844 research outputs found


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    Many techniques presented as a solution in this research to develop speaking ability, they are STAD and Jigsaw technique. In this research, the researcher uses the experiment design. The research is conducted at the eight levels of SMP N 4 Metro in the academic year 2011/ 2012. The researcher takes 46 students as the sample, 23 students are as experiment class and 23 students are as control class that taken based on cluster random sampling. After analyzing the data by using the formula of ttest, the researcher get the result of ttest is 3,95 and ttable is 2,69 (on criterion 1) and 2,01 (on criterion 2). It means that thit > ttable. And the criterion of ttest is Ha accepted if thit> ttable. So, There is significant difference between using STAD and Jigsaw technique toward students’ speaking ability for the eight grades students of SMPN 4 Metro and STAD technique is more effective than Jigsaw tecnique toward students’ speaking ability for the eight gradea students of SMPN 4 Metro.Cooperative Learning Method, STAD, Jigsaw and Students Speaking Abilit

    Strategi Guru Pendidikan Agama Katolik Mengajar Dari Rumah Selama Pandemi COVID-19

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    Strategi Guru PAKat mengajar dari rumah selama pandemi covid-19 mendapat perhatian serius dalam meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas pendidikan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dan mendeskripsikan strategi yang digunakan oleh para guru PAKat, menemukan faktor pendukung dan penghambat selama mengajar dari rumah. Metode yang digunakan kualitatif dengan sumber data para orang guru PAKat tingkat SMA/SMK di wilayah Kota Pontianak. Data diperoleh dari hasil observasi, wawancara langsung dan lewat google form. Hasil diolah dengan teknik analisis data secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menemukan strategi yang digunakan oleh para PAKat selama mengajar dari rumah masa pandemi Covid-19 berupa Project Based Learning, Daring Method, luring method, home visit method, Blended Learning, youtube learning, strategi tanya jawab, dan strategi evaluasi hasil belajar. Faktor pendukung; guru memiliki banyak waktu dalam menyiapkan materi pembelajaran, batuan pulsa/kuota dari sekolah, dan tersedianya wifi. Faktor penghambat; koneksi internet yang kurang lancar, SDM pemanfaatan teknologi masih kurang, sulit mengukur pemahaman dan kemampuan peserta didik, kurangnya interaksi dalam pembelajaran, biaya belajar mahal, dan tingkat keaktifan dalam belajar kurang

    Community Empowerment Program (PRODAMAS) and Social Integration in Kediri City

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    This research elucidates social issues related with social integration. Local autonomy system introduced by Indonesia Republic Government in 1999 has caused polarization in community because difference in political vision and selection has been expressed more openly. In matter of sociology, this polarization could weaken social integration building in community who used to live in group based on mutual interest and ideology. Such phenomenon has occured in any places, including Kediri City. Kediri City Government in 2015 has launched a program called as Community Empowerment Program (Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat - PRODAMAS). Main goal of this program is to accelerate the achievement of economical wellbeing for the community in Kediri City. But, if reviewed from other perspective, this program opens also possibilities about occurrence of sociological effect on social integration. This research, therefore, gives a focus on searching answers of questions related with sociological effect on social integration of Kediri City community after Prodamas implementation.Research has used Social Construction Theory with Bergerian Tradition Method. Result of research indicates few findings. (1) Prodamas is able to create social integration of Kediri City community. (2) The creation of social integration requires three conditions, respectively: collective consciousness, revitalization of mutual-work value (gotong royong), and consistency of value compliance. Keywords: Community Empowerment, Social Integration


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    This study examines the generic structure and cohesive devices in the Final Project Report (FPR) presentation delivered in English by the Accounting students of Polines. Fourteen randomly selected subjects (10% of the third graders’ population) were involved and audio-recorded during their presentation. The recordings were then transcribed and analyzed using a descriptive-interpretative method. The analyses show that the generic structure most presenters used was Greeting and Salutation (GS) – Self Introduction (SI) – Topic Introduction (TI) – Body (B) – Summary (S) – Conclusion (C) in which the Body mostly consists of Background or Object of the Study, Problem Statement, Aims of the Study, Research Method, and Results and Discussion, and the Summary consists of Conclusion and Suggestion. The major cohesive devices employed were conjunctions of Textual, hypotactic and paratactic types, referents of exophoric and endophoric/anaphoric types, and repetition as part of lexical cohesion. The transition of stages was marked mostly by the use of referents and specific lexical items

    Pemodelan Molekul, Sintesis dan Penentuan Aktivitas Antineoplastik 1-(4-Trifluorometilbenzoiloksi)Urea

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    To design new drugs, physical-chemical characteristics of drug molecules can be predicted by in silico test before drugs are synthesized. Ribonucleotide reductase is the main target or receptor of antineoplastic compounds such as hydroxyurea (HU) and its derivatives like 1-(4-trifluoromethylbenzoyloxy)urea or 4-CF3BOU. This compound forms a complex with crystal structure of ribonucleotide reductase I enzyme, which is 2EUD. The hydrogen bond and bond energy in the form of rerank score from both complexes was calculated with Molegro program. Theoretically, compound activity is indicated by rerank score. The compound whose rerank score is small is predicted to have greater activity. The activity of 4-CF3BOU was found to be greater than HU. The reaction mechanism of synthesis 4-CF3BOU was the substitution of nucleophilic hydroxyl group from HU to carbonyl group of 4–trifluoromethylbenzoyl chloride (4-CF3BCl). Purity test was conducted using TLC and melting point. Structure identification was performed based on the spectra of UV-VIS, FT-IR, H/C-NMR and MS. In this study, 4-CF3BOU was discovered to have antineoplastic activity with the IC50 value of 82.37 μg/mL and was tested towards HeLa cells. On the other hand, HU had the IC50 value of 430.21 μg/mL. The antineoplastic activity of 4-CF3BOU was greater than HU.Untuk merancang obat baru, sifat fisikokimia molekul obat dapat diprediksi sebelum disintesis dan dimurnikan melalaui uji in silico. Ribonukleotida reduktase merupakan target utama atau reseptor dari senyawa antineoplastik seperti hidroksiurea (HU) dan turunannya, yaitu 1-(4-trifluorometilbenzoiloksi)urea atau 4-CF3BOU. Senyawa ini membentuk kompleks dengan struktur kristal enzim ribonukleotida reduktase I yaitu 2EUD. Jumlah ikatan hidrogen dan energi ikatan berupa rerank score dari kompleks keduanya dihitung dengan program Molegro. Secara teoretis, aktivitas senyawa ditunjukkan oleh rerank score. Senyawa yang mempunyai rerank score kecil diprediksi aktivitasnya besar. Senyawa 4-CF3BOU diprediksi memiliki aktivitas lebih besar dibanding HU. Mekanisme reaksi sintesis 4-CF3BOU adalah masuknya gugus nukleofilik hidroksil dari HU pada gugus karbonil dari 4–trifluorometilbenzoil klorida (4-CF3BCl). Uji kemurnian dilakukan dengan menggunakan KLT dan penentuan titik lebur. Identifikasi struktur dilakukan berdasarkan spektra UV-VIS, FT-IR, H/C-RMI, dan MS. Dalam penelitian ini, 4-CF3BOU telah berhasil disintesis dan setelah diuji aktivitas antineoplastiknya terhadap sel HeLa mempunyai IC50 sebesar 82,37 μg/mL, sedangkan HU mempunyai IC50 430,21 μg/mL. Aktivitas antineoplastik 4-CF3BOU lebih besar dibanding HU


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini hendak membahas mekanisme pembatalan peraturan daerah dan akibat hukumnya berdasarkan asas lex superiori derogat legi inferiori.Pemberian kewenangan kepada daerah telah memberikan kontribusi positif juga negatif. Dari data Kementerian Dalam Negeri sampai Juni 2016 terdapat 3.143 peraturan yang dibatalkan atau direvisi oleh pemerintah pusat. Jumlah itu terdiri dari 1.765 Perda atau Perkada kabupaten/kota yang dicabut atau direvisi Mendagri, 111 peraturan atau putusan Mendagri, dan 1.267 Perda atau perkada kabupaten/kota yang dicabut atau direvisi gubernur. Metode penelitian dengan metode yuridis normatif berbasis data sekunder dengan didukung oleh data primer untuk mempertajam analisis secara normatif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pertama, legislator dan perancang tidak dapat sebebas-bebasnya merumuskan suatu ketentuan Perda, Mereka harus mempertimbangkan Peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi, seperti UUD Tahun 1945, Undang-Undang, Peraturan Pemerintah, dan Peraturan Presiden. Kedua, Pembatalan peraturan daerah dapat dilakukan jika peraturan tersebut mengganggu kerukunan antarwarga masyarakat, akses terhadap pelayanan publik, ketenteraman dan ketertiban umum, terganggunya kegiatan ekonomi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, dan/atau diskriminasi terhadap suku, agama dan kepercayaan, ras, antar-golongan, dan gender. Kata Kunci : Pembatalan, Peraturan Daerah, Akibat Hukum, Asa

    The Effect Replacement of Oxygen on Transportation Seeds Grouper with Closed System

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    The location of grouper aquaculture are usually far from the seed source so it takes a long time to transport the seeds. The research purposes was to extend the time by replacing oxygen so the seeds can reach the destination that is located far away with high survival and healthy condition. Previously conducted preliminary research that is transportation with a different length of time 24 hours; 36 hours; 48 hours and 60 hours. The best results of the preliminary study are 24 hour transport which is then used in the main research. In the main study, fish seeds were transported for 24 hours later, oxygen was replaced by: oxygen in disposable plastic bags replaced with new oxygen. Then repackaged to continue transport up to 12 hours; 24 hours; 36 hours and 48 hours. Trasportation conducted with closed system with car. Seeds used were cantik grouper hybrid seed i.e., a crossbreed between female tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) and male marbled grouper (Epinephelus microdon), a size of 7.0 ± 0.54 cm, with a density of 125 fish / boxes. Grouper seeds were packed with 0.8 mm thick plastic bags, 120cm x 53cm wide, filled with 10 liters of sea water, oxygen is added with a volume ratio of water: oxygen is 1: 3, then put in 75 x 40 x 30 cm styrofoam box. The best result is after fish is transported 24 hours, then replaced oxygen and transported again for 24 hours, so that transportation time can be extended up to 48 hours, with survival rate 98.4%


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    Fixed Asset plays an important role in the sustainability of a business. The purpose of this research is to analyze the suitability of accounting treatment of Fixed Assets from recognition to presentation in the financial statements applied by PT Inko Java with PSAK. Data collection methods used were interview, observation and literature study. The results of the research show that PT Inko Java in recognition, measurement at the time of acquisition and termination of Fixed Assets is according to PSAK but cost measurement after the acquisition and depreciation of Fixed Assets has not been appropriate so that the presentation in the financial statements is less appropriate to the actual situation. This research is presented with description method to describe PT Inko Java's overview and exposition method to explain the accounting analysis of Fixed Asset


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of Learning Management Systems (LMS) in educational institutions, highlighting their potential and challenges. This study examines the utilization of LMS EL Nino to enhance language learning quality in the Accounting Department at Politeknik Negeri Semarang (POLINES) post-pandemic. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, data were collected through in-depth interviews and participant observations from 168 students and 5 instructors. Thematic analysis identified key challenges, including technical issues (80%), lack of interaction (70%), and academic dishonesty concerns (60%). Significant opportunities were also found, such as flexible learning schedules (90%), access to diverse resources (85%), and self-paced learning (80%). Students generally viewed LMS EL Nino positively, appreciating its convenience and structured platform. Addressing the identified challenges and leveraging the opportunities can optimize LMS EL Nino for improved language education in the post-pandemic era. Keywords: LMS EL Nino, challenges, Opportunity, Language Learnin
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