29 research outputs found

    From ā€œSufi Order Ritualā€ to Indonesian Islam

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    BOOK REVIEWBook Title:Nur Syam, Tarekat Petani: Fenomena Tarekat Syattariyah Lokal (Yogyakarta: LKiS, 2013), xvi + 236;Achmad Chodjim, Sunan Kalijaga, New Edition (Jakarta: Serambi Ilmu Semesta, 2013), 371;Muzamil Qomar, Fajar Baru Islam Indonesia? (Bandung: Mizan 2012), xiii + 28

    Ekspresi Keberagamaan Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 Desrupsi Ide, Pilihan Sikap, dan Kontestasi Ideologi Keberagamaan di Indonesia

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    Tulisan ini akan mengeksplorasi empat hal penting yang berhubungan dengan ekspresi keberagamaan di Indonesia, khususnya di era ā€“ yang sebagian kalangan menyebutnya ā€“ revolusi industri 4.0 (the fourth industrial). Sebuah era, yang salah satu fiturnya ialah, masyarakat terkoneksi secara digital dan sangat bergantung pada akses internet. Empat hal tersebut adalah: pertama, dinamika ekspresi keberagamaan pasca reformasi, sebagai penanda perubahan sikap sosial secara fundamental; dari terkanalisasi ke demokrasi tanpa batas. Kedua, desrupsi ide keberagamaan. Ketiga, cara baru pilihan sikap keberagamaan. Terakhir, dampak dekonstelasi politik keberagamaan dan percaturan ideologis di Indonesia. Secara metodik, pendekatan tulisan ini akan menggunakan paradigma antropologis; agar bisa melihat fenomena sikap yang tampak dan mengejawantah di era kontemporer, serta fenomenologisme sebagai perangkat baca untuk menilai postur kesadaran yang membentuk ekspresi keberagamaan tersebut. Pada kesimpulannya, tulisan ini, tidak ingin menilai atau menganalisis mana ekspresi keagamaan yang paling benar dan salah di era revolusi industri  4.0. Sebalinya, tulisan ini sekedar ingin menggambarkan apa yang terjadi pasca kemajuan tekhnologi ā€˜memperbaikiā€™ dan ā€˜merusakā€™ nilai-nilai keberagamaan yang dipahami/diekspresikan oleh umat Islam di Indonesia

    Persepsi Minoritas Muslim terhadap Model Kerukunan dalam Membangun Harmoni Sosial

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bangunan kerukunan beragama di Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Propinsi ini telah berhasil menjadi contoh bagi model dan jalinan kerukunan beragama bagi provinsi-provinsi lain di Indonesia. Sebagai provinsi yang mayotitas Kristen, cara minoritas Muslim dalam mendorong tumbuhnya harmoni, toleransi, ataupun kerukunan juga berbeda dengan di wilayah yang mayoritas  muslim. Minoritas ini memiliki kekhasan dalam menterjemahkan bangunan kerukunan beragama di wilayah NTT. Untuk menjawab tujuan penulisan ini, akan diĀ­gamĀ­Ā­barkan bagaimana persepsi minoritas muslim NTT dalam membangun model kerukunan beragama; selanjutnya juga akan digambarkan bagaimana pemahaman mayoritas dan minoritas dalam mendorong praktik kerukunan beragama dalam kerangka kebangsaan. Dalam tulisan ini ditemukan bahwa harmoni umat beragama merupakan keniscayaan yang harus terus dibangun demi keutuhan bangsa Indonesia: ada kesadaran bahwa harmoni berbangsa dan bernegara di Indonesia merupakan model ideal yang saat ini menjadi contoh bagi masyarakat dunia. Model-model kerukunan yang dipersepsi minoritas dapat dirawat dan selanjutnya menjadi platform dalam mewujudkan harmoni sosial


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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bangunan kerukunan beragama di Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Propinsi ini telah berhasil menjadi contoh bagi model dan jalinan kerukunan beragama bagi provinsi-provinsi lain di Indonesia. Sebagai provinsi yang mayotitas Kristen, cara minoritas Muslim dalam mendorong tumbuhnya harmoni, toleransi, ataupun kerukunan juga berbeda dengan di wilayah yang mayoritas  muslim. Minoritas ini memiliki kekhasan dalam menterjemahkan bangunan kerukunan beragama di wilayah NTT. Untuk menjawab tujuan penulisan ini, akan diĀ­gamĀ­Ā­barkan bagaimana persepsi minoritas muslim NTT dalam membangun model kerukunan beragama; selanjutnya juga akan digambarkan bagaimana pemahaman mayoritas dan minoritas dalam mendorong praktik kerukunan beragama dalam kerangka kebangsaan. Dalam tulisan ini ditemukan bahwa harmoni umat beragama merupakan keniscayaan yang harus terus dibangun demi keutuhan bangsa Indonesia: ada kesadaran bahwa harmoni berbangsa dan bernegara di Indonesia merupakan model ideal yang saat ini menjadi contoh bagi masyarakat dunia. Model-model kerukunan yang dipersepsi minoritas dapat dirawat dan selanjutnya menjadi platform dalam mewujudkan harmoni sosial

    Interaksi minoritas-mayoritas di sekolah: studi terhadap proses adaptasi, negosiasi, dan pembentukan identitas siswa minoritas dalam ekosistem sosial pendidikan

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    This dissertation examines the interaction model of students of religious minority in their adaptation with students of religious majority. It also explores the ways in which they carry out the negotiation and form the identity. In doing so, the study has three research questions: (1) how do the minority students adapt?; (2) how do they negotiate?; and (3) how do they form their identity among the majority in the classroom, in the school environment and with educational policies? This study is a qualitative research using interdisciplinary approach. The locus and research participants are the minority students at Senior High Schools of Surabaya, Gresik, and Mojokerto. The data are collected using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The result findings show that (1) the minority students adapt with the majority students in order to survive within the new environment. The adaptation takes place in classroom trough questions regarding religious issues during personal introduction; trough sharing and exchanging religious knowledge and understanding during the break and spare time. Adaptation is carried out trough identification of differences between minority and majority students. (2) Negotiation is conducted by the minority students in order to be accepted by their new environment. The negotiations occur gradually using the habituation process on symbolic religious acts; the negotiation also is shown as a win-win approach shown by ā€˜mutualā€™ act as well as the open interactions in the virtual meeting. Negotiation also is shown in a firmer and more assertive approach which includes clear statement/firm expression on their identity to the majority. (3) The identities of minority students in their schools are built through the innate values indicated by names; through symbols represented by accessories worn by minority students, and through religious expressions shown by the verbal expression on religious celebration. The identity forming also includes expression on prayer-related acts and manners as well as expressing congratulations on religious festivals. This dissertation concludes that the interaction of students of religious minority in their attempts carrying out the adaptation is through assimilation and accommodation. In addition, the negotiation is conducted through step by step negotiation, win-win negotiation, and clear negotiation. Furthermore, the identity forming of the minority students is conducted through religious expression indicated by the emergence of the innate identity, the religious symbol expression and spontaneous expressions with verbal communication, attitudes, and behaviors

    Persepsi Minoritas Muslim Kupang Terhadap Model Kerukunan Umat Beragama dalam Membangun Harmoni Sosial

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    Presentasi ini ingin menjelaskan bagaimana minoritas muslim Kupang mempersepsi model kerukunan yang dipakai dalam menjalin hubungan antar umat beragama. Persepsi terhadap model kerukunan ini selanjutnya mengantarkan minoritas dalam berhubungan secara baik, begitu pula sebaliknya, dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara

    Trends in Islamic Education Management Studies, 2018- 2022

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    This article discusses the trends in Islamic education management studies at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya and UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, as well as the factors driving these trends. After identifying the trends and their influencing factors, this research further proposes recommendations for bolstering Islamic education management studies. The analysis of these trends utilizes theses written by students of the Islamic education management study program at these two universities over five years, from 2018 to 2022. Considering that the theses are available online, the data in this study are sourced from the institutional repositories of both campuses. The data are classified into three study topics: management, leadership, and supervision. These topics are further categorized based on their study area, namely Islamic educational institutions. The data, presented in tables and graphs, are also supplemented with interviews with policy-makers. These interviews serve to delve deeper into the factors influencing the trends in studies. The research reveals a clustering of studies in certain sub-disciplinary areas, attributed to the tendencies in the supervisors' expertise and the availability of topics within the study program, which in turn shape the students' choices of thesis topics. Additionally, there is a factor of replication from previous studies conducted by former students

    Preservation of Community Values: Study of the Samin Bojonegoro Teaching Transformation Model Through the Education Unit Curriculum

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    This article explains the process of instilling values, which is carried out by internalizing community teachings through educational units. The internalization of values is achieved by inserting Samin's noble pitutur in PAI and PPKn subjects at elementary, middle and high school levels. The choice of this educational institution indicates that schools have a strategic role in preserving values. This participatory action research was conducted in Dusun, Japan, a hamlet inhabited by the Samin Bojonegoro community. This community adheres to the teachings of its ancestors. However, on the other hand, the openness in this community also allows for a permissive attitude, which has the potential to erode the strength of their traditions. The research was carried out for four months, starting with problem mapping, problem analysis and action involving traditional stakeholders, policy stakeholders and education stakeholders. The choice of action taken is to insert community values through Islamic Religious Education and Character subjects and Pancasila and Citizenship Education subjects. This insertion is a cultural preservation strategy that stakeholders consider to be the right step because, through this institution, children can internalize the noble values that exist around them

    The shifting of meaning of returns for ideological voters

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    The trend of money politics in the electoral process also affected ideological voters. There are ways used by ideological voters to reinterpret political money seduction from legislative candidates or non-ideological parties. This paper aims to describe how ideological voters participate in general election contest while attempting to give victory to their ideological party. This paper also illustrates how the ideological voter mobilizers gain votes from their ideological party. In order to understand this phenomenon, this study is based on the 2014 legislative elections held in Wotan Village, Panceng District, Gresik Regency. This location is selected as the object of the study mainly because in this village there are two equally strong community organizations (NU and Muhammadiyah), so the tendency to be ideological to certain ideological parties is very strong. One of the most important findings is that there is an effort to interpret money politics as a political charity, in addition to the emergence of pseudo-pragmatism among these ideological voters