611 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Discovery Rules

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    Recent studies have suggested that an increasingly large proportion of a building's energy cost consists of energy consumption during the building process, before the building becomes operational. A large part of this "early energy" consists of indirect energy that has been used to manufacture building materials and components and to transport material to the construction site. Furthermore, there is the more direct energy used in construction projects such as construction electricity, district heating, LPG and diesel fuel used on-site. These costs are in a more direct and comprehensible way linked to the construction site and can be influenced by the developer and / or contractor. Therefore, this report focuses primarily on the direct energy involved during a building’s constructions phase. The problems that exist today are several. For example, both clients and contractors have very poor means of monitoring energy consumption on construction sites thus making it difficult to optimize the costs. There are no reliable statistics regarding energy usage, which makes it difficult to analyze problems and to suggest improvements. One of the reasons is that the cost of construction energy, or at least the monetary value of the potential savings, is considered to be negligible in the context of a major construction project and the subject has therefore rather low priority. Furthermore, the clients rely heavily on the contractor’s expertise and have big faith in the contractor’s ability to optimize energy usage. On the other hand, contractors assume that the customers are fully informed and aware of their own needs and that the contractor should only offer what the customer asks for, as cheaply as possible. However, it would be possible for both parties to make substantial savings by adopting a more efficient energy management. In order to achieve this, construction energy issues have to be considered early in the planning process and throughout the entire project. The best results are achieved when the developer and contractor share a common vision and there is open exchange of knowledge and experience. To facilitate this dialogue and to create a tool to address the issue early in the project, this exam-work has led to a prototype for a template that is intended to be used as a letter of intent between the parties, by which they can jointly or individually clarify and specify their energy goals within a specific projectNya utredningar tyder pĂ„ att en allt större andel av en byggnads energiĂ„tgĂ„ng Ă„terfinns i de tidiga skedena, innan huset Ă€nnu tagits i drift, det vill sĂ€ga under produktionsfasen. En stor del av denna "tidiga energi" bestĂ„r av indirekt energi som har anvĂ€nts i framstĂ€llningen av byggmaterial och byggnadskomponenter samt till transporter för att fĂ„ materialet pĂ„ plats. DĂ€rtill finns den mer direkta energin, i form av byggström, fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme, gasol och diesel som anvĂ€nds pĂ„ byggena. Dessa kostnader Ă€r pĂ„ ett mer direkt och lĂ€ttöverskĂ„dligt sĂ€tt knutna till byggarbetsplatsen och bakomliggande processer Ă€r nĂ„got som bestĂ€llare och entreprenör har inflytande över och kan förbĂ€ttra. Följaktligen kommer denna rapport frĂ€mst behandla den direkta energin som anvĂ€nds under en byggnads uppförandefas. Problemen som finns idag Ă€r flera. Delvis har mĂ„nga aktörer, bĂ„de pĂ„ bestĂ€llar- och utförarsidan, bristfĂ€lligt statistiskt underlag angĂ„ende byggenergin. Detta resulterar i en undermĂ„lig eller obefintlig uppföljning och identifiering av förbĂ€ttringsmöjligheter gĂ€llande energianvĂ€ndningen. En bidragande anledning till problemet Ă€r att kostnaden för byggenergi, eller Ă„tminstone det monetĂ€ra vĂ€rdet av en potentiell besparing, av mĂ„nga anses som en försumbar del av ett stort byggprojekt och frĂ„gan blir dĂ€rför nedprioriterad. Vidare verkar det inom bestĂ€llarleden finnas en viss överdriven tilltro till entreprenörernas expertis och vilja att utveckla branschen i energihĂ€nseende medan det omvĂ€nda förhĂ„llandet delvis rĂ„der bland entreprenörerna, dĂ€r man utgĂ„r frĂ„n att kunderna Ă€r aktiva bestĂ€llare som vet vad de vill ha. Entreprenörerna föreslĂ„r sĂ€llan alternativa lösningar utan försöker snarare uppfylla kundernas kravspecifikationer till ett sĂ„ billigt pris som möjligt. Det skulle dock kunna vara möjligt för bĂ€gge parter att spara bĂ„de pengar och koldioxid genom en effektivare energihantering. Dessa Ă„tgĂ€rder krĂ€ver att byggenergifrĂ„gan finns med tidigt i projekten och i planeringsprocessen. Allra bĂ€st resultat uppnĂ„s nĂ€r bestĂ€llare och entreprenör har en gemensam mĂ„lbild och ett öppet utbyte av kunskaper och erfarenheter. För att underlĂ€tta denna dialog har vi tagit fram ett förslag till en mall som Ă€r tĂ€nkt att fungera som en intentionsförklaring mellan parterna varigenom man gemensamt eller individuellt kan tydliggöra och konkretisera energimĂ„len i byggprojekten. Vi har Ă€ven tagit fram förslag till formuleringar gĂ€llande energieffektivitet som kan inkluderas vid upphandlingar

    Is it possible to broaden the choice of species in the Northern Sweden cities?

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    Att vÀlja vÀxtslag i Norrland mÄste frÀmst grunda sig pÄ att de ska vara klimatanpassade, vilket innebÀr att de mÄste invintra och starta deras vegetationsperiod vid rÀtt tidpunkt för att inte drabbas av höst- eller vÄrfrost. Detta krav innebÀr att utbudet av vÀxtslag blir begrÀnsat. Detta arbete har fokuserat pÄ vilka arter och sorter som kan klara ett krÀvande stadsklimat med olika stressfaktorer, innebÀr att tillgÄngen pÄ vÀxtslag blir ytterligare begrÀnsat. Vid samtal med verksamma inom stÀderna lÀngs norrlandskusten finns en vilja att öka variationen av vÀxtligheten inom staden. Detta görs frÀmst genom tvÄ sÀtt, den ena Àr att prova befintligt material som Àr klassificerade en zon lÀgre Àn vad som förekommer pÄ platsen, det andra Àr att söka efter material som kommer frÄn liknande klimat som det i norr för att vara sÀker pÄ att vÀxterna inte utsÀtts för nÄgra skador. Att undersöka vilka arter som har en bred plasticitet Àr ytterligare ett sÀtt att bredda artrikedomen i norr. Efter samtal med verksamma inom stÀderna finns en tydlig indikation pÄ att det som saknas i dagslÀget Àr vÄrblommande arter och sorter och Àven vÀxtslag som ger fina höstfÀrger bland vÀxtligheten i staden. NÀr det gÀller vÀxtligheten i staden Àr det mycket viktigt att tÀnka pÄ var och hur de placeras. Staden Àr generellt varmare och med begrÀnsad jordvolym blir det frÀmsta kravet att vÀxterna Àr torktÄliga. Stadens utformning innebÀr att mÄnga mikroklimat skapas som kan bÄde vara gynnsamt och förödande för vÀxterna. LÀgen mot söder blir fortare varma vilket gynnar anvÀndandet av exoter men dessa lÀgen kan ocksÄ innebÀra att vissa vÀxtslag börjar vegetera för tidigt och blir dÀrmed skadade om en sen vÄrfrost skulle intrÀffa. DÀrför Àr det viktigt att söka efter material dÀr dessa risker minimeras. Det Àr Àven angelÀget att man letar efter vÀxter som har de rÀtta egenskaperna att klara den specifika vÀxtplatsen i staden samtidigt som vÀxtplatsen bör utformas efter att passa vÀxtslaget. Trots det begrÀnsade artutbudet som blir följden efter att dessa krav uppfyllts, finns det arter med spÀnnande sorter som definitivt skulle kunna anvÀndas mer Àn vad de gör idag.Choosing crops in northern Sweden must mainly be based to be climate-adapted, which means that they must get ready for winter and start their growing season at the right time in order to not suffer from a fall or spring frost. This requirement means that the range of crops is limited. This work has focused on the species and varieties that can cope with a demanding urban environment with different stress factors, it means that the choices of plant species are even more limited. In conversations with operating people in cities along the coast of northern Sweden it is a desire to increase the variety of species within the city. This is done mainly through two ways, one is to test existing plant materials that are classified as a zone lower than occur at the site, and the second is to search for plant material of similar climate to the north in order to be sure that the plants will not be damaged. To investigate which species having a wide plasticity is another way to broaden the diversity of species in the north. After conversations with operating people within the cities it is a clear indication that what is missing in the current situation are spring-flowering species and also crops that provide fine autumn colors. In the case of vegetation in the city, it is very important to think about how and where they are placed. The city is generally warmer and with limited soil volume, the main requirement will be that the plants are drought-resistant. The city's design means that many micro-climates are created that can be both beneficial and destructive for the plants. Positions to the south will be warm faster which favors the use of exothermic species but these positions can also mean that certain types of plants starts to vegetate too early and becomes injured if a late spring frost occurs. Therefore it is important to search for plant materials in which these risks are minimized. It is also important to look for plants that have the right properties to meet the specific plant location in the city, while the growing site should be designed to suit the crops. Despite the limited choice of species resulting after these requirements are met, there are species with exciting varieties that could definitely be used more than they do today

    Riverine transport of biogenic elements to the Baltic Sea ? past and possible future perspectives

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    International audienceThe paper reviews critical processes for the land-sea fluxes of biogenic elements (C, N, P, Si) in the Baltic Sea catchment and discusses possible future scenarios as a consequence of improved sewage treatment, agricultural practices and increased hydropower demand (for N, P and Si) and of global warming, i.e., changes in hydrological patterns (for C). These most significant drivers will not only change the total amount of nutrient inputs and fluxes of organic and inorganic forms of carbon to the Baltic Sea, their ratio (C:N:P:Si) will alter as well with consequences for phytoplankton species composition in the Baltic Sea. In summary, we propose that N fluxes may increase due to higher livestock densities in those countries recently acceded to the EU, whereas P and Si fluxes may decrease due to an improved sewage treatment in these new EU member states and with further damming and still eutrophic states of many lakes in the entire Baltic Sea catchment. This might eventually decrease cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic but increase the potential for other nuisance blooms. Dinoflagellates could eventually substitute diatoms that even today grow below their optimal growth conditions due to low Si concentrations in some regions of the Baltic Sea. C fluxes will probably increase from the boreal part of the Baltic Sea catchment due to the expected higher temperatures and heavier rainfall. However, it is not clear whether dissolved organic carbon and alkalinity, which have opposite feedbacks to global warming, will increase in similar amounts, because the spring flow peak will be smoothed out in time due to higher temperatures that cause less snow cover and deeper soil infiltration

    PrimÀrvÄrden som arbetsplats : en studie över distriktslÀkarnas nuvarande arbetssituation och deras tankar om framtidens vÄrd

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    Aim: What are the factors that influence the primary care physicianŽs decision to stay in primary care or choosing to leave primary care? What are the primary care physicianŽs thoughts about how to make primary care physicians remain in primary care and apply for it in the future? What are their thoughts about the future of primary care and the digital development in primary care? Background: With an aging population and more patients with a complex clinical picture the demands on primary care and primary care physicians have increased. More of diagnostics, treatment and follow-up have shifted from hospital care to primary care. Many primary care centers are short of primary care physicians. The staff turnover is high and a few are working full-time. The technology is developing rapidly and digital care is increasing. Primary care is facing several challenges for the future. One of the major challenges is how to get the primary care physicians to stay in primary care and apply for it in the future. Method: In this study a qualitative interview study with six primary care physicians has been performed. Two of the interviewees had left their work in primary care and the other ones worked between 80-100% in primary care. Six semi-structured interviews were used for data collection and analysis was done by qualitative content analysis. Results: The primary care physicians stated that their mission and their special role in health care need to be clarified to make primary care physicians stay in primary care. They saw a need for increased resources to primary care, better cooperation with the specialist medical care and other institutions and a developed teamwork. Those who enjoyed working in primary care said they had a good support from the manager, the management, and their colleagues. They also stated a good control of their work situation. Those who had left primary care stated lack of support. The primary care physicians were cautiously positive about the future of healthcare, including the technical development but did not have much experience in digital healthcare. Conclusion: Adequate resources, a defined, clear mission, good cooperation with other institutions, a good working environment with a developed team work, time for learning and reflection are factors that are important to make primary care physicians stay in primary care and to apply for it in the future.Syfte: Vilka faktorer Àr det som bidrar till att distriktslÀkare vÀljer att stanna inom primÀrvÄrden respektive vÀljer att lÀmna primÀrvÄrden? Vad ser distriktslÀkarna sjÀlva för vÀgar att gÄ för att fÄ distriktslÀkare att stanna kvar inom primÀrvÄrden och söka sig till den i framtiden? Vad har distriktslÀkarna för tankar om framtidens vÄrd och den digitala utvecklingen? Bakgrund: DistriktslÀkarens roll i primÀrvÄrden har över tid genomgÄtt stora förÀndringar. Allt mer av diagnostik, behandling och uppföljning har flyttats över frÄn sjukhus till primÀrvÄrd. Med en Äldrande befolkning och ett ökat antal patienter med en sammansatt sjukdomsbild stÀlls höga krav pÄ primÀrvÄrden och distriktslÀkarna. MÄnga vÄrdcentraler har brist pÄ distriktslÀkare, personalomsÀttningen Àr stor och fÄ arbetar heltid. Den tekniska utvecklingen gÄr fort och utbudet av digital vÄrd ökar. PrimÀrvÄrden stÄr inför flera stora utmaningar inför framtiden. Till en av de största utmaningarna hör hur man ska fÄ distriktslÀkare att stanna kvar inom primÀrvÄrden och distriktslÀkare att söka sig till den i framtiden. Metod: En kvalitativ intervju studie med sex distriktslÀkare har utförts. TvÄ av de intervjuade hade lÀmnat sitt fasta arbete inom primÀrvÄrden och de övriga arbetade mellan 80-100% inom primÀrvÄrden. Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer anvÀndes för datainsamling och analysen gjordes genom kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys. Resultat: DistriktslÀkarna sÄg ett behov av ett tydligare primÀrvÄrdsuppdrag och önskade ett förtydligande av distriktslÀkarnas sÀrskilda roll inom hÀlso- och sjukvÄrden. De sÄg ett behov av ökade resurser till primÀrvÄrden, ett bÀttre samarbete med specialistsjukvÄrden och andra instanser samt möjlighet att arbeta i team. De distriktslÀkare som trivdes bra pÄ sin arbetsplats uppgav att de hade ett gott stöd frÄn chef, ledning och kollegor samt en god kontroll över sin arbetssituation medan de som lÀmnat primÀrvÄrden uppgav bristande stöd och lÄg kontroll. DistriktslÀkarna var försiktigt positiva till framtidens vÄrd inklusive den tekniska utvecklingen men hade inte mycket erfarenhet av digital vÄrd. Slutsats: Ett avgrÀnsat och tydligt uppdrag, tillrÀckliga resurser, en god samverkan, en bra arbetsmiljö med ett utvecklat teamarbete samt tid för lÀrande och reflektion Àr faktorer som Àr viktiga för att distriktslÀkare ska stanna kvar inom primÀrvÄrden och söka sig till den i framtiden


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    This quasi-experimental research study 1) explored the effectiveness of implementing a Virtual Reality CPR simulation for improving knowledge and skills on the Basic Life Support exam and 2) explored the favorability of using a CPR VR simulation for recertification as measured through a self-efficacy survey instrument. Participants included staff, faculty, or students at a small liberal arts college located in the southeast United States seeking re-certification in CPR. This study was conducted in the following steps; 1) conducted literature review that encompasses opportunities in CPR training, opportunities in VR, games and simulations in education, implementation challenges, and research opportunities and frameworks 2) applied for approval from the IRB at both Sam Houston State University and the participating college 3) acquired Oculus Go VR headsets and install the simulation software on each device 4) recruited an instructor and participants to participate in the study 5) scheduled classes and reserve facilities 6) conduct the study and analyze the data. This study provided evidence of the efficacy and favorability of using a CPR VR simulation as part of a CPR recertification course


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    (uk) ĐŁ статті Đ°ĐČŃ‚ĐŸŃ€ĐŸĐŒ ĐżŃ€ĐŸĐ°ĐœĐ°Đ»Ń–Đ·ĐŸĐČĐ°ĐœĐŸ ĐŸŃĐœĐŸĐČĐœŃ– Ń‚Đ”ĐœĐŽĐ”ĐœŃ†Ń–Ń— у Ń€ĐŸĐ·ĐČотĐșу ŃĐžŃŃ‚Đ”ĐŒĐž ĐżŃ–ĐŽĐłĐŸŃ‚ĐŸĐČĐșĐž та ĐżĐ”Ń€Đ”ĐżŃ–ĐŽĐłĐŸŃ‚ĐŸĐČĐșĐž ĐșаЮріĐČ ĐŽĐ»Ń уĐșŃ€Đ°Ń—ĐœŃŃŒĐșĐŸŃ— ĐżĐŸĐ»Ń–ĐłŃ€Đ°Ń„Ń–Ń‡ĐœĐŸŃ— ĐżŃ€ĐŸĐŒĐžŃĐ»ĐŸĐČĐŸŃŃ‚Ń–, ĐČОсĐČŃ–Ń‚Đ»Đ”ĐœĐŸ ĐżŃ€ĐŸĐ±Đ»Đ”ĐŒŃƒ ĐșĐ°ĐŽŃ€ĐŸĐČĐŸĐłĐŸ Đ·Đ°Đ±Đ”Đ·ĐżĐ”Ń‡Đ”ĐœĐœŃ ĐșĐœĐžĐłĐŸŃ‚ĐŸŃ€ĐłĐŸĐČĐ”Đ»ŃŒĐœĐŸŃ— ĐŒĐ”Ń€Đ”Đ¶Ń– Ń€Đ”ŃĐżŃƒĐ±Đ»Ń–ĐșĐž ĐČ 20-ті Ń€ĐŸĐșĐž Đ„Đ„ ŃŃ‚ĐŸĐ»Ń–Ń‚Ń‚Ń.(en) In this article an author is analyses basic tendencies in development of the system of preparation and retraining of shots for Ukrainian polygraph industry, the problem of the skilled providing of network the trade of books of republic is reflected in 20th of Đ„Đ„ age

    Effects of gastric bypass surgery on brain connectivity responses to hypoglycemia

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    INTRODUCTION: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) leads to beneficial effects on glucose homeostasis, and attenuated hormonal counterregulatory responses to hypoglycemia are likely to contribute. RYGB also induces alterations in neural activity of cortical and subcortical brain regions. We aimed to characterize RYGB-induced changes in resting-state connectivity of specific brain regions of interest for energy homeostasis and behavioral control during hypoglycemia. METHOD: Ten patients with BMI > 35 kg/m(2) were investigated with brain PET/MR imaging during a hyperinsulinemic normo- and hypoglycemic clamp, before and 4 months after RYGB. Hormonal levels were assessed throughout the clamp. Resting-state (RS) fMRI scans were acquired in the glucose-lowering phase of the clamp, and they were analyzed with a seed-to-voxel approach. RESULTS: RS connectivity during initiation of hypoglycemia was significantly altered after RYGB between nucleus accumbens, thalamus, caudate, hypothalamus and their crosstalk with cortical and subcortical regions. Connectivity between the nucleus accumbens and the frontal pole was increased after RYGB, and this was associated with a reduction of ACTH (r = −0.639, p = 0.047) and cortisol (r = −0.635, p = 0.048) responses. Instead, connectivity between the caudate and the frontal pole after RYGB was reduced and this was associated with less attenuation of glucagon response during the hypoglycemic clamp (r = −0.728, p = 0.017), smaller reduction in fasting glucose (r = −0.798, p = 0.007) and less excess weight loss (r = 0.753, p = 0.012). No other significant associations were found between post-RYGB changes in ROI-to-voxel regional connectivity hormonal responses and metabolic or anthropometric outcomes. CONCLUSION: RYGB alters brain connectivity during hypoglycemia of several neural pathways involved in reward, inhibitory control, and energy homeostasis. These changes are associated with altered hormonal responses to hypoglycemia and may be involved in the glucometabolic outcome of RYGB

    Gastric Bypass Promotes More Lipid Mobilization Than a Similar Weight Loss Induced by Low-Calorie Diet

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    Background. Recently, we found large reductions in visceral and subcutaneous fat one month after gastric bypass (GBP), without any change in liver fat content. Purpose. Firstly to characterize weight loss-induced lipid mobilization after one month with preoperative low-calorie diet (LCD) and a subsequent month following GBP, and secondly, to discuss the observations with reference to our previous published findings after GBP intervention alone. Methods. 15 morbidly obese women were studied prior to LCD, at GBP, and one month after GBP. Effects on metabolism were measured by magnetic resonance techniques and blood tests. Results. Body weight was similarly reduced after both months (mean: −8.0 kg, n = 13). Relative body fat changes were smaller after LCD than after GBP (−7.1 ± 3.6% versus −10 ± 3.2%, P = .029, n = 13). Liver fat fell during the LCD month (−41%, P = .001, n = 13) but was unaltered one month after GBP (+12%). Conclusion. Gastric bypass seems to cause a greater lipid mobilization than a comparable LCD-induced weight loss. One may speculate that GBP-altered gastrointestinal signalling sensitizes adipose tissue to lipolysis, promoting the changes observed

    Formation of the Scandinavian Obesity Surgery Registry, SOReg.

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    Obesity surgery is expanding, the quality of care is ever more important, and learning curve assessment should be established. A large registry cohort can show long-term effects on obesity and its comorbidities, complications, and long-term side effects of surgery, as well as changes in health-related quality of life (QoL). Sweden is ideally suited to the task of data collection and audit, with universal use of personal identification numbers, nation-wide registries permitting cross-matching to analyze causes of death, in-hospital care, and health-related absenteeism
