111 research outputs found

    Comparison effecting of mixture on three meat factors and three culinary sectors on consumers in restaurant Nusa Dua

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    This study aims to find the best culinary mix of 3 meat factors, namely: chicken, pork, and beef mixed with 3 culinary factors, namely kebab, spaghetti, and hamburger. The research design used a factorial design with 3 replications, so that the total number of observations was 27 units including KA (chicken kebab), KB (pork kebab), KS (Cow Kebab), SA (Chicken Spaghetti, SB (Spaghetti Babi, SS (Spaghetti) Cow, HA (Chicken Hamberger), HB (Pig Hamberger, HS (Cow Hamberger) each repeated 3 times so that a 3x3x3 factorial analysis occurs using analysis of variants processed with SPSS (Statistical Product System Solution), each variable is measured by the number of consumers who From the results of the Duncant Test, it was found that the culinary products that bought the most buyers were 37.56 (P<0.05), spaghetti 23.22 (P<0.05), hamberger 21.11 (P<0.5), while the desire to choose a mixture of meat was not significantly different, chicken was 31.67 (P> 0.05, beef 21.11 (P>0.05), pork was 23.11 (P> 0,05) The interaction between culinary types and meat types was not significantly different (P> 0.05) It can be concluded that the real type of kebab culinary is the most preferred by consumers


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    Abstract- Many of high-rise office buildings in Indonesia applies efficiency and effectivity of building form, cost, and time for construction as a number one priority. As a result, high-rise office buildings appears with a minimum-articulated form, and show the dominance by using glass materials as a facade. However, there are also high-rise office buildings that have an articulated form and its facades that are not dominated by glass, although they appear in small numbers. Wisma Dharmala Sakti Jakarta and Wisma Dharmala Sakti Surabaya are one of them. Moreover, both buildings were designed by foreign architect, Paul Rudolph. Based on the potentials of both buildings, this research focused on Paul Rudolph’s principles in designing high-rise office buildings in Wisma Dharmala Sakti Jakarta and Wisma Dharmala Sakti SurabayaLooking at the phenomena of high-rise office buildings in Indonesia as described earlier, this small number and the articulated form of high-rise office buildings designed by Paul Rudolph in Indonesia are interesting to be understood even more. The main purpose of this research is to reveal the relationship between Paul Rudolph’s design principles with buildings, which are Wisma Dharmala Sakti Jakarta and Wisma Dharmala Sakti Surabaya. Using an interpretative method in a qualitative research, this research utilized theories that helps understanding of an office building, theories that related to Paul Rudolph’s background and common thought about architecture, and also Paul Rudolph’s theory about determinants of architectural form as a literature study. Building’s Anatomy Theory is used as a surgical tool to disect the study cases, which happens to be Wisma Dharmala Sakti Jakarta and Wisma Dharmala Sakti Surabaya.Result of this research are six points of Paul Rudolph’s principles in designing high-rise office building which are: repetition, space, scale, rotation, light, and context. Implementation of Paul Rudolph’s design principles in both study cases can be seen in the dominance of rotation and repetition of building elements. The application of these two principles can fulfill all the three aspects of Paul Rudolph’s design ideal, which are form, context, and cycle.Benefit of this research is to enrich architectural vocabulary about design principles of a high-rise office buildings in Indonesia for the concerned educational institution, as a consideration and input to architects and the stakeholders to be more sensitive and critical in designing high-rise buildings in Indonesia, as a reference and study case about design principles of a high-rise office buildings for students, academics, architects, and the public with the focus of study concerned, and enrich the knowledge about Paul Rudolph’s design principles especially in designing high-rise office buildings in Indonesia for researcher. Keywords: Paul Rudolph, Design Principles, Office, Wisma Dharmala Sakti Jakarta, Wisma Dharmala Sakti Surabaya

    Model Matematika Hubungan Bobot Tubuh Dengan Ukuran Flipper Tukik Penyu Lekang Yang Diberi Pakan Ikan Tuna Versus Udang Dalam Bentuk Pellet Sampai Umur Tiga Bulan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan bobot tubuh dengan lebar flippers depan dan flipper belakang sebagai alat untuk berenang dan menyelam. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 12 minggu menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap yang dianalisis dengan Analisis Variant. Perlakuan A: ikan tuna 100%, B: ikan tuna 75% udang 25%, C: ikan tuna 50% udang 50%, D: ikan tuna 25% udang 25% dan E udang 100%. Perlakuan diulang 5 kali dan setiap ulangan diulang 3 kali sehingga tukik yang digunakan sebanyak 75 ekor. Hasil penelitian: Bobot tubuh menunjukkan perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P<0,01) dengan urutan:Perlakuan A; 80,3040 g. B; 76,2580 g. C; 66,6720 g. D; 63,2020 g. E; 57,8240 g. Lebar pliffes depan menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata (P<0,05) dengan urutan masing-masing perlakuan adalah : B;1,8000 cm. C;1,8500 cm. A; 1,8000 cm. D; 1,7700 cm. dan E; 1,6000 cm. Berat pliffes depan menunjukkan perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P<0,01) dengan urutan masing-masing perlakuan adalah : A; 14,7550 g. B; 14,5350 g. C; 12,6950 g. D; 10,3950 g. dan E; 8,8600 g. Korelasi bobot tubuh terhadap lebar flippers depan Y=7,0830530 e1,1436892 x R2= 0,738308491. Kandungan protein dari masingmasing perlakuan A; 22%, B; 20%, C; 19%, D; 18% dan E; 17%. Retensi protein dan retensi energi tukik yang diberi perlakuan A nyata lebih tinggi (P<0,05) yaitu RP; 77,9765a (%), RE ; 75,7464a % dibandingkan retensi protein dan retensi energi tukik yang diberikan perlakuan E yaitu RP; 45,1076e (%), RE; 43,4060e %. Pada kesimpulannya respon pertumbuhan tukik penyu lekang yang diberi pakan ikan tuna lebih banyak dibandingkan udang lebih baik

    Karakteristik Asam Amino pada Gelatin Kulit Kaki Ternak dan Kajian Potensi Antibakterinya

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi karakter asam amino pada kulit kaki ternak jenis ayam broiler (G1),sapi (G2) dan kambing (G3) yang telah dihidrolisis menjadi gelatin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa baikpada gelatin (G1); (G2) dan (G3) didominasi oleh asam amino esensial jenis histidin dan arginin. Jenis asam aminonon esensial didominasi oleh glutamat dan serin. Analisis morfologi permukaan gelatin dengan pendekatan SEMbahwa permukaan struktur molekul gelatin dari ekstraksi kulit kaki ayam lebih halus dan rata. Sementara padahasil ekstraksi kulit kaki sapi dan kambing masih banyak terdeteksi bundelan ikatan protein kolagen yang tidakterekstrak sempurna. Potensi gelatin dari aneka kulit kaki ternak ini dilakukan pengujian terhadap potensi antibakterinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gelatin (G1), (G2) dan (G3) tidak memiliki kemampuan sebagaiantibakteri patogen baik terhadap jenis Salmonella typhii, Escherichia coli, dan staphylococcus aureus. Kesimpulanpenelitian bahwa profil asam amino gelatin dominan yang terdeteksi yakni asam amino esensial jenis histidin danarginin serta asam amino non esensial jenis glutamat dan serin. Analisis morfologi gelatin dengan pendekatan SEMadalah terjadi permukaan yang halus pada G1. Sedangkan gelatin dari G2 terlihat belum terekstrak sempurna danbahkan G3 lebih padat. Hasil uji gelatin terhadap kemampuan penghambatan bakteri patogen menunjukkan hasilyang negative. Kata kunci: kulit kaki ternak, gelatin, asam amino, SE

    Kontribusi Minat Belajar, Motivasi Berprestasi Dan Kecerdasan Logis Matematika Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Kintamani

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    This study aimed at finding out (1) study interest, (2) achievement motivation, (3) logical-mathematical intelligence, and (4) the study interest, achievement motivation and logical and mathematical intelligence simultaneously on achievement of learning in mathematics of the students. The population of this study consisted of all the 140 eleventh grade students of science, language and social science majors at SMA Negeri 1 Kintamani. Out of the population 112 students were selected as sample by using proportional random sampling technique. This study used ex post facto design. The data were collected by distributing Linkert scale questionnaires on study interest and achievement motivation, while the data on logical intelligence and achievement in learning mathematics were collected with a test. The data obtained were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The results showed that (1) the contribution of study interest on achievement in learning mathematics of the students were 11.80%, (2) the contribution of achievement motivation of the students on achievement in learning mathematics were 6.00%, (3) contribution of logical-mathematical intelligence on achievement in learning mathematics were 6.20% and (4) the variable of the students' study interest , the students' achievement motivation, and the students' logical-mathematical intelligence simultaneously had a significant contribution on the students' achievement in learning mathematics with the contribution of 26.6%. Based on that findings, in separately or simultaneously, there were significant contributions between interest, achievement motivation, logical-mathematical intelligence on achievement in learning mathematics of the eleventh grade students of science, language and social science majors at SMA Negeri 1 Kintamani

    Model Matematik Hubungan Luas Lahan dengan Jumlah Populasi Ternak Sapi Bali di Provinsi Bali

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana hubungan perkembangan populasi sapi Bali di Baliterhadap luas lahan pertanian. Untuk mendapatkan data yang representative mewakili Bali maka sampling dilakukandi berbagai Kabupaten Kota (BPS). Data dianalisis dengan beberapa model regresi yaitu regresi polinomial, regresiexponensial, regresi logaritmik dan Hoerl's regresi. Data diolah dengan Costat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwamelalui model regresi polinomal didapatkan bahwa hubungan luas lahan terhadap populasi sapi Bali berhubunganpositif sangat nyata (P<0,05) R2 =0.6696 dan Mode persamaan matematika Y = 9.426 + 1,1061X. Melalui modelregresi exponensial didapatkan bahwa hubungan luas lahan terhadap populasi sapi Bali berhubungan positif sangatnyata (P<0,05) R2=0,6580 dan model persamaan matematika Y = 14,0396 e 0,0278. (3). Melalui model regresilogaritmik didapatkan bahwa hubungan luas lahan terhadap populasi sapi Bali berhubungan positif nyata (P<0,05)R2 = 0,5867 dan model persamaan matematika Y = - 35,1095 + 25,9318 Ln(X) dan (4). Melalui Hoerl's didapatkanbahwa hubungan luas lahan terhadap populasi sapi Bali berhubungan positif sangat nyata (P<0,05) R = 0,8923dan model persamaan matematika Y = 2,5042 X0,8504 e -0,0017. Dari ke empat model yang dicoba disimpulkanbahwa semua menunjukkan bahwa model hubungan fungsi matematika antara luas kepemilikan lahan terhadapjumlah populasi sapi Bali menunjukkan hubungan yang positif significant sampai sangat significant (P<0,05)dengan demikian alih fungsi lahan pertanian di Bali mengakibatkan luas lahan peternakan berkurang dan dapatmembahayakan poulasi sapi Bali

    Length Plastron Correlation Towards Ridley Turtles Long Flipper That Given Lemuru and Seaweed Feeds

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    A turtle security that was released their habitat in conserving, it was determined by their speed and agility to swimming and diving at avoiding predators even chasing prey to be eaten. The most an important part of turtle organs for agile swimming and diving was a flipper. Flippers forward more function as paddles when swimming and diving while the rear flippers serve as a rudder to steer the direction of movement of swimming and diving. The front flippers are unlike paddle when swimming and diving, whereas, the back flippers as a rudder at direction when swimming and diving. At front flippers, there was belong strong nails for ripping or tearing their prey, therefore, it was easy eaten. The study was intended to know a feeding effect of lemuru and seaweed on different percentage towards length plastron correlation to in front length flippers both

    Ekspresi-dasar arsitektural pada bangunan pusat kebudayaan, objek studi: Volkstheater Sobokartti di Semarang, Indonesia

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    Basic architectural expression of a cultural center, study object: Volkstheater Sobokartti in Semarang, Indonesia The absence of specific guidelines is the main reason that cultural centers in Indonesia were often using an existing building that is not designated as cultural center and/or are designed with modern styles that are completely different from the existing architectural styles. This research is specifically focused on the issue of basic architectural expression in the Volkstheater Sobokartti Cultural Center. The main purpose of this research is to reveal architectural meaning based on the basic-expression of the Volkstheater Sobokartti Cultural Center. This research utilized theories such as: cultural center, architectural expression, and interpretation of architectural meaning. These theories together with the study object are then analyzed and elaborated in-depth using architectural anatomy and ordering principles theories. This research succeeded in compiling a reference of basic architectural expression as a basis for designing and/or interpreting the meaning of a cultural center. The result of this research can be used as: a design input/consideration for architects and stakeholders in designing and/or interpreting the meaning of a cultural center for students, academicians, architects, and concerned community; a starting point for other similar research.Belum adanya pedoman khusus yang mengatur mengakibatkan pusat kebudayaan di Indonesia seringkali menggunakan bangunan eksisting yang tidak diperuntukkan sebagai pusat kebudayaan dan/atau dirancang dengan langgam modern yang benar-benar berbeda dari langgam arsitektur yang telah ada. Penelitian ini secara spesifik mengangkat isu ekspresi-dasar arsitektural pada bangunan Pusat Kebudayaan Volkstheater Sobokartti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengungkap makna arsitektural berdasarkan ekspresi-dasar bangunan Pusat Kebudayaan Volkstheater Sobokartti. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori-teori: pusat kebudayaan, ekspresi arsitektural, interpretasi makna arsitektural. Teori-teori ini bersama dengan objek studi kemudian dianalisa dan dielaborasi secara mendalam menggunakan teori anatomi arsitektural dan prinsip penataan. Penelitian ini berhasil menghimpun acuan ekspresi-dasar arsitektural sebagai dasar merancang dan/atau membaca makna ekspresi bangunan pusat kebudayaan. Manfaat penelitian ini yaitu: dapat digunakan sebagai acuan bagi arsitek dan pemangku kepentingan dalam merancang pusat kebudayaan di Indonesia; metode untuk merancang atau membaca makna ekspresi pusat kebudayaan bagi mahasiswa, akademisi, arsitek, dan masyarakat dengan fokus studi yang bersangkutan; titik awal masukan untuk penelitian-penelitian lain sejenis bagi peneliti
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