124 research outputs found

    Tarjetas didácticas digitales en cursos introductorios de programación: experiencia piloto y aplicación cliente servidor para seguimiento del aprendizaje

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    Las tarjetas didácticas son un recurso educativo común en la enseñanza de ciertas disciplinas o partes de disciplinas. Un mazo de tarjetas didácticas consiste en una serie de tarjetas que contienen información que debe de ser aprendida. Normalmente contienen una pregunta y una respuesta, en una forma libre: puede tratarse de una pregunta típica, completar una palabra que falta en una frase, reconocer un determinado objeto, una fórmula, etc. El estudiante lee una de las caras de la tarjeta e intenta recordar la respuesta (recuerdo activo). Tras expresar verbalmente o mentalmente la respuesta, la coteja con el dorso de la tarjeta (repaso pasivo). Dependiendo de si la respuesta ha sido correcta o no, el estudiante podría separar el mazo de tarjetas en dos grupos, las que ha respondido correctamente y las que no. Posteriormente, optimizaría su tiempo dedicándose en exclusiva a repasar las tarjetas cuyas preguntas no ha recordado y de nuevo separarlas en los dos grupos mencionados. Este esquema puede perfeccionarse usando más grupos e intercalando las tarjetas de una forma cuidadosa. La aparición de aplicaciones informáticas (móviles, de escritorio y web) han hecho muy manejable este sistema en su vertiente digital, añadiendo prestaciones físicamente imposibles, como tarjetas de más de dos caras o multimedia. La implementación de una herramienta de este tipo abre la puerta a la recopilación de estadísticas de uso, sin embargo las aplicaciones existentes no ofrecen esta prestación a nivel de usuario. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio sobre la adecuación de este recurso didáctico a los estudios de Ingeniería, especialmente en el caso de una asignatura de introducción a la programación. En base a este estudio, se baraja el uso de una solución basada en una arquitectura cliente-servidor que permite recopilar datos de uso, de modo que el docente pueda supervisar el aprendizaje del alumno y este comprobar su ritmo de estudio.SUMMARY -- Flashcards are commonly used studying certain disciplines. A deck of flashcards consists on several paper cards with the information to be learned. Usually a question is on the front side and the free-form answer (a picture, a formula, a word, ...) on the card back. The student reads the front side and tries to remember the answer (active recall). After this, he/she checks the answer on the flashcard back (passive learning). Then the card can be classified as done or pending. Later he/she can choose to devote his/her efforts solely to the failed ones and proceed in the same way with the remaining cards. This procedure can be refined, carefully computing the interval between repetitions of failed cards. Software tools are quite convenient to use digital versions of this kind of resources, decks with a high number of cards can be easily managed and useful cards with more than two sides can be created, even with multimedia content. This tools also open the possibility to the recovery and mining of the information about the student’s learning process, but up to our knowledge, none of the existing ones provide such feature at user level. In this work we present a survey about the flashcards for a introductory Computer Science topic. Due to the excellent results, a client/server based solution that addresses the lack of usage data availability is proposed, in order to provide both teacher and student information about the learning process

    Estrategias Didácticas que faciliten el proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje en la asignatura de Economía de Educación Secundaria Regular de Nicaragua en el periodo 2009-2015

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    La economía es una ciencia social basada en la producción de bienes y servici os. Enseñar economía no solo implica brindar teoría a los estudiantes si no generar discusiones, interpretaciones y debates que posibiliten a los y las alumnos poner en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos y a su vez desarrollar capacidades que induzcan el pensamiento lógico, crítico y reflexivo que permitan la interpretación del saber en la búsqueda y solución de problemas. La presente investigación está enfocada en estrategias Didácticas necesarias para la enseñanza/aprendizaje de la economía en la educación Secundaria Regular de Nicaragua. La educación del siglo XXI implica múltiples retos en el ámbito educativo, por lo tanto el presente trabajo es la búsqueda de repuesta al contexto educativo de nuestro país considerando la importancia de las estrategias didácticas implementadas en el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje en las distintas disciplinas. El uso pertinente de las estrategias didácticas implementadas por el o la docente facilitarán el aprendizaje de los educandos y deberán a justarse a las necesidades de los mismos, basados en las competencias educativas y respetando los diferentes ritmos de aprendizaje tomando en cuenta el contexto social, económico y cultural de los estudiantes considerando los diferentes contenidos en que se desenvuelven. Durante el desarrollo de este proceso investigativo se llegó a la conclusión que, para lograr un aprendizaje efectivo en los estudiantes es necesario la utilizació n de las estrategias didácticas que conlleven a la innovación, de modo que hagan del momento de clase un tiempo de aprendizaje significativo, un aprendizaje para la vida

    El proceso de neolitización en Galicia

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    El neolítico en Galicia ha sido una etapa tradicionalmente mal conocida. Las evidencias de orden paleoambiental señalan episodios deforestadores a partir del V milenio Cal. BC que a mediados de éste van acompañados de la presencia de cereal. La ganadería se documenta más tarde (IV milenio) pero la complejidad que muestra parece indicar un origen más antiguo. La cerámica reúne características propias del mundo epicardial y también de horizontes neolíticos atlánticos. El conjunto de las informaciones disponibles apunta a la existencia de una agricultura itinerante a base de quemas del bosque, con cereales y Brassica, combinada con ganaderíaGalician Neolithic has not been an object of research until recent times. Paleoenvironmental evidence detects episodes of forest depletion from the V millenium onwards, and the presence of cereal pollen later on. Cattle raising appears still later but the complexity of this practice attests to an earlier origino The pottery found in neolithic sites shows both Atlantic and Mediterranean features in shapes and decorations. On the whole, the evidence points towards forms of slash and bum agriculture (with cereal growing along with Brassica) combined with husbandry, and a mobile pattern of settlementS

    A Procedure for Extending Input Selection Algorithms to Low Quality Data in Modelling Problems with Application to the Automatic Grading of Uploaded Assignments

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    When selecting relevant inputs in modeling problems with low quality data, the ranking of the most informative inputs is also uncertain. In this paper, this issue is addressed through a new procedure that allows the extending of different crisp feature selection algorithms to vague data. The partial knowledge about the ordinal of each feature is modelled by means of a possibility distribution, and a ranking is hereby applied to sort these distributions. It will be shown that this technique makes the most use of the available information in some vague datasets. The approach is demonstrated in a real-world application. In the context of massive online computer science courses, methods are sought for automatically providing the student with a qualification through code metrics. Feature selection methods are used to find the metrics involved in the most meaningful predictions. In this study, 800 source code files, collected and revised by the authors in classroom Computer Science lectures taught between 2013 and 2014, are analyzed with the proposed technique, and the most relevant metrics for the automatic grading task are discussed.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Project TIN2011-24302, including funding from the European Regional Development Fund

    Results in liver transplantation using grafts from donors after controlled circulatory death: a single-center experience comparing donor grafts harvested after controlled circulatory death to those harvested after brain death

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    [Abstract] Background: In recent years, interest in donation after cardiac death (DCD) has increased. Although DCD liver transplantation (LT) has demonstrated satisfactory long-term outcomes, different studies have shown poorer patient and graft survival after DCD than after donation after brain death (DBD). This study aimed to evaluate the results of LT using controlled DCD (cDCD) donors, specifically the incidence of primary non-function and ischemic cholangiopathy (IC), and to compare these results with those of LT using DBD in the same time period. Methods: Between June 2012 and July 2018, we performed 66 transplants using cDCD and 258 with DBD grafts. Results: The incidence of IC was similar in both groups (2% in DBD, 1.5% in DCD; P = .999). No significant differences were found for overall graft and patient survival rates between the groups at 1 and 2 years post-transplantation. Conclusions: This study provided evidence that cDCD donors exhibit excellent graft and patient survival outcomes. When the warm ischemia time is <30 minutes and cold ischemia time is <6 hours, the graft and patient survival rates and the incidence of IC in DCD are similar to those in DBD, even when using donors without age restrictions

    Pseudomonas taetrolens ULE-PH5 and Pseudomonas sp. ULE-PH6 Isolated from the Hop Rhizosphere Increase Phosphate Assimilation by the Plant

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Microbial Biofertilizers in Plant Growth and Defence[EN] Most of the phosphorus incorporated into agricultural soils through the use of fertilizers precipitates in the form of insoluble salts that are incapable of being used by plants. This insoluble phosphorus present in large quantities in soil forms the well-known “phosphorus legacy”. The solubilization of this “phosphorus legacy” has become a goal of great agronomic importance, and the use of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria would be a useful tool for this purpose. In this work, we have isolated and characterized phosphate-solubilizing bacteria from the rhizosphere of hop plants. Two particular strains, Pseudomonas taetrolens ULE-PH5 and Pseudomonas sp. ULE-PH6, were selected as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria due to their high phosphate solubilization capability in both plate and liquid culture assays and other interesting traits, including auxin and siderophore production, phytate degradation, and acidic and alkaline phosphatase production. These strains were able to significantly increase phosphate uptake and accumulation of phosphorus in the aerial part (stems, petioles, and leaves) of hop plants, as determined by greenhouse trials. These strains are promising candidates to produce biofertilizers specifically to increase phosphate adsorption by hop plantsSIThis work was financed through a PRIMA grant (Section 2-2021) and is part of the project PCI2022-132966, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN), the State Investigation Agency (AEI) (DOI/10.13039/501100011033), and the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/Recovery Plant, Transformation, and Resilience (PRTR). Carla Calvo-Peña was supported by a predoctoral contract from the Junta de Castilla y León and the European Social Fund (EDU/601/2020). Marina Ruiz-Muñoz was supported by a postdoctoral contract financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN), the State Investigation Agency (AEI) (DOI/10.13039/501100011033), and the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/Recovery Plant, Transformation, and Resilience (PRTR). Rebeca Otero-Suárez was supported by a research technician contract financed by Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN), the State Investigation Agency (AEI) (DOI/10.13039/501100011033), and the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/Recovery Plant, Transformation, and Resilience (PRTR

    Barómetro gallego, noviembre-diciembre 2004. Actitudes, valores y cultura política de los gallegos

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    Ámbito: Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia. Universo: Población de 18 y más años. Tamaño: 1.200 entrevistas, 300 en cada una de las cuatro provincias. Método de muestreo: Polietápico, estratificado por conglomerados, con selección de las unidades muestrales primarias (Ayuntamientos) de forma aleatoria proporcional para cada provincia, y de las unidades últimas (individuos) por cuotas de sexo y edad. El estudio se realizó mediante entrevistas telefónicas asistidas por ordenador (sistema C.A.T.I.). Afijacion: No proporcional, con aplicación de coeficientes de ponderación para el conjunto de Galicia. Error muestral: Para un nivel de confianza del 95,5% (dos sigmas), y p=q, el error es de ±2,89% para el conjunto de Galicia y de un ±5,77% para cada una de las cuatro provincias. Fecha de realización: Del 22 de noviembre al 13 de diciembre de 2004

    High Performance and Reliable MPPT Solar Array Regulator for the PCDU of LISA Pathfinder

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    LISA PCDU is a very optimised and reliable Power Conditioning and Distribution Unit based on an unregulated 28 V bus, maximum power point tracker (MPPT). The high demanding specification in terms of mass, efficiency and performances can be fulfilled only with unconventional, less conservative solutions. An enormous effort has been done to prove the reliability and robustness of the adopted solutions. Moreover, LISA PCDU faces and solves typical problems of battery follower MPPTs: damage of Li-Ion batteries in case of overdischarge, operation without battery and power loss in Conductance to MPPT transitions. The MPPT Solar Array Regulators module is one of the most impacted designs. The paper explains the main challenges faced and the relevant solutions adopted to achieve this highly optimised and reliable design

    Association between xerostomia, oral and general health, and obesity in adults. A cross-sectional pilot study

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    The objective of this study was to analyse the association between oral and general health variables and obesity indicators with the sensation of dry mouth or xerostomia as evaluated on the Xerostomia Inventory (XI). A total of 354 randomly selected subjects participated in this cross-sectional pilot study and completed an anonymous questionnaire. Anthropometric, clinical, and xerostomic variables were evaluated. Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA and Bonferroni test were used for multiple comparisons. ROC curves and multinomial logistic regression were used to determine the (OR) risk of xerostomia. A total of 30.7 % of respondents reported xerostomia based on XI. The dry mouth question, the XI taken as a ?gold standard?, showed a diagnostic sensitivity of 70.37 %, and a specificity of 83.27 % (AUC=0.768, p<0.001). Logistical regression showed the highest xerostomia OR was associated to patients with bad self-perceived health, 6.31 (CI 95% 2.89-13.80, p<0.001). In the model adjusted for tooth mobility, bone or respiratory diseases, and the consumption of anxiolytics and antidepressants, the OR was 3.46 (CI 95% 1.47-8.18, p=0.005). a high prevalence of xerostomia was found in this cross-sectional pilot study, which was significantly more frequent in women, and increased with age. Xerostomia was associated to several systemic diseases, psychological conditions, and oral functional disorders such as tooth mobility. These preliminary results can serve as the basis for developing guidelines for the application of innovative measures designed to improve the quality of life of individuals with xerostomia