12 research outputs found

    Research-Based Pocket Book as Fungi Learning Media

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    Fungi endophytic is microscopic so that the results of the documentation of the research can be documented in the form of a pocket. The book pocket is a media of learning that are practical and easy to carry anywhere. In this pocket-book, outlined that the fungi endophytic obtained on the organs of Ciplukan plants namely roots, stems and leaves. Fungi endophytic obtained four isolate suspected of having a substance compound antimicrobials against pathogenic bacteria. Test the feasibility of a pocket book to be used as a source of learning has been validated by experts learning media and material experts. Validation results show an average of 84.31% resulting in valid criteria. The validators statement based on validation states pocketbooks can be used as a source of learning

    Comparison Analysis of Temperature Treatment on Cutleaf Groundcherrys Leaf and Stem

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    The mouth has a normal microflorane of bacteria as the body's defense. Streptococcus mutans bacteria arebacteria that colonize the surface of teeth which have a role in the formation of dental caries. The leaves ofciplukan (Physalis angulata L.) are rich in polyphenols, alkaloids, and flavonoids which are reported to havequite good antimicrobial activity. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of ethanol extract ofciplukan leaves and stalks mouthwash on Streptococcus mutans bacteria. This rese arch method is purelylaboratory experimental using Streptococcus mutans bacteria culture. The antibacterial power test used theliquid dilution method which was then followed by solid dilution with an incubation period of 28 ° C. Thestatistical analysis test used a descriptive test. The results showed that the ethanol extract of the leaves andstems of ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.) had a minimum inhibitory level (MIC) and a minimum kill rate(MBC) at the same concentration, namely 15%. The temperature of the human oral cavity in cold places tendsto change because the mouth is very close to the outside environment, so this mouthwash can berecommended to minimize bacterial growth in cold areas.


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    This literature review explores the intricate dynamics of business navigation in the face of political turbulence, with a specific focus on pre-election economic conditions and the adaptation strategies employed by businesses. The review synthesizes a range of academic sources to examine how political uncertainty, especially during election periods, influences economic environments and business operations. It delves into the various economic indicators that are typically affected by political events, such as market volatility, investment trends, and consumer confidence. The review also assesses the strategies businesses have historically adopted to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities during these periods of uncertainty. This includes a discussion on diversification, strategic planning, and stakeholder communication as key components of effective business adaptation. The study further explores the role of predictive analytics and scenario planning in preparing businesses for potential political outcomes and their economic repercussions. By integrating insights from various disciplines, including political science, economics, and business management, this review provides a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and strategies relevant to business decision-making in politically turbulent times. The findings highlight the importance of proactive planning and adaptability, emphasizing the need for businesses to remain agile and informed in the face of political events that can significantly impact the economic landscape


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    Human activity such a deforestation, the extent of hunting and illegal trade of pets nowadays makes Crested Serpent-eagle’s population in its natural habitat is threatened. To overcome the problem, a rehabilitation is needed to keep its sustainability. Diurnal activity observastion is important in the rehabilitation process, because the result can be the standard for the eagle to completing a rehabilitation process and become a determining factor whether the eagle can move to the next rehabilitation stage and whether the animal can be released or not. Pusat Suaka Satwa Elang Jawa (PSSEJ) is one of rehabilitation centres specially established for mountain eagles which conduct eagles’ rehabilitation and release.This research aims at observing the diurnal activities of Crested Serpent-eagle which are in different rehabilitation stages. The observation was conducted during 10 days in September-October 2021 from 08.00 a.m until 04.0.00 p.m. The method used in this research was ad libitum sampling and focal animal sampling in PSSEJ quarantine and training cage. Based on the observation, it is concluded that there were three categories of Crested Serpent-eagles’ activity observed in quarantine cage and training cage. These activities include perching activities, moving activities and hunting activities. Each activity in each cage has a different percentage, but perching activity has the largest presentation in both cages, namely 92.11% in quarantine cages and 81.79% in training cages. This difference is caused by the rehabilitation stages which has been passed by the eagles, the size of the cage, and the environment condition Key words: Crested Serpent-eagle, Diurnal Activity, Rehabilitatio

    Flavonoid Compounds From The Leaves Of Kalanchoe Tomentosa And Their Cytotoxic Activity Against P-388 Murine Leukemia Cell

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    Kalanchoe plant, known as “sosor bebek” in Indonesia is a perennial herb and has succulent leaves. The plant is known in folklore and traditional medicine in Indonesia for the treatment of fever, abscesses, bruises, contused wounds, coughs and skin diseases. During the course of our continuing search for novel cytotoxic compounds, the methanolic extract  of Kalanchoe tomentosa plants showed cytotoxic activity against P-388 murine leukemia cells. The methanolic extract of the fresh  leaves of  K. tomentosa was concentrated and extracted successively with n-hexane, ethyl acetate and n-butanol. The ethyl acetate extract exhibited strongest cytotoxic activity againts P-388 murine leukemia cells. By using the cytotoxic activity to follow the separation, the ethyl acetate fraction was separated by combination of column chromatography on silica gel and preparative TLC on silica gel GF254 to afford a kaempferol-3-O-glycosides (1) and kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoside (2). Compound 1 and 2 showed cytotoxic activity against P-388 murine leukemia cells with IC50 > 100μg/mL and IC50 3.32 μg / m

    An Introduction to Indonesian Wild Shiitake

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    Pegler suggested that shiitake comprises three morphological species: Lentinula edodes (continental and northeast Asia), L. lateritia (tropical Asia and Australasia), and L. novae-zelandiae (New Zealand). The current study reported for the first time the occurrence of L. lateritia (Berk.) Pegler in Indonesia. During a fungus foray in Kerinci (Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia) in 2022 and 2023 by the Indonesian mushroom hunter community, some basidiomata of Lentinula were obtained. At a glance, our specimens resembled L. edodes. The current study aims to justify the taxonomical position of our specimens based on morphological and molecular data. The fresh basidiomata were used for morphological and molecular analyses. The molecular work was done using ITS 4/5 Primers for phylogenetic analysis of rDNA-ITS region. Morphologically, the uniformly reddish brown, smooth, and glabrous of pileus confirmed our specimens as L. lateritia. In addition, the absence of a range of colors and squamules pileus distinguished L. lateritia BO24628 form L. edodes, while the formation of florets cheilocystidia in L. madagasikarensis was the distinctive character of our specimens. The BLAST result revealed that our specimen has high similarity (99-100%) with L. lateritia and L. edodes as the top hits. The phylogenetic tree (RAxML) nested our specimens in the L. lateria clade and is closely related to one specimen from Papua New Guenia (PNG) (BS 98%). In addition, L. lateritia BO24628 has a sister clade of the specimen from PNG and Australia. Moreover, we provide the herbarium collection of wild L. lateritia in Indonesia

    Program Pendampingan Guru Dalam Implementasi Basic Science Kits Pada Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Bojong

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    Kurikulum Merdeka mempunyai tiga karakteristik utama yaitu: 1). Pengembangan kemampuan non-teknis (soft skills); 2). Berfokus pada materi esensial; 3) Memberikan fleksibilitas bagi guru. Science Kits berupa seperangkat alat/komponen yang ditempatkan dalam suatu tempat tertentu berfungsi sebagai alat peraga IPA. Dalam penggunaannya, biasanya alat-alat tersebut dirakit terlebih dahulu. Basic science kits merupakan alat peraga IPA ini berfungsi untuk menghadirkan suatu kejadian alam di dalam kelas selama pembelajaran IPA. Alat peraga IPA sangat diperlukan karena dengan alat peraga IPA siswa tidak harus keluar kelas, kejadian alam dapat diamati berulang-ulang, dan kejadian tersebut dapat diamati setiap saat. Maka kegiatan PkM ini berupa memberdayakan guru SD dalam menggunakan science kits di dalam kurikulum Merdeka sehingga tujuan dari pembelajaran IPA dapat tercapai. Solusinya dengan melakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan guru dalam menggunakan science kits dan mengimplementasikannya di dalam kurikulum Merdeka. Metode ini dilengkapi dengan teknik learning by doing. Proses pelatihan dilakukan dengan demonstrasi dan diskusi interaktif. Sedangkan proses pendampingan dilakukan dengan tehnik guide inquiry (inkuiri terbimbing) dengan metode praktikum. Manfaat yang diperoleh oleh guru-guru IPA yang mengikuti kegaitan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat pendampingan guru dalam implementasi basic science kits pada kurikulum merdeka belajar karena menambah wawasan dan pengalaman dalam melaksanakan praktikum dengan menggunakan basic science kits. Mengatasi kesulitan guru dalam keterampilan menggunakan alat-alat praktikum pada basic science kits. Serta guru- guru dapat mengajarkan siswanya pengalaman praktikum dengan menggunakan basic science kits

    Senyawa Fenolik dari Daun Tanaman Kalanchoe prolifera (Crassulaceae)

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    Phenolic compounds such as kaempferol (1), quercetin (2), and methyl caffeate (3) have been isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of Kalanchoe prolifera (Crassulaceae). The chemical structure of isolated compounds 1-3 were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic evidence (UV, IR, NMR) and comparison with those compound previouly reported.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/jkv.v0i0.5037

    The Use of Research-Based E-Flipbooks as Teaching Materials for Kingdom Monera

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    Cellulolytic bacteria in termites are adaptive symbionts in the digestive tract of termites. The purpose of making an e-flipbook is to make it easier for teachers to provide monera material with visualization media and to make it easier for students to understand the characteristics of cellulolytic bacteria. This research is a combination of qualitative and descriptive research. The results of cellulolytic bacteria research can be documented digitally in the form of an e-flipbook. E-flipbook is an alternative learning media that can help students to get a visualized picture of the material presented in a digital portable device. In the e-flipbook, it is outlined that cellulolytic bacteria have a significant physiological level. The test indicators use physiological tests, MR-VP tests and TSIA tests that produce the conclusion that cellulolytic bacteria in the termite GI tract are very suitable for the atmosphere of the GI tract. The feasibility test of the e-flipbook to be used as a learning resource has been validated by learning media experts and material experts. Validation results show an average of 91% resulting in valid criteria. The validation-based validator statement states e-flipbooks can be used as learning resource