Jurnal Online Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira
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    91 research outputs found

    Antropologi Politik Helmuth Plessner

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    In the contexts of contemporary social and political thought, a fundamental anthropological and political problem is thedebate about how deeply the essence of the human related to political praxis. The purpose of this article is to explore the idea ofHelmuth Plessner’s political anthropology as the middle paradigm, between political theology and economic theology. In thefirst and second parts of this article, Plessner’s philosophical anthropology will be presented, which focuses on the concept of theeccentric position of human being. Based on this concept, Plessner attempted to show the mutual interpenetration of philosophyand politics, which will be described in the third part of this article. Plessner insists on the importance of a philosophicalanthropology of the political for practical politics itself. Some conclusion will be drawn concerning the importance of smalldimensions of Plessner’s political anthropology in relation to the current political context


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    Program studi Administrasi Publik sebagai bagian dari Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik,Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira, akhirnya menerbitkan jurnal online edisi pertama pada Maret 2020.Jurnal ini diberi nama JAP UNWIRA. JAP merupakan singkatan dari Jurnal Administrasi Publik. KataUNWIRA adalah singkatan dari Universitas Widya Mandira. Nama jurnal dengan demikian melekat padakarakter institusi yang memiliki motto: “Ut Vitam Habeant Abundantius”.Tim redaksi pernah menerbitkan jurnal ilmiah program studi edisi Januari-Juni 2018, edisi cetakdengan nama jurnal yang sama seperti kali ini. Akan tetapi, karena keterbatasan sumber daya pengelolajurnal dan kekurangan artikel, maka sejak itu redaksi seolah mati suri karena tidak memublikasikan artikelsecara konsisten.Kali ini diinspirasi oleh semangat untuk meningkatkan karya akademik dosen, mahasiswa, peneliti,dan semua pihak yang memiliki passion pada publikasi ilmu-ilmu sosial, redaksi kembali hadir ke hadapanpembaca dengan enam artikel baik yang dihasilkan dari studi lapangan maupun kajian kepustakaan. Dalamsemangat yang tinggi ini pula redaksi berkomitmen untuk menerbitkan JAP UNWIRA secara konsisten danperiodik sebanyak dua kali dalam setahun yakni antara Januari-Juni dan Juli-Desember

    Dominasi ragam akulturasi lokal-moderen pada bangunan Casablancka residence, Bali

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    Domination of local-modern acculturation in Casablancka residence, Bali The phenomenon of local-modern architecture acculturation is important to explore because it can be used as a concept of contemporary architecture (kiwari architecture). The research object in this study is Casablancka Residence building in Bali. The object of research is a new building which is still rarely studied, especially from the aspect of architectural acculturation. This research aims to uncover various forms of acculturation of local and modern architecture in terms of various aspects of the form of acculturation, also to see which one is more dominant between local and modern architecture in the Casablancka Residence building. The Archetype Theory is then used to uncover the architectural phenomenon of Casablancka Residence building. Through a descriptive-analytical-interpretative approach, the characteristic of the acculturation will be revealed. The results of this study found a stronger dominance of local elements whose outlines appear on the roofs and floors of buildings that use strong local forms and materials, while modern elements are more dominant on the walls of buildings dominated by modern glass materials. The benefits of this study are expected to contribute positively for the community to raise the awareness of the importance of locality in building and preserving local culture and architecture. The other benefits are to increase architectural knowledge for academics and practitioners.Fenomena wujud akulturasi arsitektur lokal-modern menjadi penting ditelusuri karena dapat dijadikan konsep arsitektur masa kini (arsitektur kiwari). Objek studi penelitian ini adalah bangunan Casablancka Residence di Bali. Objek studi merupakan bangunan baru dan jarang diteliti, terutama dari aspek wujud akulturasi arsitekturnya. Penelitian ini selain bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan ragam bentuk akulturasi arsitektur lokal - modern yang ditinjau dari aspek ragam bentuk akulturasi, juga untuk melihat mana yang lebih mendonimasi antara arsitektur lokal dan modern yang ada pada bangunan Casablancka Residence. Teori yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah teori archetype yang berfungsi mengungkap fenomena arsitektur Casablancka Residence tersebut. Metoda yang digunakan dalam menelusuri kasus studi adalah deskriptif, analitik dan interpretatif, sesuai dengan karakteristik kasus studi yang diungkap. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan dominasi yang lebih kuat pada unsur lokal dimana secara garis besar nampak pada bagian atap dan alas bangunan yang menggunakan bentuk serta material lokal yang kuat, sedangkan unsur modern lebih dominan pada bagian dinding bangunan  yang didominasi material kaca modern. Manfaat dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap masyarakat akan pentingnya penerapan lokalitas dalam membangun serta mengupayakan pelestarian budaya arsitektur lokal dan juga menambah khasanah ilmu pengetahuan arsitektur yang telah ada baik bagi akademik maupun praktisi

    Dinamika perubahan, transformasi, dan permanensi lingkungan Pasar Baru Bandung tahun 1906 - 2019

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    Dynamic of changes, transformation and permanency in environment of Pasar Baru Bandung from 1906 - 2019 Pasar Baru as one of the growth poles of the city center of Bandung, whose development has helped to shape the urban characteristics of the downtown area. This environment undergoes changes and transformation in pattern, type, and system which related to its physical environment, during the initial formation of the area until now. The purpose of this study is to describe the non-physical change, transformation, and permanency in the Pasar Baru Bandung environment which affect it characteristics. The study approach is synchronic-diachronic with descriptive qualitative methods using historical reading from 1906 to 2019 and tissue analysis in 2019. Research carried out around Pasar Baru Bandung, including Jalan Otto Iskandardinata, Jalan ABC, Jalan Pecinan Lama, Jalan Alkateri and small streets in between. The results of this study indicate that the change in system often occurs in the environment related to access, however, access does not have any significant transformation compared to the physical structure. The function in the environment tends to be permanent compared with the transformation in building and the mass density of the environment.Pasar Baru sebagai salah satu simpul pertumbuhan pusat Kota Bandung yang perkembangannya turut membentuk karakteristik perkotaan kawasan pusat Kota Bandung. Lingkungan ini mengalami perubahan dan transformasi pada pola, tipe, maupun sistem yang terkait dengan lingkungan fisiknya, selama awal pembentukan kawasan hingga kini. Tujuan kajian ini untuk mendeskripsikan perubahan terkait non-fisik, transformasi, serta permanensi pada lingkungan Pasar Baru Bandung yang mempengaruhi perubahan karakteristiknya. Pendekatan studi adalah sinkronik-diakronik dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan historical reading dari tahun 1906 hingga 2019 dan tissue analysis pada tahun 2019. Kajian dilakukan di sekitar Pasar Baru Bandung termasuk Jalan Otto Iskandardinata, Jalan ABC, Jalan Pecinan Lama, Jalan Alkateri dan jalan- kecil diantaranya. Hasil dari kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa perubahan sistem seringkali terjadi pada akses dalam lingkungan, namun akses tidak mengalami transformasi signifikan dikomparasikan dengan fisik bangunan. Fungsi pada lingkungan bila dibandingkan dengan fisik bangungan cenderung permanen bila dibandingkan dengan transformasi pada bangunan dan kepadatan massa lingkungannya

    Analisis kriteria desain jalur pedestrian kawasan stasiun kereta api Padalarang

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    Analysis of pedestrian design criteria of Padalarang railway station area The Padalarang sub urban is currently known as high mobility area. There are railway station and terminal for public transportation. Recently, Padalarang has decreasing its physical and visual quality due to the growth of informal housing, informal sector, traditional market and terminal. The Transit Oriented Development is an approach which integrates vehicle network system and pedestrian lane modes. These inappropriate growths generate a lot of environment problems. One of them is the lack of pedestrian lane and its linkage with housing, such as markets, stations, terminals and other public facilities, meanwhile pedestrian lanes have an important role for supporting their main activity. Especially pedestrian lanes in Indonesia which recently are still in ongoing debate as an important issue in town planning. This research will deliberate about the design criteria of pedestrian lane system become more walkable and responsive, which oriented to sidewalk users. This research was conducted through case study and data collecting by surveying, observing and mapping the physical condition of the area nearby railway station, terminal and traditional market. This study is expected to be able to help government and stakeholders as a reference in assembling the area around Padalarang railway station.Wilayah Padalarang saat ini dikenal sebagai kawasan bermobilitas tinggi. Di wilayah ini terdapat Stasiun Kereta Api dan terminal sebagai  titik simpul moda transportasi publik. Kawasan sekitar Stasiun Kereta Api ini mengalami penurunan kualitas fisik lingkungan dan visual akibat pertumbuhan bangunan liar, sektor informal, terutama dengan adanya fungsi pasardan terminal. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah melalui pendekatan pengembangan yang berorientasi pada sistem transit (Transit Oriented Development), yang mengintegrasikan sistem jaringan jalan (moda transportasi massal dan pedestrian. Perkembangan tak teratur tersebut memicu permasalahan lingkungan kawasan. Salah satunya adalah jalur pedestrian yang kurang mendapatkan perhatian. Sementara  jalur pedestrian dalam konteks perumahan warga, pasar, stasiun dan terminal memiliki peran penting bagi mereka sebagai kegiatan utama. Jalur pedestrian  di Indonesia hingga kini masih selalu menjadi perdebatan yang belum selesai. Isu penting dalam merencanakan sistem jalur pedestrian dalam konsep pengembangan ini adalah bagaimana merencanakan jalur pedestrian yang walkable dan responsif, yaitu berorientasi pada pengguna trotoar. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pendekatan studi kasus di lapangan melalui survey, observasi dan mapping kondisi fisik lingkungan, serta wawancara para stakeholder. Hasil penelitian ini ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi pemerintah dan perancang kebijakan dalam menata wilayah Stasiun Kereta Api Padalarang

    Pengakuan Formal dan Pemenuhan Hak Nelayan

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    The Fisherman Card as a proof fisherman identity is a form of formal recognition of the existence and rights of the fishermenby the state. The implementation of the fisherman card from Jakarta up to remote areas is regulated in the Decree of theMinister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries No.16 of the year 2016 on the Fisherman Card. The government through theMinistry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, c.q. the Provincial Office as well as the Municipality Office of Marine Affairsand Fisheries are targeting that the whole fishermen in this area would hold the fisherman card. Since its launching in2013 until the implementation of the Ministerial Regulation on the Fisherman Card, many fishermen have not received thefisherman card while those who hold the card do not understand the function of the card. The Kupang Municipality up to the144JAP UNWIRA, Vol. 1, No. 1, Januari - Juni 2020mid of 2017 has covered only 26.74 percent of the fishermen as card recipients. This research utilizes the Dunn theoreticalframework that covers the aspects of effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, equality, responsiveness, and correctness to analyze theimplementation of Fisherman Card in Kupang Municipality. The research period that started from June through September2017 in five coastal villages (Nunbaun Sabu, Nunbaun Delha, Pasir Panjang, Oesapa, Lasiana) found that 73.26 percentof the fishermen had not possessed the Fisherman Card. Worse even, the card holders did not understand the purpose of thecard. The low percentage of card ownership is considered as caused by inadequacy of technical apparatus and human resourcesthat could not cover the whole fishermen of Kupang Municipality. The Fisherman Card is also gender-biased in that itaccommodates only fisherman as narrowly defined by the Law No.7 of 2016 as a person whose occupation is catching fish. TheFisherman Card neglects the pre and post activities of fish catching as well as of salt farmers, most of which are female works.The halfhearted recognition by state of the existence of fishermen who are involved in every link of the marine and fisherywork-chain is nothing but an indicator of the state’s absence to fulfill the rights of fishermen, and of fisherwomen in particular

    Penilaian kualitas estetika elemen arsitektural bangunan Kolonial di Jalan Basuki Rahmat, Malang

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    Assessment of aesthetical quality of architectural elements of Colonial buildings in Jalan Basuki Rahmat, Malang The characters of a building are formed by several elements, one of them is an architectural element. The architectural element can be assessed using aesthetic judgment scales. Aesthetic value is closely related to public perception. The Colonial buildings in Jalan Basuki Rahmat have distinctive character that worth to be preserved.  Assessment of building aesthetic is the initial step in the effort to preserve colonial buildings. This study aims to assess the aesthetic quality of the architectural elements of Colonial buildings in Jalan Basuki Rahmat. Questionnaires are used to collect data, and Aesthetic measurement is carried out using the semantic differential scale. The community members are requested to judge the aesthetic quality of the buildings based on their own perceptions by looking at photos. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent samples test, and linear regression. The research results showed that the architectural element that had the most significant impact on the aesthetic quality of Colonial buildings were the façade. The Colonial building with the highest aesthetic value is the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Malang.Karakter suatu bangunan dibentuk oleh beberapa elemen. Diantaranya adalah elemen arsitektural. Elemen arsitektural bisa dinilai menggunakan skala penilaian kualitas estetika. Nilai estetika berkaitan erat dengan persepsi masyarakat. Bangunan Kolonial di Jalan Basuki Rahmat Malang memiliki karakter yang khas sehingga patut dilestarikan. Penilaian estetika bangunan merupakan langkah awal dalam upaya pelestarian bangunan Kolonial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kualitas estetika elemen arsitektural bangunan Kolonial di Jalan Basuki Rahmat Malang. Kuesioner digunakan untuk pengambilan data. Pengukuran kualitas estetika dilakukan dengan menggunakan semantic differential scale. Masyarakat diminta menilai kualitas estetika bangunan berdasarkan persepsinya masing-masing dengan melihat foto. Data dianalisis menggunakan  descriptive statistics, independent samples test, dan linier regression. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa elemen arsitektural yang berdampak paling signifikan terhadap keindahan bangunan kolonial adalah fasade. Bangunan kolonial dengan nilai estetika tertinggi adalah Gereja Hati Kudus Yesus Malang

    Hoaks, Politik dan Risiko Masyarakat Modern

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    Indonesia’s social space in the past year has been filled with the phenomenon of hoax. The phenomenon of hoax develops alongwith the strengthening and thickening of the national political axis. Society is not treated by true news but it is filled withvarious emotional outbursts. The implication is that the community is divided into small groups based on interests. This causesthe social and cultural space to be rigid and inflexible. By Ulrich Beck, such phenomena are called risk society. Risks arise notonly because of technological developments in physical reason but also because of erroneous social and political practices. In itsdevelopment, Indonesian politics follows the trend of thickening into groups. A society divided into groups has the potential tostrengthen internal integration. As a result, the level of external adaptation is low. Politics is called the most vulnerable regionand is therefore responsible for social divisions. Because of politics, elements of society make social media not only a tool butalso their ultimate goal. There, the people practice various news provocation movements the truth of which cannot be verified.Such reality demands state responsibility in managing the media. Media management is not the same as controlling media.Managing the media is providing literacy education not only to the media and the political elite but also to the general public.Consequently, the logical reasoning for the existence of a civilized Indonesian society should be honed contiously

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    Ekspresi-dasar arsitektural pada bangunan pusat kebudayaan, objek studi: Volkstheater Sobokartti di Semarang, Indonesia

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    Basic architectural expression of a cultural center, study object: Volkstheater Sobokartti in Semarang, Indonesia The absence of specific guidelines is the main reason that cultural centers in Indonesia were often using an existing building that is not designated as cultural center and/or are designed with modern styles that are completely different from the existing architectural styles. This research is specifically focused on the issue of basic architectural expression in the Volkstheater Sobokartti Cultural Center. The main purpose of this research is to reveal architectural meaning based on the basic-expression of the Volkstheater Sobokartti Cultural Center. This research utilized theories such as: cultural center, architectural expression, and interpretation of architectural meaning. These theories together with the study object are then analyzed and elaborated in-depth using architectural anatomy and ordering principles theories. This research succeeded in compiling a reference of basic architectural expression as a basis for designing and/or interpreting the meaning of a cultural center. The result of this research can be used as: a design input/consideration for architects and stakeholders in designing and/or interpreting the meaning of a cultural center for students, academicians, architects, and concerned community; a starting point for other similar research.Belum adanya pedoman khusus yang mengatur mengakibatkan pusat kebudayaan di Indonesia seringkali menggunakan bangunan eksisting yang tidak diperuntukkan sebagai pusat kebudayaan dan/atau dirancang dengan langgam modern yang benar-benar berbeda dari langgam arsitektur yang telah ada. Penelitian ini secara spesifik mengangkat isu ekspresi-dasar arsitektural pada bangunan Pusat Kebudayaan Volkstheater Sobokartti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengungkap makna arsitektural berdasarkan ekspresi-dasar bangunan Pusat Kebudayaan Volkstheater Sobokartti. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori-teori: pusat kebudayaan, ekspresi arsitektural, interpretasi makna arsitektural. Teori-teori ini bersama dengan objek studi kemudian dianalisa dan dielaborasi secara mendalam menggunakan teori anatomi arsitektural dan prinsip penataan. Penelitian ini berhasil menghimpun acuan ekspresi-dasar arsitektural sebagai dasar merancang dan/atau membaca makna ekspresi bangunan pusat kebudayaan. Manfaat penelitian ini yaitu: dapat digunakan sebagai acuan bagi arsitek dan pemangku kepentingan dalam merancang pusat kebudayaan di Indonesia; metode untuk merancang atau membaca makna ekspresi pusat kebudayaan bagi mahasiswa, akademisi, arsitek, dan masyarakat dengan fokus studi yang bersangkutan; titik awal masukan untuk penelitian-penelitian lain sejenis bagi peneliti


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