7 research outputs found

    Population development and the public sector economy in Finland

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    Väestöliitto has newly published a book dealing with the effects of current population trends on society and the life of the common people. The aim of Väestöliitto is to use this book to begin a discussion on population questions and to direct attention to the necessity for planning authorities and decision makers to take demographic aspects into consideration in their work. The book discusses the effects of population aging on the public economy, education, industry and commerce as well as on the economy of the municipalities. We are here reproducing an article concerning the effects of population aging on the public economy and social expenditures. In economic theory population trends are considered exogenous, or factors outside the economic models. The authors, both economists, examine the link between population development and economy, mainly the public economy. They also discuss possible ways to avoid unwanted economic development caused by population aging. We feel the article might also interest readers outside the Finnish borders

    Comparison of Umbilical Serum Copeptin Relative to Erythropoietin and S100B as Asphyxia Biomarkers at Birth

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    Background: Birth asphyxia, estimated to account for a million neonatal deaths annually, can cause a wide variety of neurodevelopmental impairments. There is a need to develop new, swift methods to identify those neonates who would benefit from neuroprotective treatments such as hypothermia. Objectives: To examine the utility of cord serum copeptin, a stable byproduct of arginine vasopressin release, as a biomarker of birth asphyxia based on a comparison with 2 biomarkers of hypoxia and brain trauma: erythropoietin and S100B. Methods: The study population consisted of 140 singleton, term neonates: 113 controls and 27 with birth asphyxia (2/3 criteria met: umbilical artery pHPeer reviewe

    UHKAAVAT TILANTEET KOTIHOIDOSSA : Toimintaopas hoitajille

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    Kotihoidossa työskentelevien hoitajien työtä ohjaavat lait, asetukset sekä paikalliset asiakasohjeet sekä kriteerit, joiden mukaisesti kotihoitoa toteutetaan. Uhkaavat tilanteet hoitotyössä ovat asiakkaan aiheuttamia tilanteita, jotka heijastuvat monista ongelmista sekä muutoksista yhteiskunnassamme. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kehittää Itä-Savon sairaanhoitopiirin kotihoidossa työskenteleville hoitajille opas uhkaavien asiakastilanteiden tunnistamiseen, ratkaisemiseen ja ennaltaehkäisemiseen. Opas julkaistiin sähköisessä muodossa. Opas löytyy myös tulostettuna versiona esimerkiksi työpisteiden perehdytysmateriaalista. Opinnäytetyön ja oppaan laatiminen toteutettiin tuotekehitysprosessin eri vaiheiden mukaisesti. Opinnäytetyössä hyödynnettiin teoriatietoa, työelämäohjaajien asiantuntijuutta sekä opinnäytetyön tekijän omaa kokemusta uhkaavista tilanteista ja niiden ratkaisemisesta. Tarkoituksena on lisäksi aktivoida myös työnantaja huomioimaan koulutuksen tarve kotihoidon työympäristöön liittyvien uhkatilanteiden käsittelyssä asiakkaan kotona, joka on erilainen työympäristönä kuin kiinteät toimipisteet. Jatkotutkimuksena tulisi selvittää HaiPro- ilmoituksia kotihoidossa tapahtuvista uhkaavista tilanteista.There are laws guiding the work of home care nursing staff, as well as local regulations, client instructions and criteria, under which home health care is carried out. Threatening situations in nursing are client-induced situations that are reflected in many problems and changes in our society, causing threatening and violent situations. The purpose of this thesis was to develop a guidebook for the Eastern Savo Hospital District home health care nurses for identifying, resolving and preventing intimidating client situations. The guide was published in electronic format. A hard copy of the guide is also available, for example, in the orientation material. The thesis was conducted and the guidebook was produced in accordance with the phases of the product development process. The present thesis utilized theoretical knowledge from literature, the employees' expertise as well as the author's own work experience in threatening situations and methods to solve them. The overall goal of this project was also to activate the employer to take into account the staff's training needs to face threatening situations in the home health care environment, that is, the client´s home, which is a different working environment than the traditional health care settings. A further study should be to find out what HaiPro reports are about threatening situations in home care

    Population development and the public sector economy in Finland

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