1,027 research outputs found

    Development of a high efficiency thin silicon solar cell

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    Significant improvements in open-circuit voltage and conversion efficiency, even on relatively high bulk resistivity silicon, were achieved by using a screen-printed aluminum paste back surface field. A 4 sq cm 50 micron m thick cell was fabricated from textured 10 omega-cm silicon which had an open-circuit voltage of 595 mV and AMO conversion efficiency at 25 C of 14.3%. The best 4 sq cm 50 micron thick cell (2 omega-cm silicon) produced had an open-circuit voltage of 607 mV and an AMO conversion efficiency of 15%. Processing modifications are described which resulted in better front contact integrity and reduced breakage. These modifications were utilized in the thin cell pilot line to fabricate 4 sq cm cells with an average AMO conversion efficiency at 25 C of better than 12.5% and with lot yields as great as 51% of starts; a production rate of 10,000 cells per month was demonstrated. A pilot line was operated which produced large area (25 cm) ultra-thin cells with an average AMO conversion efficiency at 25 deg of better than 11.5% and a lot yield as high as 17%

    Coplanar back contacts for thin silicon solar cells

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    The type of coplanar back contact solar cell described was constructed with interdigitated n(+) and p(+) type regions on the back of the cell, such that both contacts are made on the back with no metallization grid on the front. This cell construction has several potential advantages over conventional cells for space use namely, convenience of interconnects, lower operating temperatures and higher efficiency due to the elimination of grid shadowing. However, the processing is more complex, and the cell is inherently more radiation sensitive. The latter problem can be reduced substantially by making the cells very thin (approximately 50 micrometers). Two types of interdigitated back contact cells are possible, the types being dependent on the character of the front surface. The front surface field cell has a front surface region that is of the same conductivity type as the bulk but is more heavily doped. This creates an electric field at the surface which repels the minority carriers. The tandem junction cell has a front surface region of a conductivity type that is opposite to that of the bulk. The junction thus created floats to open circuit voltage on illumination and injects carriers into the bulk which then can be collected at the rear junction. For space use, the front surface field cell is potentially more radiation resistant than the tandem junction cell because the flow of minority carriers (electrons) into the bulk will be less sensitive to the production of recombination centers, particularly in the space charge region at the front surface

    Thin cells for space

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    Research and pilot line production efforts directed towards the fabrication of high efficiency ultrathin silicon solar cells (50 micrometers) are reported. Conventional ultrathin cells with air-mass-zero (AM0) efficiencies exceeding 14% and coplanar back contact cells with AM0 efficiencies up to 11.7% were developed. The primary mechanisms limiting efficiency were determined in both types of cells, and they are discussed within the context of further improving efficiency. Results of pilot line production of conventional ultrathin cells are also presented. Average AM0 efficiencies of 12% were readily achieved for 2000 cell production runs

    Development of an Improved High Efficiency Thin Solar Cell

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    High efficiency cells (up to 14 AMO at 25 C)were fabricated from 10 - 15 ohm-cm silicon by using screen printed aluminum paste as the alloy source for the production of back surface fields. Thick consistency pastes that have been cured prior to a short heat treatment at 850 C were most effective in achieving these efficiency levels

    Economia (e costume) versus liberdade : Questoes de direito sobre o trafico de escravos no século XIX

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    Questioni giuridiche relative alla tratta atlantica degli schiavi e casi giudiziari decisi dalle corti britanniche e statunitensi tra XVIII e XIX secolo. L'abolizione della schiavit\uf9 in Brasile

    Neogene-Quaternary intraforeland transpression along a Mesozoic platform-basin margin: The Gargano fault system, Adria, Italy

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    We analyzed field structural data and an offshore seismic-reflection profile and compared them with previously published geological and geophysical data to constrain the tectonic evolution of the Gargano fault system, the kinematics of which have been the subject of contradictory interpretations. Field analyses show that the Gargano fault system consists of NW- to W-striking folds, thrusts, and left-lateral transpressional and strike-slip faults. A set of NW-striking solution cleavage supports the inference of an overall left-lateral kinematic regime for the Gargano fault system. Some synsedimentary structures indicate Miocene-Pliocene contractional and transpressional activity along the Gargano fault system, whereas strike-slip faults affecting Pleistocene conglomerates support a recent, left-lateral, strike-slip activity. The seismic-reflection data show that the offshore prolongation of the Gargano fault system consists of an anticline cut by high-angle faults arranged in a positive flower-like structure, which has mostly grown since middle-late Miocene times along a Mesozoic platform-basin margin. We have schematically reconstructed the tectonic evolution of the Gargano fault system between the middle-late Miocene and the present day. During this period, the Gargano fault system has mostly accommodated contractional to left-lateral transpressional and strike-slip displacements. These displacements are consistent with the regional, Neogene-Quaternary, contractional tectonics across Adria and the Apennines and Dinarides-Albanides fold-and-thrust belts. Some evidence suggests that the Gargano fault system is presently accommodating extensional or left-lateral transtensional displacements. We interpret the Neogene-Quaternary, strike-slip displacements on the Gargano fault system to be connected with the segmentation of the subducted Adriatic slab beneath the Apennines fold-and-thrust belt and with the noncylindrical evolution of this slab (i.e., differential retreating motions), which has undergone differential flexural movements in the adjacent, northern and southern Adriatic compartments

    Role of infarct scar dimensions, border zone repolarization properties and anisotropy in the origin and maintenance of cardiac reentry

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    Cardiac ventricular tachycardia (VT) is a life-threatening arrhythmia consisting of a well organized structure of reentrant electrical excitation pathways. Understanding the generation and maintenance of the reentrant mechanisms, which lead to the onset of VT induced by premature beats in presence of infarct scar, is one of the most important issues in current electrocardiology. We investigate, by means of numerical simulations, the role of infarct scar dimension, repolarization properties and anisotropic fiber structure of scar tissue border zone (BZ) in the genesis of VT. The simulations are based on the Bidomain model, a reaction-diffusion system of Partial Differential Equations, discretized by finite elements in space and implicit-explicit finite differences in time. The computational domain adopted is an idealized left ventricle affected by an infarct scar extending transmurally. We consider two different scenarios: i) the scar region extends along the entire transmural wall thickness, from endocardium to epicardium, with the exception of a BZ region shaped as a central sub-epicardial channel (CBZ); ii) the scar region extends transmurally along the ventricular wall, from endocardium to a sub-epicardial surface, and is surrounded by a BZ region (EBZ). In CBZ simulations, the results have shown that: i) the scar extent is a crucial element for the genesis of reentry; ii) the repolarization properties of the CBZ, in particular the reduction of IKs and IKr currents, play an important role in the genesis of reentrant VT. In EBZ simulations, since the possible reentrant pathway is not assigned a-priori, we investigate in depth where the entry and exit sites of the cycle of reentry are located and how the functional channel of reentry develops. The results have shown that: i) the interplay between the epicardial anisotropic fiber structure and the EBZ shape strongly affects the propensity that an endocardial premature stimulus generates a cycle of reentry; ii) reentrant pathways always develop along the epicardial fiber direction; iii) very thin EBZs rather than thick EBZs facilitate the onset of cycles of reentry; iv) the sustainability of cycles of reentry depends on the endocardial stimulation site and on the interplay between the epicardial breakthrough site, local fiber direction and BZ rim

    Coupling Concept of two Parallel Research Codesfor Two and Three Dimensional Fluid Structure Interaction Analysis

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    This paper discuss a coupling strategy of two different software packages to provide fluid structure interaction (FSI) analysis. The basic idea is to combine the advantages of the two codes to create a powerful FSI solver for two and three dimensional analysis. The fluid part is computed by a program called PETSc-FEM a software developed at Centro de Investigacion de Metodos Computacionales CIMEC. The structural part of the coupled process is computed by the research code elementary Parallel Solver (ELPASO) of the Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Institut fur Konstruktionstechnik (IK).Fil: Garelli, Luciano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones En Metodos Computacionales. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Centro de Investigaciones En Metodos Computacionales; ArgentinaFil: Schauer, Marco. Technische Universität Braunschweig; AlemaniaFil: D'elia, Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones En Metodos Computacionales. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Centro de Investigaciones En Metodos Computacionales; ArgentinaFil: Storti, Mario Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones En Metodos Computacionales. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Centro de Investigaciones En Metodos Computacionales; ArgentinaFil: Langer, Sabine C.. Technische Universität Braunschweig; Alemani
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