896 research outputs found

    Estrogenic activity of phenolic additives determined by an in vitro yeast bioassay

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    Copyright @ 2001 Environmental Health PerspectivesWe used a recombinant yeast estrogen assay to assess the activity of 73 phenolic additives that are used as sunscreens, preservatives, disinfectants, antioxidants, flavorings, or for perfumery. Thirty-two of these compounds displayed activity: 22 with potencies relative to 17 beta -estradiol, ranging from 1/3,000 to -estradiol. Forty-one compounds were inactive. The major criteria for activity appear to be the presence of an unhindered phenolic OH group in a para position and a molecular weight of 140-250 Da.This work was supported in part under contract with the U.K. Department of Trade and Industry as part of the Government Chemist Programme

    Continuous theory of active matter systems with metric-free interactions

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    We derive a hydrodynamic description of metric-free active matter: starting from self-propelled particles aligning with neighbors defined by "topological" rules, not metric zones, -a situation advocated recently to be relevant for bird flocks, fish schools, and crowds- we use a kinetic approach to obtain well-controlled nonlinear field equations. We show that the density-independent collision rate per particle characteristic of topological interactions suppresses the linear instability of the homogeneous ordered phase and the nonlinear density segregation generically present near threshold in metric models, in agreement with microscopic simulations.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Inherent noise can facilitate coherence in collective swarm motion

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    Among the most striking aspects of the movement of many animal groups are their sudden coherent changes in direction. Recent observations of locusts and starlings have shown that this directional switching is an intrinsic property of their motion. Similar direction switches are seen in self-propelled particle and other models of group motion. Comprehending the factors that determine such switches is key to understanding the movement of these groups. Here, we adopt a coarse-grained approach to the study of directional switching in a self-propelled particle model assuming an underlying one-dimensional Fokker–Planck equation for the mean velocity of the particles. We continue with this assumption in analyzing experimental data on locusts and use a similar systematic Fokker–Planck equation coefficient estimation approach to extract the relevant information for the assumed Fokker–Planck equation underlying that experimental data. In the experiment itself the motion of groups of 5 to 100 locust nymphs was investigated in a homogeneous laboratory environment, helping us to establish the intrinsic dynamics of locust marching bands. We determine the mean time between direction switches as a function of group density for the experimental data and the self-propelled particle model. This systematic approach allows us to identify key differences between the experimental data and the model, revealing that individual locusts appear to increase the randomness of their movements in response to a loss of alignment by the group. We give a quantitative description of how locusts use noise to maintain swarm alignment. We discuss further how properties of individual animal behavior, inferred by using the Fokker–Planck equation coefficient estimation approach, can be implemented in the self-propelled particle model to replicate qualitatively the group level dynamics seen in the experimental data

    The rodent uterotrophic assay: Critical protocol features, studies with nonyl phenols, and comparison with a yeast estrogenicity assay

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    The major protocol features of the immature rat uterotrophic assay have been evaluated using a range of reference chemicals. The protocol variables considered include the selection of the test species and route of chemical administration, the age of the test animals, the maintenance diet used, and the specificity of the assay for estrogens. It is concluded that three daily oral administrations of test chemicals to 21- to 22-day-old rats, followed by determination of absolute uterus weights on the fourth day, provide a sensitive and toxicologically relevant in vivo estrogenicity assay. Rats are favored over mice for reasons of toxicological practice, but the choice of test species is probably not a critical protocol variable, as evidenced by the similar sensitivity of rats and mice to the uterotrophic activity of methoxychlor. Vaginal opening is shown to be a useful, but nondefinitive, adjunct to the uterotrophic assay. The ability of test chemicals to reduce or abolish the uterotrophic response of estradiol is suggested to provide a useful extension of the uterotrophic assay for the purpose of detecting antiestrogens. The results of a series of studies on the environmental estrogen nonyl phenol (NP), and its linear isomer n -nonyl phenol, confirm that branching of the aliphatic side chain is important for activity. 17beta-Desoxyestradiol is shown to be of similar activity to estradiol in the uterotrophic assay and is suggested to represent the "parent" estrogen of NP. Benzoylation of NP and 17-desoxyestradiol did not affect their uterotrophic activity, in contrast to the enhancing effect of benzoylation on estradiol. Selected chemicals shown to be active in the immature rat uterotrophic assay were also evaluated in an in vitro yeast human estrogen receptor transactivation assay. Most of the chemicals gave similar qualitative responses to those seen in the uterotrophic assay, and the detection of the estrogen methoxychlor by the yeast assay evidenced a degree of intrinsic metabolic competence. However, the assay had a reduced ability (compared to rodents) to hydrolyze the benzoate ester of estradiol, and the estrogenic benzoate derivative of NP was not active in the yeast assay. These last results indicate that current metabolic deficiencies of in vitro estrogenicity assays will limit the value of negative data for the immediate future. The results described illustrate the intrinsic complexity of evaluating chemicals for estrogenic activities and confirm the need for rigorous attention to experimental design and criteria for assessing estrogenic activity

    Reciprocal relationships in collective flights of homing pigeons

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    Collective motion of bird flocks can be explained via the hypothesis of many wrongs, and/or, a structured leadership mechanism. In pigeons, previous studies have shown that there is a well-defined hierarchical structure and certain specific individuals occupy more dominant positions --- suggesting that leadership by the few individuals drives the behavior of the collective. Conversely, by analyzing the same data-sets, we uncover a more egalitarian mechanism. We show that both reciprocal relationships and a stratified hierarchical leadership are important and necessary in the collective movements of pigeon flocks. Rather than birds adopting either exclusive averaging or leadership strategies, our experimental results show that it is an integrated combination of both compromise and leadership which drives the group's movement decisions.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    The consequences of feminization in breeding groups of wild fish

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    EHP is a publication of the U.S. government. Publication of EHP lies in the public domain and is therefore without copyright. Research articles from EHP may be used freely; however, articles from the News section of EHP may contain photographs or figures copyrighted by other commercial organizations and individuals that may not be used without obtaining prior approval from both the EHP editors and the holder of the copyright. Use of any materials published in EHP should be acknowledged (for example, "Reproduced with permission from Environmental Health Perspectives") and a reference provided for the article from which the material was reproduced.BACKGROUND: The feminization of nature by endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) is a key environmental issue affecting both terrestrial and aquatic wildlife. A crucial and as yet unanswered question is whether EDCs have adverse impacts on the sustainability of wildlife populations. There is widespread concern that intersex fish are reproductively compromised, with potential population-level consequences. However, to date, only in vitro sperm quality data are available in support of this hypothesis. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine whether wild endocrine-disrupted fish can compete successfully in a realistic breeding scenario. METHODS: In two competitive breeding experiments using wild roach (Rutilus rutilus), we used DNA microsatellites to assign parentage and thus determine reproductive success of the adults. RESULTS: In both studies, the majority of intersex fish were able to breed, albeit with varying degrees of success. In the first study, where most intersex fish were only mildly feminized, body length was the only factor correlated with reproductive success. In the second study, which included a higher number of more severely intersex fish, reproductive performance was negatively correlated with severity of intersex. The intersex condition reduced reproductive performance by up to 76% for the most feminized individuals in this study, demonstrating a significant adverse effect of intersex on reproductive performance. CONCLUSION: Feminization of male fish is likely to be an important determinant of reproductive performance in rivers where there is a high prevalence of moderately to severely feminized males.Funding for this work was derived through the Endocrine Disruption in Catchments project, which was supported by the U.K. Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs and the U.K. Environment Agency

    Configuration development study of the X-24C hypersonic research airplane

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    Bottom line results were made of a three-phase study to determine the feasibility of designing, building, and operating, and maintaining an air-launched high performance aircraft capable of cruising at speeds up to Mach 8 for short durations. The results show that Lockalloy heat-sink structure affords the capability for a 'work-horse' vehicle which can serve as an excellent platform for this research. It was further concluded that the performance of a blended wing body configuration surpassed that of a lifting body design for typical X-24C missions. The cost of a two vehicle program, less engines, B-52 modification and contractor support after delivery, can be kept within $70M (in Jan. 1976 dollars)

    On the Necessary Memory to Compute the Plurality in Multi-Agent Systems

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    We consider the Relative-Majority Problem (also known as Plurality), in which, given a multi-agent system where each agent is initially provided an input value out of a set of kk possible ones, each agent is required to eventually compute the input value with the highest frequency in the initial configuration. We consider the problem in the general Population Protocols model in which, given an underlying undirected connected graph whose nodes represent the agents, edges are selected by a globally fair scheduler. The state complexity that is required for solving the Plurality Problem (i.e., the minimum number of memory states that each agent needs to have in order to solve the problem), has been a long-standing open problem. The best protocol so far for the general multi-valued case requires polynomial memory: Salehkaleybar et al. (2015) devised a protocol that solves the problem by employing O(k2k)O(k 2^k) states per agent, and they conjectured their upper bound to be optimal. On the other hand, under the strong assumption that agents initially agree on a total ordering of the initial input values, Gasieniec et al. (2017), provided an elegant logarithmic-memory plurality protocol. In this work, we refute Salehkaleybar et al.'s conjecture, by providing a plurality protocol which employs O(k11)O(k^{11}) states per agent. Central to our result is an ordering protocol which allows to leverage on the plurality protocol by Gasieniec et al., of independent interest. We also provide a Ω(k2)\Omega(k^2)-state lower bound on the necessary memory to solve the problem, proving that the Plurality Problem cannot be solved within the mere memory necessary to encode the output.Comment: 14 pages, accepted at CIAC 201