311 research outputs found

    Translation in the Teaching of a Foreign Language As a Means and As an End

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    In the history of foreign language teaching translation has alternately beenpraised and condemned. Unfortunately, the praise and condemnation were based on a rather simplistic, biased, and extreme view of the role of translation. In this view no clear, explicit distinction was made between translation as a means and as an end although in practice people already showed a tendency to be more concerned with one aspect than the other. Moreover, in their treatment of translation people tended to take an "either ... or ..." position. Either take it or leave it. This paper proposes a more explicit, balanced, and moderate attitude towards translation and its two aspects. It is suggested that a clear distinction be made between translation as a means and as an end and that each be treated accordingly in a better programmed way. The treatment should consider the level of instruction. At the beginning level translation should be treated more as a means than as an end. Gradually, as the level of instruction progresses the role of translation as a means is reduced, while its role as an end is increased so that at the more advanced levels translation will be treated more as an end than as a means. Accordingly, translation should not be totally abandoned or too liberally used. However, the use and disuse should be based on a careful and well-prepared program. In line with the idea that translation be treated as an end at the more advanced level, and considering its importance for a developing nation, it is also proposed here that translating be adopted as a "fifth skill" to be pursued

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berpikir Induktif Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Pada Peserta Didik Kelas X SMA Negeri 16 Makassar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan signifikan antara hasil belajar fisika peserta didik sebelum dan setelah diajar dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran berpikir induktif, pada ketiga aspek hasil belajar yaitu aspek kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik. Apakah terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas X MIA2 SMA Negeri 16 Makassar sebelum dan setelah diajar dengan model pembelajaran berpikir induktif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan bentuk Pra-Experimental yang hanya melibatkan satu kelas, desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah one group pretest-posttest design dengan melibatkan satu variabel terikat yaitu model pembelajaran berpikir induktif dan tiga variabel tak terikat yaitu hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas X MIA2 SMA Negeri 16 Makassar pada aspek kognitif, hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas X MIA2 SMA Negeri 16 Makassar pada aspek afektif, dan hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas X MIA2 SMA Negeri 16 Makassar pada aspek psikomotorik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas X MIA2 SMA Negeri 16 Makassar sebanyak 9 kelas dengan jumlah peserta didik 316. Adapun sampel penelitian diambil dengan cara acak yaitu kelas X MIA2 dengan jumlah peserta didik sebanyak 36 orang. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar fisika peserta didik yang ditinjau dari aspek kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik sebelum dan setelah diajar dengan model pembelajaran berpikir induktif. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk tes hasil belajar pada aspek kognitif adalah tes objektif berjumlah 21 nomor, untuk tes hasil belajar, pada aspek afektif menggunakan penilaian diri berkarakter yang diolah dengan menggunakan skala gronlund yang terdiri atas 25 pernyataan dan tes hasil belajar, pada aspek psikomotorik adalah keterampilan sains yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk tes objektif sebanyak 12 nomor. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas X MIA2 SMA Negeri 16 Makassar sebelum diajar dengan model pembelajaran berpikir induktif, pada aspek kognitif adalah 9,68, afektif adalah 12,53, dan psikomotor adalah 6,38. dan setelah diajar dengan model pembelajaran berpikir induktif pada aspek kognitif adalah 15,45, afektif 19,05 dan psikomotorik adalah 7,53. Dari hasil analisis inferensial terlihat bahwa dengan model pembelajaran berpikir induktif maka terdapat peningkatan signifikan antara hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas X MIA2 SMA Negeri 16 Makassar. Kata kunci: Hasil Belajar, Pembelajaran Fisika, Berpikir InduktifThis study aims to determine significant improvement between physics learning outcomes of learners before and after being taught by applying the learning model inductive thinking, in all three aspects of learning outcomes namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Are there learning outcome physics students MIA2 grade X SMAN 16 Makassar before and after being taught to think of inductive learning model. This research is an experiment with shapes Pre-Experimental involving only one class, the design used in this study is one group pretest-posttest design with the involvement of the dependent variable is the learning model inductive thinking and three variables unbound namely learning outcomes of physics students MIA2 grade X SMAN 16 Makassar on cognitive aspects, physics learning outcomes of students of class X MIA2 SMA Negeri 16 Makassar on affective aspects, and the results studied physics students MIA2 grade X SMAN 16 Makassar on psychomotor aspects. The population in this study were all students of class X SMA Negeri 16 Makassar MIA2 many as nine classes with the number of learners 316. The sample taken in a random way that is class X MIA2 by the number of learners 36 people. The hypothesis of this study is there a significant increase between physics learning outcomes learners in terms of cognitive, affective and psychomotor before and after being taught to think of inductive learning model. The instrument used to test learning outcomes on cognitive aspects is an objective test amounted to 21 numbers, for the achievement test, the affective aspects of using the self-assessment character that is processed using a scale Gronlund consisting of 25 statements and achievement test, the psychomotor aspect is a skill science embodied in the form of objective test as many as 12 numbers. Descriptive analysis showed that the average score of students learning outcomes physics MIA2 grade X SMAN 16 Makassar before being taught to think of inductive learning model, the cognitive aspect is 9.68, was 12.53 affective, and psychomotor is 6.38. and after being taught to think of inductive learning model on cognitive aspects are 15.45, 19.05 affective and psychomotor is 7.53. From the results of inferential analysis shows that the learning model inductive thinking then there is a significant improvement between physics learning outcomes of students of class X MIA2 SMA Negeri 16 Makassar

    Enhancing Students' Critical Thinking Skills through Inquiry Learning Model at SMA Negeri 9 Makassar

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    The research included Classroom Action Research (CAR) with the aim of knowing the improvement of critical thinking skills through the inquiry learning model. Classroom Action Research was carried out at the eleventh MIA 5 grade of sixteen state senior high school of Makassar. The research consisted of two cycles. The first cycle consists of two actions and the second cycle also consists of two actions. The procedure carried out in each cycle consists of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. For getting the data used the observation sheet and the results of test scores in each cycle. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis and qualitative analysis. The results of the study showed that it increased through the use of the inquiry learning model. The students critical thinking skills in the first cycle increased even though the increase was not too significant than before the implementation of the inquiry learning model. In cycle one , the students were divided into 5 groups and learning using the free inquiry model then proceed to cycle two critical thinking skills increased from cycle one. In cycle two the number of groups was enlarged into 8 groups and in the learning process students were guided to find so Critical thinking of trained students and can be improved.Keywords: Critical Thinking, Inquiry Learning, StudentsPenelitian ini termasuk Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis melalui model pembelajaran inquiry. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 16 Makassar kelas XI MIA 5. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua siklus. Siklus pertama terdiri dari dua tindakan dan siklus kedua juga terdiri dari dua tindakan. Prosedur yang dilaksanakan pada setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Untuk mendapatkan data digunakan lembar observasi dan hasil nilai tes pada setiap siklus. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meningkat melalui penggunaan model pembelajaran inquiry. Keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada siklus I meningkat meskipun peningkatannya tidak terlalu signifikan dari sebelum diterapkannya model pembelajaran inquiry. Pada Siklus I peserta didik peserta didik dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok dan pembelajaran menggunakan model inquiry bebas kemudian dilanjutkan ke siklus II keterampilan berpikir kritis meningkat dari siklus I. Pada siklus II jumlah kelompok diperbesar menjadi 8 kelompok dan pada proses pembelajaran peserta didik dibimbing untuk menemukan sehingga keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik terlatih dan dapat meningkat.Kata kunci: Berpikir Kritis, Pembelajaran Inkuiry, Peserta Didi


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    Kampus 7 sebagai institusi pendidikan yang didalamnya terdapat Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan dan memiliki sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang mumpuni dalam bidang pengolahan sampah telah merintis unit percontohan komposter dengan metode run way yang bersusun dalam 10 bak. Upaya menangai sampah organik telah terwujud dalam hasil produk pengolahan berupa kompos organik. Seiring berjalannya kegiatan pengomposan, dilakukan kegiatan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil evaluasi terdapat catatan penting pada proses pengomposan yang dilakukan, seperti proses pembalikan sampah yang terlalu banyak, pemindahan sampah pada bak pengomposan yang banyak, keluhan bau yang menyengat dan risiko tertusuk dari sampah kaleng/ kaca. Semua kondisi tersebut disebabkan karena kegiatan masih dilakukan secara manual oleh tenaga kebersihan.Jenis penelitian ini adalah pra eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian Post Test Only Design. Penelitian ini dilakukan di lokasi pengolahan sampah (komposter) di Kampus 7 Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang. Dalam penelitian ini populasi yang dimaksud oleh peneliti adalah seluruh warga kampus 7 dan seluruh timbulan sampah. Sampel penelitian ini adalah sampah yang terdapat pada bak penimbulan, hasil timbulan sampah plastik dengan rata-rata volume sebesar 0,3 m3/ minggu. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis tabel dan nilai rata-rata hitung dari hasil sampah plastik yang telah dicuci terbebas dari bahan pengotor lainya. Desain alat pembersih sampah plastik telah memenuhi kebutuhan dalam mendukung proses pengolahan sampah plastik pada tingkatan awal. Kapasitas pembersihan sekitar 10 kg/9,5 menit = 63 Kg/jam (10 kg paslik = 5 karung sampah plastic). Maka  mesin tersebut mampu membersihkan plastic sekitar 0,0656 m3/jam. Jadi untuk membersihkan sampah plastik kampus 7 sekitar 0,3 m3/mg dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 4,5 jam. Diperlukannya alat untuk mempercepat memasukan sampah kotor ke lubang alat pembersih. Disediakan keranjang penangkapan sampah bersih. Pemeriksaan berkala ulir pembersi

    Hubungan peran guru bimbingan dan konseling dengan motivasi belajar siswa sekolah menegah kejuruan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan peran guru bimbingan dan konseling dengan motivasi belajar siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan survey. Data dan sumber data dalam penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas XI SMK Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta yang berjumlah 254 siswa. Sampel berjumlah 35 siswa yaitu siswa kelas XI Administrasi Perkantoran 2 dengan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu angket. Data dianalisa dengan korelasi product moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran guru bimbingan dan konseling dengan motivasi belajar siswa dalam kategori rendah. Hal tersebut diketahui melalui analisis dan pengolahan data angket didapat hasil koefisien korelasi masuk dalam kategori rendah yaitu sebesar 0,260

    Analisis Kelayakan Usahatani Jagung Di Desa Bantulanteh Kecamatan Tarano Kabupaten Sumbawa

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    The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze the costs and income of corn farming in Bantulanteh Village, Tarano District, Sumbawa Regency (2) to analyze what factors affect corn farming production in Bantulanteh Village, Tarano District, Sumbawa Regency (3) to analyze the feasibility corn farming in Bantulanteh Village, Tarano District, Sumbawa Regency. This study uses a descriptive method with the unit of analysis is Corn Farming in Bantulanteh Village, Tarano District, Sumbawa Regency. The location of the research was determined purposively, namely in all hamlets in Bantulanteh Village. Determination of the number of respondents using the Slovin method as many as 42 respondents, while sampling by simple random sampling. The types of data are quantitative and qualitative data, while the data sources are primary and secondary. The data collection technique is survey technique. The results showed that (1) the average production cost of corn farming in Bantulanteh Village was Rp. 15,576,844/LLG or Rp. 16,753,583/Ha, while the average income was Rp. 22,579,585/LLG or Rp. 24,285,341/Ha. (2) Simultaneously the production factors that significantly affect the production of corn farming are seeds, urea fertilizer, Phonska NPK fertilizer, labor and pesticides. Partially, the production factors that significantly influence the production of corn farming are seeds, while other production factors (urea fertilizer, Phonska NPK fertilizer, labor and pesticides) have no significant effect on corn farming production. (3) Corn farming in Bantulanteh Village is feasible to cultivate, this can be seen from the R/C Ratio value of 2.45 which is greater than 1, meaning that if Rp. 1 costs for maize farming, the farmer receives Rp. 2.45 income.   Keywords: Corn Farming, Production Factors, Feasibilit

    The use of Waste Sieving Tools to Support the Waste Composting Process In the Campus 7 of Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health Semarang

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    Introduction: Campus 7 Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Semarang, is an educational institution that is integrated with a canteen, housing for lecturers and has an open area of 2.3 ha where organic waste is generated on average 4 m3 / week and an average of 0.85 inorganic waste m3 / week predominantly plastic. Campus 7 as an educational institution in which there is a Department of Environmental Health and has qualified human resources (HR) in the field of waste processing has pioneered a composter pilot unit with the run way method which is arranged in 10 basins. Based on the description above, the formulation of the problem in this study is to determine the effectiveness of the compost sieve engineering tool in supporting the waste processing process. Methods: Pre-experiment with Post Test Only Design research design. With the design of tools for comparing the results before and after using the tools used. This research was conducted at a waste processing place (composter) at Campus 7 Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang. The population in this study is all of the waste generation from campus 7 residents . The sample of this research is the waste contained in the final tub (10th) of compost processing, with a volume of 0.5-1 m3 / week. The data analysis used in this research is table analysis and the average value calculated from the results of sieving the waste. Result and discussion: Research and Development is a research method that uses to obtain or develop products and test the effectiveness of these products. The volume of waste from the end of final processing (tub 10) is around 531.2 liters (238.5 kg). The amount of plastic waste that was sorted manually was 176 lt (43.5 kg), so the amount of waste that needed to be sieved was around 355.2 liters (195 kg). Comparison of the results of manual sifting of waste takes about 75 minutes with 3 workers, it is obtained that the waste is separated into 3 parts as follows : Plastic waste by the size 5cm (24.5 kg), large compost waste by the size 5cm s. D 1 cm by 94.4 lt (53kg) and small compost by the size   1cm by 188.8 lt (117.5 kg). Sifting capability is approximately 4,74 lt/ minute (2.6 kg/ minute). Machine-sifting takes about 23 minutes with 2 workers, collected waste into 4 parts as follows: plastic trash by the size 5cm as much as  73.6 lt (33.05 kg), large composite waste and plastic D 2cm as much as 61% lt (27.39 kg), huge compost waste D 1 cm as much as 35 lt (15.715 kg) and a small compost measure 1cm as much as 185.6 lt (83.33 kg). The capability of sifting about 1544 lt/ minute (8.5 kg/ minute

    Implementasi Pesan Moral Novel Segaris Rindu Karya Sarah Aulia Dalam Pembelajaran Sastra

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pesan moral novel “Segaris Rindu” karya Sarah Aulia dan implementasi pembelajaran sastra dengan novel. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskripsi kualitatif yang karena objek yang dipakai sebagai sasaran penelitian adalah suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang sedang terjadi dalam novel. Sumber data penelitian ini menggunakan buku novel dan siswa kelas XII. Data yang diambil dari penelitian ini adalah bentuk kumpulan kalimat pada novel dan siswa kelas XII yang melakukan diskusi. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dengan teknik membaca isi novel, menyimak untuk memahami isi dalam novel,  berbicara untuk mempresentasikan pesan moral dalam novel, menulis untuk mencatat pokok kalimat permasalahan yang mengandung pesan moral dalam novel. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pesan moral yang terdapat dalam novel “Segaris Rindu”karya Sarah Aulia ada tiga pokok inti yaitu hubungan Tuhan dengan manusia yang terbagi dalam perilaku yang mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan yang berwujud dalam kegiatan doa, tawakal, dan bersyukur. Pesan moral yang memiliki hubungan antara manusia dengan dirinya sendiri yang terbagi dalam sikap ikhlas, berani, tanggung jawab, optimis, dan berfikir positif. Sedangkan pesan moral yang berhunungan antara manusia dengan orang lain yang terbagi menjadi sikap saling meghargai dan sikap toleransi. Pesan moral dalam novel tersebut memiliki makna yang menunjukkan sikap, watak, dan perilaku kaum wanita yang Tangguh, kuat, dan tegar dalam menghadapi permasalaahan yang cukup rumit dan wanita ini berjuang untuk mencapai keberhasilan. Implementasi pembelajaran sastra dengan kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, dan indikator sesuai dengan penerapan pembelajaran melalui buku paket dan buku bahan ajar siswa (LKS), metode yang dipakai untuk pembelajaran sastra dengan membaca, menyimak, membaca, dan menulis


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    In its development, children towards adulthood enter adolescence which is very easily affected by the environment around them In adolescence, a child is in an atmosphere or sensitive state, because his emotional life often changes. A deeper curiosity about something good, sometimes leads them to negative things. The purpose of this study is first to determine and analyze the causes of theft with aggravation committed by children, to analyze efforts made to reduce the occurrence of theft with aggravation committed by children. Third, to analyze the application of sanctions and judges' considerations in the crime of theft with aggravation in decision number 23/Pid.Sus.Anak/2022/PN Srg. The research method used is a normative juridical approach, sourced from primary, secondary and tertiary law. The results showed that the first cause of theft with aggravation committed by children was due to social / environmental factors, economic factors and psychological factors. Second, efforts made to reduce the occurrence of theft committed by children can be through preventive and repressive efforts. Third, the application of sanctions and judges' considerations in deciding the crime of theft committed by children also considers, juridical and non-juridical considerations, so that the sanctions imposed by the panel of judges are lighter than the JPU charges but are considered fairer and can already have a deterrent effect on the defendant. Keywords: Crime, Theft, Children                      &nbsp

    Nazriyatut al-Illat Inda Al-Shuliyyin fi al-istinbat al-Ahkam

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    Memahami illat bagi seorang mujtahid merupakan salah satu hal yang amat terpenting, karna illat sebagai salah satu alat dalam menggali suatu hukum (Istinbat), baik yang bersumber dari al-Qur’an maupun sunnah. Sehingga dalam menetapkannya mujtahid dapat mengetahui manakah illat yang mundhobit dan mana illat yang bukan mundhobit sebagai dasar menetapkan sebuah hukum
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