464 research outputs found

    Majorana spinors and extended Lorentz symmetry in four-dimensional theory

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    An extended local Lorentz symmetry in four-dimensional (4D) theory is considered. A source of this symmetry is a group of general linear transformations of four-component Majorana spinors GL(4,M) which is isomorphic to GL(4,R) and is the covering of an extended Lorentz group in a 6D Minkowski space M(3,3) including superluminal and scaling transformations. Physical space-time is assumed to be a 4D pseudo-Riemannian manifold. To connect the extended Lorentz symmetry in the M(3,3) space with the physical space-time, a fiber bundle over the 4D manifold is introduced with M(3,3) as a typical fiber. The action is constructed which is invariant with respect to both general 4D coordinate and local GL(4,M) spinor transformations. The components of the metric on the 6D fiber are expressed in terms of the 4D pseudo-Riemannian metric and two extra complex fields: 4D vector and scalar ones. These extra fields describe in the general case massive particles interacting with an extra U(1) gauge field and weakly interacting with ordinary particles, i.e. possessing properties of invisible (dark) matter.Comment: 24 page

    Modelling state-dependent interference in common cranes

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    1. Interference is a key component of food competition, but is difficult to measure in natural animal populations. Using data from a long-term study, we show that interference between common cranes Grus grus L., feeding on patches of cereal seeds, reduces intake rates at high competitor densities, and that the strength of interference is unrelated to food abundance. 2. An alternative to measuring interference directly is to predict its strength using behaviour-based models. We test an interference model, originally developed for shorebirds feeding on invertebrate prey, for cranes. We compare the predictions of a rate-maximizing model, in which animals steal food if this increases intake rate, and a state-dependent model, in which they only rate-maximize if their intake rate is below a target value, otherwise they minimize injury risk by not stealing food. State-dependent aggression occurs in cranes. 3. The state-dependent model predicts more accurately the relative aggression rates of cranes of different dominance. However, both models predict accurately the observed strength of interference, that the strength of interference is unrelated to food abundance, at least within the observed range of crane and seed densities, and that cranes of a higher dominance have a higher intake rate than those of lower dominance. 4. This paper shows how state-dependent behaviour can be incorporated into an interference model, and that the model can produce accurate predictions for a system quite different to that for which it was developed.RAS was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council. LMB was partially funded by Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a (MCyT) and research grant PB97-1252 of MCyT. Field work was funded by DGICYT project PB87-0389 of the MCyT.Peer reviewe

    In severe alcoholic hepatitis, serum keratin-18 fragments are diagnostic, prognostic, and theragnostic biomarkers.

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    INTRODUCTION: Up to 40% of patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis (AH) die within 6 months of presentation, making prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment essential. We determined the associations between serum keratin-18 (K18) and histological features, prognosis, and differential response to prednisolone in patients with severe AH. METHODS: Total (K18-M65) and caspase-cleaved K18 (K18-M30) were quantified in pretreatment sera from 824 patients enrolled in the Steroids or Pentoxifylline for Alcoholic Hepatitis trial (87 with suitable histological samples) and disease controls. RESULTS: K18 fragments were markedly elevated in severe AH and strongly predicted steatohepatitis (alcoholic steatohepatitis) on biopsy (area under receiver operating characteristics: 0.787 and 0.807). Application of published thresholds to predict alcoholic steatohepatitis would have rendered biopsy unnecessary in 84% of all AH cases. K18-M30 and M65 were associated with 90-day mortality, independent of age and Model for End-stage Liver Disease score in untreated patients. The association for K18-M65 was independent of both age and Model for End-stage Liver Disease in prednisolone-treated patients. Modelling of the effect of prednisolone on 90-day mortality as a function of pretreatment serum K18 levels indicated benefit in those with high serum levels of K18-M30. At low pretreatment serum K18 levels, prednisolone was potentially harmful. A threshold of K18-M30 5 kIU/L predicted therapeutic benefit from prednisolone above this level (odds ratio: 0.433, 95% confidence interval: 0.19-0.95, P = 0.0398), but not below (odds ratio: 1.271, 95% confidence interval: 0.88-1.84, P = 0.199). Restricting prednisolone usage to the former group would have reduced exposure by 87%. DISCUSSION: In a large cohort of patients with severe AH, serum K18 strongly correlated with histological severity, independently associated with 90-day mortality, and predicted response to prednisolone therapy. Quantification of serum K18 levels could assist in clinical decision-making

    Application of mineralogical, petrological and geochemical tools for evaluating the palaeohdrogeological evolution of the PADAMOT study sites

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    The role of Work Package (WP) 2 of the PADAMOT project – ‘Palaeohydrogeological Data Measurements’ - has been to study late-stage fracture mineral and water samples from groundwater systems in Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and the Czech Republic, with the aim of understanding the recent palaeohydrogeological evolution of these groundwater systems. In particular, the project sought to develop and evaluate methods for obtaining information about past groundwater evolution during the Quaternary (about the last 2 million years) by examining how the late-stage mineralization might record mineralogical, petrographical and geochemical evidence of how the groundwater system may have responded to past geological and climatological changes. Fracture-flow groundwater systems at six European sites were studied: ‱ Melechov Hill, in the Bohemian Massif of the Czech Republic: a shallow (0-100 m) dilute groundwater flow system within the near-surface weathering zone in fractured granitic rocks; ‱ Cloud Hill, in the English Midlands: a (~100 m) shallow dilute groundwater flow system in fractured and dolomitized Carboniferous limestone; ‱ Los Ratones, in southwest Spain: an intermediate depth (0-500 m) dilute groundwater flow system in fractured granitic rocks; ‱ Laxemar, in southeast Sweden: a deep (0-1000 m) groundwater flow system in fractured granitic rocks. This is a complex groundwater system with potential recharge and flushing by glacial, marine, lacustrine and freshwater during the Quaternary; ‱ Sellafield, northwest England: a deep (0-2000 m) groundwater flow system in fractured Ordovician low-grade metamorphosed volcaniclastic rocks and discontinuous Carboniferous Limestone, overlain by a Permo-Triassic sedimentary sequence with fracture and matrix porosity. This is a complex coastal groundwater system with deep hypersaline sedimentary basinal brines, and deep saline groundwaters in crystalline basement rocks, overlain by a shallow freshwater aquifer system. The site was glaciated several times during the Quaternary and may have been affected by recharge from glacial meltwater; ‱ Dounreay, northeast Scotland: a deep (0-1400 m) groundwater flow system in fractured Precambrian crystalline basement overlain by fractured Devonian sedimentary rocks. This is within the coastal discharge area of a complex groundwater system, comprising deep saline groundwater hosted in crystalline basement, overlain by a fracture-controlled freshwater sedimentary aquifer system. Like Sellafield, this area experienced glaciation and may potentially record the impact of glacial meltwater recharge. In addition, a study has been made of two Quaternary sedimentary sequences in Andalusia in southeastern Spain to provide a basis of estimating the palaeoclimatic history of the region that could be used in any reconstruction of the palaeoclimatic history at the Los Ratones site: ‱ The CĂșllar-Baza lacustrine sequence records information about precipitation and palaeotemperature regimes, derived largely from the analysis of the stable isotope (ÎŽ18O and ÎŽ13C) signatures from biogenic calcite (ostracod shells). ‱ The Padul Peat Bog sequence provided information on past vegetation cover and palaeogroundwater inputs based on the study of fossil pollen and biomarkers as proxies for past climate change. Following on from the earlier EC 4th Framework EQUIP project, the focus of the PADAMOT studies has been on calcite mineralization. Calcite has been identified as a late stage mineral, closely associated with hydraulically-conductive fractures in the present-day groundwater systems at the Äspö-Laxemar, Sellafield, Dounreay and Cloud Hill sites. At Los Ratones and Melechov sites late-stage mineralization is either absent or extremely scarce, and both the quantity and fine crystal size of any late-stage fracture mineralization relevant to Quaternary palaeohydrogeological investigations is difficult to work with. The results from the material investigated during the PADAMOT studies indicate that the fracture fillings at these sites are related to hydrothermal activity, and so do not have direct relevance as Quaternary indicators. Neoformed calcite has not been found at these two sites at the present depth of the investigations. Furthermore, the HCO3 - concentration in all the Los Ratones groundwaters is mainly controlled by complex carbonate dissolution. The carbonate mineral saturation indices do not indicate precipitation conditions, and this is consistent with the fact that neoformed calcite, ankerite or dolomite have not been observed petrographically

    Influence of Antibiotic Exposure Intensity on the Risk of Clostridioides Difficile Infection

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    Antibiotics are a strong risk factor for Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI), and CDI incidence is often measured as an important outcome metric for antimicrobial stewardship interventions aiming to reduce antibiotic use. However, risk of CDI from antibiotics varies by agent and dependent on the intensity (i.e., spectrum and duration) of antibiotic therapy. Thus, the impact of stewardship interventions on CDI incidence is variable, and understanding this risk requires a more granular measure of intensity of therapy than traditionally used measures like days of therapy (DOT)

    Quality assurance guidelines for interstitial hyperthermia

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    Quality assurance (QA) guidelines are essential to provide uniform execution of clinical hyperthermia treatments and trials. This document outlines the clinical and technical consequences of the specific properties of interstitial heat delivery and specifies recommendations for hyperthermia administration with interstitial techniques. Interstitial hyperthermia aims at tumor temperatures in the 40–44 \ub0C range as an adjunct to radiation or chemotherapy. The clinical part of this document imparts specific clinical experience of interstitial heat delivery to various tumor sites as well as recommended interstitial hyperthermia workflow and procedures. The second part describes technical requirements for quality assurance of current interstitial heating equipment including electromagnetic (radiative and capacitive) and ultrasound heating techniques. Detailed instructions are provided on characterization and documentation of the performance of interstitial hyperthermia applicators to achieve reproducible hyperthermia treatments of uniform high quality. Output power and consequent temperature rise are the key parameters for characterization of applicator performance in these QA guidelines. These characteristics determine the specific maximum tumor size and depth that can be heated adequately. The guidelines were developed by the ESHO Technical Committee with participation of senior STM members and members of the Atzelsberg Circle

    A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the RASGRF2 Gene Is Associated with Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis in Men

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    Background Genetic polymorphisms in the RAS gene family are associated with different diseases, which may include alcohol-related disorders. Previous studies showed an association of the allelic variant rs26907 in RASGRF2 gene with higher alcohol intake. Additionally, the rs61764370 polymorphism in the KRAS gene is located in a binding site for the let-7 micro-RNA family, which is potentially involved in alcohol-induced inflammation. Therefore, this study was designed to explore the association between these two polymorphisms and susceptibility to alcoholism or alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Methods We enrolled 301 male alcoholic patients and 156 healthy male volunteers in this study. Polymorphisms were genotyped by using TaqMan¼ PCR assays for allelic discrimination. Allelic and genotypic frequencies were compared between the two groups. Logistic regression analysis was performed to analyze the inheritance model. Results The A allele of the RASGRF2 polymorphism (rs26907) was significantly more prevalent among alcoholic patients with cirrhosis (23.2%) compared to alcoholic patients without ALD (14.2%). This difference remained significant in the group of patients with alcohol dependence (28.8% vs. 14.3%) but not in those with alcohol abuse (15.1% vs. 14.4%). Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that the A allele of this polymorphism (AA or GA genotype) was associated with alcoholic cirrhosis both in the total group of alcoholics (odds ratio [OR]: 2.33, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.32–4.11; P = 0.002) and in the group of patients with alcohol dependence (OR: 3.1, 95% CI: 1.50–6.20; P = 0.001). Allelic distributions of the KRAS polymorphism (rs61764370) did not differ between the groups. Conclusions To our knowledge, this genetic association study represents the first to show an association of the RASGRF2 G>A (rs26907) polymorphism with ALD in men, particularly in the subgroup of patients with AD. The findings suggest the potential relevance of the RAS gene family in alcoholism and ALD

    New fluorescent auxin probes visualise tissue‐specific and subcellular distributions of auxin in Arabidopsis

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    In a world that will rely increasingly on efficient plant growth for sufficient food, it is important to learn about natural mechanisms of phytohormone action. In this work, the introduction of a fluorophore to an auxin molecule represents a sensitive and non‐invasive method to directly visualise auxin localisation with high spatiotemporal resolution. The state‐of‐the‐art multidisciplinary approaches of genetic and chemical biology analysis together with live cell imaging, liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC‐MS) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) methods were employed for the characterisation of auxin‐related biological activity, distribution and stability of the presented compounds in Arabidopsis thaliana. Despite partial metabolisation in vivo, these fluorescent auxins display an uneven and dynamic distribution leading to the formation of fluorescence maxima in tissues known to concentrate natural auxin, such as the concave side of the apical hook. Importantly, their distribution is altered in response to different exogenous stimuli in both roots and shoots. Moreover, we characterised the subcellular localisation of the fluorescent auxin analogues as being present in the endoplasmic reticulum and endosomes. Our work provides powerful tools to visualise auxin distribution within different plant tissues at cellular or subcellular levels and in response to internal and environmental stimuli during plant development

    Threat-sensitive anti-predator defence in precocial wader, the northern lapwing Vanellus vanellus

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    Birds exhibit various forms of anti-predator behaviours to avoid reproductive failure, with mobbing—observation, approach and usually harassment of a predator—being one of the most commonly observed. Here, we investigate patterns of temporal variation in the mobbing response exhibited by a precocial species, the northern lapwing (Vanellus vanellus). We test whether brood age and self-reliance, or the perceived risk posed by various predators, affect mobbing response of lapwings. We quantified aggressive interactions between lapwings and their natural avian predators and used generalized additive models to test how timing and predator species identity are related to the mobbing response of lapwings. Lapwings diversified mobbing response within the breeding season and depending on predator species. Raven Corvus corax, hooded crow Corvus cornix and harriers evoked the strongest response, while common buzzard Buteo buteo, white stork Ciconia ciconia, black-headed gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus and rook Corvus frugilegus were less frequently attacked. Lapwings increased their mobbing response against raven, common buzzard, white stork and rook throughout the breeding season, while defence against hooded crow, harriers and black-headed gull did not exhibit clear temporal patterns. Mobbing behaviour of lapwings apparently constitutes a flexible anti-predator strategy. The anti-predator response depends on predator species, which may suggest that lapwings distinguish between predator types and match mobbing response to the perceived hazard at different stages of the breeding cycle. We conclude that a single species may exhibit various patterns of temporal variation in anti-predator defence, which may correspond with various hypotheses derived from parental investment theory
