850 research outputs found

    Abdülhak Hamid Tarhan

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 56-Abdülhak Hamit Tarhanİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Influences of the lateral geniculate nucleus in the specification of primary visual cortex in macaca mulatta

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    Yahya Kemal ve İstanbul

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 182-Yahya Kemal Beyatlıİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Determination of goals under four perspectives of balanced scorecards and linkages between the perspectives: A survey on luxury summer hotels in Turkey

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    This study aims to determine the main goals under four balanced scorecard (BSC) perspectives and investigates the relationship between the perspectives for luxury summer hotels in Turkey.It also questions the approaches of the main managerial positions to the four BSC perspectives.This study is based on a two-stage survey which includes twenty luxury summer hotels located in Turkey.The findings of the survey show that finance has the highest priority among the four perspectives and the strongest relationship exists between customer and finance perspectives.It is also concluded that general and financial managers choose financials as the most important perspective while sales and marketing managers consider the customer perspective as the most important

    Instruktionale Designmaßnahmen beim Lesen in der Fremdsprache: Die Rolle der Visualisierungen beim Lesen von Hypertexten

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    In search of a representation of the Gavrinis megalithic tomb (Morbihan, France)

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    [EN] Gavrinis, on the estuary of the river Vannes (Brittany, France), is known for the extraordinary abundance of engravings preserved on the monolithic wall pillars and capstone. Our objective is to re-qualify these representations using a new frame of reference, based on a new corpus of engraved signs, including their architectural context and position in the volume of the rock. Recording of the topographical, archaeological, petrographic and acoustic data of the cairn and the passage grave provides a representation of both architecture and engraved and painted signs[ES] Gavrinis, en el estuario del río de Vannes (Bretaña, Francia), es conocido por la abundancia extraordinaria de grabados conservados en los pilares monolíticos de la pared. Nuestro objetivo es calificar de nuevo a estas representaciones usando un nuevo marco de referencia, basado en una nueva recopilación de signos grabados por escáner y fotografías, incluso su contexto arquitectónico y posición en el volumen de la roca. Un registro de los datos topográficos, arqueológicos, petrographicos y acústicos del tumulo y de la tumba permiten una representación tanto de la arquitectura como de los signos grabados y pintados.This program and work in progress is financed by the Ministry of Culture and communication, the National centre for scientific research (CNRS) and the Morbihan departmentCassen, S.; Lescop, L.; Grimaud, V.; Querré, G.; Suner, B. (2015). In search of a representation of the Gavrinis megalithic tomb (Morbihan, France). Virtual Archaeology Review. 4(8):61-63. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2013.4319OJS616348CASSEN Serge, LESCOP Laurent, GRIMAUD Valentin, QUERRE Guirec, SUNER Bruno (2012): "Une approche multiscalaire du monument néolithique de Gavrinis (Larmor-Baden, Morbihan). Campagne d'acquisition 2011". In: Journée du « CReAAH » Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire. Rennes: Univ. Rennes 1, pp. 13-14.CLOSMADEUC, Gustave (1886): "Gavrinis. Dernières fouilles sous le dallage de la chamber". Bull. Soc. Polym. Morbihan, 2, pp. 63-69.LE ROUX, Charles.-Tanguy (1984): "À Propos des fouilles de Gavrinis (Morbihan). Nouvelles données sur l'art mégalithique Armoricain". Bull. Société Préhistorique Française, 1, 8, pp. 240-245.SHEE-TWOHIG, Elisabeth (1981): The Megalithic Art of western Europe. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 560 p

    Akif ve Terakki'nin sırrı

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 134-Mehmet Akif Ersoy. Not: Ekteki belge Türk Edebiyatı dergisinin Mehmed Akif Ersoy anıt sayısıdır

    Dinek (Şarkikaraağaç-Isparta) ve çevresindeki barit cevherleşmeleri

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    In the study area basement rocks were formed during Cambrian-Ordovician era. These rocks were effected by regional metamorphism. Çaltepe Formation is at the bottom of the basement rocks. This formation contains metamorphosed dolomit, recrystallize and noduler limestone units. Sultandede Formation was seen on the Çaltepe Formation. This formation contains phillite, schists, chalkschists and quartzites, which was exposed to low degree green schist metamorphism. Hacıalabaz Formation overlies Sultandede formation uncomformably. This formation which contains dolomit, dolerite and limestone units was formed on carbonate platform in Jurassic–Cretaseous era. In Neogene, Bağkonak Formation was formed in terrestrial river facies. It overlies Lower Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations unconformably. Barite ores are observed only in lower Paleozoic units. Mineral assemblage in the region IV is pyrite, malachite, azurite, limonite, hematite, manganite, sericite and chlorite. In addition to such minerals, some metal sulphide minerals such as galena with amount of silver, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, tetrahedrite are more common in the regions I, II and III. Isotopic data shows that ore fluids have approximately the same character. Some sedimentary features in the region IV such as cross-bedding, ritmicity layering, alternation, geopetal fabrics, brecciation, orientation with schistosity etc. are more common than the other regions. Ba sources were generally related to the connate waters of Sultandede formation and sulphate sources of barites which were enriched with heavy sulphur isotope ratios by the effect of sea water. Keywords: Barite, stratiform, stratabound, seconder, layered.İnceleme alanında temel kayaçlar Kambriyen-Ordovisiyen periyodunda oluşmuş metamorfik sedimanter birimleri içerir. Bu kayaçlar, doleritik seviyeler içeren Jura yaşlı sedimanter birimlerce uyumsuz olarak örtülür. Neojen birimleri Alt Paleozoik temeli ve Mesozoik kayaçları üzerine uyumsuz olarak gelir. Barit cevherleşmeleri sadece Alt Paleozoik kayaçları içinde bulunmaktadır. Barit cevherlerinin kimyasal özellikleri I., II.ve III. bölgelerde bazı farklar içerir. İzotopik veriler cevherleştirici sıvıların bazı farklar içermesinin yanında yaklaşık aynı karakterde olduğunu göstermektedir. Baritler hakim olarak sedimanter kökende oluşmuş ve  stratiform-stratabound katmanlı, merceksi ve ikincil damar şekillidir.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Barit, stratiform, stratabound, ikincil, katman.&nbsp