16 research outputs found

    Furosemide stimulation of parathormone in humans: role of the calcium-sensing receptor and the renin-angiotensin system.

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    Interactions between sodium and calcium regulating systems are poorly characterized but clinically important. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels are increased shortly after furosemide treatment by an unknown mechanism, and this effect is blunted by the previous administration of a calcimimetic in animal studies. Here, we explored further the possible underlying mechanisms of this observation in a randomized crossover placebo-controlled study performed in 18 human males. Volunteers took either cinacalcet (60 mg) or placebo and received a 20 mg furosemide injection 3 h later. Plasma samples were collected at 15-min intervals and analyzed for intact PTH, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphate, plasma renin activity (PRA), and aldosterone up to 6 h after furosemide injection. Urinary electrolyte excretion was also monitored. Subjects under placebo presented a sharp increase in PTH levels after furosemide injection. In the presence of cinacalcet, PTH levels were suppressed and marginal increase of PTH was observed. No significant changes in electrolytes and urinary excretion were identified that could explain the furosemide-induced increase in PTH levels. PRA and aldosterone were stimulated by furosemide injection but were not affected by previous cinacalcet ingestion. Expression of NKCC1, but not NKCC2, was found in parathyroid tissue. In conclusion, our results indicate that furosemide acutely stimulates PTH secretion in the absence of any detectable electrolyte changes in healthy adults. A possible direct effect of furosemide on parathyroid gland needs further studies

    SLC2A9 (GLUT9) mediates urate reabsorption in the mouse kidney.

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    Uric acid (UA) is a metabolite of purine degradation and is involved in gout flairs and kidney stones formation. GLUT9 (SLC2A9) was previously shown to be a urate transporter in vitro. In vivo, humans carrying GLUT9 loss-of-function mutations have familial renal hypouricemia type 2, a condition characterized by hypouricemia, UA renal wasting associated with kidney stones, and an increased propensity to acute renal failure during strenuous exercise. Mice carrying a deletion of GLUT9 in the whole body are hyperuricemic and display a severe nephropathy due to intratubular uric acid precipitation. However, the precise role of GLUT9 in the kidney remains poorly characterized. We developed a mouse model in which GLUT9 was deleted specifically along the whole nephron in a tetracycline-inducible manner (subsequently called kidney-inducible KO or kiKO). The urate/creatinine ratio was increased as early as 4 days after induction of the KO and no GLUT9 protein was visible on kidney extracts. kiKO mice are morphologically identical to their wild-type littermates and had no spontaneous kidney stones. Twenty-four-hour urine collection revealed a major increase of urate urinary excretion rate and of the fractional excretion of urate, with no difference in urate concentration in the plasma. Polyuria was observed, but kiKO mice were still able to concentrate urine after water restriction. KiKO mice displayed lower blood pressure accompanied by an increased heart rate. Overall, these results indicate that GLUT9 is a crucial player in renal handling of urate in vivo and a putative target for uricosuric drugs

    Ecological implications of gene regulation by TfoX and TfoY among diverse Vibrio species

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    Bacteria of the genus Vibrio are common members of aquatic environments where they compete with other prokaryotes and defend themselves against grazing predators. A macromolecular protein complex called the type VI secretion system (T6SS) is used for both purposes. Previous research showed that the sole T6SS of the human pathogen V. cholerae is induced by extracellular (chitin) or intracellular (low c‐di‐GMP levels) cues and that these cues lead to distinctive signalling pathways for which the proteins TfoX and TfoY serve as master regulators. In this study, we tested whether the TfoX‐ and TfoY‐mediated regulation of T6SS, concomitantly with natural competence or motility, was conserved in non‐cholera Vibrio species, and if so, how these regulators affected the production of individual T6SSs in double‐armed vibrios. We show that, alongside representative competence genes, TfoX regulates at least one T6SS in all tested Vibrio species. TfoY, on the other hand, fostered motility in all vibrios but had a more versatile T6SS response in that it did not foster T6SS‐mediated killing in all tested vibrios. Collectively, our data provide evidence that the TfoX‐ and TfoY‐mediated signalling pathways are mostly conserved in diverse Vibrio species and important for signal‐specific T6SS induction

    Biodegradable biopolymer network structures to create delayed burst digestive release of encapsulated lipids

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    This study sought to investigate whether encapsulation of lipids in core-shell hydrogel structures of tailored shell porosity could create a delayed burst release of encapsulated lipids, and examined the underpinning mechanisms. We demonstrated that gastrointestinal digestion of core-shell structures resulted in a delay in the onset of lipid digestion, without affecting lipid digestion kinetics. Systematic increase in hydrogel protein content above 65 g/L lead to an exponential increase in digestive delay (250 min). Whilst an increase in xanthan content between 5 and 9 g/L lead to a modest decrease in digestive delay (40 min). Rheological investigations revealed a linear relationship between hydrogel storage modulus G′ and digestive breakdown delay (T1/2). Given that G’ is directly related to hydrogel mesh size, this result suggests that the main factor controlling the timing of digestive release is the average mesh size of the outer protein hydrogel. A kinetic model was created to describe the delayed burst release behaviour of encapsulated lipids and successfully predicted the influence of shell thickness, shell protein density on the timing of gastro-intestinal release (in vitro). By combining microstructural/rheological experiments with in vitro digestive studies we have understood the main factors controlling the digestive breakdown of hierarchical biopolymer hydrogels. We could successfully miniaturise these core-shell structures so they would easily empty from the stomach whilst maintaining programmable delayed burst release. We have created a novel family of core-shell hydrogel oral dosage forms for the delivery of poorly soluble drugs and the programmed delivery of lipids within the gut

    Increased bone resorption by osteoclast-specific deletion of the sodium/calcium exchanger isoform 1 (NCX1).

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    Calcium is a key component of the bone mineral hydroxyapatite. During osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, hydroxyapatite is dissolved and significant quantities of calcium are released. Several calcium transport systems have previously been identified in osteoclasts, including members of the sodium/calcium exchanger (NCX) family. Expression pattern and physiological role of NCX isoforms in osteoclasts, however, remain largely unknown at the moment. Our data indicate that all three NCX isoforms (NCX1, NCX2, and NCX3) are present in murine osteoclasts. RANKL-induced differentiation of murine osteoclast precursors into mature osteoclasts significantly attenuated the expression of NCX1, while NCX2 and NCX3 expressions were largely unaffected. To study the role of NCX1 during osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption, we crossed mice with exon 11 of the NCX1 gene flanked by loxP sites with cathepsin K-Cre transgenic mice. Mature osteoclasts derived from transgenic mice exhibited an 80-90% reduction of NCX1 protein. In vitro studies indicate that NCX1 is dispensable for osteoclast differentiation, but NCX1-deficient osteoclasts exhibited increased resorptive activity. In line with these in vitro findings, mice with an osteoclast-targeted deletion of the NCX1 gene locus displayed an age-dependent loss of bone mass. Thus, in summary, our data reveal NCX1 as a regulator of osteoclast-mediated bone resorption

    Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies six new Loci for serum calcium concentrations

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    Calcium is vital to the normal functioning of multiple organ systems and its serum concentration is tightly regulated. Apart from CASR, the genes associated with serum calcium are largely unknown. We conducted a genome-wide association meta-analysis of 39,400 individuals from 17 population-based cohorts and investigated the 14 most strongly associated loci in ≤ 21,679 additional individuals. Seven loci (six new regions) in association with serum calcium were identified and replicated. Rs1570669 near CYP24A1 (P = 9.1E-12), rs10491003 upstream of GATA3 (P = 4.8E-09) and rs7481584 in CARS (P = 1.2E-10) implicate regions involved in Mendelian calcemic disorders: Rs1550532 in DGKD (P = 8.2E-11), also associated with bone density, and rs7336933 near DGKH/KIAA0564 (P = 9.1E-10) are near genes that encode distinct isoforms of diacylglycerol kinase. Rs780094 is in GCKR. We characterized the expression of these genes in gut, kidney, and bone, and demonstrate modulation of gene expression in bone in response to dietary calcium in mice. Our results shed new light on the genetics of calcium homeostasis