101 research outputs found

    The Internalization of Islamic Values in Pesantren

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    This article aims to describe the internalization of Islamic values in fostering akhlak (morality) of santri (Islamic boarding school students) in Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) Miftahul Muhajirin Cidadap, Pagaden, Subang. The Internalization carried out in the forms of religious activities such as farḍu prayers in congregation, sunnah prayers Qiyãm al-lail and Ḍuha, sunnah fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, and recite Yasin after dawn. The Islamic internalization process of Islamic values takes several steps namely transformation values; transaction values; and trans-internalization values. The overview of akhlak santri from internalization results obtained from questionnaires data distributed to 53 santri. From the questionnaire data, it was obtained the categories of akhlak santri; excellent students (52.83%), good (45.28%), and quite good (1.89%)

    Pembentukan Sikap Keberagamaan Peserta Didik Melalui Kegiatan Pesantren Sabtu Ahad (PETUAH)

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    This paper is motivated by the moral decline of high school students which is a reflection of their religious attitude, which has an impact on poor relations with educators, lack of enthusiasm in learning and not yet visible self-awareness in carrying out daily worship. This happens because of the weak diversity of students. Therefore, this paper will describe how educators can shape students' religious attitudes through religious extracurricular activities. The stages of forming a religious attitude are implemented in an activity at the Saturday Sunday Islamic boarding school (PETUAH). The results of the study found that to form religious attitudes, students are not only equipped with cognitive knowledge about how they worship vertically and get along with fellow humans in horizontal relationships, but also must arrive at the affective realm and be implemented in real behavior


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    The background of this research is the problem of power point media management is one part of the problem of improving the quality of learning. The problems that occur in power point media management are not optimal planning, implementation, and assessment so that it has an impact on the quality of teachers and the quality of learning. The lack of success in power point media management is due to the less than optimal use of learning media implemented in each school that has not been managed optimally, the learning process has not reached the target effectively, the learning media has not been well managed, so that teachers have not been able to show the expected improvement in the quality of learning. The quality of education is something that must be considered and strived to achieve, because education will be in vain if the quality and graduates are low. It will be worse and worse if the educational output adds to the burden on the community, family and country. In general, the management of learning media at SMKN 1 Talaga Majalengka has not shown a satisfactory impact on improving the quality of teachers themselves, especially for students, this is influenced by many factors. Power point media management is still not optimal in improving the quality of learning. This research is a qualitative research which takes the background of power point media management to improve the quality of Islamic education learning at SMKN 1 Talaga Majalengka. Data collection was carried out by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation studies. Data analysis was carried out by giving meaning to the data that was collected, and from that meaning it was concluded. Checking the validity of the data was carried out using triangulation by means of check recheck and cross checking


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    Humans are creatures that Allah SWT created perfectly from the essence of the soil, then become nuthfah, then become mudzgoh and become bones wrapped in meat to form the human body. With this perfection, the human task is always to be grateful and to maintain this potential. Al-Qur'an invites people to think about the origin of humans about their creation. Because in the human body there is a sign of great power that shows the majesty of Allah SWT. The research method in this journal uses a type of qualitative research with a literature approach. The data was collected by searching related reference book sources. After the data is obtained then the data is analyzed and some additions from the researcher. In this study, researchers found several results and conclusions in the discussion of the human body in the Koran, that the verses of Allah on the human body are very clearly explained in the Koran, which at that time had no biological research. Second, the concept of the human body has implications for Islamic education.


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    Pondok pesantren merupakan tempat tinggal santri yang memiliki tujuan mempelajari dan mendalami ilmu Agama. Pondok pesantren bisa disebut sebagai sentral keilmuan agama, dimana terkumpulnya seluruh ilmu Fan Agama. Oleh karena itu pesantren merupakan cikal bakal pendidikan Islam di Indonesia dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangnnya. Bahkan ada pesantren yang sudah berdiri puluhan taun bahkan ratusan tahun tapi tiba-tiba tidak eksis lagi karena terkalahkan dengan pesantren modern yang lebih segar dengan adanya pendidikan formal/sekolah. Begitupun pesantren al-arifiah putra sukaraja garut bisa bertahan dan eksis sampai saat ini karena ada sesuatu yang dipertahankan oleh sang kyai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan analsisi SWOT, karena ingin menggambarkan bagaimana pesantren ini mampu terus eksis. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa pesantren al-arifiah putra sukaraja garut mampu bertahan karena diantaranya faktor kyai


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    Pendidikan merupakan tahap penting dalam menumbuhkan, mengembangkan, dan memperkuat kesadaran diri manusia (ma’rifatun nafs). Pendidikan dalam tujuannya harus mampu menjadi jalan manusia untuk mengenali dirinya (ma’rifatun nafs) sehingga mampu meeraih tujuan yang utama yang mengenali Tuhannya (ma’rifatullah). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan makna pendidikan sebagai upaya pengembangan kesadaran manusia (ma’rifatun nafs). Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis studi kepustakaan (library research), metode deskriptif dan pendekatan kualtitatif. Pendekatan ini digunakan karena data-data atau bahan-bahan yang diperlukan dalam menyelesaikan penelitian tersebut berasal dari perpustakaan baik berupa buku, ensklopedi, kamus, jurnal, dokumen, majalah dan lain sebagainya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan sangat penting dalam upaya kesadaran diri (ma’rifatun nafs) manusia sebagai jalan menuju tujuan pendidikan yang utama yaitu ma’rifatullah. Namun, ada beberapa masalah yang dihadapi Terkadang, ada di antara manusia ingin menggapai ma'rufatullah tanpa memulai pemahaman lebih mendalam siapa dirinya sesungguhnya (ma'rifatun nafs). Akhirnya, manusia tersebut tidak akan menemukan apa-apa kecuali keputusasaan atau kerancuan dalam pemikiran. Selama seseorang ada rasa “keakuannya” maka hal tersebut belum dapat disebut ma'rifatunnafs. Dengan demikian, ma'rifatunnafs sesungguhnya tidak lain adalah ma'rifatullah

    Dinamika dan Tipologi Pondok Pesantren di Cirebon

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    Pesantren merupakan lembaga ritual keagamaan, pembinaan akhlak, pendidikan Islam, sekaligus lembaga sosial yang telah mengalami berbagai tantangan zaman yang disesuaikan dengan dinamika pertumbuhan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang tipologi dan dinamika Pesantren di Cirebon dari masa ke masa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah buku Babad Cirebon Carub kandha naskah Tangkil, dan data sekunder didapatdari buku dan jurnal yang berkaitan dengan tipologi dan dinamika Pesantren di Cirebon. Berdasarkan penelitian pustaka yang dilakukan penyusun, didapatkan data tipologi pesantren yang terdapat di Cirebon terdiri dari pesantren salaf dan khalaf. Sebelum masa penjajahan, pesantren secara keseluruhan masih bertipe salaf, namun setelah ada akulturasi pendidikan formal berjenjang dari Belanda, maka mulai bermunculan pesantren khalaf, yang terdiri pendidikan sekolah dan luar sekolah. Pesantren modern baru bermunculan di Cirebon di awal abad 19. Contoh Pesantren Salaf di Cirebon adalah Pesantren Benda Kerep, dan contoh Pesantren Khalaf adalah Pesantren Buntet. Pesantren salaf di Cirebon hingga saat ini cenderung menutup diri pada modernisasi dan masih menggunakan sitem pembelajaran tradisional, tidak ada jenjang pendidikan formal, dan menghindari inovasi teknologi. Sedangkan pesantren khalaf di Cirebon sebaliknya, mendirikan sekolah berjenjang dan melakukan inovasi dalam pembelajaran. Baik pesantren salaf maupun khalaf adalah bagian sejarah dan budaya pendidikan Islam dengan kearifan lokal Indonesia dan perlu dilestarikan dan dikembangkan oleh masyarakat Indonesia

    Peran Pesantren Alam Khoiro Ummah Dalam Pengembangan Ekonomi Islam

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    The main problem in the development of the Islamic financial system is that there is still a gap between industry needs and the provision of university human resources. This study aims to analyze the potential and role of Islamic tertiary institutions and public universities in providing human resources to accommodate the needs of the Islamic finance industry. Existing problems are answered through library research. The results of the study show that an analysis of the development of Islamic economics which is supported by discourse with stakeholders, it is found that different learning systems will provide differences in competence, among others through curriculum standards, inconsistencies in the use of terminology between Islam or Islamic study programs or study programs. course. However, it is unfortunate that only a few graduates from various different competencies meet the needs of human resources in the industry

    Instillation of Prayer Values in Nature Shaping Students' Personalities

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    Efforts made by educators in shaping the personality of good students have been carried out but have not produced maximum results. This study aims to identify the cultivation of prayer values This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The results of the study show that: 1) the values of prayer that are instilled are religious values, such as being obedient to worship & loving cleanliness. Moral values, such as honesty, discipline,  responsibility are not arrogant & polite. Social values, such as empathy & tolerance; 2) the process of inculcating the values of prayer is carried out in three stages, namely value transformation through PAI learning in class, value transactions through material appreciation & trans internalization of values through habituation programs; 3) the material used is PAI material related to fiqh; 4) the methods used are habituation of prayer, habituation of recitations of the Qur'an, habituation of Asmaul Husna, habituation of greeting in the morning, habituation of GPS & honesty stalls; 5) evaluation is carried out on the achievement of student personality using attitude assessment which results in prayer worship can shape the student's personality; 6) supporting factors for inculcating the values of prayer, namely the existence of worship facilities, school policies and partnerships with parents. While the inhibiting factors are less supervision from parents & a less supportive living environment.Ikthiar yang dilakukan oleh pendidik dalam membentuk kepribadian siswa yang baik telah dilakukan akan tetapi belum membuahkan hasil yang maksimal.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi penanaman nilai-nilai sholat . Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) nilai-nilai ibadah shalat yang ditanamkan yaitu nilai religius, seperti taat beribadah & cinta kebersihan. Nilai moral, seperti jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, tidak sombong & sopan santun. Nilai sosial, seperti empati & toleransi; 2) proses penanaman nilai-nilai ibadah shalat dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu tranformasi nilai melalui pembelajaran PAI di kelas, transaksi nilai melalui penghayatan materi & trans internalisasi nilai melalui program pembiasaan; 3) materi yang dipakai adalah materi PAI yang berkaitan dengan fikih; 4) metode yang digunakan yaitu pembiasaan shalat, pembiasaan tilawah al-Qur’an, pembiasaan asmaul husna, pembiasaan sapa pagi, pembiasaan GPS & warung kejujuran; 5) evaluasi dilakukan pada hasil capaian kepribadian siswa menggunakan penilaian sikap yang hasilnya ibadah shalat dapat membentuk kepribadian siswa; 6) faktor pendukung penanaman nilai-nilai ibadah shalat yaitu adanya sarana ibadah, kebijakan sekolah dan kemitraan dengan orangtua. Sedangkan faktor penghambatnya yaitu pengawasan yang kurang dari orangtua & lingkungan tempat tinggal yang kurang mendukung

    Sikap Peduli Santri Terhadap Lingkungan Pondok Pesantren di masa Pendemi Covid-19

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    Abstrack: The purpose of this study was to determine the students' caring attitude towards the Islamic boarding school environment during the COVID-19 pandemic and to determine the validity and reliability of attitude measurement instruments. This research uses a descriptive method. Researchers used a Likert scale to critically measure three indicators of students' attitudes about students' awareness, thinking, and wise attitudes. Furthermore, 34 statement items and four answers were made for respondents, namely strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. The validity and reliability of the questions were calculated using SPSS 26. The results of this study showed that the students' caring attitude towards Islamic boarding schools during the COVID-19 pandemic was categorized as good with a score of 8.2. Keywords: Attitude, Environment & The Covid-19 PandemicTujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sikap peduli santri terhadap lingkungan pondok pesantren selama masa pandemi COVID-19 dan mengetahui validitasn dan reliabilitas intrumen pengukuran sikap. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Peneliti menggunakan skala likert untuk mengukur tiga indikator sikap santri tentang kesadaran, berpikir kritis, dan sikap bijaksana santri. Selanjutnya dibuat menjadi 34 item pernyataan dan jawaban empat jawaban untuk responden yaitu sangat setuju, setuju, tidak setuju, dan sangat tidak setuju. Validitas dan reliabilitas soal di hitung dengan menggunakan SPSS 26.  Hasil penelitian ini bahwa sikap peduli santri terhadap pondok pesantren di masa pandemi COVID-19 menempati kategori baik dengan skor 8,2. Kata Kunci: Sikap, Lingkungan & Masa Pandemi Covid-1
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