235 research outputs found

    Forecasting Mango and Citrus Production in Nigeria: A Trend analysis

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    This paper provides the prediction of future production of citrus and mango in the medium term up to 2010. The prediction was based on the assumptions that past trends (area planted and yield) and existence of normal weather pattern will hold. Time trend model with specific emphasis on growth model was employed. The analysis delineated three different eras (period between 1961 and 2003, 1986 – 2003, and 1991-2003). These eras were used to simulate the different policy regimes of Regulation, Structural Adjustment era and Liberalization era. In general, output of citrus and mango maintained upward trend over the years. However, the growth rate was highest for the era including Structural Adjustment. Following from this, output predictions over the medium term are highest for the analysis with Structural Adjustment era.Mango; Citrus; Production; Yield; Prediction; Trend analysis & Nigeria;

    Determinants of timber exports in Nigeria: an error correction modeling approach

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    Abstract This study analyzed the factors influencing the exports of timber in Nigeria with the aid of Error Correction Model (ECM) representation procedures. The analysis was carried out with the data collected on roundwood and sawnwood over 33 years (1970 – 2003) using the long run restricted ECM. The statistical significance of the ECM terms for roundwood (-1.110) and sawnwood (-1.772) validates the existence of relationship among the variables. This suggests the short run dynamic effect of the changes in export quantities of roundwood are determined by one-year lagged export quantity of roundwood & domestic output-consumption ratio of roundwood, domestic output-consumption ratio of roundwood and domestic-international price ratio of roundwood, while that of sawnwood is determined by lagged values of the official exchange rate, domestic consumption-output, domestic consumption-output and world export-output ratios of the sawnwood. Efforts to boost timber export from Nigeria needs to incorporate policy measures that will improve the quantity and quality of timber products in order to meet the local and foreign demands.Roundwood; Sawnwood; Nigeria; Exports; Co-integration and Error-correction model

    Koosesinevate biootiliste ja abiootiliste stresside mõju taimedele: stressivastustest kohanemiseni

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Biology.Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks rakendusbioloogia erialal.Environmental stresses in plants result in emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and reductions in photosynthesis. Plants experience multiple abiotic and biotic stresses sequentially or simultaneously and responses activated by one stress can alter responses activated by the other stress. The main aim of this thesis was to study the responses of plant physiological traits to interactive biotic and abiotic stresses depending on the severity of the different stresses, sequences, and duration in four model species. We used Achillea millefolium in the first experiment and O. vulgare in the second experiment to investigate the impact of moderate heat (35°C for 1 hr, heat priming) on foliage photosynthesis and VOC emissions responses through 72 h heat shock stress (45°C for 5 min) recovery period. Heat-primed plants demonstrated higher heat shock tolerance of photosynthetic activities, evident in smaller reductions in the rates of photosynthesis and faster recovery, and lower emissions of stress VOC indicating lower oxidative stress. In primed O. vulgare, a certain decrease in photosynthetic activity remained suggesting a sustained priming effect, and VOC emissions rose at later phases of recovery indicating the activation of biochemical defense in primed plants. In the third experiment, we studied how infestation with Trialeurodes vaporariorum alters photosynthesis and VOC emissions in O. vulgare through 48 h heat shock recovery period. In non-infested plants, photosynthesis did not recover, but in infested plants, photosynthesis recovered fully, indicating a greater heat stress tolerance. In infested plants, heat shock resulted in much lower stress VOC emissions that recovered to pre-stress levels at the end of the experiment. This suggests that insect phloem feeding decreased VOC emissions responses to heat shock and enhance the thermal acclimation of photosynthetic activities. In the fourth and fifth experiments, we quantified the impact of the biotrophic crown rust fungus, Puccinia coronata on foliage photosynthesis and VOC emissions with increasing the severity of infection in the primary host Avena sativa and the alternate host Rhamnus frangula. In A. sativa, decreases in photosynthesis were much greater and emissions of VOC were strongly enhanced with increased severity of infection, but the emissions decreased during severe infections due to an overall inhibition of physiological activity. In R. frangula, VOC emissions were elicited to a minor degree, but surprisingly, emissions of constitutive isoprene were strongly enhanced. These results suggest differential biochemical responses and varying fungal sensitivity in the two hosts. We argued that the greater infection sensitivity in A. sativa was due to fungal interaction with warm weather that might have enhanced the fungal virulence.Keskkonnast tingitud stress põhjustab taimedel lenduvate orgaaniliste ühendite eraldumist ja fotosünteesi vähenemist. Taimed kogevad järjestikku või samaaegselt mitut abiootilist ja biootilist stressi ning ühe stressi poolt aktiveeritud reaktsioonid võivad muuta reaktsioone, mis on vastuseks teisele stressile. Doktoritöö põhieesmärk oli uurida taimede füsioloogilisi reaktsioone, mis tekivad vastuseks teineteist vastastikku mõjutavatele biootilistele ja abiootilistele stressidele. Uuring hõlmas nelja mudelliigi käitumist tulenevalt stressiolukorra raskusastmest, järjestusest ja kestusest. Esimeses katses kasutasime harilikku raudrohtu (Achillea millefolium) ja teises katses harilikku pune (Origanum vulgare), et uurida mõõduka kuumusega (35 °C, 1 tund) eelneva kokkupuute (kuumaga praimimine) mõju taime käitumisele järgnevas stressiolukorras ja sellest taastumisel. Jälgisime taime lehestiku fotosünteesi ja lenduvate orgaaniliste ühendite eraldumist kuumašokile (45 °C, 5 minutit) järgnenud 72-tunnise taastumisperiodi jooksul. Uuringu tulemusena nägime, et praimitud taimede fotosünteesi aktiivsus ei sõltunud kuumašokist nii suurel määral kui praimimata taimedel. Kuumastressi taluvat taime iseloomustavad järgmised näitajad: fotosünteesi kiirus väheneb väiksemal määral ja taastumine on kiirem ning lenduvaid orgaanilisi stressiühendeid eraldub väiksemas koguses, mis näitab madalamat oksüdatiivset stressi. Fotosünteesi aktiivsuse teatav langus püsis praimitud O. vulgare puhul, mis viitab praimimise püsivale toimele. Lenduvate orgaaniliste ühendite eraldumine suurenes taastumise hilisemates faasides, mis näitab, et praimitud taimedes aktiveerus biokeemilise kaitse. Kolmandas katses uurisime, kuidas kasvuhoonekarilasega (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) nakatumine muudab fotosünteesi ja lenduvate orgaaniliste ühendite eraldumist hariliku pune (O. vulgare) 48-tunnise kuumašokist taastumise perioodi jooksul. Fotosüntees ei taastunud nakatumata ehk tervetes taimedes, kuid nakatunud taimedes taastus fotosüntees täielikult, mis näitab nende suuremat kuumastressitaluvust. Nakatunud taimedes erladus kuumašoki mõjul lenduvaid orgaanilisi stressiühendeid palju vähem ja nende tase langes katse lõpus stressieelsele tasemele. Tulemus viitab sellele, et taimtoiduliste putukate põhjustatud stress vähendas nende taimede stressireaktsiooni vastuseks kuumašokile ja suurendas fotosünteesi aktiivsuse kohanemist kuumaga. Neljandas ja viiendas katses uurisime biotroofse kaera kroonroostet põhjustava seene Puccinia coronata mõju ulatust lehestiku fotosünteesile ja lenduvate orgaaniliste ühendite eritumisele. Katse käigus suurendasime nakkuse raskusastet esmases peremeesorganismis, milleks oli kaer (Avena sativa) ja järgnevas peremeesorganismis - harilikul paakspuul (Rhamnus frangula). Koos nakatumisastme suurenemisega vähenes kaera puhul fotosüntees ja suurenes lenduvate orgaaniliste ühendite eraldumine rohkem kui paakspuul. Raske nakatumisastme korral lenduvühendite eraldumine vähenes, sest üldine füsioloogilise aktiivsus sai pärsitud. Paakspuul hakkasid lenduvad stressiühendid eralduma vähesel määral, kuid üllataval kombel suurenes tugevasti konstitutiivse isopreeni eraldumine. Need tulemused viitavad kahe peremeesorganismi erinevale biokeemilisele vastusele ja erinevale seente tundlikkusele katsealustes peremeesorganismides. Tulemuste põhjal saab järeldada, et kaera suurem tundlikkus makkusele oli tingitud seente ja sooja ilma koostoimest, mis võis suurendada seente virulentsust.Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences. This research was funded by the Centre of Excellence in Environmental Adaptation (F11100PKTF), Ecology of Global Change: natural and managed ecosystems (8F160018PKTF (TK131), Ecology of Global Change: natural and managed ecosystems Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems (F200127PKTT (11.7-4/1076)

    Wasatiyyah and Islamic Values in Reinforcing Malay Muslim Ethnic Relations: A Case Study of Thai Wasatiyyah Institute for Peace and Development in Thailand

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    The Wasatiyyah or moderation Institute for Peace and Development was initiated by the current Chularajmontri, Aziz Pithakkompon on 21th August 2014, with the aims of fostering harmony among the diverse ethnics in the country and providing a counter-balance to extremism and extremist as it is taking place in various parts of the world and promoting moderation and peace among Muslims in Thai society. The concept of wasatiyyah or moderation is appropriate to be highlighted and practiced in Thai society to curb extremist activities in all matters. Even though some negative perceptions were voiced by a few parties, but the actual intentions could result in a decline of racial strains, as being moderate has been the practice of the Malay community and its leaders for ages. In fact, this approach has contributed to the success of the Malay community in the Deep South in securing the Malay indentity from their Buddhist neighburs in the country, without having to resort to spilling a lot of blood. Based on previous research, it was observed that the concept of wasatiyyah had a great influence on the Malays, as it had a strong link with the Islamic values that have been embedded in the Malay community. The Islamic values are the main elements that shape the Malays’ conduct, and it is the results of interaction with social norms, for it has bred certain social values that include compromise, modesty, respect and cooperation as transpired when Malays interact among themselves or with other communities.  The main goal for the institution to maintain peace and harmony in the society. Based on textual analysis, the study determines that the concept of wasatiyyah concept or moderation is part of the social values borne out of the Malays’ values based on Islamic teachings. Hence, the question is, to what extent does the wasatiyyah concept implemented in the institute. In order to answer the question above, this study has set two main objectives. First, to identify the wasatiyyah concept in Islamic law; and second, to analyse its implementation in the institude. The qualitative study in the form of exploratory and descriptive approach used the content analysis method. The content analysis method was used to identify and analyse the wasatiyyah concept in Islamic law and also to analyse the implementation of the wasatiyyah concept in the institute


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    This study aims to examine the relationship variables experience, independence and competence ofauditors to audit quality, either partially or simultaneously, and the variable competence ofauditors as a moderation in the relationship between the auditor's independence with audit qualityusing a sample population of auditor BPK RI Perwakilan Provinsi NTT totaling 61 person. Theanalysis technique used is multiple linear regression and Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA).The results showed that either partially or simultaneously, variable experience, independence, andcompetence examiner positive effect on audit quality. While the different results are found in theinteraction with the independence and competence of auditors who audit quality does not have arelationship. To develop this research, it is recommended that future researchers: a) using theresearch instrument in accordance with the characteristics of the institution / organizationexaminer, b) can extend the area of research and increase the number of samples in other workunits on the BPK Republik Indonesia so the results can be generalized, c) may consider to addother variables that can affect the quality of the examination

    Recurrent Abdominal Pain in Children

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    Recurrent abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms found in children. Description of abdominal pain is important in determining the etiologic cause. Organic pain must be ruled out first before suspecting psychogenic cause of pain. However, Children and infant are likely having difficulties in describing abdominal pain. Referred pain may lead to misdiagnosis. Alarm symptoms of abdominal pain are important indices and must be recognized. Careful and complete anamnesis and physical examination play critical role in management approach of recurrent abdominal pain in children and determine whether medical therapy only or combination with surgical intervention is considered necessary


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konflik peran, komitmen organisasi, pemahamangood governance dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja pemeriksa BPK Perwakilan Provinsi NTT.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan sampel yang digunakan adalah populasi/penelitiansensus sebanyak 73 pemeriksa pada Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Perwakilan Provinsi NTT. Teknikanalisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi berganda. Variabel independen yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi konflik peran, komitmen organisasi, pemahaman goodgovernance dan budaya organisasi, serta variabel dependennya adalah kinerja pemeriksa. Hasil penelitianini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial konflik peran, komitmen organisasi, dan budaya organisasiberpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pemeriksa. Sedangkan untuk pemahaman good governancesecara parsial tidak terbukti berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pemeriksa. Pengujian secarasimultan menunjukkan konflik peran, komitmen organisasi, pemahaman good governance dan budayaorganisasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pemeriksa

    Empirical evidence of benefits of integrated crop-livestock farming system among rural households in North-West Nigeria

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    Empirical evidence from literature revealed that the studies of integrated crop-livestock farming systems (ICLFS) are scanty in Nigeria. Hence, the study estimated the benefits of ICLFS and factors associated with profit among rural households in north-west Nigeria. Primary data was obtained using structured questionnaire administered to the croplivestock farmers (CLF). 428 CLFs were sampled from 84 villages belonging to seven Local Government Areas. State-wise, this translated to 178, 128 and 122 CLFs in Kaduna, Kano and Katsina states respectively. Descriptive statistics, net farm income and multiple regression models were used to achieve the objectives. The results of the mean output indicated that ICL farmer produced 3,302.66 ± 749.70, 2,955.45 ± 350.90, 1,004.24 ± 20.98, 3,971.55 ± 932.12 and 1,026.29 ± 144.91 kg of maize, sorghum, cowpea, rice andsoybean per hectare/year respectively. Findings established that the mean number of large ruminant, small ruminant and poultry reared per farmer were 19.00 ± 2.70, 24.00 ± 13.56 and 149.00 ± 119.01 herds respectively. The mean benefit-cost ratio of 1.64 ± 0.21, 1.39 ± 0.53, 1.44 ± 0.39, 2.67 ± 0.27, 2.30 ± 0.31 and 1.52 ± 0.15 were estimated for crop production per ha, dairy cow, beef cattle, goat, layer and broiler bird respectively. Coefficients of farm size (1.06), livestock worth (0.54), household size (0.10), extension contact (0.13), farming experience (-0.13) and credit accessed) (-0.01) were factors determining profit among CLFs. Farmers are encouraged to increase the farm size and livestock to seek opportunities of economic of scale, income and food security. Keywords: Integrated crop-livestock (ICL), Food security, Income, North-west Nigeri


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh lingkungan strategi, perencanaan strategi dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja pemerintah kota kupang serta menguji pengaruh interaksi antara lingkungan strategi dan perencanaan strategi terhadap kinerja pemerintah kota kupang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh dinas dan badan daerah di Kota Kupang yang berjumlah 27 OPD dengan perwakilan 5 orang tiap instansi, sehingga berjumlah 135 orang. Dari 135 kuesioner yang disebarkan, 113 kuesioner yang kembali dan dapat dijadikan data penelitian. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi berganda dan Moderate Regression Analyse (MRA) yang dibantu dengan program SmartPLS 3. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan strategi tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja pemerintah kupang sedangkan perencanaan strategi dan budaya organsasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pemerintah kota kupang. Hasil uji interaksi menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan strategi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja Pemerintah Kupang Sedangkan perencanaan strategi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja


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    This study examines social media technologies as determinants to information sharing among Library and Information science students in Kwara State University, Malete. This study adopts descriptive survey method of research design. The population includes the students of Library and Information Science, Kwara State University, Malete with population of 1431. The sample size was selected using Raosoft sample size table. However the study used simple random sampling technique with sample size of 304 while web-based questionnaire was used in the data collection. Link to the web-based questionnaire was shared on the different social media platforms of WhatsApp and Telegram of students. However, only 192 students responded to the questionnaire which represent 63% return rate. This is consider enough and accepted for the study. The study found out that majority of respondents use Facebook, Linkedln, WhatsApp and YouTube as social media technologies to share information. The study also revealed that LIS students in Kwara state university use social media technologies to share information on political, education, economic and entertainment. Finally, the study also revealed that inadequate power supply, lack of internet access, lack of proper maintenance of infrastructure and equipment and lack of enthusiasm on the part of instructors as challenges LIS students encountered in using social media technologies to sharing information in Kwara State University, Malete. The study recommends that Alternative power supply should be provided and training and workshop should be stage for students to have better skills on the use social media technologies
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