TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
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    37 research outputs found

    Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru bimbingan dan konseling di SMA negeri Jakarta Timur

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    Kinerja guru bimbingan dan konseling implementasinya di lapangan sejauh ini belum optimal. Hal ini dilandasi oleh kurang memiliki pengetahuan, kurang memiliki keterampilan yang dimiliki guru bimbingan dan konseling dalam melakukan pendekatan terhadap peserta didik. Di sisi lain, gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah juga berkontribusi terhadap pola kerja guru bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru bimbingan dan konseling di SMA. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah guru tetap Bimbingan dan Konseling yang berjumlah 73 orang dan bertugas di SMA se-Jakarta Timur.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah terhadap kinerja guru Bimbingan dan Konseling.  

    Religious counseling to improve psychological wellbeing of students

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    This research tries to measure the effectiveness of religious counseling services on improving psychological well-being of students in SMK Nusantara Wisata Respati Jakarta. The research method used is quantitative research with quasi experimental type, and using purposive sampling technique. The subjects of the study 6 students who had low score in psychological well-being. The instrument used is the psychological well-being scale developed by Ryff. Based on result of data analysis by using sign test, known r = 0,009, so it can be concluded that the use of effective religious counseling can improve psychological well-being on the students of class XII SMK Nusantara Wisata Respati Jakarta. This confirms that religious counseling services are extremely helpful in correcting students' psychological well-being. Enhanced psychological well-being is expected to optimize student performance so that its potential can be applied optimall

    Cognitive Behavior Therapy-Based Music (CBT-Music) view an Academic Anxiety as a Cognitive Distortion caused by Maladaptive Core Belief

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    Cognitive Behavior Therapy-Based Music (CBT-Music) typically has a special view of academic anxiety experienced by students. This approach sees that the problem is a cognitive distortion caused by maladaptive core beliefs. Therefore, students who experience it need to get help so that their core beliefs can be more adaptive again. Based on the latest research results, integration of CBT counseling with modern techniques of music therapy has proved effective in reducing academic anxiety and improving self-efficacy of students. Thus, through this conceptual study, it is hoped that counselors in Indonesia will be able to understand, practice, and conduct further research on CBT counseling interventions integrated with music therapy.Key words: counseling, cognitive behavior therapy, based music, cbt-music, music therapy, academic anxiety, cognitive distortion, maladaptive core belief, the undergraduate thesi

    Keefektifan layanan informasi berbasis instagram untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa

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    Ketertarikan siswa terhadap media sosial khususnya Instagram sangat tinggi, dan membuat siswa mampu berekspresi sesuai dengan yang di mereka inginkan. Desain penelitian ini menggunkan experiment dengan metode one-group pre-test dan post-test design. Lokasi penelitian adalah SMP Negeri 1 Arjasa. Responden penelitian ini yaitu siswa SMP, usia 13 tahun-15tahun, mempunyai akun Instagram, dan siswa yang memiliki kepercayaan diri rendah. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Data yang di ambil adalah data uji validitas, uji reliabilitas. Metode analisa menggunakan product moment dan uji t-test. Dari hasil uji menggunakan α = 5% paired sample t-test, dan data yang digunakan adalah 24 siswa sebelum treatment (pre-test) dan 24 siswa sesudah treatment (post-test). Jumlah sampel N = 24 siswa Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak. Dari hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa layanan informasi berbasis Instagram efektif untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa

    Character education in schools implementing national curriculum and international baccalaureate

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the implementation of the character education program of Junior and Senior High School Victory Plus School using the national curriculum and International Baccalaureate. The research method used is mix method. The result of data analysis showed that the average self-concept score was 2.65 (less good); self-management is 2.73 (good); and social services is 2.73 (good) in the implementation of courageous, honest, active, mindful, innovative, open minded, and nobel (champion) value. The value of champion is relevant to the value of the national curriculum character but the value of hard work, religion, democracy, the spirit of nationality, and the love of the homeland have not yet appeared. The balanced and reflective values in the learner profile are not yet visible

    Self-efficacy dan persistensi mahasiswa ketika mengerjakan skripsi ditinjau dari kecemasan akademik

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan fenomena dan hambatan yang dialami mahasiswa tingkat akhir jurusan bimbingan dan konseling FIP Unnes ketika mengerjakan skripsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan data empiris dan menganalis hubungan efikasi diri dengan persistensi mahasiswa ditinjau dari kecemasan akademik sebagai variabel mediator. Menggunakan teknik bias corrected bootstrap method N = 5000 dengan confidential interval 95% menunjukkan hasil bahwa efikasi diri menjadi prediktor pada persistensi mahasiswa (β=0,51; p<0,01). Sedangkan kecemasan akademik tidak terbukti mempunyai efek mediator pada hubungan antara efikasi diri dengan persistensi mahasiswa. Temuan ini memberikan implikasi bagi pelayanan dan pembimbingan skripsi mahasiswa, khususnya mahasiswa jurusan bimbingan dan konseling FIP Unnes

    Theoretical Studies: The Use of Art therapy in Counseling for Children

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    Children have the  beautiful moment if they grow according to their stage and having the supporting environment due to their self-potential. But in this stage is not always running well, so it cause a problem for children which is needed to be solved, that is by giving them the counseling service. This given counseling services to children need special technique because of the different character between children and adult. Technique used in this article is the Art Therapy. It  used to solve  children problem in its relation with private symbols, social, love and caring, discipline, law and religion. In other words, the using of art therapy in counseling is needed by children in reaching the optimal development and the solving problem to children

    Model supervisi klinis berfokus multikultural: supervisi hubungan interpersonal konselor dan staf kependidikan

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    Kolaborasi kinerja antara konselor dengan guru atau staf kependidikan sangat dibutuhkan dalam penyelenggaraan layanan bimbingan dan konseling bagi siswa. Kolaborasi yang terjalin ini perlu disupervisi, salah satunya dengan menggunakan supervisi klinis berfokus multibudaya. Kegiatan supervisi ini menekankan pada aspek menyadari akan perbedaan budaya yang dapat muncul antara supervisor dan supervisee yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap kegiatan supervise. Seorang supervisor perlu menyadari tentang bias persepsi yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap kegiatan supervisi. Supervisor seyogyanya reaktif terhadap keragaman budaya dalam melaksanakan kegiatan supervisi yang ditunjukkan melalui pengakuan perbedaan budaya antara supervisor dan supervisee, memahami kekuatan perbedaan dan memulai diskusi mengenai keragaman. Supervisor juga mesti menyadari hambatan dalam supervisi multikultural, diantaranya yaitu: bias persepsi dan kurangnya pelatihan supervisi

    Hubungan kebiasaan belajar dengan prestasi belajar siswa sekolah menengah atas Pertiwi 1 Padang

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    This  research background is the low students achievement achievement at school. Study habits are factors suspected influence students academic achievement. This research was intended to describe: (1) the study habits and students academic achievement, (2) the relationship of study habits with students academic achievement. This research used quantitative method by using descriptive correlational. The population in this research are class X and XI students of High School of Pertiwi 1 Padang which are 621 students.  The samples are 243 students which are taken through the stratified random sampling. The instrument are used in the scale Likert. The data analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings of this research showed that: (1) in average the study habits of students that are in good enough category and students academic achievement are in good enough, (2) there is a relationship significant between study habits with students academic achievement

    Penerapan konseling kelompok untuk mencegah perilaku konformitas negatif siswa SMK Negeri 5 Semarang

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    Conformity is basically very important in the life of every individual. Conformity among teenagers who are teenagers is very important, because they will be racing to find their identity. However, when students do not have self control in association it will cause negative conformity. Also vice versa if in association students are able to control himself, it will give birth to positive coformity. Where in adolescence is always dominant sense or emotional aspects. Teen age emotional aspects still include emotional unstable or uncontrolled. Thus allowing uncontrolled behaviors to occur. The impact of negative conformity of students, such as brawl, makes the relationship between schools to be less harmonious and very disturbing the public and disrupt traffic on the highway when students do brawl. Even based on the revelation of the BK Teacher, stated that some students were arrested by the police when they did brawl. The final goal of this study is to prevent the occurrence of negative conformity behavior of students In accordance with research objectives, then this research method using quantitative research methods. Design one gruop pre test and post test design. In this subject design is subjected to two measurements, namely by using a scala psychological-related negative conformity behavior of students. Based on the result of classification of pree test and post test mentioned above there is difference of procession that is 36,63%. So it can be concluded that in this study there is a positive change in students who initially have very negative negative conformity behavior, but after given the guidance service group, the behavior of student conformity becomes low


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