bounds for the same composites show that computational homogenization using periodic boundary conditions is justified to be the only tool in accurate and efficient determination of the effective properties of 3D bicontinuous random composites with high contrast and volume fraction bias towards the weaker phase

    Le lieu jaune (Pollachius pollachius) : biologie, pĂȘche, marchĂ© et potentiel aquacole

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    This work reviews data available in the literature on pollack. This species is only observed in N-E Atlantic and in the Channel. Pollack spawns in spring. From a size of 5 cm, juveniles move into deeper water. The growth is rapid. From 1979, fishing has been stabilized around 10 to 15.000 tonnes. In 1996, France was the first producer of pollack. However, this production decreased from 1989, as in many other European countries. Between 1995 and 1998, the wholesale selling price ranges from 16.6 F/kg to 20.0 F/kg. The main sources of variation are the period, the location and the selling year. The retail price is comprised between 40 F/kg and 110 F/kg, depending on the presentation and the distribution channel. Rearing attempts are rare and limited to France. Large quantities of eggs were collected in captivity. Hatching rate remained low. First larval rearing attempts were encouraging. However, weaning remained difficult. When temperature was comprised between 13 and 18°C, a mean weight of 400 g was reached 18 months after hatching. The best growth was recorded at 16°C. However, good results were observed between 12 and 18°C. The assets of pollack for aquaculture are numerous: a rapid growth at water temperature close to those recorded on the Atlantic coast of France, a first sexual maturity recorded only in fish weighing more than 1 kg, a good quality flesh, the availably of juveniles and breeders in the wild, the encouraging results recorded in rearing attempts and a fillet yield similar to those of farmed fish species. However, the wholesale selling price is low. For aquaculture purpose, the production cost of pollack has to be lowered. For comparison with pollack, some data concerning saithe are included in this work. Because of its very low selling price, this species is not a good candidate for aquaculture.Ce travail fait le point des donnĂ©es disponibles dans la littĂ©rature sur le lieu jaune. L’espĂšce n est observĂ©e que dans l'Atlantique nord-est et dans la Manche. Le lieu jaune pond au printemps. A partir d’une taille de 5 cm, les juvĂ©niles gagnent des eaux profondes. La croissance est rapide. La pĂȘche mondiale s’est stabilisĂ©e depuis 1979 Ă  des valeurs comprises entre 10 et 15.000 tonnes par an. En 1996, la France Ă©tait le premier producteur de lieu. Mais cette production dĂ©croĂźt depuis 1989, comme dans de nombreux pays europĂ©ens. Entre 1995 et 1998, le prix de vente du lieu jaune en criĂ©e est compris entre 16,6F/kg et 20,0 F/kg. Les sources essentielles de variation du prix sont la pĂ©riode, le lieu et enfin l’annĂ©e de vente. Au dĂ©tail, les prix sont plus Ă©levĂ©s et compris entre 40 F/kg et 110 F/kg selon la prĂ©sentation et le circuit de commercialisation. Les essais d’aquaculture sont rares et restent cantonnĂ©s Ă  la France. Des quantitĂ©s importantes d’Ɠufs ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©coltĂ©es en captivitĂ©. Le taux d’éclosion reste faible. Les premiers essais d’élevage larvaire sont encourageants, bien que le sevrage semble dĂ©licat. A une tempĂ©rature comprise entre 13 et 18°C, un poids moyen de 400g est atteint 18 mois aprĂšs l’éclosion. Bien que la meilleure croissance soit observĂ©e Ă  16°C, de bons rĂ©sultats sont enregistrĂ©s entre 12 et 18°C. Les atouts du lieu jaune pour l’aquaculture sont nombreux: croissance rapide Ă  des tempĂ©ratures proches de celles relevĂ©es sur les cĂŽtes atlantiques françaises, premiĂšre maturitĂ© sexuelle n’apparaissant que vers 1 kg, chair de bonne qualitĂ©, disponibilitĂ© en juvĂ©niles et reproducteurs, premiers rĂ©sultats enregistrĂ©s en Ă©levage encourageants, rendement Ă  la dĂ©coupe comparable Ă  celui relevĂ© chez d’autres espĂšces d’aquaculture. Le prix de vente en criĂ© est cependant faible. Le prix de revient en Ă©levage devra donc ĂȘtre bas pour que le lieu jaune s’avĂšre ĂȘtre un bon candidat Ă  l’élevage. Quelques donnĂ©es concernant le lieu noir sont rajoutĂ©es Ă  ce travail, permettant une comparaison avec le lieu jaune. En raison de son trĂšs faible prix de vente, le lieu noir n’est pas actuellement un bon candidat Ă  l’élevage

    Sexual dimorphism of drumming muscles in European hake (Merluccius merluccius)

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    Dissections of mature and non-mature European hake males and females (N = 142) collected in waters off the western coast of Norway and in the Bay of Biscay (France) in 2004–2006 demonstrate for the first time that this gadoid species contains drumming muscles. There were differences in drumming muscles weight with body length, sex and maturity stage. This study shows that the difference between females and males is primarily manifested during the spawning season, seen both in the French and Norwegian samples. For the mature females the drumming muscles dry weight increases only slightly, if at all, with increase in total length. For mature males there is a corresponding rapid increase. There does not seem to be any consistent difference between the average dry weight of the drumming muscles in immature male and immature and mature female hake of the same length, tested on the Norwegian samples. Our results suggest that male hake, like the males of other gadoids studied, may produce sounds in the context of spawning

    La domestication des poissons : le cas du thon rouge

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    Bluefin tuna shows adaptative physiology features allowing life in a wide range of physical and climatic parameters like temperature, salinity and hydrostatic pressure, hence the species fulfil the main basic requirements for progressive domestication and rearing in captivity. The high mortalities recorded after handling and the losses observed after abrupt variations of environment in the cages, emphasised the extreme sensitivity to stress of tuna. As consequences, the progresses about the control of tuna biological cycle are very slow due to limited handling possibilities and tuna aquaculture is restricted to fattening of wild fish. At this time, bluefin tuna production progresses without domestication of the species.Le thon rouge prĂ©sente des caractĂšres adaptatifs lui permettant de vivre dans une gamme large de paramĂštres physiques et climatiques tels que la tempĂ©rature, la salinitĂ© et la pression hydrostatique. L’élevage de l’espĂšce et une domestication progressive pouvaient donc ĂȘtre envisagĂ©s. Les mortalitĂ©s importantes observĂ©es aprĂšs manipulation et les pertes liĂ©es aux variations brutales de l’environnement en cage ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’extrĂȘme sensibilitĂ© du thon au stress. Cette nouvelle caractĂ©ristique de ce poisson pĂ©lagique diminue les possibilitĂ©s d’intervention humaine durant l’élevage. Celui-ci se limite Ă  l’engraissement d’individus sauvages et les progrĂšs sur le contrĂŽle du cycle biologique de l’espĂšce sont extrĂȘmement lents. On peut dire que la production de thon progresse sans domestication de l’espĂšce

    Evaluation of fish sperm quality

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    P>The development of cheaper technical tools and the availability of well established assay kits provide today the spermatologists with several devices for objective and quantifying assessment of sperm quality. The present paper reviews modern methods on sperm concentration assessment, morphometry, motility processes through flagellum studies, motility objective assessment by computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA), sperm integrity and energetic state measurements
