847 research outputs found
Developing National Character Through Mathematics Instruction Via Mathematics Instruction With Problem-Based Learning In Jigsaw Typed Cooperative Setting
National character which is the goal of national education is the intelligent character based on the value of faith, piousness, and noble qualities. Mathematics instruction oriented towards the development of learners’ potential most strategically contributes to the accomplishment of the goal. One of learning alternatives which can develop national character is mathematics instruction with problem based learning (PBL) in Jigsaw typed cooperative setting.
Key words: problem-based, Jigsaw, characte
Developing National Character Through Mathematics Instruction Via Mathematics Instruction With Problem-Based Learning In Jigsaw Typed Cooperative Setting
National character which is the goal of national education is the intelligent character based on the value of faith, piousness, and noble qualities. Mathematics instruction oriented towards the development of learners’ potential most strategically contributes to the accomplishment of the goal. One of learning alternatives which can develop national character is mathematics instruction with problem based learning (PBL) in Jigsaw typed cooperative setting.
Key words: problem-based, Jigsaw, characte
A financial report audited by public accountants carries significant responsibility as the basis for decision-making for stakeholders and serves as a symbol of the reliability of financial information for an entity. However, several cases of ethics and regulatory violations have occurred in some prominent KAP in Indonesia. This phenomenon underscores the importance of enforcing ethical codes for the public accounting profession. This research aims to analyze the ethical code of the public accounting profession based on the perspective of Islamic teachings contained in Al-Hadiths. Employing a qualitative descriptive method and an interpretative approach, data were gathered from various sources, including hadiths, scholarly journals, and existing codes of ethics for public accountants. The findings depict that Islamic ethics emphasize good behavior in daily interactions, grounded in principles such as justice, ihsan, honesty, responsibility, and diligence. These principles serve as guidelines for public accountants to perform their duties with integrity, responsibility, high levels of honesty, and ensuring the accuracy of financial information in line with Islamic principles. Furthermore, the code of ethics for public accountants in the Islamic perspective emphasizes principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, professional care, confidentiality, and professional behavior. The implications of this research underscore the importance of understanding and applying Islamic ethical principles in accounting practices to achieve professionalism aligned with religious teachings. Thus, this research is expected to provide valuable contributions to enriching understanding of the relationship between Islamic ethics and accounting practices and promoting the adoption of practices in harmony with the moral values of the hadiths
Terdapat suatu perbedaan yang membentang antara manusia perspektif religi dan materi. Dalam pandangan materi, manusia seperti binatang yang dibekali akal dan kemampuan lainnya untuk kesejahteraan hidupnya. Sementara dalam perspektif religi, manusia merupakan makhluk mulia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji manusia sebagai makhluk relegi dan implikasinya dalam bimbingan karier modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan (library research). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, (1) hubungan karir dengan agama memiliki pada periode awal perkembangan bimbingan karir adanya perbedaan antara pandangan agama dan pekerjaan, (2) pada periode selanjutnya agama dan karier saling mendekat, dan (3) pada saat ini, agama dan karier menjadi kesatuan yang terintegrasi
Konsep Manajemen Kesiswaan di SMP Islam Terpadu Al Kahfi Bogor
This study aims to convey the patterns or concepts and core models of student management applied at the Al Kahfi Islamic Middle School in Bogor, West Java. This study used qualitative research methods. Supporting data is done through interviews, direct research, and literature study. In this writing, the main subject of the information is the principal, deputy director of research programs, and deputy director of student affairs, as well as several students and subject teachers as well as some school administrative staff. From this research, it can be seen that the student management process is in accordance with the goals of the school, the mechanism for admitting new students is in accordance with a very strict selection procedure with the stages of writing tests for basic mathematics, Indonesian, PAI and reading and writing tests of the Alquran, there is student coaching. and counseling services as a place to guide students to have good morals or character, monitoring student activities carried out by the head and school representatives in the field of student affairs every week.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyampaikan tentang pola atau konsep dan model inti manajemen peserta didik yang diterapkan di SMP Islam Terpadu Al Kahfi Bogor, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Data pendukung dilakukan melalui interview, penelitian langsung, dan studi pustaka. Dalam penulisan ini, subjek utama informasi adalah kepala sekolah, wakil direktur program penelitian dan wakil direktur kesiswaan, serta beberapa siswa dan guru mata pelajaran serta beberapa staf administrasi sekolah. Dari penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa proses proses manajemen kesiswaan sesuai dengan tujuan dari sekolah, mekanisme penerimaan siswa baru di sesuai dengan prosedur seleksi sangat ketat dengan tahapan tes tulis pelajaran matematika dasar, bahasa Indonesia, PAI serta tes baca tulis Al-Quran, terdapat pembinaan siswa dan layanan konseling sebagai tempat untuk membimbing siswa agar mempunyai akhlak atau karakter yang baik, monitoring kegiatan kesiswaan yang dilakukan kepala dan wakil sekolah bidang kesiswaan di setiap minggunya
Paradigma Teori Bimbingan Religi Islami
Studi ini memiliki tiga tujuan penelitian. Pertama, merumuskan kedudukan dan aspek paradigmatik dalam struktur teori keimuan. Kedua, memetakan hubungan paradigma dengan teori keilmuan religi. Ketiga, menegaskan paradigma psikologis islamis yang melandasi teori keilmuan konseling Islam. Metode penelitian menggunakan teknik kepustakaan (library research). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bentangan konsepsi yang abstrak dan realistis tentang paradigma teori keilmuan bimbingan religi. Pertama kedudukan paradigma dalam struktur teori keilmuan mengacu pada paradigma yang terpolakan dengan kerangka, model, sampel yang legitimid dan terdefinitisikan; aspek paradigma mencakup representasi, hasil analisis teori, prosedur analitis, metodologi penelitian, konsep, masalah yang diteliti, model, asumsi dasar, nilai, atau etos. Kedua, hubungan paradigma dengan teori keilmuan religi sebagai landasan menyusun keilmuan yang kontemporer religious yang tidak statis, berkembang dalam perbaikan menuju pemahaman dan pengamalan agama. Ketiga, paradigma psikologis Islamis dalam melandasi teori keilmuan konseling Islam mengikuti jalur epistemologi struktural-filosofis-teologis secara ilahiyah maupun nabawiyah.
Characterisation, Classification and Suitability for Oil Palm of Some Common Soils in Tawau-Semporna Area, Sabah
Seven most common soils on different parent materials from oil palm estates in
Tawau-Semporna area, Sabah were selected for this study. The study was carried out
due to the lack of detailed information for proper classification and management of
the soils. The objectives are therefore to determine their physical, chemical,
mineralogical and micromorphological properties; to classify them according to the
FAORJNESCO Legend, the Sabah Classification System, the World Reference Base
(WRB) and the Soil Taxonomy and to compare the usefulness of these different
systems; and to evaluate their fertility status and suitability for oil palm.
All the soils have deep solum (>I00 cm) and oxic or argillic horizons. Soil color and
texture vary depending on the parent materials. Bulk density of andesitic soils is
lower than the rest of the soils.
Soil pH of the soils are acidic (4.0) and have a net negative charge. Except for the
andesitic basalt soil. the studied soils have mainly low amount of bases and capacity
exchange cation (CEC). Soil N. P and K are also mostly lo~vS. oil Mg is high on the
andesitic basalt and tuffaceous sedimentary rocks soils. For oil palm cultivation. the
soils are of low to very low fertility.
Most of the studied soils are highly weathered due to the dominance of kaolinite,
quartz. goethite. hematite and gibbsite. Andesitic basalt and tuffaceous sedimentary
rock soils are however less weathered as indicated by the presence of 2:l clay
minerals, illite and feldspars. The most interesting mineralogical and
micromorphological anomaly is the presence of cristobalite in the soils over
sedimentary rocks indicating the volcanic influence on the soils through the addition
of volcanic ash and by the presence of tuffaceous materials.
The studied soils are classified into different soil types according to the various
classification systems indicating each soil have specific properties. The classification
of soils according to the WRB systems appears to give more detailed information and
better interpretation on soil properties and management than the FAOIUNESCO
legend and Soil Taxonomy.
Based on the Fertility Capability Classification, the studied soils are classified into
different fertility groups with major problems of low CEC, A1 toxicity and K
deficiency. No major constraint is encountered on the andesitic basalt soil due to it
his study aims to: (1) find out a funding model in the implementation of vocational education in the Public
Vocational School (VHSs) especially in the fields of Construction Engineering study program; (2) investigate
the contributions of each funding source to each component of the financing; and (3) investigate the effect of
each funding source to the expenditure components.
The main activities in this study were research and development in 18 public VHSs in East Java. The
respondents consisted of 11 Pilot/International Standard Schools and 7 Non-Pilot/International Standard Schools.
The analysis technique is a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by means of the Partial Least Square (PLS).
The research findings are as follows. (1) The funding model in the Pilot/International Standard and NonPilot/International
standard were the same relatively. The model is formative is a function of total school funding
is sourced from the central government (the government’s budget), the provincial government (the P budget), the
district government (the D budget), and the school committee (COM), (2) the contribution of each source of
funding to meet the needs of the cost of providing vocational education are as follows: the government’s budget
(93.1%), the P budget (71.2%), the D budget (48.6%), and COM (82.8%), (3) based on the results PLS analysis
of beta coefficient for each construct are as follows: the government’s budget (0.97), COM (0.91), the the P
budget (0.84), and the D budget (0.7) which showed a significant positive effect on the fulfillment of the cost of
providing vocational education
Profil Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Mata Pelajaran IPA Pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Taman Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil kemampuan berpikir kritis mata pelajaran IPA pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Taman Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Taman. Data dikumpulkan melalui metode tes yang dijabarkan berdasarkan indikator kemampuan berpikir kritis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SMP N 3 Taman sebesar 17,3 (43 %) dari nilai maksimum 40. Ditinjau dari indikatornya, kemampuan siswa memberikan penjelasan sederhana sebesar 3,3(81%), membangun keterampilan dasar sebesar 2,1(53%), kemampuan menyimpulkan sebesar 1,7(43%), kemampuan memberikan penjelasan lanjut 1,1(27%), dan kemmpuan mengatur strategi dan teknik 0,5(12%)
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