193 research outputs found

    Konsep Khilafah Islamiyyah dalam Tafsir Klasik dan Kontemporer

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    The study of the Islamic caliphate is always interesting to discuss until now—either from a historical perspective, Islamic politics, or the interpretation of the Qur'an. Al-Qur'an as the holy book of Muslims, is believed to be eternal against all changes in time and place (sahih li kulli zaman wa makan) certainly gives signs about Islamic government (Khilafah Islamiyyah). This is clarified by the reading of the text of the Qur'an by the commentators, so that in this study it is expected to be able to conceptualize or construct the Khilafah Islamiyyah comprehensively in terms of various classical and contemporary commentaries. This study uses qualitative research methods, namely research that contains written data such as documents or other texts that are relevant to the topic of discussion, this written data is usually in the form of words or actions and not in the form of numbers (numeric). The collection of sources in this study was obtained using library research or book surveys. There are three steps in this technique. First, take an inventory of the verses about the Khilafah Islamiyyah. Second, reading, exploring, and collecting the interpretations of classical and contemporary commentators. Third, describe and analyze the concept of the Islamic Caliphate, so that comprehensive and holistic research findings or results can be obtained

    Factors Influencing Labor Demand In Small And Micro Convection Manufacturing Industry In Tembok Banjaran Village, Adiwerna District, Tegal Regency

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    The textile product industry or the convection industry in Adiwerna District is one of the small and micro industries that employs a significant number of workers. The convection industry is concentrated in the villages of Tembok Banjaran, Tembok Kidul, Tembok Lor, and Tembok Luwung. There are more small convection businesses in Tembok Banjaran compared to Tembok Kidul. However, the number of workers employed by the small convection industry in Tembok Kidul is higher than in Tembok Banjaran. The research aims to analyze the influence of wages, output value, and technology on the demand for labor in the small and micro convection industry in Tembok Banjaran, Adiwerna District, Tegal Regency. The data used in this research are primary data, and the data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that wages do not have a significant influence on labor demand, while output value has a significant positive influence on labor demand. There is no significant difference in the average labor demand between industries with complete machine technology and industries with incomplete machine technology. The implication of this research is the need for efforts to develop small and micro industries into medium or large industries. Increasing the scale of the industry will lead to increased output and increased labor demand.Keywords: Labor Demand, Small and Micro Convection Industry, Wages, Output Value, Technology

    Pengaruh Website Quality dan E–Satisfaction Terhadap E-Loyalty Pada Website pssi.org

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    This study aims to acknowledge any relationship between Website Quality and E - Website user satisfaction with E-Loyalty of website users. In this study the authors used quantitative research methods. The independent variable is the variable that affects or causes the change or the dependent variable arises. In this research, the independent variables are Website Quality and E - Satisfaction. The dependent variable on the variable which is the result of the effect, because the independent variable. The dependent variable in this research is E - Loyalty. The population in this study is online ticket buyers throughout Indonesia through the PSSI.org website, which is unlimited. The population is users of the PSSI Web Site throughout Indonesia. The sampling technique used in this study is a random sampling technique by presenting a total of 10-15% based on the population of buyers or users of the PSSI.org Web site throughout Indonesia which is provided unlimited, it is known The number of samples using the Jacob Cohen formula using an error level of 10% was obtained as many as 204 respondents. The results of the research obtained by the authors also partially Website Quality and E - Satisfaction has a significant effect on E - Loyalty on the PSSI.org Website, E - Satisfaction with E - Loyalty has a proportion value of 8.2%, Website quality has a higher effect on E - Loyalty on the PSSI.org Site with a proportion of 10.2%. Effect of Website Quality and E - Website user satisfaction on E - Website user loyalty simultaneously with an effect of 35.8%, while the remaining 64.2% is by other variables not examined in this study Keywords: Website Quality , E – Satisfaction , E – Loyalt


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    Bekerja dengan menggunakan papan landasan untuk aktivitas di kolong mobil yang kurang ergonomis dapat berpengaruh pada factor keamanan dan kenyamanan mekanik, hal ini di karenakan tubuh mekanik akan mengalami kesakitan maupun cepat mudah lelah pada saat beraktivitas di kolong mobil terlalu lama. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengukur perancangan produk yang ergonomis, salah satunya adalah metode Antropometri Statis, dimana metode ini bertujuan memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan bagi mekanik. Serta mampu menyumbangkan ide dan memberikan konstribusi desain produk yang ergonomi. Perancangan produk papan landasan untuk aktivitas dikolong mobil yang saya gunakan ini hasil dari tes persentil yaitu Panjang Kepala (PKL) = 18.7cm, Kedalaman Leher (KL) = 17.5cm, Lebar Bahu (LBH) = 60.4cm, Lebar Badan (LB) = 42.8cm, Panjang Tubuh (PTB) = 141.1cm dengan tingkat kesalahan 5% dan tingkat kebenaran dalam pengambilan sample yaitu dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%

    The Effect of Product Quality and Service Quality on Purchase Decisions Through Word of Mouth at PT Hosana Inti Branch Malang

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    This study examines four variables, namely product quality, service quality, word of mouth, purchasing decisions. The purpose of this study was to analyze and explain the effect of product and service quality on purchasing decisions by testing word of mouth as an intervention. Research respondents are consumers of PT Hosana Inti Malang Branch. A total of 321 people became the sample of this study. The analysis technique is descriptive, classical assumption test, and linear regression to confirm a structural equation model built by the researcher. A quantitative approach was chosen to explain the influence between research variables. Collecting data using a questionnaire. The results of this study found that word of mouth can mediate the influence of product quality and service quality so that it has an impact on increasing purchasing decisions at PT Hosana Inti Branch Malang. Keywords: Product Quality, Service Quality, Word of Mouth Purchase Decision DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/85-03 Publication date: February 28th 2022

    Partnership Model in Effort to Improve Public Welfare in Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the quality of the implementation CSR PT. Pertamina (Persero) In Indonesia, also determine the factors supporting the success of CSR PT. Pertamina (Persero), and create a model for partnership program PT.Pertamina (Persero) in an effort to improve the welfare of the people especially Partnership Development Partners PT. Pertamina (Persero). The results showed that the implementation of CSR PT. Pertamina there are several internal and external issues relating to the conditions established partners as an agent in relation to the principal-agent. Factors supporting the successful implementation of CSR PT.Pertamina supported by two things: the characteristics of established partners and the characteristics of the program itself Partnership Program Model in an effort to improve the welfare of society divided into 2 levels. The first level of emphasis on the hard work of a principal, the second level emphasizes the empowerment of established partners. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, partnership model, public welfare

    Analisis Day of The Week di Jakarta Islamic Index (JII)

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh hari perdagangan (day of the week effect) pada return saham. Keadaan imbal hasil tertinggi terjadi pada hari Rabu yang berpengaruh secara signifikan, sedangkan kondisi imbal hasil terendah terjadi pada hari Senin yang menghasilkan nilai negatif dan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan

    Makna duafa dalam Quran: Aplikasi pendekatan semantik Toshihiko Izutsu

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    Sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia mengartikan lafal dhuafa dengan lemah yakni orang-orang yang lemah. Padahal apabila ditelusuri dalam Alquran melalui derivasinya ditemukan tiga makna mengenai lafal dhuafa, yaitu (1) berlipatganda, (2) lemah dan (3) dilemahkan. Dalam Alquran terdapat 52 kata yang menunjukan dhuafa dengan berbagai derivasinya. Ditemukan kata dhaafa dengan berbagai derivasinya disebutkan sebanyak 39 kali, yang secara umum terbagi dalam dua pengertian lemah dan berlipat ganda. Kata lain yang semakna dengan dhaafa yaitu mustadhafin (orang-orang yang dilemahkan), disebutkan dalam Alquran sebanyak 13 kali. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengkaji makna kata dhuafa berdasarkan konseptual Alquran itu sendiri. Kerangka teori dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori semantik. Semantik berasal dari bahasa Yunani yang memiliki arti to signify atau memaknai, yang secara resmi disepakati sebagai istilah dalam bidang linguistik yang mempelajari makna suatu bahasa. Secara khusus, penelitian ini menggunakan teori semantik Alquran Toshihiko Izutsu. Menurutnya, semantik Alquran ialah kajian analitik terhadap istilah-istilah kunci suatu bahasa dengan suatu pandangan yang akhirnya sampai pada konsep weltanschauung atau pandangan dunia masyarakat yang menggunakan bahasa itu, tidak hanya sebagai alat bicara dan berfikir, tetapi yang lebih penting lagi pengkonsepan dan penafsiran dunia yang melingkupinya. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif, dan sumbernya berbentuk library research (penelitian kepustakaan) dengan merujuk pada dua sumber yaitu primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian dipaparkan secara deskriptif-analitik. Dari hasil analisis tentang makna kata dhuafa dalam Alquran dengan menggunakan pendekatan semantik, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa, (1) dhuafa yang bermakna berlipatganda selalu bersandingan dengan kata Allah, azab dan qordon hasanah. Dari ketiga kata tersebut menunjukan makna bahwa Allah SWT yang mempunyai otoritas tertinggi untuk melipatgandakan pahala atau azab seseorang. (2) Dhuafa bermakna lemah selalu bersandingan dengan kata syirk, qital, dain, insan, dzuriyyah, dan itsmun. Kelemahan ini menunjukan berbagai aspek kondisi, seperti lemahnya tipu daya setan, lemahnya orang yang meminta dan dipinta (syirk), lemah karena masih anak-anak, anak yatim, sudah tua, sedang sakit, cacat fisik, mental dan batin (biologis). (3) Dhuafa yang bermakna dilemahkan (mustadhafin) bersandingan dengan kata qoum dan istakbaru. Menunjukkan makna banyak qoum, nabi, orang-orang beriman tertindas oleh orang-orang zalim dan sombong


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    ABSTRAK   Besaran fisika dapat berpengaruh baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap keberlangsungan hidup makhluk hidup baik di darat maupun di air, termasuk pada budidaya ikan lele. Jika kualitas air selalu berubah-ubah atau tidak stabil, maka dapat berpengaruh buruk terhadap kondisi ikan seperti stres, sakit atau kematian jika tidak dapat beradaptasi terhadap perubahan yang terjadi. Suhu dan pH air merupakan dasar selain dari beberapa parameter lainnya yang digunakan untuk menjaga kualitas air kolam agar tetap sehat. Termometer dan pH meter dalam penggunaannya harus melakukan pengukuran langsung ke lokasi untuk mengetahui nilai pH dan suhu dari air kolam. Sehingga diperlukan alat monitoring pH dan suhu dengan pemanfaatan IoT yang dapat memberikan efisiensi waktu dalam melakukan pemantauan kualitas air kolam secara real time tanpa harus datang langsung ke lokasi untuk mengefisiensi waktu. Sensor yang digunakan adalah sensor pH dan sensor DS18B20. Serta menggunakan NodeMCU ESP8266 yang merupakan mikrokontroler yang telah dilengkapi oleh module WiFi ESP8266 di dalamnya. Hasil pengujian sensor pH dengan besar nilai R square = 0,909, sedangkan pada sensor suhu menghasilkan nilai R square = 0,911. Ini menunjukkan bahwa kedua sensor memiliki tingkat kevalidan alat adalah sangat valid.   Kata  kunci— monitoring, pH, suhu, sensor pH, sensor DS18B20   ABSTRACT   Physical quantities effect things survive either in the land or water, such catfish cultivation. Unstable water quality change can impact the fish condition, such as being sick, stressed or died. Those conditions happen when the fishes can not adopt with the condition change. Water’s temperature and pH are the basic part is used to keep catfish pool water quality. Thermometer and pH meter had to be tested in the real location to analyse the pool’s water pH and termperature condition. pH and temperature monitoring tool based on IoT is needed to give efficient time in controlling water quality. Sensors used is pH and DS18B20 sensors. NodeMCU ESP8266 is used as microcontroller by WiFi ESP8266 module help. The R squere of pH sensors testing result is for 0,909. Beside, the R squere of temperature sensor is for 0,911. The result shows that both sensors have a very good validity score.   Keywords— monitoring, pH, temperature, pH sensors, DS18B2
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