43 research outputs found

    M. Maeterlinck’s Art in F. Sologub’s Reception

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    Поступила в редакцию: 21.01.2020. Принята к печати: 29.06.2020.Submitted: 21.01.2020. Accepted: 29.06.2020.Исследование посвящено изучению истории творческого диалога Ф. Сологуба с М. Метерлинком, выделяются этапы восприятия Сологубом творчества бельгийского автора. Материалом послужили произведения Метерлинка (оригинальный текст натурфилософского эссе «Жизнь пчел» Метерлинка, переводы стихотворений Метерлинка, выполненные Сологубом, пьеса «Синяя птица») и Сологуба (критические статьи, пьесы «Дар мудрых пчел», «Ночные пляски»). Начальный этап рецепции включал чтение и перевод оригинальных текстов на русский язык: в личной библиотеке Сологуба хранились тома оригинальных и переведенных произведений Метерлинка, среди неопубликованных переводов в архиве писателя обнаружены переводы отдельных стихотворений, существует вероятность участия Сологуба в переводах пьес Метерлинка, выполненных его женой Ан. Чеботаревской. О более зрелом этапе рецепции свидетельствуют упоминания о мифотворчестве Метерлинка в критическом эссе, а также статья «Мудрость Метерлинка», в которой в качестве фундаментальной основы творчества Метерлинка Сологубом определена идея о неразрывной связи и внутренней близости таких категорий, как любовь и смерть. Интертекстуальные связи пьесы Сологуба «Дар мудрых пчел» с эссе Метерлинка «Жизнь пчел» реализуются в виде аллюзий к образам пчелы, меда и воска, становящимся в тексте русского автора метафорами жизни, любви и искусства. Идея «диалога» оказывается принципиальной для творчества Сологуба — истинный писатель не существует вне традиции, и главная его задача — избирательность, способность «видеть» и использовать «свое». Сделано предположение о том, что обращение Сологуба к театру происходит под воздействием текстов бельгийского автора и созданной им концепции нового театра. Принципиально новый уровень творческого взаимодействия — почти одновременное появление и постановка в России двух пьес (Сологуба и Метерлинка), обладающих рядом типологических сходств: центральный символический образ, жизнеутверждающий пафос, волшебные помощники, кольцевая композиция. Выдвинута гипотеза о том, что в ситуации созвучности и воспринятости художественного мира другого автора в качестве катализатора взаимодействия на таком специфическом, качественно ином уровне может выступать художественный перевод, поскольку в определенной мере «Синяя птица» и «Ночные пляски» напоминают движение внутри единой парадигмы творческого мышления.This paper deals with the history of the artistic dialogue between F. Sologub and M. Maeterlinck and singles out stages of Sologub’s perception of the Belgian author’s oeuvre. The article refers to writings by Maeterlinck (the original physiophilosophical essay The Life of the Bee, poems translated by Sologub, and The Blue Bird play) and by Sologub (articles and reviews, plays The Gift of Wise Bees, The Night Dances). The first step of reception included reading and translating original texts into Russian. In Sologub’s personal library, there were volumes by Maeterlinck in French and in Russian; in his archives, there are unpublished translations of poems; in addition, there is a probability that Sologub participated in the translations of plays made by his wife An. Chebotarevskaya. The next stage implied references to Maeterlinck’s art in journalistic works (including the article The Wisdom of Maeterlinck). In Sologub’s opinion, one of the fundamental principles of Maeterlinck’s art was the idea of an inseparable connection between love and death. The intertextual links between Sologub’s The Gift of Wise Bees and Maeterlinck’s The Life of the Bee are allusions to the images of bees, honey, and wax, which become metaphors of life, love, and art, respectively in the Russian play. The concept of “dialogue” was particularly important for Sologub’s art: according to him, a genuine writer can only create within the scope of previous works of art, and his primary task is to be selective and able to “see” and use the material of their own. In this paper, the author suggests the idea that Sologub started writing plays under the influence of Maeterlinck’s writings and his concept of the new theatre. Then there was a new level of artistic communication: almost simultaneously two plays were created and staged in Russia (one by Sologub and the other by Maeterlinck). The two plays are typologically similar: both have a symbolic central image, life-affirming spirit, magic assistants, and a circular plot structure. The author of the article puts forward a hypothesis that translation can become a catalyst of interconnection at such a sophisticated level when two writers have a similar worldview and tend to create within the same aesthetics, as The Blue Bird and The Night Dances resemble tendencies within a common paradigm of creative thinking

    Spatial and Temporal Variability in MLT Turbulence Inferred from in situ and Ground-Based Observations During the WADIS-1 Sounding Rocket Campaign

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    In summer 2013 the WADIS-1 sounding rocket campaign was conducted at the Andøya Space Center (ACS) in northern Norway (69° N, 16° E). Among other things, it addressed the question of the variability in mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) turbulence, both in time and space. A unique feature of the WADIS project was multi-point turbulence sounding applying different measurement techniques including rocket-borne ionization gauges, VHF MAARSY radar, and VHF EISCAT radar near Tromsø. This allowed for horizontal variability to be observed in the turbulence field in the MLT at scales from a few to 100 km. We found that the turbulence dissipation rate, ε varied in space in a wavelike manner both horizontally and in the vertical direction. This wavelike modulation reveals the same vertical wavelengths as those seen in gravity waves. We also found that the vertical mean value of radar observations of ε agrees reasonably with rocket-borne measurements. In this way defined 〈εradar〉 value reveals clear tidal modulation and results in variation by up to 2 orders of magnitude with periods of 24 h. The 〈εradar〉 value also shows 12 h and shorter (1 to a few hours) modulations resulting in one decade of variation in 〈εradar〉 magnitude. The 24 h modulation appeared to be in phase with tidal change of horizontal wind observed by SAURA-MF radar. Such wavelike and, in particular, tidal modulation of the turbulence dissipation field in the MLT region inferred from our analysis is a new finding of this work

    Treatment of petroleum-contaminated water resources: modern techniques

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    The article deals with the issue of petroleum-contaminated water resources. The authors have analyzed the dynamics of oil spills, including the world's largest ones, and claimed the issue to be global. The modern methods of mitigating oil spill effects have been studied, as well as the modern techniques of water resource treatment. The particular attention is paid to peat sorbent production, which is considered a promising trend of petroleum- contaminated water treatment

    Spatial and temporal variability in MLT turbulence inferred from in situ and ground-based observations during the WADIS-1 sounding rocket campaign

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    In summer 2013 the WADIS-1 sounding rocket campaign was conducted at the Andoya Space Center (ACS) in northern Norway (69 degrees N, 16 degrees E). Among other things, it addressed the question of the variability in mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) turbulence, both in time and space. A unique feature of the WADIS project was multi-point turbulence sounding applying different measurement techniques including rocket-borne ionization gauges, VHF MAARSY radar, and VHF EISCAT radar near Tromso. This allowed for horizontal variability to be observed in the turbulence field in the MLT at scales from a few to 100 km. We found that the turbulence dissipation rate, epsilon varied in space in a wavelike manner both horizontally and in the vertical direction. This wavelike modulation reveals the same vertical wavelengths as those seen in gravity waves. We also found that the vertical mean value of radar observations of epsilon agrees reasonably with rocket-borne measurements. In this way defined value reveals clear tidal modulation and results in variation by up to 2 orders of magnitude with periods of 24 h. The value also shows 12 h and shorter (1 to a few hours) modulations resulting in one decade of variation in magnitude. The 24 h modulation appeared to be in phase with tidal change of horizontal wind observed by SAURA-MF radar. Such wavelike and, in particular, tidal modulation of the turbulence dissipation field in the MLT region inferred from our analysis is a new finding of this work

    Advancing river monitoring using image-based techniques: Challenges and opportunities

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    Enhanced and effective hydrological monitoring plays a crucial role in understanding water-related processes in a rapidly changing world. Within this context, image-based river monitoring has shown to significantly enhance data collection, improve analysis and accuracy, and support effective and timely decision-making. The integration of remote and proximal sensing technologies, with citizen science, and artificial intelligence may revolutionize monitoring practices. Therefore, it is crucial to quantify the quality of current research and ongoing initiatives to envision the potential trajectories for research activities within this specific field. The evolution of monitoring strategies is progressing in multiple directions that should converge to build critical mass around relevant challenges to meet the need for innovative solutions to overcome limitations of traditional approaches. The present study reviews showcases and good practices of enhanced hydrological monitoring in different applications, reflecting the strengths and limitations of new approaches

    Первичная цилиарная дискинезия у ребенка с синдромом Симпсона-Голаби-Бемеля II типа вследствие мутации гена OFD1

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an orphan disease associated with mutations in several genes. It is a ciliopathy, an abnormality of the cilia and flagella. Ciliopathies include the extremely rare Simpson - Golabi - Bemel syndrome (SSGB) type II.The aim of this article is to familiarize the reader with the possibility of simultaneous presence of type II SSGB and PCD in a patient with bronchiectasis (BE).Results. The first clinical observation in the Russian literature is presented withhistory, physical examination, including clinical and morphologic examination, results of additional investigations and initiation of therapy. The case describes a 15-year-old patient with BE and other lesions typical of PCD confirmed on the basis of structural changes in the cilia of the respiratory epithelium of the trachea detected by transmission electron microscopy. The patient had a pathogenic mutation of the OFD1 gene responsible for the development of both type II SSGB and PCD.Conclusion. Several variants of ciliopathies may occur in one patient, and PCD may present as a syndrome.Первичная цилиарная дискинезия (ПЦД) является орфанным заболеванием, связанным с мутациями в различных генах, одной из разновидностей патологии ресничек и жгутиков — цилиопатий. К последним также относится крайне редко встречающийся синдром Симпсона—Голаби—Бемеля (ССГБ) II типа.Целью работы явилось ознакомление специалистов с возможностью одновременного присутствия у пациента с бронхоэктазами (БЭ) ССГБ II типа и ПЦД по данным клинического наблюдения.Результаты. Представлено первое в отечественной литературе клиническое наблюдение (данные анамнеза, объективного осмотра, включая клинико-морфологический осмотр, результаты дополнительных методов обследования и инициации терапии) 15-летнего пациента с БЭ и другими поражениями, типичными для ПЦД, подтвержденной на основании структурных изменений в ресничках респираторного эпителия трахеи, выявленных с помощью трансмиссионной электронной микроскопии, и патогенной мутации гена OFD1, ответственного за развитие как ССГБ II типа, так и ПЦД.Заключение. Установлено, что у одного пациента могут встречаться разные варианты цилиопатий, а ПЦД, таким образом, может иметь синдромальный характер