111 research outputs found

    Blood Meal as Protein Source for Marsupenaeus Japonicus Juveniles

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    E-book adalah salah satu alternatif sumber belajar yang terdiri dari teks, gambar, video maupun suara yang dipublikasikan dalam bentuk digital yang dapat dibaca dikomputer maupun perangkat elektronik lainnya, sehingga dapat menyajikan bahan ajar yang lebih menarik. Pada mata kuliah rancangan pembelajaran mahasiswa tidak memiliki buku pegangan dalam mata kuliah tersebut. Mahasiswa menanggapi bahwa mata kuliah ini perlu menggunakan bahan ajar khusus dalam perkuliahan agar pembelajaran lebih efektif dan dapat memudahkan memahami materi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebutuhan, desain, validitas dan tingkat kepraktisan pengembangan bahan ajar digital E-book Mata Kuliah Rancangan Pembelajaran pada Mahasiswa Teknologi Pendidikan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian R&D (Research and Development). Penelitian ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan model yang dikemukakan Thiagarajan dan Semmel (Trianto 2007: 65) yaitu 4D, adapun empat tahapnya yaitu pendefinisian (define), perancangan (design), pengembangan (development) dan penyebaran (disseminate). Subjek penelitiannya adalah mahasiswa teknologi pendidikan angkatan 2020 kelas B sebanyak 16 mahasiswa, 2 dosen validator yang terdiri dari ahli materi/isi dan ahli media dan 1 dosen prodi teknologi pendidikan. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan angket penelitian. Teknik analisis data yaitu analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan analisis statistik deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat analisis kebutuhan produk bahan ajar rancangan pembelajaran berada pada kualifikasi dibutuhkan, desain tampilan bahan ajar menggunakan aplikasi flip pdf profesional serta produk bahan ajar digital E-book dinyatakan valid dan praktis

    Pengaruh Pengetahuan Perpajakan, Sosialisasi Pajak, dan Tax Morale Terhadap Niat Untuk Patuh Calon Wajib Pajak

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    This study aims to determine the effect of tax knowledge, tax socialization, and tax morale on the intention to comply with prospective taxpayers. This study uses primary data through a questionnaire. The sample in this research is active students of the Accounting Study Program batch 2019 to 2021 at the Tamansiswa University of Yogyakarta. The sample technique used is Convenience Sampling. The number of samples in this study were 100 respondents. The results showed that knowledge of taxation had a positive effect on the intention to comply with prospective taxpayers, tax socialization had no effect on the intention to comply with prospective taxpayers, and tax morale had a positive effect on the intention to comply with prospective taxpayers


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    ABSTRAK Pengolahan pasca panen yang baik dan benar akan memberikan dampak yang baik bagi kualitas sebuah tanaman. Demikian pula buah kopi bila budidaya tepat dan proses pengolahan pasca panen tepat dan benar maka kualitas kopi akan baik. Melihat permintaan pasar yang tinggi akan kopi Indonesia dan khususnya kopi daerah Kabupaten Enrekang tepatnya di Kecamatan Baroko Desa Benteng Alla, maka petani kopi Arabika Kalosi di Benteng Alla Utara harus menambah informasi dan pengetahuannya akan proses pasca panen buah kopi, petani kopi harus berbenah dan melakukan perbaikan. Petani Kopi Arabika Kalosi yang berada di Desa Benteng Alla Utara merupakan mitra dari tim PPPUD Politani pangkep berkolaborasi dengan Universitas Hasanuddin. Mitra memiliki kendala seperti keterbatasan pengetahuan, keterbatasan alat dan teknologi dalam pengolahan pasca panen, dan pemasaran produk. Dengan pendampingan dan pendidikan yang diberikan maka permasalahan mitra dapat dipecahkan bersama. Meningkatnya pengetahuan petani dalam tahapan pemahaman tentang budidaya kopi, pengolahan pasca panen kopi sangat berperan penting dalam menentukan kualitas dan cita rasa kopi. Dengan edukasi dan monitoring yang tetap dilakukan maka petani menjadi paham tahapan proses pengolahan pasca panen. Dengan dukungan Hibah DRPM Kemenristekdikti skema Program Pengembangan Produk Unggulan Daerah (PPPUD), melakukan pendampingan dan pendidikan bagi petani kopi Arabika Kalosi di Desa Benteng Alla Utara dengan memberikan bantuan bibit kopi varietas Line S 795 dan alat kupas kulit tanduk (huller) agar petani dapat memproses lebih lanjut memproses hasil kebun mereka dimana selama ini dijual dalam bentuk gabah kemudian dapat dijual dalam bentuk green bean. Kata kunci: Kopi arabika kalosi, pemberdayaan petani, PPPUD. ABSTRACT Good post-harvest processing will give a good impact on the quality of a plant. Likewise, if the coffee is right and the post-harvest processing is right and right, the quality of the coffee will be good. Seeing the high market demand for Indonesian coffee and especially Enrekang regional coffee, Arabika coffee Kalosi farmers must add information and knowledge to the post-harvest process of coffee fruit, coffee farmers must improve and make improvements. Arabika Coffee Kalosi Farmers who are in the Village Benteng Alla Utara are partners of the PPPUD team Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture collaboration with Hasanuddin University. Partners have constraints such as limited knowledge, limited tools and technology in post-harvest processing, and product marketing. With the assistance and education provided, partner problems can be solved together. Increased knowledge of farmers in the stages of understanding about coffee cultivation, post-harvest processing of coffee is very important in determining the quality and taste of coffee. By continuing education and monitoring, farmers will understand the stages of post-harvest processing. With the support of the Ministry of Research and Technology DRPM Grant, the Community Partnership Program (PPPUD) scheme provides assistance and education for Arabika coffee Kalosi farmers in the village of Benteng alla Utara by providing assistance with a coffee seeds and huller peel so that farmers can further process their garden products which have been sold as grain. Then it can be sold as a green bean. Keywords: Arabica coffee kalosi, farmer empowerment, PPPUD

    Pengaruh Pelayanan Pemuda Berbasis Kontekstual terhadap Pertumbuhan Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia di Kota Samarinda

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    The problem with churches today is the reduced interest of young people in the church activities. The church needs to evaluate the youth ministry that have been doing, so the church be able to see the effectiveness of each activity they did to reach young people. The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of youth-based contextual services to the growth of Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia in Samarinda City. To achieve this, the author uses the method of multiple linear analysis to see the effect of contextual youth services on church growth. After conducting research, it was found that there was a significant influence between contextual youth services on the growth of the quantity of the Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia in Samarinda City. Contextual based youth ministry is an answer that needs to be considered so the church can provide services that are relevant to the lives of modern young people who live in their particular culture. On other side, contextual based youth ministry to help church services be effective for reaching the millennial generation

    Pengaruh Naupli Artemia yang Diperkaya dengan N-3 HUFA terhadap "Budget" Energi Larva Ikan Red Sea Bream Pagrus major

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    Energy budget of red sea bream Pagrus major larvae fed n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA)-enriched (EA) and non-enriched (NEA) Artemia nauplii was constructed as: EI = F + M + U + G, where EI is energy intake, F energy loss as feces, M energy loss for metabolism, U energy loss as non-fecal matter based on ammonia excretion, and G energy for growth. Larvae (29 days post hatching, 41,1 mg mean wet weight) were reared in six 80 1 circular tanks and fed EA and NEA for 12 days, with three replicates for each type of food. Overall, growth of larvae was significantly higher in EA group than NEA group. Oxygen consumption, as heat increment, was also significantly higher in EA-fed larvae than NEA-fed larvae. The energy budget of a 100-mg larva was partitioned into: 100% of EI = 38,4% for G + 34,5% for M + 2,9% for U + 24,2% for F, for EA group, whereas 100% of EI = 29,1% for G + 30,1% for M + 3,3% for U + 37.4% for F, for NEA group. Assimilation, gross conversion, and net conversion efficiencies were higher in EA-fed larvae than NEA-fed larvae, which were attributed to the higher energies channeled to metabolism and growth in the former. This study concluded that HUFA enrichment of Artemia nauplii increased energy absorption but reduced energy excretion in red sea bream larvae. Key words : Pagrus major, larvae. HUFA enriched Artemia nauplii, oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion, heat increment, energy budge

    Optimasi Carbopol 940 dan Gliserin dalam Formula Gel Lendir Bekicot (Achatina fulica Ferr) sebagai Antibakteri Staphylococcus aureus dengan Metode Simplex Lattice Design

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    Lendir bekicot (Achatina fulica Ferr) mengandung protein achasin, suatu senyawa dengan aktivitas antibakteri yang mendukung proses penyembuhan luka. Selain itu, peptida mytimacin-AF pada lender bekicot diketahui menghambat pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923. Lendir bekicot kurang praktis jika digunakan secara langsung sehingga perlu dikembangkan menjadi bentuk sediaan gel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proporsi optimum campuran carbopol 940 dengan gliserin dalam formula gel dan mengevaluasi aktivitas antibakteri formula optimum terhadap S. aureus ATCC 25923. Gel lendir bekicot dibuat tiga formula dengan komposisi carbopol 940 dan gliserin masing-masing sebesar 1; 1,5; dan 2%, serta 15; 14,5; dan 14%. Semua formula diuji sifat fisiknya selama empat minggu, meliputi organoleptis, homogenitas, viskositas, daya sebar, daya lekat, dan pergeseran viskositas. Hasil uji dioptimasi dengan metode simplex lattice design menggunakan program Design Expert Formula optimum yang diperoleh dievaluasi sifat fisiknya selama empat minggu, sedangkan aktivitas antibakterinya diuji dengan menggunakan metode difusi sumuran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan formula optimum gel lendir bekicot dengan proporsi campuran carbopol 940 dan gliserin masing-masing 1,123 dan 14,877%. Formula optimum memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap S. aureus dengan diameter zona hambat sebesar 1,73 cm

    Analisis Kandungan Kafein Kopi (Coffea arabica) Pada Tingkat Kematangan Berbeda Menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-VIS

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    A study recently conducted with the title Analysis of caffeine content in arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) based on its maturity level by using Uv-Vis Spectrophotometer. This study aimed to determine the levels of caffeine in Arabica coffee based on its level of maturity, either young, medium and old. Moreover, this study aimed to measure the highest and lowest caffeine levels of Arabica coffe from. Retrieval of young coffee fruit is characterized by green skin fruit, half-old / medium coffee, yellow to orange skin fruit and dark coffee with dark-red skin fruit. The Fruit of Arabica coffee is processed starting from drying, roasting and grinding into coffee grounds. Determination of caffeine content using 2 methods, namely a qualitative test with the parry method and a quantitative test using a UV- Vis spectrophotometer. The results obtained in the qualitative test with the Parry method showed that all three coffee powder samples contained caffeine, this was indicated by a change in color into green. Quantitative test results using UV-Vis spectrophotometer obtained the results of each gram of coffee containing caffeine namely young arabica coffee 11.15 mg or 1.151%, half old / medium arabica 12.85 mg or 1.285 % and old arabica coffee 12.01 mg or 1.201 %. The highest level of caffeine is found in the level of maturity of half-old / moderate coffee and the lowest level of caffeine is found in Arabica coffee with a young age of maturity

    Assessment of soybean meal as dietary fishmeal replacement in red sea bream (Pagrus major) juveniles based on energy budget analysis

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    The effects of soybean meal (SBM) on the energy budget of red sea bream Pagrus major juveniles (3.2 g initial wet weight) were determined by supplementing SBM in the diet at 0% (control diet), 16%, 24%, 32% and 39%, with the fishmeal content correspondingly reduced from 55% to 29%. Diets were made isoenergetic and isonitrogenous by changing the lipid and carbohydrate levels. Fish were fed to apparent satiation for 30 days in duplicates per diet (20 fish per replicate). Ammonia excretion and oxygen consumption were continuously measured during the growth trial, whereas digestibility after the termination of growth trial. Feed intake, body weight gain, and specific growth rate of fish increased to a peak at 24% SBM level, which again decreased as the SBM level was further increased. The apparent digestibility of energy was similar in all dietary treatments, while the digestible of dry matter increased with the SBM level. A lower proportion of energy intake as growth at 39% SBM level was attributed to the higher energy intake channeled to fecal ammonia. This study suggested that the inclusion level of SBM in diets for red sea bream juveniles should be is optimal at the inclusion range 24–32%, thus correspondingly replacing the fishmeal content by 24–32%

    Analisis Dampak Erection Box Girder Proyek Jalan Tol Ujung Pandang Seksi 3 terhadap Kecepatan Kendaraan (Studi Kasus Jalan Tol Layang A.P. Pettarani Shoring P71-P72 dan Launching Gantry (LG) P46-P47)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Proyek Jalan Tol Ujung Pandang Seksi 3, Jalan AndiPangeran Pettarani, Makassar Sulawesi Selatan. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui kinerjalalu lintas Jalan A. P. Pettarani akibat erection box girder. Span LG P46-P47 dan Span Shoring P71-P72.Berdasarkan analisis hasil perhitungan kecepatan rata-rata kendaraan pada saat erection box girder pada span P71-P72 adalah 11,21 km/jam, sedangkan kecepatan rata-rata kendaraan sebelum konstruksi 52,50 km/jam, atau mengalami penurunan kecepatan sebesar 78,65%. Untuk hasil perhitungan kecepatan rata-rata kendaraan pada saat erection box girder pada span P46-P47 adalah 27,44 km/jam, sedangkan kecepatan rata-rata kendaraan sebelum konstruksi 50,56 km/jam, atau mengalami penurunan kecepatan sebesar 45,73%
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