153 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Sekolah Regrouping SD Negeri Grabag 1, 2, dan 4 Kecamatan Grabag Kabupaten Magelang

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    Dalam penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yang ingin dicapai : (1) untuk mendiskripsikan karakteristik pelaksanaan pembelajaran program regrouping di SD Negeri Grabag 1, 2, dan 4 Magelang, (2) untuk mendiskripsikan karakteristik sarana prasarana sekolah program regrouping SD Negeri Grabag 1, 2, dan 4 Magelang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain etnografi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD Negeri Grabag 1, 2, dan 4 Magelang. Nara sumber dalam penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, petugas sarana dan prasarana, dan guru. Metode pengumpulan data adalah observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) SD Negeri Grabag 1, 2, dan 4 Magelang menjadi sekolah regrouping karena sekolah berada dalam satu lokasi atau satu kampus yang sama. Aktivitas belajar siswa dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa kelas paralel. Dalam pembelajaran, guru berada dalam satu manjemen tenaga pendidik. Guru menyusun RPP secara konseptual sesuai pemikiran yang berorientasi kekhasan kelas, materi dan kondisi peserta didik. Pembelajaran program regrouping adalah melaksanakan pembelajaran yang menekankan pada proses dengan menggunakan strategi yang memungkinkan hasil yang optimal, mengupayakan peningkatan keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran, pembiasaan pada setiap kesempatan, dan pemberian bimbingan. Guru memiliki perbedaaan kemampuan dalam menggunakan teknologi dalam pembelajaran. Masing-masing guru menggunakan strategi yang berbeda, tetapi guru selalu berbagi pendapat, informasi mengenai pengalamannya ; (2) Pengelolaan sekolah regrouping SD Negeri Grabag 1, 2 dan 4 dilakukan secara bersama-sama yang dikoordinasikan pada semua stakeholdernya di bawah satu pengelola SD Negeri Grabag 1. Sekolah regrouping memiliki sarana dan prasarana yang banyak, karena penggabungan sarana dan prasarana dari ketiga sekolah. Yang menjadi pengelola sarana dan prasarana SD Negeri Grabag 1, 2 dan 4 Kecamatan Grabag adalah guru yang ditugaskan oleh kepala sekolah, dibantu oleh guru dan tenaga kependidikan lainnya. Program pengelolaan sarana prasarana sekolah regrouping terdiri dari kegiatan pengadaan, pencatatan dalam inventaris, penggunaan dan perawatan sarana prasarana. Ada beberapa sarana yang digunakan sendiri seperti ruang kelas, tetapi juga ada beberapa sarana yang digunakan secara bersama-sama seperti perpustakaan dan alat peraga

    Meningkatkan Etika Berbicara Dengan Teman Sebaya Melalui Bimbingan Kelompok Dengan Teknik Modelling pada Siswa SMP

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    This study aims to (1) Describe the actions of counselors in using group guidance services with modeling techniques to improve the ethics of talking with peers. (3) Describe the improvement of the ethics of talking with peers by using group guidance services with modeling techniques for students of class IX.B SMP 1 Pancur Rembang Semester II Academic Year 2017/2018. Based on the results of the study the ethics of talking with peers in pre-cycle obtained a score of 130 on average 16.25 percentage 32.25% entered in the category of very poor (SK), cycle I obtained a total score of 533 an average of 22 percentages 44% entered the category less ( K), and in cycle II there was a total score of 939 on average 39 percent 78% in the good category (B). So from the pre-cycle, cycle I, cycle II, the results were 32.25% to 78%, so there was an increase of 45.75%. Based on the results of the discussion it can be concluded that group guidance services with modeling techniques can improve the ethics of talking with peers in class IX.B SMP 1 Pancur Semester II Academic Year 2017/201

    Determinan Kepatuhan Minum Obat Gagal Jantung

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    This study aims to determine the factors influencing medication adherence in heart failure patients at Persahabatan Hospital. The research method used is observational analytics with a cross-sectional study approach using a retrospective system. The results showed that the characteristics of respondents who adhered to taking medication were 78 people (56.1%). Factors that are significantly related to medication adherence are anxiety and family support, and the most dominant variable is the Anxiety variable (p-value: 0.018., OR: 3.157., 95%CI 1.220 – 8.171). In conclusion, the more optimal the family support received by the respondent, the better their compliance with treatment. The more the respondent does not experience anxiety, the more obedient the respondent is in taking medication.   Keywords: Determinants of Compliance with Medication, Heart Failure

    Analisis Faktor Lingkungan Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kecemasan Pelayanan Kesehatan Anak Di Puskesmas Pubalingga

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    Background: Sick children should be taken to the health services of the Primary Level Service Unit at the Puskesmas (UPTD) first, with their families is a stressful experience, both for children and parents. Some scientific evidence shows that the health center environment itself is a major cause of stress for children and parents, both physical environments such as buildings or nursing rooms, equipment, distinctive odors, white clothes for health workers and the social environment, such as fellow child patients, or interactions and health workers themselves Scientific research illustrates that the health center environment causes major stress for both children and their parents, including the physical environment, and the social environment such as interactions between patients between children, and even the attitudes reflected by doctors and nurses.Metode: To see the factors that affect the error rate in children who seek treatment at Purbalingga Health Center.This research is a research that carries out a cross-sectional design, purposive sampling method, and chi square statistical analysis.Result: Based on the results of the study, 7 patients (30,458%) who underwent short and medium-term treatment experienced normal loss. Most of the respondents in the age range of 4-8 years and 9-11 years were in the medium anxiety category as many as 18 respondents (69.55%). Children aged 4-8 years who have just entered school and lack of interaction with the surrounding environment will experience anxiety more often, in fact there are 4 respondents (8.70%) of whom experience severe anxiety compared to those above.It shows that the proportion of anxiety in the sexes of men and women is almost the same. Two male respondents (4.80%) were in the mild anxiety category, 7 respondents (31.68%) were in the moderate category and 3 respondents (4.35%) were in the heavy category. Likewise, 3 respondents (8.70%) were in the mild anxiety category, 10 respondents (40.12%) were in the moderate category, and 5 respondents (10.35%) were in the severe anxiety category. Shows environmental factors, 13 respondents (52.17%) who enter into moderate anxiety and feel familiar with the environment and 8 respondents (26.09%) feel unfamiliar with the environmental conditions of all 18 respondents (65.22%), feel the environment that is felt familiar.Conclusion: length of treatment, the activities constraint, and separated, it means that there is influence toward apprehensive level in children getting puskesma


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    Every activity willingly done by someone must be from his belief. The belief itself appears from knowledge or science. Either knowledge or science is a product of coworking between five senses and mind. The belief is not a static concept but it is a dynamic one. Revelation is of the absolut truth because it comes from the Absolut God. The Revelation is guidance for people's life so it must be studied and understood or comprehended. Understanding or science. The knowledge or science will never reach the final or it is always incomplete. It needs copleting. This article treats of the logic of the belief and moral based on the reasoning of the revelatio


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    The background of this research is the education and development which show and develop about religious attitude as the bridge to internalize Islamic knowledge in the daily life. The character development is needed to every teacher for creating how Islamic education can be the base of life in daily activity.A boarding school with it's background and culture to be place which researcher try to know about their model of religious character for studen and implementation. This research is a qualitative field research by taking background of Muhamamdiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta. This research is a character education approach. Subject of this research such as Directors, teachers, students of Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta. The data collecting has done by conducting a sociological dan psychological approach.  Methods of thinking in the analysis of data research is inductive by collecting and combing special words into a unified information. The results show that the character building model used by Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta is by using pesantren system and the teaching of Islamic sciences which directly regulate the dynamics of santri to have good religious character such as being kind people, polite, responsible, and diligent to worship

    Efektifitas Kompres Hangat dan Nafas dalam terhadap Nyeri Perut Pasien Typus Abdominalis di RSUD Dr. R Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga

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    Abdominalis Typhus is a disease that attacks the gastrointestinal tract in the small intestine. This disease is occupying sequence of number one for three consecutive in RSUD dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga. This objective of this research is to determine the effectivity of warm compresses and deep breath towards patient’s abdominal pain of abdominalis typhus in RSUD dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga. Type of study is a quasi experimental design with pretest posttest with control group design. Sampling using the purposive sampling techniques. Sample as many as 76 respondent, that 38 responden were given a warm compresses treatment and 38 other respondents as control group were given a deep breath. Data analysis is done by using univariate analysis and independent t-test. The result of this research there is a significant decrease in pain level after warm compresses amounted to 2.053. While those given a deep breath has decrease amounted to 0.921. Independent t test results indicate a warm  compresses are more effective in decreasing the level of pain in patient’s abdominalis typhus compared with a deep breath in the p value 0,001. 

    Dinamika Ketenagakerjaan dan Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Pedesaan Jawa (Kasus di Propinsi Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur)

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    The last periode, agricultural sector have to burdensome rural labor absorbtion,consequenly decleaning productivity of labor in agricultural sector and wage rate relativelystagnant. This paper obyective to study : (1) labor dinamic in the macro and micro level; (2)variety kind of labor activity and labor supply in wet land rural area; (3) structure of timelabor allocation in household level; (4) trend of wage rate in wet land rural area. Both inmacro and micro level labor absorbtion in agricultural sector each achieved 68 % and 66 %.Total labor absortion by members household about 75 – 127 days (21-35 %) from timeavaibility. Trend of riel wage rate in two provincial (East Java and Central Java) relativelystagnant (1.03 – 2.03 % per years), so in West Java Provincial to decleaning (0.09 %/years).This fact to indicate shown sign labor over supplay in the rural area. Several recomendationto solve this problem are land use optimalization by higher plant intencity; to developefarming diversification, especially high value commodity; land and farming consolidation;and to develope agroindustry based on local raw material

    Response of Superovulation by Using FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and Sex Determination of Embryos Using PCR in Pesisir Cows of West Sumatra

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    This study  was conducted to determine the response of superovulation by giving 16 ml dosage  of FSH hormone to female Pesisir cattle.  The estrus schedule of 15 Pesisir cows was set by inserting CIDR (Controlled Internal Drug Release) into the vagina for 12 days. At day 10, all cattles were injected with FSH for three consequent days but with decreasing dosage. On the 3rd day, FSH injection was accompanied by PGF2α injection and CIDR was removed. The detection of estrus was performed at  day 13. Natural mating was proceeded after the estrus signs visible. Collection of donor embryos was done on the 6th and 8th day after mating. The variables  measured were the response of superovulation, total number of corpus luteum, number of embryos and sex ratio. The results obtained were all  Pesisir cows responded to superovulation. The  average number of of corpus luteum and embryoes per cow were  5.93±3.17 and -----, respectively,  while the total of transferable embryoes were 90, with an average of 6.00 or 61.64%. The sexing of embryoes obtained in this study from 146 embryoes awere 76.03% males (111 embryoes) and 23.97% females (35 embryoes). Based on total of transferable embryoes, there were 51.37% male embryos and 11.28% of females embryos. The result of this study showed that the sex ratio of male embryos was higher than female embryos

    Gagasan Dan Implementasi System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Dalam Kegiatan Budidaya Padi Ekologis (BPE)

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    System of rice intensification (SRI) merupakan salah satu pendekatan dalam praktek budidaya padi yang menekankan pada manajemen pengelolaan tanah, tanaman dan air melalui pemberdayaan kelompok dan kearifan lokal yang berbasis pada kegiatan ramah lingkungan. Gagasan SRI pada mulanya dikembangkan di Madagaskar awal tahun 1980. Pengembangan SRI juga dilakukan melalui uji coba di berbagai negaraAsia, termasuk Asia Selatan maupun Asia Tenggara. Di Indonesia gagasan SRI juga telah diuji coba dan diterapkan di beberapa Kabupaten di Jawa, Sumatera, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Kalimantan, Sulawesi serta Papua. Penerapan gagasan SRI berdasarkan pada enam komponen penting : (1) Transplantasi bibit muda, (2) Bibit ditanam satu batang, (3) Jarak tanam lebar, (4) Kondisi tanah lembab (irigasi berselang), (5) Melakukan pendangiran (penyiangan), (6) Hanya menggunakan bahan organik (kompos). Hasil penerapan gagasan SRI di lokasi penelitian (Kabupaten Garut dan Ciamis), menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Budidaya padi model SRI telah mampu meningkatkan hasil dibanding budidaya padi model konvensional, (2) Meningkatkan pendapatan, (3) Terjadi efisiensi produksi dan efisiensi USAhatani secara finansial, (4) Pangsa harga pasar produk lebih tinggi sebagai beras organik. Sekalipun demikian, konsep SRI masih belum dapat diterima serta masih menimbulkan polemik dan kontroversial dalam penerapannya hampir di semua tempat maupun di lembaga terkait, termasuk IRRI sebagai Lembaga Penelitian Padi Internasional. Namun dengan meningkatnya harga pupuk dan pestisida kimia serta semakin rusaknya lingkungan sumberdaya telah mendorong petani di beberapa tempat mempraktekan sistem pendekatan SRI. Peluang pengembangan SRI ke depan juga didukung oleh tuntutan globalisasi dan konsumen Internasional terhadap budidaya padi ekologis ramah lingkungan, kemudian dengan sistem penyuluhan yang mudah dimengerti, juga terkait dengan kondisi peningkatan semua input produksi serta kebutuhan produk organik. Kendala pengembangan dalam skala luas, terkait dengan ketersediaan bahan-bahan organik, tenaga kerja tanam model SRI, serta kemauan dari petani sendiri. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian penerapan SRI di dua lokasi kajian, sebagai bahan informasi tambahan terhadap hasil-hasil penelitian sebelumnya pada konteks SRI. Dengan informasi ini dapat mendorong ide dan pemikiran baru berkaitan dengan masih adanya pendapat yang mempersoalkan pendekatan SRI ini
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