202 research outputs found

    Pemilihan Lokasi Prioritas Konservasi Lahan

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    INTISARI Tujuan dart penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari ekspresi dart bentuklahan pada Perbukitan Kubah Sangiran yang diturunkan dart data foto udara yang dihubungkan dengan proses erosi yang terjadi sehingga dapat dipilih lokasi prioritas konservasi lahan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu dengan cara melanjutkan penelitian yang telah terlebih dulu dikerjakan oleh peneliti terdahulu yang telah menghasilkan bentuklahan daerah kajian. Hasil penelitian tersebut kemudian dikombinasikan dengan data lain untuk menghitung IBE yang meliputi bentuk wilayah (topografi), Iceniiringan lahan (slope), bentuk pengikisan sungai (river dissection), dan liputan lahan. Dengan cara analisis tumpangsusun dart keempat faktor tersebut maka akan diperoleh satuan lahan-satuan lahan yang masing-masing mempunyai nilai IBE. Dengan mengetahui nilai IBE yang terbesar dan yang terkecil dan jumlah kelas prioritas (misalnya 5 kelas) maka akhirnya dapat ditentukan prioritas lokasi konservasi lahan atas dasar delineasi bentuklahan yang diinterpretasi dart data foto udara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) pemilihan lokasi prioritas konservasi tanah dan pengelolaan tanaman dapat dilakukan dengan mengetahui Indeks Bahaya Erosii 2) tingkat prioritas pelaksanaan konservasi tanah dan pengelolaan tanaman di Perbukitan Kubah Sangiran lokasinya tergantung pada penyebaran bentuklahannya. Urutan prioritas lokasi konservasi tanah dan pengelolaan tanaman adalah S3 dan S4, diikuti S5, SI, S2, dan terakhir F

    Choosing Different Contour Interval on a Fully Raster-Based Erosion Modeling: Case Study at Merawu Watershed, Banjarnegara, Central Java

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    The research was aimed to study the efect of choosing different contour interval to produce Digital Elevation Model on a fully raster-based erosion modeling of The Universal Soil Loss Equation using remote sensing data and a geographical information system technique.  Methods were applied by analyzing all factors that affecting erosion in GIS environment such data were in the form of raster. Those data were R , K, LS, C and P factors. LS factor was derived from Digital Elevation Model by taking flow direction from each pixel into consideration. Research used 3 contour intervals to produce Digital Elevation Model, i.e. 12.5, 25 and 50 meter. C factor was derived from the formula after applying linearly regression analysis between Normalized Difference Vegetation index of remote sensing data and C factor measured directly on the field. Another analysis was the creation of map of Bulk Density used to convert erosion unit as from Mg ha-1mo-1 to mm mo-1. To know the model accuracy,  validation of the model was done by applying statistical analysis and by comparing the result of erosion model (Emodel) with actual erosion (Eactual) which was measured regularly in Merawu watershed. A threshold value of > 0.80 or > 80% was chosen to justify whether the model was accurate or not. The results showed that all Emodel using 3 countour intervals have correlation value of > 0.8. These results were strenghtened with the result of analysis of variance which showing there were no difference between Emodel and Eactual. Among the 3 models, only Emodel using 50 meter countour interval reached the accuracy of 81.13% while the other only had 50.87% (using countour interval 25 meter) and 32.92% (using countour interval 12.5 meter)

    Trade and Ethnicity: Business Ethics and the Glory of Maritime Trade of The Makassar’s Wajorese in the 18th Century

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    This article aims to trace the role of the book Amanna Gappa, also known as Ade Alopping-loping Bicarana Pabalue, as a set of business ethics practiced by the Wajo ethnic group in the city of Makassar in the 18th century. The Wajo people of Makassar at that time were one of the tribes that lost the war between the Goa-Tallo Sultanate and the alliance of the Sultanate of Bone and the Dutch trading company VOC (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) in the 1660s. The Wajo people were famous as great traders in Southeast Asia and their communities are scattered across the Indonesian archipelago. This article argues that one of the factors for their success in maritime trade is their ability to create business rules and ethics in maritime navigation and trade. Some scholars refer to this set of rules as the law of navigation or the law of commerce. However, this research seeks to explain that this set of rules was a set of maritime business ethics practiced by the Wajorese as traders and sailors. The Wajo people were not rulers of a sovereign state and were unlikely to have been able to enforce their business ethics as a law

    Proses Pengembangan Keterampilan Membaca Pemahaman (Reading Comprehension) Mahasiswa

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    In reading comprehension depends on three factors. The first factor is that the reader understand the text structure. The second factor is that the reader can perform metacognitive control over the content being read. This means that the reader is able to monitor and reflect on the level of comprehension when reading the material. The third and most important criteria, which affect the understanding is that the reader has sufficient background to the content of the text and vocabulary are presented Tankersley (90-91). Good readers in reading comprehension, will be actively involved and thought processes. Good readers during the reading process will find connections between background knowledge with new information in the text. Readers sift relevant new information or that are not relevant to their background knowledge which is astorehouse of information and life experiences

    Strategi Komunikasi dalam membentuk Budaya Keselamatan kerja melalui Implementasi Observasi PEKA (Pengamatan Keselamatan Kerja) di PT. X

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    In an effort to establish organizational culture can not be separated from the application of the principles of Communication. In building a culture, surely an organization will carry out a communication process, whereby the Management / Management of the company conveys various policies, responsibilities through messages both verbally and non-verbally continuously to shape the behavior of members of the company organization. For this reason, an appropriate communication strategy is needed, so that company workers can understand, implement, and be affected by messages conveyed and socialized by the Management / Leadership of the organization. As it is known within the organization, it invites organizational members/workers to implement/implement Cultural behavior not easily, so that the communication strategy must be formulated and planned properly, so that it can be used as a reference/guideline in carrying out communication activities. This study seeks to determine the communication strategy implemented in the PT. Pertamina EP HSSE Division in building a Safety and Health culture for all workers/members of the organization. By using the method of observation, carried out on aspects of PEKA (Safety Observation) with the process of Planning, Implementation  and evaluation of the Communication Program that is run Based on the observations and evaluations of researchers it can be concluded that communication carried out in the workplace is able to improve unsafe behavior, create dialogue related to safe and unsafe behavior, to safe and unsafe condition and be able to prioritize observations based on the level of risk and subsequently be able to determine the corrective action results from work Safety observations. Keywords: Organization culture, Communication strategy, Safety Observation (PEKA) Abstrak Dalam upaya pembentukan Budaya organisasi tidak dapat lepas dari penerapan prinsip-prinsip Komunikasi. Dalam membangun budaya, tentunya sebuah organisasi akan melakukan proses komunikasi, dimana para Manajemen/Pimpinan perusahaan menyampaikan berbagai kebijakan, tanggung jawab melalui pesan baik verbal maupun non verbalsecara terus menerus berkesinambungan untuk membentuk perilaku anggota organisasi perusahaan. Untuk itu diperlukan strategi komunikasi yang tepat , agar para pekerja perusahaan dapat memahami,  mengimplementasikan, dan terpengaruh dengan pesan yang disampaikan dan disosialisaikan oleh Manajemen /Pimpinan organisasi .Seperti diketahui didalam organisasi untuk mengajak anggota organisasi / pekerja untuk mengimplementasikan / menerapkan perilaku Budaya tidak mudah, sehingga  strategi komunikasi harus dirumuskan dan  direncanakan dengan baik, sehingga dapat dipergunakan sebagai acuan/pedoman dalam melaksanakan aktivitas berkomunikasi. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi yang dilaksanakan di Divisi HSSE PT. X dalam membangun budaya K3 kepada seluruh pekerja/anggota organisasi. Dengan menggunakan metode observasi, dilakukan pada aspek PEKA (Pengamatan Keselamatan Kerja) dengan proses Perencanaan, Penerapan/Implementasi dan Evaluasi Program Komunikasi yang dijalankan. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan evaluasi peneliti dapat disimpulkan bahwa komunikasi yang dijalankan ditempat kerja mampu memperbaiki perilaku tidak aman, kondisi tidak aman, menciptakan dialog terkait dengan perilaku aman dan tidak aman, dan kondisi aman dan tidak aman serta mampu memprioritaskan observasi berdasarkan tingkat risiko dan selanjutnya apat menentukan tindakan koreksi hasil observasi dari pengamatan Keselamatan kerja. Kata Kunci: Budaya organisasi, Strategi Komunikasi, Observasi PEK

    Student’s Perception of Using Online Learning Environment in Writing Class During Pandemic Covid-19

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    Abstract: Student’s Perception of Using Online Learning Environment in Writing Class During Pandemic Covid-19. Objective: This study aims to analyses students’ perception of using online learning in writing class during pandemic covid 19. Methods: The method used in this research is descriptive The subject of this research was 51 students of English Education Study Progra which only took in semester 2 and 4. Findings: The result of this research in indicator of students’ participation with mean score 3,68 in high category. In indicator effect of online learning with mean score 3,67 in high category. In indicator teacher’s role as facilitator with mean score 3,61 in medium category. In indicator of social context with mean score 3,72 in high category. Conclusion: Majority of students agree that in pandemic situation online learning is a facility that can be used in learning process especially in writing class.Keywords: perception, online learning, writing class.Abstrak: Student’s Perception of Using Online Learning Environment in Writing Class During Pandemic Covid-19. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis persepsi mahasiswa tentang penggunaan pembelajaran online di kelas menulis pada pandemi covid 19. Metode: Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 51 mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang terdiri dari mahasiswa semester 2 dan semester 4. Temuan: Hasil penelitian pada indikator partisipasi mahasiswa dengan rerata skor 3,68 pada kategori tinggi. Pada indikator pengaruh pembelajaran online dengan rerata skor 3,67 termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. Pada indikator peran guru sebagai fasilitator dengan rerata skor 3,61 pada kategori sedang. Pada indikator konteks sosial dengan rerata skor 3,72 termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. Kesimpulan: Mayoritas siswa setuju bahwa dalam situasi pandemi, pembelajaran online merupakan fasilitas yang dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran khususnya di kelas menulis.Kata kunci: persepsi, pembelajaran online, kelas menulis.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v12.i1.20221

    Kegiatan Penyuluhan PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat) Di RW–010, Kelurahan Leuwinanggung Kecamatan Tapos Kota Depok Jawa Barat

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    Menerapkan PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat) dalam lingkungan masyarakat, keluarga sangat penting untuk dilakukan karena memiliki manfaat yakni mencegah penyakit infeksi, mendukung produktivitas, mendukung tumbuh kembang anak, melestarikan kebersihan dan keindahan lingkungan. Realitanya, masih banyak orang yang kurang memperhatikan pentingnya PHBS bagi kesehatan diri sendiri, keluarga, dan lingkungan sekitar. PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat) adalah gerakan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan kesehatan masyarakat. PHBS dapat diterapkan di lingkungan rumah tangga, sekolah, tempat kerja, maupun masyarakat umum. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk memberikan penyuluhan PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat) kepada masyarakat karena program ini masih kurang dilakukan masyarakat diantaranya pemilahan sampah organik dan anorganik di rumah tangga dan bagaimana cara cuci tangan yang benar. Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini dilakukan kepada masyarakat di Kelurahan Leuwinanggung Kecamatan Tapos Kota Depok Jawa Barat (khususnya  wilayah  RW 010 ( RT 01,RT 02,RT 03 dan RT 04). Metode pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan cara sosialisasi dan memberikan pendampingan pada masyarakat secara langsung. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan checklist ( daftar pertanyaan wawancara) dan Observasi langsung  mendatangi masyarakat sekitar nya untuk mencari data. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini sangat positif dalam meningkatkan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan dalam meminimalkan dan menghasilkan sampah dengan melakukan proses daur ulang sampah dengan pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat

    The Simulation of Land Use Change On Soil Erosion and Sediment Transported Using SWAT Hidrological Models In The Upstream of Mrica Reservoir Catchment Area

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    The phenomenon of land conversion of natural forest into agricultural cultivation is an event in nature that must be understood to determine action in the future. The aim of this research was to know the influence of land use changes to soil erosion and sediment transported. Simulation on hydrological model was used as research method. Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Hydrological models that have been validated on a very good level based on the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), is used to simulate in land use changes, based on Land Cover Index Changes (IPL) permanent and production scenarios, on soil erosion (SYLD) and sediment transported (Sed-out), in 101,027.250 hectares of the upstream of Mrica reservoir catchment area. SWAT model simulation results indicate that quantitatively, the increase IPL permanent followed by a decrease in IPL production has the potential to lower the value of soil erosion ton/hectares/year) of approximately 5.77% to 82.37% and from 5.15% to 75.12% of sedimentary transported (mm/year). Qualitatively, positive Extreme scenario, can increase the value of soil erosion in some sub-catchments and the upstream of Mrica reservoir catchment area, from worse quality on the existing condition become moderate, and even good. Watershed management efforts to reduce the rate of soil erosion and sediment transported on the river, with land use changes should be followed by soil and water conservation techniques such as bench terraces and contouring. 

    Enhancing Reading Comprehension by Using Teams Games Tournament (TGT) and Index Card Match for EFL Learners

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    The cause of second semester students of English Study Program of  Baturaja University problem to read text in English are the lack of vocabulary, the monotonous technique, the psychological burden, the lack of group activities in the classroom, and the lack of the students’ motivation in practicing reading. Teams Games and Index Card Match be used to enhance group dynamic and make students more active in a group. The objective of this study was to find out whether there was a significant difference in reading comprehension in narrative text to second semester students of English Study Program of  Baturaja University between the students who are taught by using TGT and those who are taught by using ICM. The study belongs to experiment research which was true experimental design. The total sample was 69 students taken by using purposive sampling . The data was analyzed by using t-test formula and pre- requisite test (normality and homogeneity test. Based on the result of the research, the students’ average score in experiment class 1 was more than the students’ average score in experiment class 2. The students’mean score of pre-test in experiment class 1 was 52,6 and the students’ mean score of post test in experiment class 1 was 71. The students’ mean score of pre-test in experiment class 2 was 53,4 and the studens’ mean score of post test in experiment class 2 was 68,85. Then, it was found that the result of the Independent Sample t-test of the post test score in experimental class 1 and experimental class 2 gave the value of tobtained = 1,970 more than ttable = 1,668 and the value of Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,001 less than the value of Significance level (? = 0,05) with df = (N1+N2) – 2 = 67. Using Teams Games Tournament, the students’ average score in Experiment class 1 was more than the students’ average score in experiment class 2. It meant that it was a significant difference between the students who are taught by using Teams Games Tournament and those who are taught Index Card. The results also showed that the Teams Games Tournament group made more improvement than Index Card Match  group in their reading ability.Keywords: teaching, reading comprehension, teams games tournament, index card matc

    Application of Bioprocessed SBE Based Biovigorant as Soil Enhancer

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    One of efforts to accelerate the process of restoring degraded agricultural lands is to use soil enhancer or soil conditioner in order to create an environment that is conducive to environmental protection, support plant growth and production, development of soil biota, and increase soil resistance to erosion, thus the soil enhancer must have the ability to facilitate optimal supply of nutrients, water and air. This study used a completely randomized design consisting of several treatments, respectively; Control (no soil enhancer), Zeolite (inorganic soil enhancer), and Biovigorant based bioprocessed spent bleaching earth (SBE, organic soil enhancer). The results showed that the biovigorant met the requirements of environmental quality standards based on government regulation and fulfills the technical quality requirements as a soil enhancer with special functions. Although the use of biovigorant may improve the soil chemical properties, however, it does not have a significant impact on agronomic factors. The use of biovigorant did not accumulate heavy metals, such as AS, Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni towards soil, water, and plants, but has a comparable effect with zeolite regarding with chemical properties and plant growth. As an organic soil enhancer, biovigorant meets all the minimum technical requirements. The use of biovigorant in agricultural crops, especially maize, did not contribute negatively to the accumulation of the heavy metals in the surrounding soil and water, and furthermore, based on mass balance analysis, the biovigorant did not provide the potential for accumulation in the next growing season.   &nbsp
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