11 research outputs found


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    Purpose: The purpose of this article is to discuss the linguistic situation around East Flores and Alor-Pantar islands in terms of language change and contact within the area, including Austronesian languages and Papuan languages. Methodology: The linguistic features discussed in this research were based on data collected directly by paying a visit to the village of Baranusa in West Pantar; Tanjung Bunga, in East Flores; and Lewoleba in Lembata. The instruments include 200 Swadesh word list and 646 words referring to cultural vocabulary. Results: Results shows that it is based on research that has been conducted since 2014 which covers identification on the genetic identity and historical relations of Alorese, Kedang, and Lamaholot. These three languages are spoken in many different locations in East Flores-Pantar-Alor. We compare their phonological and lexical evidence to reveal their historical relations which leads to the historical changes from the protoforms as reflected in the present languages. We also consider the fact that there are also some contacts with Papuan speakers and the role of Indonesian as the national language and as the new lingua franca. Implications: Thus, East Indonesia has been known for its unique linguistic situation. Its geographical condition enables every language and its varieties to develop their own DNA. Linguists from all over the world see this area as a major contact area that is defined by a single wave diffusion heading in various directions. It shaped the linguistic area in East Indonesia as it is now. This situation reflects some patterns that can be seen from certain changes in terms of phonological and lexical aspects through some languages that exist in the present. This situation covers languages spoken in certain areas, such as languages spoken in the area of Lesser Sunda islands

    The Semantic Prototype of Cheating in Indonesian: How Speakers of Indonesian Fathom Relationship Betrayal

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    The study on semantic prototypes is related to the categorization of concepts by individuals, influenced by the cognitive ability in interpreting the concepts in their invironment. This study explores the concept of cheating according to the perceptions of speakers of Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). We find that perceptions of the degree of infidelity were associated with cultural background, age, gender, dating status, dating experience, and plans to marry. This study utilizes a questionnaire to collect data on people's perceptions of cheating. The questionnaire includes questions that are arranged according to the variables that have been determined. From the results of the recapitulation of the questionnaire, it is obtained that the variable that most determines the level of infidelity is variable a (A is in a romantic relationship with B). This can be seen from the scores obtained by questions that do not contain variable a, namely questions II, VII, VIII, and IV. The results of this study indicate that understanding of the concept of cheating can be studied using a semantic prototype theory approach that involves the perceptions of speakers of related languages. Moreover, the understanding of a linguistic concept should involve the perceptions of speakers of the related language, in this case, bahasa Indonesia. This understanding is not enough just to use a theory that arranges the semantic components of the concept in question, but it must also involve aspects of the speaker's perception and background of the speaker in the context of cognition and culture


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    Pada penilitian ini penulis tertarik untuk menganalisis bentuk kesalahan bidang morfologis yang ditemukan pada kanal youtube animasi sinopal karya Naufal Faidurrazak. Hadirnya campur kode dan alih kode terhadap penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia dalam penayangan video animasi online sinopal menjadikan salah satu daya tarik tersendiri. Namun, sangat disayangkan apabila dalam perkembangannya, pergeseran dan perubahan bentuk Bahasa Indonesia sendiri tidak murni dan terkesan banyak yang diubah dan diplesetkan maupun banyak kata-kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang asal-muasalnya adalah bahasa serapan. Inilah yang menjadikan dasar akan penelitian ini, penelitian yang bergerak dengan menganalisis campur kode Bahasa Indonesia dalam tayangan video animasi sinopal. Bahasa Indonesia merupakan bahasa baku yang digunakan oleh animasi ini, tetapi demi memberikan kesan yang baik, inovatif, lucu, dan menghibur sang pengarang menambahkan bahasa-bahasa Sunda, Inggris, Korea, dan bahasa-bahasa dari berbagai daerah yang biasa digunakan. Pelafalan yang begitu khas dan lucu menjadikan animasi sinopal pernah menduduki animasi yang pernah trending di media sosial seperti Youtube

    Tindak Tutur Direktif Dalam Poster Demonstrasi Mahasiswa Menolak Kenaikan Bbm Di Media Sosial Dan Implikasi Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

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    Demonstration is a form of protest where a group gathers to express their opinions or dissatisfaction regarding a specific issue. Demonstrations are usually held in public places such as streets, parks, or government buildings with the aim of drawing attention from the public, media, or authorities. The most captivating aspect of a protest demonstration is often the words displayed on posters. Many of these words contain directive speech acts. The objectives of this research are: 1) to identify the forms of directive speech acts in student protest posters against the increase in fuel prices on social media, 2) to identify the intended meanings of the directive speech acts found in student protest posters against the increase in fuel prices on social media, 3) to explain the implications of student protest posters against the increase in fuel prices on Indonesian language learning in junior high schools. The primary data source for this research is online news articles sharing student protest posters against the fuel price increase on Instagram, while the secondary data consists of articles related to directive speech acts. The data collection technique involves observation, note-taking, and documentation. The data analysis technique employs the Distribution and Referential Parity methods. The results of this research indicate that: 1) Out of the 40 analyzed data, there were 14 instances of imperative directive speech acts. There were 6 instances of prohibitive directive speech acts. There were 5 instances of requestive directive speech acts. There were 6 instances of hortative directive speech acts. There were 3 instances of demandive directive speech acts. There were 2 instances of coercive directive speech acts. There were 3 instances of suggestory directive speech acts, including the use of one-word phrases, non-solutions, and "increase." There was 1 instance of threatening directive speech act, indicated by the use of a preceding word. 2) The intended meanings of directive speech acts in the protest posters against the fuel price increase were as follows: 14 instances of imperative directive speech acts, 6 instances of prohibitive directive speech acts, 5 instances of requestive directive speech acts, 6 instances of hortative directive speech acts, 3 instances of demandive directive speech acts, 2 instances of coercive directive speech acts, and 1 instance of threatening directive speech act. The protest posters against the fuel price increase on social media can be utilized as teaching materials for Indonesian language in 8th-grade junior high school according to the Learning Objectives (Capaian Pembelajaran), specifically related to the elements of comprehending and interpreting posters, where students can understand the content of posters accurately. The teaching materials derived from this research can be linked to the teaching module of the Merdeka Curriculum

    Tindak Tutur Ekspresif Dalam Novel Rindu Karya Tere Liye Dan Implementasinya Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di SMA

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    In this study, the writer analyzed the forms of speech acts contained in the novel Rindu by Tere Liye. The interestingness of a story in the novel is one of the reasons that made the researcher take the title of this study. This study aims to (1) describe the forms of expressive speech acts in Tere Liye's Rindu novel (2) describe the functions of expressive speech acts in Tere Liye's Rindu novel (3) describe the implementation of expressive speech acts in Indonesian language learning in senior high schools. This study uses qualitative methods to produce descriptive data analysis. The technique of collecting data is done by observing, reading, and taking notes. This research found 16 data from Tere Liye's Rindu novel

    Kohesi Gramatikal Dan Leksikal Dalam Cerpen Tenung Dan Lelaki Ketujuh Karya Fandrik Ahmad Serta Relevansinya Sebagai Bahan Ajar Di SMA

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    Aisyah Evatiana Ramadhayanti/ A310190224. GRAMATICAL AND LEXICAL COHESION BY FANDRIK AHMAD'S STORY OF TENUNG AND LELAKI KETUJUH AND THEIR RELEVANCE AS TEACHING MATERIALS IN HIGH SCHOOLS. Research Paper. Faculty of Teaching and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Jun, 2023. Short stories have their own uniqueness to be studied for their language and their use as alternative teaching materials in the learning on Indonesian in high schools based on the grammatical and lexical cohesion contained therein. In a short story entitled Tenung and Lelaki Ketujuh, many grammatical and lexical cohesions are found. This study aims to (1) Describe the forms of grammatical and lexical cohesion aspects in two short stories by Fandrik Ahmad entitled Tenung and Lelaki Ketujuh. (2) Describe the relevance of the use of two short stories by Fandrik Ahmad entitled Tenung and Lelaki Ketujuh as teaching materials in high school. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research type. The data source used in this study is a short story discourse entitled Tenung and Lelaki Ketujuh by Fandrik Ahmad. The results of the research from the two short stories entitled Tenung Lelaki Ketujuh by Fandrik Ahmad found 50 markers of grammatical aspects consisting of 24 data found references, 2 data substitutions, 5 data ellipsis, and 19 data conjunctions. Meanwhile, 17 lexical markers were found which consisted of 5 repetitions, 3 synonyms, 5 antonyms, and 6 hyponyms. The results of this study are associated with learning Indonesian in class XII SHS in accordance with basic competencies 3.3 and 4.3

    Tindak Tutur Ilokusi Pada Podcast Essamo Dan Implikasinya Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di Sma 1 Mojolaban

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengidentifikasi tindak tutur ilokusi pada Essamo Podcast (2) Mendeskripsikan implikasi Essamo Podcast pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia SMA 1 Mojolaban. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun data yang dianalisis untuk dideskripsikan adalah tindak tutur ilokusi pada youtube essamo podcast. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat 66 data yang terdiri atas tindak tutur ilokusi asertif berupa (menyatakan), (menunjukkan), (menyatakan pendapat), (mengeluh), tindak tutur ilokusi ekspresif berupa (ucapan terimakasih), (memberi nama), (mengkritik), (meminta maaf), (memberikan kesaksian), (meminta maaf), (memuji), tindak tutur ilokusi direktif berupa (meminta), (mengajak), (kritiikan), (menyarankan), (perintah), (memberi nasihat), dan tindak tutur ilokusi komisif berupa (menawarkan

    Practicalities of language data collection and management in and around Indonesia

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    Source at http://wacana.ui.ac.id/index.php/wjhiResearchers use different approaches when collecting and managing primary language materials during fieldwork. Yet it is important that this work is done in a transparent way, so that it can be used by other researchers, who might have other aims, as well as by the speaker community who might want to use or take note of the collected materials. In this article we use our research experience in language data collection in and around Indonesia in fieldwork projects of three kinds: descriptive fieldwork, linguistic surveys, and projects investigating language contact. Our aim is to provide an introductory and practical guide for students and professionals who are embarking on fieldwork in or around Indonesia. Describing practical methods of language data collection, processing, and management, our aim is to provide a guide for any research which involves the collection of language materials, including linguistic research, oral history or literature, and ethnography


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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik alat perelatif dalam bahasa Jawa sing dan kang/ ingkang. Kajian ini juga mencakup pendeskripsian strategi pembentukan klausa relatif dalam bahasa Jawa. Deskripsi alat perelatif mencakup kajian apakah wajib hadir dalam klausa relatif atau tidak.Strategi perlatifan dikaji melalui  konstruksi  nomina  dan  frase  nomina  yang  menduduki  fungksi  tertentu dalam klausa relatif bahasa Jawa. Fungsi-fungsi ini mencakup subjek, predikat, dan konstruksi posesif. Masing-masing nomina dan frase nomina mengarah pada strategi perelatifan dalam bahasa Jawa.   Kata kunci: Bahasa Jawa, klausa relatif, alat perelatif, strategi perelatifa


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    This research has two aims as follow (1) to identify forms of deviation linguistic politeness in the text of announcements made by students of class VII SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Sambi (2) to describe the correct form of politeness to deviations linguistic politeness in the text of announcement made by students of VII grade SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Sambi. This research is a qualitative research. Objects of this research is a deviation politeness on the text of announcement made by students of VII grade. This research data such as words and sentences that contain the deviation politeness on the text of announcement made by students of VII grade SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Sambi. Data collection techniques are observe attentively methods and take notes, record and documentation. Authenticity technique of data in this research use triangulation technique. Data analysis techniques use padan intralingual method. This research results indicate that form of impoliteness speaking at announcement text made by students of VII grade SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Sambi Boyolali, include cost-benefit scale or of losses and gains scale, optionality scale, indirecness scale, authority scale, dan social distance. Impoliteness speaking on the text of announcement made by students in terms of optionality scale amounts to thirteen data. Impoliteness speaking on the text of announcement made by students in terms form authority scale amounts to one data