155 research outputs found

    Analysis of environmental literacy and awareness to maintain environmental sustainability

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    Environmental damage is the effect of negative impacts on the natural environment caused by human activities. The importance of empowering knowledge and caring for the environment in students so that they can participate in protecting and preserving the environment. The purpose of this research is to describe literacy and environmental awareness to preserve the environment and the relationship between environmental literacy and awareness to preserve the environment. This research method uses descriptive quantitative research and research techniques using a questionnaire with a sample of 50 students using a random sampling technique in the Adiwiyata school program, especially junior high school students. The instruments used were student characteristic sheets, environmental literacy, and environmental awareness questionnaires. Research data were analyzed descriptively and the relationship between literacy and environmental awareness used correlation analysis using SPSS. The results showed that students' environmental literacy was classified as moderate to high with a score of 1.6 – 3.20. The average value of students' environmental awareness is 73% indicating that students have a caring attitude toward environmental problems. Environmental attitudes and environmental awareness also have a significant relationship (sig <0.05). Through environmental literacy and awareness, students will have the potential to protect and preserve the environment

    Tri Rismaharini’s Speech, The Mayor of Surabaya : A Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)

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    Language plays the important roles in everyday life for human being. This article relates to the governmental leader using language in communicating with the community or people she leads in order to convey her thoughts of programs of work which will be implemented. It elaborates the usage of Tri Rismaharini’s language as the Mayor of Surabaya Indonesia with Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) Approach. The method, meanwhile, used in the research is qualitative descriptive and it is found the elements of language usage and content of speech providing a macro-themed structure of texts.Keywords: Speech, Critical Discourse AnalysisDOI: 10.7176/JLLL/76-03Publication date: February 28th 202


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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia is currently implementing a new policy that is teaching and learning activities from a distance, or we can call it learning from home or online learning. All education institutions require teachers and students to use online platforms to continue the learning process. The research aimed to find out the students’ perception of using Microsoft Teams as an online platform during the pandemic. This research was categorized as an explanatory-sequence approach. This study involved 8th-grade students (N=18) from the public junior high school in Surabaya. Eighteen items of questionnaires have been distributed. The findings revealed that the majority of the students involved in this study have a good perspective on using Microsoft Teams as an online platform; because of the ease of the use of Microsoft Teams, the students feel that the features of Microsoft Teams are pretty useful for them as the students, but even though most of them enjoy using Microsoft Teams, they prefer to choose to do classical learning which can be known as traditional learning


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    Introduction The progress of the current era has been more advanced, along with advances in increasingly sophisticated technology and the development of increasingly developing science, then it also has resulted in changes in human thought patterns will also increasingly develop.Method The research method uses a type of quantitative-descriptive research. The population used in this study were all residents of the village of rice fields RW 09 Madura. The sample of this study was residents of RT 03 RW 09 in the village of paddy fields, Madura, with 57 people. The analysis technique used is Purposive Sampling. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. The data analysis technique uses percentage criteria and statistical analysis of Pearson correlation.Result The percentage of Madura information and communication technology development results is 52.6% with good criteria. The percentage change in people's mindset is 80.7% with very good criteria, and the Pearson correlation test results of 0.007, can be concluded from the probability of 0.007 <0.05 which means there is a significant correlation that is there is a significant relationship between the development of information technology and communication and changes in the mindset of the people found in the village of the rice fields of Bangkalan district in Madura.Conclusions and Recomendations There is a significant relationship between the development of information and communication technology and changes in people's mindset. it would be better if it is effected by the application of positive activities in everyday life in society so that they can keep up with the times.Keywords: Development of technology, information and communication, changes in mindset ABSTRAK Pendahuluan Kemajuan zaman saat ini sudah semakin maju, seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi yang semakin canggih dan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang semakin berkembang, maka hal tersebut juga mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan pola pikir manusia juga akan semakin berkembang. Metode Metode penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif-deskriptif. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini seluruh warga Desa Kampung Sawah RW 09 Madura. Sampel penelitian ini warga RT 03 RW 09 Desa Kampung Sawah Madura. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 57 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner. Analisis data menggunakan kriteria persentase dan analisis statistik korelasi pearson. Hasil persentase perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi Madura sebesar 52,6% dengan kriteria baik. Hasil persentase perubahan pola pikir masyarakat sebesar 80,7% dengan kriteria sangat baik, dan hasil pengujian korelasi pearson sebesar 0,007, dapat disimpulkan dari nilai probabilitas 0,007 < 0,05 yang berarti terdapat korelasi yang signifikan yaitu ada hubungan yang signifikan antara perkembangan tekonologi informasi dan komunikasi dan perubahan pola pikir masyarakat yang terdapat di Desa Kampung Sawah Kabupaten Bangkalan Madura. Kesimpulan dan Saran Adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara perkembangan tekonologi informasi dan komunikasi dan perubahan pola pikir masyarakat. alangkah lebih baiknya jika efektivitas tersebut juga dilakukan dengan penerapan kegiatan positif pada kehidupan sehari-hari dalam masyarakat agar dapat mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Kata Kunci: Perkembangan teknologi, informasi dan komunikasi, perubahan pola pikir.

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Inkuiri Sains Berbantuan Know, Want, Learn (Kwl) terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Biologi Siswa Kelas XI Mia

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    This study aimed to describe the activity of students in learning and know the differences in cognitive learning outcomes of students in inquiry-science assisted KWL class with confirmatory class. The sampling technique was cluster sampling. The method used were nonrandomized pretest posttest control group design. Experimental class was taught using scientific inquiry model assisted KWL, and control classes taught using confirmatory models. Student activities were analyzed descriptively. Students activities demonstrate grade in learning implementation science inquiry assisted KWL showed 88.4% and confirmatory class showed 88.3%. Data analysis of the cognitive learning using Anacova with SPSS 22 for Windows that had previously been carried out tests of normality and homogeneity. The test results indicate that the F count Anacova generated at 64.619 in p. 0,000 <α (α = 0.05) means that there are differences in the cognitive learning classes taught using science inquiry learning assisted KWL model with confirmatory model with covariate effect on learning outcomes. The conclusions of this research that there are differences in cognitive achievement of students taught using scientific inquiry assisted KWL model with the students taught using confirmatory model with covariate effect on learning outcomes.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran dan mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif siswa di kelas inkuiri sains berbantuan KWL dengan kelas konfirmatori. Teknik pengambilan sampel secara cluster sampling. Metode yang digunakan yaitu nonrandomized control group pretest posttest design. Kelas eksperimen diajar menggunakan model inkuiri sains berbantuan KWL, kelas kontrol diajar menggunakan model konfirmatori. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran kelas inkuiri sains berbantuan KWL menunjukkan sebesar 88,4% dan kelas konfirmatori sebasar 88,3%. Análisis data hasil belajar kognitif menggunakan anakova dengan bantuan SPSS 22.0 for Windows yang sebelumnya telah dilakukan uji normalitas dan homogenitas. Hasil uji anakova menunjukkan bahwa F hitung yang dihasilkan sebesar 64,619 dengan p. 0,000< α (α=0,05) artinya ada perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif kelas yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran inkuiri sains berbantuan KWL dengan model konfirmatori dengan kovariat berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar (P<0,055). Simpulan penelitian ini yaitu ada perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif siswa yang diajar menggunakan model inkuiri sains berbantuan KWL dengan siswa yang diajar menggunakan model konfirmatori dengan variabel kovariat berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar

    The relationship between administrative academic staff's leadership styles and their level of emotional intelligence: a case study in UiTM Sarawak / Sueb Ibrahim

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    As the context of leadership is changing, to lead effectively will be critical to the long term success of organizations. Therefore, academic leaders at higher education institutions need to combine several leadership qualities in order to succeed. Academic leaders have to develop their rational in establishing which leadership style will result to high performance outcomes and leadership effectiveness. Thus, the nature of the leader's emotional connectedness to others is apparently in the growing interest in numerous studies on the effect of emotional intelligence on leadership. Moreover, at present, there seems to be increasingly attention being given to organizational life and leadership and general agreement about the need to incorporate the role of emotion into research on academic leaders at higher education institutions. Research on effective leadership and emotional intelligence is growing. Yet, there still remains a gap on the relationships that exist between leadership and emotional intelligence especially at higher education institutions such as colleges and universities. Utilizing these connections, the main aim of this study was to identify the relationship of administrative academic staff’s leadership styles and their level of emotional intelligence. This study utilized the quantitative approach in gathering the data for this study. A total of 20 administrative academic staff of UiTM Sarawak participated in this study. Two adapted research instruments that were used for this study were Bass and Avolio's Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ5X Form) that identified the administrative academic staff’s leadership styles, and Mayer - Salovey - Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) as used to operationalize emotional intelligence. The findings of this study were as follow. First, it indicated that the administrative academic staff perceived themselves as exhibiting a highly transformational leadership style as compared to the other two leadership styles, namely transactional and laissez- faire. Second, it revealed that the administrative academic staff assessed themselves as demonstrating more o

    Implementasi Budaya Literasi Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi di Sekolah Dasar Pakis Jaya Surabaya)

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    Abstract: The pandemic in Indonesia has affected several sectors, including education. Schools in Indonesia are suggested to implement an "emergency curriculum" in the implementation of online learning. The curriculum brings some issues on the implementation of such academic activity as literacy practice at school. This study was conducted at Pakis Jaya Elementary School in Surabaya in which the literacy program becomes mandatory for the elementary education level. This study is intended to describe the implementation of the School Literacy Movement (GLS) at an elementary school in Surabaya during the covid-19 pandemic. In addition, it also describes the challenges of the implementation of GLS during the pandemic. Lastly, it confirms the school policies in implementing GLS during the pandemic. This is a case study through the qualitative description. The results show that the literacy program is still being implemented at SD Pakis Jaya but is still carried out online and offline; the online GLS implementation is carried out by including reading in online classes, while the offline GLS implementation is only for first and sixth grades through reading activities before the class begins.Abstrak:Indonesia masih dalam masa pandemi covid-19, hal ini berdampak pada semua sektor tidak terkecuali pendidikan. Sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia melaksanakan kurikulum darurat dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran.Kota Surabaya merupakan kota yang mendukung adanya progam literasi. Sekolah Dasar (SD) Pakis Jaya adalah salah satu SD di Surabaya. Sebelum pandemi SD Pakis Jaya telah menjalankan progam literasi. Tujuan Penelitian ini yakni pertama untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) pada masa pandemi covid-19, kedua untuk mendeskripsikan kendala-kendala pelaksanaan GLS pada masa pandemi, ketiga mendeskripsikan kebijakan sekolah dalam mengimplementasikan GLS pada masa pandemi covid-19. Metode peneletian ini menggunakan deskripsi kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus Hasil penelitian menunjukkan progam literasi tetap dilaksankan di SD Pakis Jaya namun dilaksanakan secara daring dsn luring, pelaksanaan GLS secara daring dilaksanakan dengan menyertakan bacaan dalam kelas online, pelaksanaan GLS luring untuk kelas I (satu) dan VI (enam) dilaksanakan dengan membaca 15 (lima belas) menit sebelum pembelajaran dimulai

    Pelatihan Penulisan Sastra Kreatif pada Siswa MTS Ulumiyah Tuban

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    The Community Service Program (Penmas) aims to improve students' abilities in creative writing, improve students' literary writing skills, and improve literary publications. This community service is carried out through training and assistance with a participant active learning approach. the activity is carried out through three core stages, namely strengthening students in making creative works, training and mentoring in creative literary writing, and assistance in publishing works. The training participants were 40 students of MTS Ulumiyah Tuban. The students are enthusiastic about doing the creative literary writing training. Keywords:  training, device, literary, creative         Abstrak. Program Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (Penmas) yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam hal menulis kreatif, meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis sastra, dan meningkatkan kemampuan publikasi karya sastra. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan dengan pendekatan participant active learning. kegiatan dilakukan melalui tiga tahap inti, yakni penguatan siswa dalam pembuatan karya kreatif, pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam penulisan sastra kreatif, serta pendampingan dalam publikasi karya. Peserta pelatihan sebanyak 40 siswa MTS Ulumiyah Tuban. Para siswa antusias melakukan pelatihan penulisan sastra kreatif tersebut. Kata Kunci: pelatihan, sastra, kreati


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    Currently, some companies give special attention to efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. This can be met if companies make arrangements to schedule completion of the demand with the best. One of the factors that effect for orders can be completed or fulfilled in accordance with the schedule is time factor, the worker or workers directly involved in the production process. As a company engaged in the manufacture of vermicelli one of the factors that effect the workload provided by the company. For that the company should consider the workload that will be provided by the employee in order to achieve optimal productivity. To solve the problem of workload measurement in PT. Tunas Melati Perkasa, so this research using Work Load Analysis (WLA). This method will provide information on the allocation of human resources employees to complete the existing workload. Based on the result of workload measurement in PT. Tunas Melati Perkasa by using method Work Load Analysis (WLA) can be conclude that the workload of the section mixing, had an average workload of 96,95% with an optimal number of employees was 2 people, in the pressing, had an average workload 94,62% with an optimal number of employees was 2 people, in steaming, had an average workload of 92,64% with an optimal number of employees was 1 people, in the cutting, had an average workload of 94,40% with the optimal number of employees is 3 people, on the oven had an average workload of 93,41% with an optimal number of employees is 3 people, in the packing, had an average workload of 93,63% with an optimal number of employees is 3 people Keywords: Efficiency, Workload, Work Load Analysi

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Sains Berbantuan Mind Mapping terhadap Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa Kelas X SMA

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    This research aims to determine the differences of biology learning outcomes between students taught by science inquiry model assisted by mind mapping and students taught by confirmatory model with adjusting early biology learning outcomes. This research was quasy experiment by nonrandomized control group pretest-posttest design. The population was all grade ten students of SMAN 1 Bungkal Kabupaten Ponorogo which samples were class X3 as experiment groups and class X4 as control groups. The result shows that the mean scores and the enhancement of biology learning outcomes of students taught by science inquiry model assisted by mind mapping was higher than students taught by confirmatory model. The result of ancova test shows that there were differences of biology learning outcomes between students taught by science inquiry model assisted by mind mapping and students taught by confirmatory model and covariate influence biology learning outcomes (p<0,05).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar Biologi siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model inkuiri sains berbantuan mind mapping dengan siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model konfirmatori dengan menyesuaikan hasil belajar Biologi awal. Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimen semu dengan desain non randomized control group pretest-posttest. Populasi penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa kelas X SMAN 1 Bungkal Kabupaten Ponorogo dengan dua sampel yaitu kelas X3 sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan kelas X4 sebagai kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai rerata dan peningkatan nilai rerata hasil belajar biologi siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model inkuiri sains berbantuan mind mapping lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model konfirmatori. Hasil uji anakova menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar Biologi siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model inkuiri sains berbantuan mind mapping dan siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model konfirmatori dan kovariat berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar Biologi (p<0,05)
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