3,307 research outputs found

    Presencia del ejército en el desarrollo educativo de las provincias de Loja y el Oriente

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    Una de las grandes preocupaciones de los países del Tercer Mundo y de América Latina en particular, es el de hacer realidad uno de los deberes primordiales del Estado cual es la EDUCACION, la misma que constituye un derecho para toda la población, un valioso instrumento para mejorar la calidad de la vida y lograr el establecimiento de estructuras sociales más justas e igualitarias. Este propósito educativo tiende a favorecer el proceso de creación de un nuevo procedimiento que permita alcanzar el desarrollo multilateral e integral para las áreas más deprimidas de un Estado. En los últimos años, muchos organismos internacionales como la UNESCO y otros de diverso nivel, junto con los gobiernos de los países menos desarrollados, han realizado sustanciales esfuerzos para ejecutar políticas educativas que se orienten a la consecución de esos fines, particularmente en lo que se refiere a las zonas rurales, donde radica la población más afectada por la deficiente estructuración social de nuestros países. Sin embargo, no es menos cierto que las experiencias acumuladas en este aspecto espacialmente en el Ecuador no han podido solucionar aún los problemas educativos de que adolece la población marginada del campo, muy particularmente la de las provincias de Loja y de la Región Oriental, lo que hace necesario y urgente la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas, acordes con las expectativas de un desarrollo justo y una redención social efectiva para el pueblo ecuatoriano. La Comandancia General del Ejército, consiente de la importancia capital que representa la educación en el desarrollo de nuestro país y del problema que adolece en este campo, ha propuesto un trabajo de Investigación Individual al Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales, con el Tema: " LA PRESENCIA DEL EJERCITO EN EL DESARROLLO EDUCATIVO DE LAS PROVINCIAS DE LOJA Y EL ORIENTE" con el criterio de apoyar a la educación como colaboración al desarrollo social de nuestro país, tal cual reza en la Constitución de la República

    The Show Cave at “Gran Caverna de Santo Tomás” (Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba)

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     Del jame Gran Caverna de Santo Tomàs, ki je eden najdaljših jamskih sistemov na Kubi, je urejen za turizem že od 1994. To je šesti nivo (od sedmih) tega kompleksnega kraškega sistema, katerega najnižji del je aktiven in teče skozenj potok Arroyo Santo Tomàs. Zaradi velike pestrosti kraških oblik, tako na površju kot v jami in zaradi pomembnih arheoloških odkritij, je jamo Gran Caverna de Santo Tomàs v zadnjih 10 letih obiskalo pomembno število turistov in znanstvenikov, kljub težavam zaradi oddaljenosti od glavnih turističnih poti po otoku. Več elementov potrjuje, da je upravljanje z jamo lep primer majhnega vpliva turizma na jamo. Med temi je omejeno število obiskovalcev v skupini, uporaba zgolj lesa za lestve in mostičke za dostop do jamskega vhoda ter uporaba akumulatorskih električnih svetilk (ne da bi bil v jami nameščen stalni sistem osvetljevanja). Zato ima Gran Caverna de Santo Tomàs velike možnosti da postane eno najpomembnejših mest na Karibih, kjer bi lahko na eni strani razvijali ekološki in trajnostni turizem, na drugi pa bi, zaradi svoje velikosti in dolžine, vabila mednarodne in kubanske jamarje ter znanstvenike k stalnim speleološkim in krasoslovnim raziskavam. At Gran Caverna de Santo Tomàs, one of the longest karst system of Cuba, a part of the cave is exploited since 1994 as show cave. It corresponds to the sixth level (out of the total of seven) of the complex karst system, which lowest part is still active today, being the present course of Arroyo Santo Tomàs. Even with the difficulties related to great distance from the main tourist routes of the island, Gran Caverna de Santo Tomàs was visited in the last 10 years by a significant number of tourists and scientists, due to its remarkable variety of karst landscape, at the surface as well as within the cave, and the important archaeological discoveries therein carried out. Management of the show cave is a good example of low-impact effect of tourism in a karst cave, as many features point out. Among these, the limited number of visitors allowed for each group, the choice in using only wooden ladders and passages to reach the cave entrance, and the adoption of rechargeable electrical light (without realizing any fixed light system in the cave). Gran Caverna de Santo Tomàs, therefore, has a high potentiality for becoming one of the best location in the Caribbean to develop an ecological sustainable tourism and, at the same time, due to its size and length, to allow international and Cuban cavers and scientiststo continue carrying out speleological and karst research.  

    Efectividad del politetrafluoroetileno en pacientes con parálisis unilateral de cuerda vocal Hospital Belén de Trujillo

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    Con la finalidad de evaluar la efectividad del politetrafluoroetileno en pacientes con parálisis unilateral de cuerdas vocales se realizará un estudio pre-experimental en pacientes con parálisis unilateral de cuerda vocal atendidos en el Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Belén de Trujillo. Los pacientes que cumplan con los criterios de selección, y firmen el consentimiento informado serán intervenidos quirúrgicamente donde se aplicará politetrafluoroetileno hasta lograr medialización de pliegue vocal paralizado. El índice de capacidad vocal será evaluado en el basal y postratamiento. La eficiencia del tratamiento será evaluada empleando la prueba t de Student para datos pareados. La significancia se considera si p<0.05Tesis de segunda especialida

    CMOS-3D smart imager architectures for feature detection

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    This paper reports a multi-layered smart image sensor architecture for feature extraction based on detection of interest points. The architecture is conceived for 3-D integrated circuit technologies consisting of two layers (tiers) plus memory. The top tier includes sensing and processing circuitry aimed to perform Gaussian filtering and generate Gaussian pyramids in fully concurrent way. The circuitry in this tier operates in mixed-signal domain. It embeds in-pixel correlated double sampling, a switched-capacitor network for Gaussian pyramid generation, analog memories and a comparator for in-pixel analog-to-digital conversion. This tier can be further split into two for improved resolution; one containing the sensors and another containing a capacitor per sensor plus the mixed-signal processing circuitry. Regarding the bottom tier, it embeds digital circuitry entitled for the calculation of Harris, Hessian, and difference-of-Gaussian detectors. The overall system can hence be configured by the user to detect interest points by using the algorithm out of these three better suited to practical applications. The paper describes the different kind of algorithms featured and the circuitry employed at top and bottom tiers. The Gaussian pyramid is implemented with a switched-capacitor network in less than 50 μs, outperforming more conventional solutions.Xunta de Galicia 10PXIB206037PRMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-12686, IPT-2011-1625-430000Office of Naval Research N00014111031

    Just Let Us Be: Domination, the Postcolonial Condition and the Global Field of Business Schools

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    As the field of business schools has become a global field, where schools around the world constantly interact with each other, it becomes important to understand potential dynamics of domination. According to Bourdieusian theory, we know that in a global field, hierarchies emerge, with elite groups dominating, while others remaining oppressed. Several factors enable hierarchies, including the postcolonial condition. For postcolonial business schools, their possible submissive state, within the global field of business schools, is facilitated by local intermediaries that protect the dynamics of domination. To understand how postcolonial schools could liberate themselves, we need, therefore, to understand how local intermediaries may wake up from their obedient roles. In order to explore this phenomenon, this paper presents an in-depth study of a postcolonial case in México, which was done using autoethnographic methods. The study documents the process through which local intermediaries awakened from their obedient roles. Here, the awakening of local intermediaries occurred naturally, as they came to conceive the rules of the game as not protecting them, but felt like they existed to control them. Finally, local intermediaries perceived their awakening as the result of a betrayal, fearing that elite groups would perpetually refuse to acknowledge them fully

    Acoustoelastic Pure-Displacement Elements Based on Biot's Poromechanics Theory

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    From the elastic energy contained in a displacement based porous material the general form of the stiffness and mass matrices are obtained. If both fields can be expanded with equal order polynomials the general form is further simplified and it is shown that the coupling stiffness reduces to the one arising to compute volume changes in an elastic medium. A plane beam and a four node tetrahedron are developed. To avoid spurious rotational modes appearance in the tetrahedron fluid a penalty formulation is used. The effect of the penalty factor in matrix conditioning is analysed. Elements dynamic behaviour is compared

    Representing Black Male Innocence

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    The course is an elective of specialization that seeks to develop the general competence of innovative thinking and specific ABET competence (j.3) that lets you know and apply contemporary issues of supply chain aligned to industry trends that will allow you more dominance in the professional field of industrial engineering.SCM course is important because permit to student understand and apply models and best practices of logistics in Supply Chain. Different issues regarding to the logistics operations marketing procurement warehousing and information technology will be discussed and proposed. The results from strategies in Supply Chain collaborative and alliance 3PL order management and fulfillment and others key issues will be studied. The course concludes with trends and challenges for supply chain in the future