269 research outputs found

    A critical appraisal of phloem-mobile signals involved in tuber induction

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    The identification of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) and several FT homologs as phloem-mobile proteins that regulate flowering has sparked the search for additional homologs involved in the long-distance regulation of other developmental processes. Given that flowering and tuber induction share regulatory pathways, the quest for long-distance tuberization signals has been further stimulated. Several tuberization regulators have been proposed as mobile molecules, including the FT family protein StSP6A, the plant growth regulators gibberellins and the microRNA miR172. Although some of these hypotheses are attractive and plausible, evidence that these molecules are transmissible in potato has yet to be obtained. Two mRNAs encoding transcription factors, StBEL5 and POTATO HOMEOBOX 1 (POTH1), are mobile and correlate with tuber induction. However, evidence that StBEL5 or POTH1 are required for tuberization is not available yet. Therefore, there are several good candidates for long-distance molecules in the tuberization process. Further research should test their role as systemic tuberization signals

    Comparative analysis of trueness between conventional and digital impression in dental-supported fixed dental prosthesis with vertical preparation

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    Biologically oriented preparation technique (BOPT) is a vertical preparation technique without a finish line to create a new anatomic crown with a prosthetic emergence profile. This case report describe the protocol realized digitally in a patient who required a new fixed partial denture (FPD) in the anterior esthetic zone. After time of temporary restoration, definitive conventional (CI) (double-cord retraction and vinyl polysiloxane material), and digital impression (DI) with three different intraoral scanner (IOS) (Trios®, True Definition® and iTero®) were taken. All digital impression were obtained through three different scans: temporary restoration in the mouth after healing period, prepared teeth, and temporary restoration out of the mouth. To establish which of the IOS was the most accurate, it was necessary to compare the STL files obtained from each of the IOS with the STL file of the conventional impression, which was digitized with a laboratory scanner (3Shape D800). All these STL were imported to a software (ExoCAD 2.4 Plovdiv®), and they were superimposed. To establish the difference in trueness with SC, 6 points were chosen, 3 points in teeth, and another 3 points in soft tissue. The mean measurement in terms of trueness in teeth were: STS (0,039 mm), SI (0,054 mm), STD (0,067 mm); and in soft tissue were: STS (0,051 mm), SI (0,09 mm), STD [0,236 mm]. The IOSs showed differences between them in terms of trueness, being the Trios the most accuracy IOS. Final restoration was fabricated and cemented. The patient was examined at 3, 6 and 12 months, without any type of biological or mechanical complications. Digital impression with an IOS seems to be a viable alternative to perform zirconia FPD in the BOPT tecbique

    Home Automation System based on Intelligent Transducer Enablers

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    This paper presents a novel home automation system named HASITE (Home Automation System based on Intelligent Transducer Enablers), which has been specifically designed to identify and configure transducers easily and quickly. These features are especially useful in situations where many transducers are deployed, since their setup becomes a cumbersome task that consumes a significant amount of time and human resources. HASITE simplifies the deployment of a home automation system by using wireless networks and both self-configuration and self-registration protocols. Thanks to the application of these three elements, HASITE is able to add new transducers by just powering them up. According to the tests performed in different realistic scenarios, a transducer is ready to be used in less than 13 s. Moreover, all HASITE functionalities can be accessed through an API, which also allows for the integration of third-party systems. As an example, an Android application based on the API is presented. Remote users can use it to interact with transducers by just using a regular smartphone or a tablet.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures, accepted version of Sensors journal articl

    Percepción de los estudiantes de enfermería de la Pontifica Universidad Javeriana sobre el uso de la simulación clínica como estrategia de aprendizaje

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    En la educación hoy en día el modo de enseñanza ha tomado un giro importante, en el que el estudiante se convierte en el constructor de su propio aprendizaje y el docente es el guía en este proceso, por lo tanto uno de los temas centrales en la educación en enfermería es el tratar de lograr que los estudiantes puedan desarrollar mejores competencias y por ende mejorar su proceso de aprendizaje ya que existen ciertas limitaciones en las prácticas clínicas por la importancia que se le ha dado a la seguridad clínica en el área de la salud. Debido a lo anterior se han implementado nuevas estrategias de aprendizaje que se amoldan a la educación actual y una de ellas es la simulación clínica que permite el desarrollo de destreza y habilidades de los estudiantes. Por consiguiente desde esta perspectiva se fundamenta esta investigación al interesarse en saber que piensan o cual es la Percepción de los estudiantes de enfermería de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana sobre la simulación clínica como estrategia de aprendizaje. La investigación fue realizada con 11 estudiantes de enfermería de diferentes semestres que tuvieron la experiencia con la simulación clínica. La información fue recogida a través de una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados fueron analizados por medio de una matriz categorial y se concluyó que los estudiantes tienen percepciones tanto positivas como negativas de la simulación clínica como estrategia de aprendizaje y también se identificaron algunas recomendaciones.Enfermero (a)Pregrad

    TEMPRANILLO is a direct repressor of the microRNA miR172

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    In the age-dependent pathway, microRNA 156 (miR156) is essential for the correct timing of developmental transitions. miR156 negatively regulates several SPL genes, which promote the juvenile-to-adult and floral transitions in part through upregulation of miR172. The transcriptional repressors TEMPRANILLO1 (TEM1) and TEM2 delay flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana at least through direct repression of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) and gibberellin biosynthetic genes, and have also been reported to participate in the length of the juvenile phase. Levels of TEM mRNA and miR156 decrease gradually, allowing progression through developmental phases. Given these similarities, we hypothesized that TEMs and the miR156/SPL/miR172 module could act through a common genetic pathway. We analyzed the effect of TEMs on levels of miR156, SPL and miR172, tested binding of TEMs to these genes using chromatin immunoprecipitation and analyzed the genetic interaction between TEMs and miR172. We found that TEMs played a stronger role in the floral transition than in the juvenile-to-adult transition. TEM1 repressed MIR172A, MIR172B and MIR172C expressions and bound in vivo to at least MIR172C sequences. Genetic analyses indicated that TEMs affect the regulation of developmental timing through miR172

    Dense alumina-mullite composite ceramics from alumina and spodumene-albite feldspar binary mixtures: processing and properties

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    A processing strategy for obtaining alumina-spodumene ceramics from fine commercial powders is presented. In this work, a spodumene addition to calcined alumina powder was performed and their proportion was explored between 15 and 45 wt%. The industrial spodumene presented secondary phases, mainly albite and quartz. Mechanical properties were evaluated. Although they were lower than those of sintered alumina, based on the achieved values an adequate behavior in structural applications can be assumed, especially taking into account that the better mechanical behavior was coupled with the lower thermal expansion. Relatively low thermal expansion (≈ 5 x 10-1 °C-1) behaviors were observed in one of the developed materials. Noncrystalline phases containing lithium were detected. We assume that all the lithium oxide incorporated through the spodumene is in the glassy phase after the sintering of the materials. This difference in lithium concentration in the composition of the resulting glass affected the thermal expansion of the developed materials. Particularly with low lithium content (30 wt% of additive) the material performance was enhanced. This, together with the mechanical behavior, encourages structural applications with high thermomechanical solicitations. With the information gathered, a wide range of materials with specific properties can be obtained by modulating the spodumene-alumina proportion only.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámic

    Que transcende a morte de uma criança com cancro: experiências de profissionais de saúde

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    Objective: To reveal the perception of grief support of professionals in pediatric oncology units, after the death of the patients. Method: Qualitative phenomenological study. 22 in-depth interviews were conducted with professionals from 5 pediatric oncology units of public hospitals in Santiago. Once the narratives were transcribed, the comprehensive analysis and subsequent triangulation of the data was performed, achieving saturation. Results: Professionals perceive themselves supported in their grief by being able to experience the losses in a protected environment and feeling supported by their surroundings. They recognized the existence of external and internal factors that facilitated the process of grief. However, this support is perceived as insufficient, as there is a lack of formal support from the institution, as well as a protected grief period, or support from mental health professionals to the teams. All death experiences allow professionals to transcend their pain based on lifelong learning and to give meaning to their work. Conclusion: Grief support felt by the professionals is generated from their own initiatives of re-encounter within the teams, which is insufficient. Therefore, training in coping with death is necessary from undergraduate level, which would allow greater cohesiveness in coping and greater self-care within the teams.Objetivo: Develar la percepción del apoyo en duelo de los profesionales de las unidades de oncología pediátrica, tras el fallecimiento de los pacientes. Método: Estudio fenomenológico cualitativo. Se realizaron 22 entrevistas en profundidad a profesionales de 5 unidades de oncología pediátrica de hospitales públicos de Santiago de Chile. Una vez transcritas las narraciones, se realizó el análisis comprensivo y posteriormente la triangulación de los datos, hasta lograr su saturación. Resultados: Los profesionales se perciben apoyados en su duelo al poder experimentar las pérdidas en un ambiente protegido y sentirse apoyados por su entorno. Reconocen la existencia de factores externos e internos que facilitan el proceso de duelo. Sin embargo, este apoyo se percibe como insuficiente, ya que falta un apoyo formal por parte de la institución, así como un periodo de duelo protegido, o el apoyo de los profesionales de la salud mental a los equipos. Todas las experiencias de muerte permiten a los profesionales trascender su dolor a partir del aprendizaje permanente y dar sentido a su trabajo. Conclusión: El apoyo en duelo que sienten los profesionales se genera a partir de sus propias iniciativas de reencuentro dentro de los equipos, lo cual es insuficiente. Por ello, es necesaria la formación en el afrontamiento de la muerte desde el pregrado, lo que permitiría una mayor cohesión en el afrontamiento y un mayor autocuidado dentro de los equipos.Objetivo: Desvelar a percepção do apoio ao luto dos profissionais das unidades de oncologia pediátrica, após o óbito dos pacientes. Método: estudo fenomenológico qualitativo. Foram realizadas vinte e duas entrevistas aprofundadas com profissionais de cinco unidades de oncologia pediátrica de hospitais públicos de Santiago. Uma vez transcritas as narrativas, realizou-se à análise compreensiva e posteriormente à triangulação dos dados, alcançando a saturação destes. Resultados: Os profissionais percebem-se amparados em seu luto, pois podem vivenciar perdas em um ambiente protegido e sentir-se amparados por seu ambiente. Eles reconhecem a existência de fatores externos e internos que facilitam o processo de luto. Contudo, este apoio é percebido como insuficiente, visto que falta um apoio formal da instituição, bem como um período de luto protegido, ou o apoio dos profissionais de saúde mental para as equipes. Todas as experiências de morte permitem aos profissionais transcender sua dor por meio da aprendizagem ao longo da vida e dar sentido ao seu trabalho. Conclusão: O apoio no luto, sentido pelos profissionais, é gerado a partir das suas próprias iniciativas de reencontro com as equipes, o que é insuficiente. Portanto, o treinamento no enfrentamento da morte desde a graduação faz-se necessário, o que possibilitaria maior coesão no enfrentamento e maior autocuidado dentro das equipes

    Ecos del ayer, el hoy y el mañana: La conciencia histórica como concepto y propuesta en la formación de licenciados en Ciencias Sociales.

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    El presente artículo socializa los principales resultados de la investigación: “Tejidos entre tiempos y lugares para transformar a Clío: la formación de la conciencia histórica como posibilidad desde la enseñanza de la historia regional”. Desarrollado entre los años 2012 y 2013, el cual contó con la participación de docentes y estudiantes del programa de Licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Caldas. La metodología seleccionada para el desarrollo de la investigación fue la teoría fundamentada, entorno que explica una integración entre el trabajo teórico y práctico como eje para proponer una teoría sustantiva basada en el interés y el problema objeto de estudio. La intención de aportar a los procesos de formación del docente en Ciencias Sociales, es uno de los objetivos centrales de la investigación a partir de dos ejes transversales: primero, la conciencia histórica como una categoría de a historia y la enseñanza en ciencias sociales y segundo, la historia regional como una posibilidad para aportar a la formación de la mencionada conciencia y construir comunidades académicas que discutan sobre la complejidad y los retos para los docentes colombianos

    Analysis, Design and Empirical Validation of a Smart Campus Based on LoRaWAN

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    [Abstract] Internet of Things (IoT) applications for smart environments demand challenging requirements for wireless networks in terms of security, coverage, availability, power consumption, and scalability. The technologies employed so far to cope with IoT scenarios are not yet able to manage simultaneously all these demanding requirements, but recent solutions like Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) have emerged as a promising alternative to provide low-cost and low-power consumption connectivity to nodes spread throughout a wide area. Specifically, the Long-Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) standard is one of the most recent developments, receiving attention from both industry and academia. This work presents a comprehensive case study on the use of LoRaWAN under a realistic scenario within a smart city: a smart campus. Such a medium-scale scenario has been implemented through an in-house-developed 3D ray launching radio planning simulator that takes into consideration traffic lights, vehicles, people, buildings, urban fixtures, and vegetation. The developed tool is able to provide accurate radio propagation estimations within the smart campus scenario in terms of coverage, capacity, and energy efficiency of the network. These results are compared with an empirical validation in order to assess the operating conditions and the system accuracy. Moreover, the presented results provide some guidelines for IoT vendors, network operators, and city planners to investigate further deployments of LoRaWAN for other medium-scale smart city applicationsXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-045Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Agencia Estatal de Investigación; TEC2016-75067-C4-1-